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c' t � r Y -. f . .y fr.. i i- �t ,-,t. 4- :t + :_ _ _ . <br /> w� _ � L i p r) L' i - ir .t!' . /[ �- i� " r- � � 1 �J� r � __ __ __ _.. <br /> . ... , J.,( - .. t� l�t - •- tx � ; }[S� R - Kv� 1 <br /> k ' <br /> _ _:_ , . _ 'r � f, . -1;/ : , ��v '� . r' t� j ��7 <br /> �. -� . .. '• i ,,. .'� t : L �/:�j, P <br /> . . }- . : f � _._l i� . .� _-.. ___ h : -•0 a -.. : � Y�, <br /> t �f7oDIC I�W 7u+,�OQ4d�1{O7i�,' CII�Cq{}bp[OI'q 8+�0�oEI1�F�A�Y R4��tJ11�o�j�f}�tl9�s'�1 Ql 6110 Ils4l� 1} �y � : <br /> o ��llX_ �ko�N)eatryQ t.�gm scti�htRceXnB�ils$�cpAty�nq.n�menG �I[xrseeond(pa+��e mu wrrt�� . _ <br /> �y '. tq s�r�wh�s��h�d bb duP Au�¢�r thi�$ceuflcgTiya�cueqr y�d�p Naje es if no �uoni�w� � <br /> - <br /> ..,� ib)C��iiaydetuiltoihnya�rmYSa�AqotYatscmcb4.(c)Cl�iiitex0enus_U�Cyrtc4lnct+�dreln �hti8u4n�Y ,� f . <br /> , i (NWef2Ti6 1i7�BidGI��but fiW llmlte�Rc:ffiSOlUl�T4 tit Y�'fC�f.TJf01�1�icESqu�f!'�tlonas�.er�ei�u9 �J �� � <br /> r�u1m Io�.+SumRi�A,t)ho�1CuSpf�lilpBEcuhty.�swmdn?��?g;ls1$huN+Ab?ropercy�dEoirowerYopli�won�p� �tl» , <br /> luh�i��4�4��Ni 8scuri`Y N�Wpunt `TW�:f�W1Ue,q.nehu�ged Upoa 3ktAUete?wAt tiy Sqro�v&r�AIS 6eatlly <br /> tnthumentand eobllgaUon��rcd,ha2by�ha1JreM�in[uuyetkcflrowitnoLC�eICraJOi�hiSoccwt0� HoWe�a�tNY ` ' <br /> �igtifto[oins�te�heUno{�pTyin caseof, tua4onmMSr(�ar�a�hi?. - - •. <br /> 19. B�k oP Nok C1�wnje ot�Berv� 71q Nae t8 i putl�T intereat fn the Note(iog v/ich{�!�&ar[ty ` ' <br /> Luwmcn�j m�y be w�d oae of Morf ttmas wltliout ptibr:notico t0 Bonowar. A eale mayre�W�t in i�fiu��lw rnt[ty .- <br /> (known as�ho I.osn Secviat9 pw�coAew monthry paymenu Eue wdeS mo Note end thia$ecu�tty,iqa,Nmen�. �here ateb <br /> may bo ono or moee cheugas ot9»I.b8�Buvlar wteleted to e�ato of Ne Naa Itmetcb sc�g e of the Loap 8erv1 , <br /> Bocrowu wlll 6e given wcfuen notlaf of�he eMnge in eaordance wlthpatag�ph t4 above end ap plicabie Itw. 7fio nod� • <br /> will nate tde neme md addreat ottha new Loan Servtar end Ne eddrea�io which psymeau s6ould 6e mada 71�e nodce wllf <br /> elsoconuluenyothuinfamadonaqut�edbyeppticablelaw. , _ —" <br /> 20. E(uardona Substaaea. Bomower�heU not cau6e or pertnit tha pnaenca uae,diipospl,atoiaga ornlease of eyy <br /> Heurdou�Substances on or in Ihs_Propaty. Borro�v,u�dalt not do,rror�low onyone elso to¢o,anrt6[ng ef�ecdng t1�9 <br /> Ptoputy�hat ieih vlotetton of eny BavlronmcniaKLaw:1Te pro�Wing tivo eentenoe��hali ndf�pIy to tlie pasenca ux,or <br /> aorege on the Propeny ot smali quantittea of Hezardow Subs�encea thet are generatly rcaognized to be appropdate to nomraJ . <br /> -- ratdenNel usef eqd to maintenance ot the Property. <br /> Bortowu eheU prompUy ave Lendu wilr.en notice of any Invatlgetion,clalm,demand,lewautt or o�her ection by any � <br /> _ govemmeaul or ngutetory agency or pdvate yarty Involving the Propeny endnny HezeNoua Suditance or&rvimnmental <br />_ = Law ot which Hortowu ha+ �aual Imowledga If Hortower�wns, or h noeified by �ny govemmenul or rogulatory <br /> -- autho�iry,ttut eny rcmoral or o�M1er mmedietlon of eny Hezardoua Su6stanee eftxting Ne Propeny ie nausuy.Bortower <br />.'-�� �hdl prompdy teke ell nxessery rcmWiei actiona in ecoordance with 8nvironrtientet Law. <br /> �=`�� A�used in We pawgaph 7A.'Hazncdom Substanc�'ere Nosa substenoea deflned ae toxtc or heracdow tubslanas by <br />:._.:�� BnvironmenW Law end�he toilowing wbsrenon: geaoline,kerosene.othu flemmeble or�oxlc petrolam pro0ud�,roxlc <br />-. .;, yxsHcidea end he�biclde+,volatila wlvents,materieU conteining ssbeatw or formeldtfiyde,end wdloaG�ve meter(aU. Aa <br />; ;.