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�. � `4 . � ' .: . . _ . . p �j' „� .. _ . . __ . <br /> J',_a�� : . . : _- �. C-.'� __ _ -s _ _i. ::-it - �� ���1R.�i7SY, - '.. _ �-. . i t:�,h ` --_—. . ..- . <br /> ° 11:'Tru1M'si Of ths PropiHyr a i B�t�,HoT�f IM�N�tn 1lat►awir �I w oj.pyr a� �f �� �':' <br /> piy Nt�rest h N I�wW a V+mlwred(a H a 6eh�6oYt ittrpet N BoRbv{w I�rotd dr 64h�iptW end 84rtbxM Is qot kfi�i . ,. <br /> — p�yon�wll�aa l�ndai�pAa wiRt�r.eonaaM1 L�der iiufai Iw.optlair�ow1!�Imr,�9ero pamail In wf ot q.tumv rNSrW ax:` � �:� <br /> " Wf�gy�r�ty IneWment Nowwe+.tNe oy9on ehd nbt bo ezeidftld Ly lender M �xxdts_fi pr8q0Ab 6y fb&d kw y o!14�- �- <br /> —= - . d�teWNts&8+dqrlroWmant . .. . - . — <br /> � II Unda aardaa Nb apllan. Londcr sOd atve BoBOwe+nq8ae ol ocoela�lon. 71ie naUoe aheN prwlde e p�ql pl .� - .� .--_-.:_ . <br /> -- not las�tAvn 80 C�yt Irom Ne Gte 1he notlos b QeWerod m m�dcd rAlhfn Whkh BorroKY+ muat pay tl eums aeaured Dy. <br />—,��•;;°� tliq eowrty Newmmt H Oonmva wa a pay meae aum pbr ro ihe e�tii9ai ot thia pabd lsndx m:y kroW eny <br />-_�,�;.��_. _� renaAee pe�mtled Dy tNa Oeourily InsWmmt vAlnout Nnha notloe o�danand on Bortovrer. <br /> _ " — �e, earow.r•eiom eo p•tnn,e•.n e�,a ��w,��+. so�wa emo n.�. �e nnn� u n.�. :: <br /> -----___ <br /> s $ •��f� adoaanont ol ihW Seadpl In6Wment dlaoontlnued tt ury tlme pdo�to the eu9a oE U)e d�ya(or weh olha ppbd ne � <br /> ��;��� �ppinMe Yw moy epedN ta reinaYlem�9 EMaa We ol Ne Rapdry Wrsuent to mY Dwrm of s�N oonLLNed h thb - .-..._ .,,- ,-.- . <br /> ,�'`'�_f. 8eoutlpr IneWment; a(b)enYy of�Jud�fent mtordny Ub&ar�y InaWment Thoae oon6tlone ue tMt Bovavw: (�)p�ys — <br />_,-�;f;`yi E��.;.�;,i lendr�R eume wtdeli then woWtl 6e Oua under tl�b 8audry In�VUment uid the Nota ee M no aeedamtlon had oaurteq @) --_ <br /> .t��z.4.j; acea�nY dedutl of mY olher eovmuit a a�ednenb; (o) wn •o dw�� s,w�rea ti Mmrd�a�nie sow�r meuumem, _ <br /> �'s`„-�»;' �i. hdu6ng, hui not erMeu to,ruaon�6le nnomrya'tee�; md(�tekea woh�ctlui�e Lenda mny reaeoneby raQUYe to�saure °-- <br /> �.? . �nl�r; -� -- <br /> ,-t�r-��,,�: that tM Ilen ollhis SecuAly NntrumenL LwMera�IphU h Ihe Property u�d BorrowW obGyalbn ta pny the aume �aurod . _�. <br /> iP - �:-.'•, py thls 3cwAY Inawment eheA oontlnua uneMn9ed.Upon rehetetement by Banower. tAb sepWry In�wment md tha F�= ._,.-_-_,-.. <br /> � 7<�`�,' - 5 f. o6Ug�0ons alarte0 haeby sM0 romth fuP/eGOdNO u tl no �ooeldatbn MA otarted. Noweva,ihls Ayht to reNateN ahGO — <br /> �,r a,-,�y�i,:+, not eppy In Ne eeaa ol tooelaetlon under pe'e�eph 17. -- — <br /> �� ,'r s y�" 18, B�I� a! Nots; Chmga of Lom Servloee.rns Noro or e a pwi m�eran h ma Nou popeena w�m <br /> � ; <br /> a `�;� -5�>�t1 f Ws&arity Nswmmp may Ee eold one a maa Vmes wNhoN pMOr notlee to Bortanu.A rale mey resu�h e ohmge h the <br /> ' �%z�r-�' enUly Q�ovm�e ths 'Loen &Meer')that oo0ede monNy palmenb due under th�Noro md Ihl�Beourlry NsWmant. Thero ,��� � --- <br /> j ti�,�tcti�Xa��' Wo mry ba one or more ehenges M Ne Laan BeMar unrckled to e ede of th�Nota Il thae b e dunge ol the losn �,� --" � <br /> l�_,-; BeMar. Batower n�be pMen wrillen nolke ol Ne ehenge N�aordance vMh pu+groph t�ebme end'ppBCabla kw. The �o.