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�1 �__ :a.�s�..a��,:a,r� ,_� ,-��,-_�c: y,..,.�. , _. � <br /> -i d� /�n:L e� i�.t.� �-� <br /> rv a i�.,�. . _ . :"" .:,. - . � p Yr���y��e'�-:- t _ � rt : _ , _ <br /> k� ,. �y <br /> — Too�r�nivRt� au�a_arorovN� newan�n�t n.acd n�m� � Wr� e,a�u"�n�,,�i��,�+*,�d� <br /> °=' • Rnur�, nov,or hrrartv�pu�ol t��proy�ay A1 ropu�amanro�nu wd�tla��s�fIF3P �OQYY�60 oy�hi�e�w�xy[na�man�,�' <br /> - - •� NOIIIfIOffQONQIff1fMldi0Yl.inu8iw NlWmxil./�.Ihe�proPNIY�.. . - '• � ..• - '. <br /> -��i�-� . BOflROWFA OOVEW�RO N�t6ar.oWH�e kwMy eky15 O}1hq eaLLlq Am, oorneyap mq hta Ih��ht to pi4t Inq.' - - <br /> wm�y tAa Rrapsry a�0 Nat Na Prop.-ip+la unaiam�bGSd,�pY-tor en�eai. ot tESaa.� BorrHrer�v�r+nk wA, � . - . -. .- .. <br /> rA delMe genWy the We ro th�Propap��y�Yiet u M�Yn�an G�nda wbJea to uy qiumibtuiqi o1 readrd -._..--- - -� <br /> -�Y'`�_� 71f19 BEOUARY IN8iIlUMENt oanbNca uNtam cv�M�b (a n�l(onY u�e ij�d nawnNP�' ��NU vMfi . . <br />�::�?'":�r�:;� iiMetl vul�Uone Dy NMddlon to eoniYMe i uNfam�eouApi N�Wment aorertnG reU ProDMY. . ... . -. <br /> UNffOflM OOVENANfB. Borrmvx rmd lenda eovenenl en4e�p�e w WSowr, <br />�����''-��=� t.P�ym�nt o}Princip�i ond tnt�ntti P��piym�n!�od IaQ� Chupsb Borravw thv D��DiN WY wh�n. <br />-P_, <br /> � +����v� Cua the D�aD�of uM Intxort on Ne daCt eAdenoe0 Dy the t�hil6 md ury prcpeyment md kte chupee Ne unds Ihe <br /> � :--if;::�i.;:�:a <br />_�is;,,;s.;� ^'g Na 2.Funds tor T�xw�nd In�unno�.BuDJeot to�pplabla Yw a to�wrAtm wtiva by UndK, eorroww�nu pay � " - - - <br />�;`r':?���?ac�:�;'; ro Laida on the day mon�hy pqmenu ue Me undar IM Notp unll tha Note w D�d In N1,�sum pflmda')tor. (Q yeuy <br /> ��`��=-`� 1we�nd easae�mmk whlcA otWi prbiRy over INe BeauAry InaWm�t ae e Lm on Ne IaselwlC — <br />;.s..x�...,v � m►Y �PaA/(�)Y�M -. <br /> ,,':Y.:�.,.,.;.,�.: <br /> ,��,�,-:;:;_,n�:�, peymmU or�ound railt on Ihe Propary,H uy, (0)Yeuy huard a PropMy Nwmae pmtluma; (�yeuN Good Msunnoe <br /> f+�? :"• qeMum�.H e�y;(e)yeuy maip�ye hwmae prmYuma,tl eny,md(q eny wme pq�+Me by Darowe to Lenda In aaorGnce - - - <br /> �` -'F'hp,�-;;=�r wAh iha prorlsime ol pu�Qaph B,N ta ol the payment ol mortyayo Nturmce prdNUma. 70ese Iltma ue a0ad 'Eeaow - _ -- <br /> Ilane.' Lenda mny, el eml tYne, aW�d end hold FunG In m unounl not to w�acd tho mebnum amount e lender la e �--�- . . . <br /> J �"F L1`�T1{�` iMUaQy relelad morty+ge lom mey requiro tor Borto�er'a aaow eeoount under Ihe�edael Rwl&Yte 8eltlanmt Proeedur» '- <br /> 3s'``rr,��F» Aa ot 1874 as unended from Wna to tlme,12 U.8.0.8 2801 ot seµ ('NEBPA'), uNese �noNer kw thot eypYae to the Funde �.._ -- <br /> ��`�YFy,��y...� a�b a leeaer amwnt. 11 eo. La�der eny 14no, eoleet end hold FunW In en emount not to exceed the leaaa emwnt e-, ____ <br /> � „,..