� --_ _- <br /> +^-�.ril+, m0u rAI nu��ihe neme and atldres�of ths nen Lan 8e�viar end Ne ndNeas b whloh peymwls thoutA be meda The -;n� } -� <br /> �i `�` 4. .r: notlee wN e4o eonteN mY oNer Nfaimetlon reW6ed b1'sPPYea51a Isw. -ur x <br /> r++.:ttpt��:_ t�G^�3 �rf`�'f'iF' '�; <br />_ - ;1���1'�•'°� 20. HGZatdoue Su6atenCBS. Barower sha0 nW eau�e or peimlt tha prwmce, usa Elepofd, slonBe, or rdate o1 ,>.,x.: ,.,:,__ _ _ <br /> �.t ����'i,Y���� eiry Hvardou�8ubtleneea on or N tha Propwly. Bararm eheE not do, na eAow myone etse ta do, eirylhNp eOxWg tha �<i^��s ` __f_ <br /> ; . :t,. RoD�Y thel B In Noletlon of eny EnMronmenlel Leri. The preeeNnp fwn�entmca� aheE not eppy to Ne presenee, ue& � En t +3� =_— <br /> S '�t- fi;r'= a slm9e m Ihe Propary ot�me0 quanWea ol Hem'doua &Natancee Rul are pme�a4y reoo�trM to 6e appropde�e to a.�3 f f - <br /> _„s S1 �.,t;,'` normel�ealdmlial unee and to melntmmoe ol ihe Propwy. ����r �; �5§ --: <br /> =s .�+ !,��i Barowa ehe0 prompty gMe lentler w�ittm notloe of airy Imestlqellon. WYn dertund. Immuic a olhor aWOn Dy any c�j Z � j ��_ <br /> i�:,t.r,.y#rr:{ povamwntel a reguletory aymcy a qkale party InvoHinB the Property end anY i4wdoua 8ubafence or Emironmmtd law ol �-ti�fi� -.:� <br /> whlch Bortana hea eduel Imowledya II Bortowa leame,or Is nolMed Cy mY pmmmenW o� «gulatay eulhwiy, tlul any 4i1-'�y.:�i��"h:_=' <br />'i'.�n:.i[�l`j.i!, .�L�c"' S >'�- <br /> _ .r� _ -i , remonl or oNer remedlnllon ot any Hererdou�BubWnce eXeotlng Propaly b neeeasery, Bortower �MA prompty leka dl �t.�Y(:ti��^='- � <br /> � �. . '.�. <br /> r:.,�ss fdr2ml el+!^ae In ar_'�rN!t9 w!!h E11'hn1!!Mnml Lew: •%_�x�P1 S1 <br /> ;�_ � + <<7-h M used N ihla peregreph 20.'Huerdoua 8ubetent»•are Ihoae wbaWCea deMed es tobo a hezerdoue wbstena�by �j,y ,t° is -� ': <br /> i� �.-; Enviraunenlal l�w and the IoOOwin9 a+bsteneez gaeolna, kroaene, other flammblo a toxic peVOleum produot�. loxio )n„,�1�F <br /> 'r r t�, �'i. peaUdEca md hefblddea.roktte eoNmte.meteMis oonWning asbeatoa or tormeldNyMe. and retlloedNe mHalela. Ae used N -�J r�v{���,�4y�,""� <br /> a t -- -,i' perug�ph 20.'EnvironmenUl Uw'meane fedenl lawa end kwi ol 1ha Jurladellon where IM Mopwly b beated thet rdete to - �. �i - - <br />- .. .r.�-`%_.%:::� healtR�efe9orenrMonmmWProtecEai. t`y3..+1`y.'� ,ti.�..,. <br /> '� 5 r :; <br /> ,�'�i� "` NON•UNIFORM COVENIWTB. Bartown end Lander Nnher covenant end aQree u tollowr. r: �'�k1�j�� <br /> f�{..<;;_.?_,;.'.fi 21. Aoaelerallon; Ramad�ea. Londer ehall 8We aotioe to Borrowar prlor to eooelewtion •,�,.,,,,,�-, ��,'�_ �- <br /> '� " ."-'��- tollowinp Borro�ver'e breaoh o} eny covanant or agraemont in thia Saourity Instmment (but not +�;�.r:� <br /> '' �-�''�C- prior to aocelaration under paragreph 17 unlesa epplicable lew provldae otherwiee). The notloe - �t ' •�- <br /> � �-��� � eball s eci e tha defeuN; (b)the ectlon re uired to oure tha defaulC o e date, not lase than +'�-��-� <br />� u i 1 . °.-y P �Y• � ) 9 � ) t -. :.i:-: <br /> <y <br /> 30 deys fram the dato the noNoo le given to Borrowe�, by whlch the dofauN muat be oured; end � f-' <br /> �.i -� (d) that Poliure to oure tha deteult on or 6efora the date apecifled In the notice may result in '� � {+`'� � <br /> _,��; ,.,,t,�.;,1• aooeleration of the eume aecured by th�e Securlty Inatrument and eale of tho Proporty. The notloe .. ,'`}�,`.-_: ��- <br /> � •-•:-� ��' ehell tuAhor In}orm Bmrowar of tha right to reinatate efter accalaration end the dght to brinp a <br /> -��-��::��.- r court action to asaert the non-oxietenca of a default or any oiher dafenae of Bonower to - ���°-'��-•`•.r<�`� <br />_ -:.. ;.,,..;,.. <br /> '� -�t eoceloratlon and sata. If the defaWt la not cured on or bafora the dete epeclfied In tha notloe, � .� <br /> + - �--_�''� Isnder et Ita optlon may requlre immadiata payment In full of all eume Becured by thls Seeurity '� e' r�� .•�.��: <br /> � �"'"� �1 Inatrumant wlthout fuAher damend and may Invoke tha power o} eelo end any other romodlea � �-- �a f`'-�'�.'�--'- <br /> , {f . . <br />-^ri;r., �. .:a:.;_:'.. . <br />=fF : permilted by epplicebla law.Lender ahall ba entltled to collact all exponsas Incurrod In pureuing i�-:� <br />=??�-�^•��` �� the ramedlea provided In thle paragraph 21, including, but not Ilmitad to, roasonebte ettomeys• ;�,� � `�� .'•� <br /> " taea and coate of title evidence. . .� � - - <br />- _ If the powar of eala Is Invoked, Trustee ahell recmd e notice of default tn aaoh county In <br /> .� which any paR of the PropaRy le located and ahall mail copias of such notice in the menner <br /> preaeribad by eppllceble law to Borrower end to tho othor porsons proscribod by tppiicebla Iaw. <br /> . .. --`; After the time �equired by eppllcable lew, Truffiee ahall glve publlc notice of ealo to the pereons <br /> � end In the menner preac�ibed by applicablo law.Truateo, without demand on Borrower, ehall sall <br /> � the Proporty at public auctlon to the higheat bidder at tha time end place end undar tho terma � <br /> � - deslgnated In the notice of aele In one or moro pareels and in any ordar Trustaa daterminea. <br /> Truetoe mny poatpone sale of all or any pa■cel of the Proparty by public announcement ct the <br /> - - Hmo and ptaco of any previouely acheduled sale. Londer or its designee may purchese the <br /> ' � Property al any saie. <br /> . . � Upon roceipt ot payment o} tha prico bid. Truetee aheli delivor to the purchase�Trustee's <br /> - , deed conveying the Property. The reeltals in the Trustee's deed shall be prlma tecla evidence of <br /> 1hn 1nNh nf fhn nfnfnmen}¢maflo }hnroln. T�uetoa uhall anolv ih6 nracooda o}tha min in thn <br /> :_.___• '" _ _'_ ""' _' '_"_ _'_'_""_"'_ "____ _-_'_- ___- _ - .� . _ � _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ <br /> _ - � -_� lollowing ordor. (e) to ell coate and expenaea of exarcleing the powar ot eate, and tha aate, <br /> � . includ�ng tha peymant of tho Trusteo's foos actually Incurred, not to oxcaod throe <br /> . 'Y, oi tho principal emount of the nota at <br /> - ,.:{ the timo o} tho daclaration of dofavlt, and reasoneble eRorney'a teea as parmitted by lew; (b) <br /> - -' to all auma securad by thle Security Inet�umant; and (c) any excaes to the pareon or <br /> ��� , personn logally¢ntitlod to �t. <br /> c:,.. <br /> _; . 4.� .p�'-_.�--- <br /> � -..,c;:5'-� rme�xo noAO� v�r...�s <br /> _� , .�. � <br /> � .i',:`i�:.` <br /> ^ � 9l0)]LM � <br /> � � <br />��� ... . .i -- . ____ . _ __ " - <br />