�� Lender may esWUte Ne amounl of FLndf due on ihe Ueah ol curtent dale end reasoneble estlmetos of�enddures ot NGve �`1.�� <br /> �t�{t 2�i�•�� Etaow Reme a olhawlae In a000rdance wAh ipPlce6ia law. F1s'r - - <br /> The FunAe�ha0 be held N en InsNWOn v+liosa depoalu ere Neured by e feduel e9enq,NeWmentaGry,a entity p�duAnp P�-%�'Y <br /> „ �K Z � '`� Lmder,M LenGer b aueh�n NnNutlon)or N airy Fedaal Home loan Benk Londa ehel appy the Funda ro pay the Eeamv <br /> ;"" liema.Lende�mry nol eherpe Bortower fa holdng mtl appyNg the Funde,ennuay aneyr4ig the esaow acoount, or reN�Ng � ..i r+ <br /> y;��„JS;'�i ihe Eeaav Item�, unbs� Lendw peya Barowu Intaeat on the Funds end epp1ee61e lew pmNU lender to meke euch a r_!�i:•1. • � <br /> ,'� u-}- chuga Howwa, Lenda mey roquke Bortowcr to pny e oneWne eher0e ta en hdependmt real ealate taz reportln0 saNee --,,� �g. -- <br /> ) - f�-� usad by Lender In oonnatlon wdT W� loen. uNeaa eppkable kw proNdes olhenMe. Unlean en ag�eemmt la made or � - <br /> 1(�,• ��E :`: epp0ee61e law rtqu4es hleest W be pelE.Lender shN not 6e requtM to p�y Barowe�any Intaest a eamhga on Ih�Funds. �'S!��'�-.- <br /> c`� -x:� Bonowu end LenAp mey apree N w�dlnp, horrever. �hat hleren shel 6e Pda� the Funds. Lenda ehel pNe to Oonowar, ??�r _.- --- <br /> � � r��f w11hoW d�erge,�n enmNl accounllnp ol ihe Funds, showNg aedXe and deMa to the Funda eiM the purpoae tor wldd�ueh ' - <br /> ; �r{; `'-a;�i debll to the FunEe waa metle. The Funds aro plMgetl ea�ddNOnal securtty lor a9 aum�seeured by Ne 8ewilty InaWmenL �N; z ' <br /> > ^' '-%? It the Fund�held 6y lenda exoeed ihe emounle pemYltetl to be�eld by appka6U law. Lmder nheY eocount to Bortaver � y <br /> 3. . - �� � lor the cxoass Funda in e000iGnee wEh the requ4emente ol epp�ae6la law.11 the emount ol lhe Funda held by Lendx at my h.�w..r � � <br /> -•`i�''"P'`�"`-` line b not sullldmt to pey the Enaow flema when due. Lender eo no' Banower M wdUn Bf1d, N 6YCh OebO BOROYlBf +'7�'i;"i�'�.=-- ' <br />--i.ii'�'.Jf;.^,j i �Y bN 9. ;:Yri�:;2.:`Y:n��r <br /> -� . . r ehel pey to Lender the emounl neeez�ery ro meke up tha deAdanry. Bonower�ha0 make up Ihe delldmq N no mwe 1Mn ,�+ , . <br /> x:� `�'- �:-:F`' MeNe moMhy Lender'e eola Alea�tion. i J 3 ' x 1���'-. <br /> '� h��-� Upon payment�ln NE of N eume sewreA by thls 8aa�ily inswmm4 Lendar shaG pranptly reNnd to Borraver ony „';.��.�y -- °- <br />� " '"�'` Funde hNd by Lender. II. under pengieph 21. LenAer sMl ecquBe or ee0 Ne Rapay,LenAa,ptlor to ihe uqulallbn or wle �h s �i - _, <br /> . �� ';;�t_ ot ihe Property.�hall eppy any FunQ7 held Dy Lender at ih� Ilme of aequisltlon a We ne e aedM eqeN6t Ihe numf aeared t= ; � ��(r -'- <br /> , _ _-� by thla 8eevrRy Innt�umenc ;;s.f i(L i���:.- .: <br /> 9.ApplloBNon of Peyment&Unleae eppneebla lew proriaea otnmvAse, el peymenle reeeMed by Lenda under -. : { �- r +� - <br /> � �_ _;',� puegrepha 7 enA 2 elu0 be epp0ed Nct,to eny D�eDeymmt chargea due unAar Ne Note: emounla pnyabla untler �� ��S�Y� - ,y�n• "? <br /> 1? < <br /> -- pv�greph 2; Nlaast Me;founh,to pdndDOl due;uid laat,to eny ule ehupes due undx lh�Note. -��i � 'F5 �; : <br /> ! �,;.: A. ChBlgee; Uene. 8arowu nhe0 psy au tezea, enaeaameme, eharqw. Gnea and ImpoMbns elul6uleble to Ne ?�.cn 4� � � � " <br /> -„� ::''. Properry whlch mey euaM p�IMy mer iMS Sewdly Inntrument. enE leea�hold paymmb or qround rmte. X eny. Bortmer v: i�i�)��'*�j ._ <br /> ' �� r alw�pry lheae oblige0ona in Ihu menner prorldatl N pamgnph 2, or X not peid N ihei menna. Bortaww bhtll pay Ihem on ':{ r�s� �, ' ` <br /> ir::..: <br /> � ,_,t tYne d4aUy ro Ihe penon owed peyment Bortower ehe0 promptty Nmiah fo Lmdtt eA notleea ol emounu to be peid under °,;l'fi+����{��(c';•t��:_:� <br /> Ihin pareqreph.H Bonown mekea theae peymeN�dkeclly. 8artowu eheG promptN Nmbh lo Lender reeeipte OAdendng ,'::Fi} sl�l) S�t�[ .- <br /> -'.r'r`; Ihapaymenls. '' tY{a_.�,� .��•; <br /> Bortower sN0 pranply duherge eny Ilen whlc� hes prforRy rner tAi.i 9eaAry InsWmnl unless Baravm (e)eyeoa �:;�. �.r�, _ �� <br /> M writlny to the peyment ol the o611y�tlon aearad by 1he!m In e menner eocapleble to Lender; (b)oonlasb in pood Ieilh the .� � � .t�i{,[=�;;,:�`,: <br /> - ' hn by.w defends eg�Ntl eniamemm�ol lhe!m N. legtl DroCeeANg! whkh In lhe Lender'e oPNlon oP�la to PrNmt �_�����^=f,';i�;;;�i,;,`;:� <br /> �- `'� - Ne enlacemenl of the Oen: or(c) aearea irom the holda ol �he Oen en egreement eatislaclory lo Lendcr suborOYUtlng Ihe �'�'�;;�%��'r��="�-� <br /> - - � ' Gm to Nis 8ea InsWment.11 Lender AelemYnea lhat en art ollhe No 1 �y P qgy �:.,"_,• {lFii?`:�. <br /> mY Y P P�Y b mb eet to e Gen whkh Bt1aYi d �.. �:r.y+;,l;_��.- <br />- orer thy 8ewMy InaWment Lmder mey gMe Bortaver e nollce IdmliyNg Ihe Ilen.Bortowu aha0 ea0sy the Oen or teke •��S e`�� .f���i�!;!�_�.' <br /> - one or more o1 ihe aWOns aet fo�h ebore xilhln f0 deye ol ihe gMng ol notice. • ;!���'}�:���,'� ; „- <br /> ; 6. H9Z9fd Ot PIOp6Ry IneurenCe. Bonower�he0 keep Ue improvemmts now e�dtttnp w hereatler e�eeltd on Ihe �r � Y t' ;. . <br /> -,-� _ Propefy NnuceA egelnst bse by flro,hazerAS Ndudud wilhin fhe tcmi 'eximtletl covv�ego' and any ather hazarCa, hdudng _ � � �� K- <br /> •- Looda or 1looding,br which Lmder requires inaumnu. Thb inaumnce ahatl be meinitlned in Ihe emount�and tor Ihe pabda �' 1r,'�: <br /> 1 lhat LmdM requ4es. The Nnurance aMer proHding Ihe haumnu ahall 6e chosen hy BMOwa aub�ed lo Lender a�pprorel �.' --i<<<��!'Si'«- <br /> jr�. 7 whkh aMll not be umenaoneby wAhhNd. If Bortower IeAS to meNlain coreraga Aesalbed above. Lmder mey. aI Lender'a �. . . <br /> � oD�on,abtein norerep�lo protxt LmEer a tlghis in the Properry N accordance wiN pemgraph 7. � - - <br /> /UI hsumnu pWUea antl renewa4s shall be aceeptehle to LrndM and shaL fndude e sUndartl mortgage Uausa Lmder <br /> ahell here Ihe tlghl to hoid the pafitles enE rmenals. If LmOer requkes. Bonower ahell promply qMe lo Lentln a0 recetpls of <br /> � peld premiume�nd rmewal noticea. In t�e erml ol iosa. Bonower sha�ghe prompt notice to Ihe Insurance nMx�nd <br /> Lmder.Lender may make proo(ot loss X not m�de prompty hy Bortowec . <br /> � Unkas LenOa entl Bonower othawtse eg�ee in writNy.insurence praceeds shetl be eppGeE lo restomtlon or repee oi <br /> Ihe ProD�Y d�mega0. il Ihe rcstoro6on or repeir ia economicay feasUe end Lmtlers securiy ie not lessened. Il lha <br /> mloreWn or repeir b nol economimlry teasiWe or Lendera securM1y wouW be lessenetl. t�e insumnce proceeGS she0 be <br /> epplleA lo the sums sewreA by Ihis Sewriy InsUUmmt. whelher or nol I�m due. wilh any ezcess paitl lo Bortowtt. 11 _ <br /> Bortowr eben0ons I�e Property, or 0oes nol answer x.lh�n 30 Aays a notice hom Lender that Ihe Insurence certier haa <br /> o11MeA lo aeNe e Whn. IDen Lentla may callect ihe insmance proceeCS- lenCer may usa the proceedi to repac or <br /> mlore IDe Properry or to pay sums 5<curetl by ihis Sewrrty Insvumenl.whelher or nol ihm Cue Tne 30�day penotl wili <br /> begin when the notice is qkert <br /> Unless LenLer end Bortower olhemise egree in w�Nng. any appfiw4on ol proceeas lo pnndpet shall not eslend or <br /> posipone Ihe Me Gal< ol ihe monlhy peymenls relerted to i� pang�aphs 1 and 2 or chenge Ihe amounl ol Ihe . <br /> peymenb. il untltt panynph 2t Ihe Roperty is ecQUVed by Lenda. 8onower's riqhl lo eny insuronce pofiaes entl proceetls <br /> �mvitina��om dmauc lo Iha Prope�iv D�or to t�e arauismon shall pess lo LenOer Io Ihe esslmt ol lhe sums br thu SewdN - <br /> 1 In51Nm¢nl ImmMieiely pnOf 10 Ihe eCqm5�i0n. <br /> 8. Occupancy, Praservation, Melntenence and Protectlon oi the P�operty; Bonower's Loan <br /> AppllCetlOn; L9eseholda. Borrower shan ocapy. eslablish. anA use Ihe P`oDefly es Bortower's prindpai resiamce <br /> 1 rrilhin sh4y O6ys e/ter Ihe exewlion ol lhis Sewnry Inslrumml antl s�ell eontinue lo ocapy ihe PropMy a! BortowM i prv�apal <br /> reslAence lor at least one year aller t�e Gate ol occupanty.unless Lmder olhe`wise egrees in wri�ing. which wnsm�she0 not <br /> � be unrrisonaby wilh�NO.or unless ezlenueWq tlrcumstences eaLS� which ue Deyontl Bonowers camrol. Bonowx sha0 not <br /> � , desvoy, Oameqe or Impa4lhe Propary. ellorr�he Propttry�o Ee�enorele.or commit waste on�he Pmpe�y Bortown shal be <br /> in delautl X any toAel�um ecUOn or prx�ng. whNhn Bri or criminal. is bequn tne�In lEnder's good ianh pEgmml coultl <br /> � remll N IoAeiNre ol t�e ProDeM o�a�heiwise mate�laVy impa'v Ihe Gen oea�etl Ey�his Security Insbumm�or lenders sewnty <br /> imeresl '�/� <br /> � FUt6LN0IW9]I e�a..]•�v �JC ' �AI�. . . <br /> '^—�- -i-rs•- <br /> .. _ � 9n)PW _ __ _ -- . ' . <br /> � � <br />