� used in�h4 paregraph 20,"Environmentel Law'meam federel Iawa ond lewa ot�he judadlUion whua tho Ptoperry ia located <br />-;�i�r thu relale W heal�h,wfery or environmemel p�aa�lon. <br /> NON•UNffORM COVBNANfS. Bortower end I.ender tunher covennnt end egree m followa: <br />-"'t`�� 21. Aoceterotionl Remedles. Lender sA011 glve notice to Borrower prlor to acoeleretlon tollowing IIorrower's <br />�-��� breac6 of eny covenant or agrcement in thb 9ecurtty Instrument(but not prlor to acalernqon under paregraph 17 <br /> 7� unles�applica6te lew provtda otherwke). 1rie noqce shail apecify: (a)tha detaulti(D)the ectlon rcquired to cure the <br />:!,� dtlault;k)s C9te.«ot l::,fA�n 3Q dep:hom tha dste!be aotice!s�Iven to Qormwu,bq wtileh flie�cfeelt meH i�e .-_-. . . .. <br /> curedt md(d)thet tailure to wre the deteult on or before ihe date epeclited tn the notla may reautt In eoceieratlon o/ <br /> the mm�seeured by thls Securfty Instrument end eele of Ihe Property. The notice shall tLrther[ntorm Borrowu ot <br /> �. the rlght ro rc(nstete eRer eceeleradon end ihe rlght ro br(ng a murt actlon to esserl 1he non-extstence of a detautt or <br /> ;,=.;;i'�� an�other detense of 6orro�ver to acceleratlon end sele. If the default le not tured on or before the date spedited In — <br />:...,� the notice,Lender et fU optton mey require Immedlete payment fn NII of all sumv secured 6y thls Securlty Insirument <br />;:'�i,;;� wtfdout NrtAer demend end may Invoke the poner ot sete and eny other remedtea permttted by epplicable lea: ____ <br /> .:� Lender nhnll be enptled to mileet ail expense� incurred In purauing the remedlea provided In thb paragraph 21, r�� - <br /> ��; including,butnotlim(tedto,reasonableattorneys'Reeandcostsoflttleevidence. f r^ .,__. <br /> If Ihe po�rer ot eale is im�oked,7Yustee ahail record e notltt at defauit in eech wuntr in wh(ch eny part of the ,r � ,_ .,._ <br /> t; Property la taated nnd ahail mail coplea of cueh notice tn the mannerpreacribed by appIlcable Iar to Borrower and to `ti Ar ._ <br /> � Ihe other persoro prescribed 6y applieeble la�r. ARer lhe fime required by epplicable law,7Yuatx shull give public � � , ; ,�,_ <br /> �-� noGce of aaie to the peraona and In the manner preacribed by applicable In�v, 7Fustee,wlthout demnnd on Borrmver, 7Y� ),"� _. � <br /> `' shall sell Ihe Property et pu611c auctton to lhe highest bidder at lhe tfine end ptece end under the hrrtu dalgnated tn � �� ��r ;-�� <br /> _,t� the notice otaale In one or morc parceta end in eny order 7}ustee determinea. 7Yustee may postpone cele of all or nnr r��i ��;�x;� <br /> .� parcel of the Property by pu6lic ennouncement et ihe Ilme snd place of any preriously achedWed aele. Lender or tv �3 s ;. _ <br /> `�" daigneemeypurchesethePmpertyatanymle. �,�u„y� r. -. <br /> Upon receipt of payment of Ihe price bid,7}unee shall dellver ro the purchaser 7Yustee'a deed mnveying the 'i '��, J_�-ti� ' <br /> � Properly. The raltats In the 7Yustee'a deed ahall be prima fecie evidence of Ihe Iruth ot the sfatement�mnde therefn. tf e;,� ' <br /> `. 'I}uatee shall npply Ihe praceed�ot Ihe sale tn the fallo�rfng order. (al to ell costc and expenses otexert�ing the power ���f� j A {" � <br /> 4frr°ta ��qS.,_. <br /> ��' �,r 3 7�% <br /> .� [ i .6' <br /> : ��.� � <br /> r . q"t s: <br /> .y� ' _ � <br /> + ,: .: <br /> �•'Sr } . <br /> �_..*�, - :.l i_:.<� <br /> Form W1A 9.'90 �p�c't.•InNCr.� i -�l ��. <br /> �, <br /> x` ,_. <br /> y;. <br /> : E <br /> '� ,,,.___. ` <br /> mt_...--- •---- .. ..._._ . -. .. . . . .. <br /> r,.,-_--�;-,T�^-°-- � --:�--^,---�- _. -:,_... ._,a <br /> �•. <br /> � v - . <br /> -�� �_`. . .. . - . <br /> -s'�- . . . .- � - - <br /> . <br /> ---- - <br /> ::.-�;.- - _ . ._ . _- � - <br /> + �_ ��^ . a -', .. . ' . . " _ <br /> ;:i�°}�:;�:' ::j � - _ . <br /> `�it'-;4!!��.v ' - _ <br /> f�... _ -t". - <br /> _ c�..... _ .G . _ <br /> `.i'T - - . _ . <br /> t.. <br /> {' - �i_ �.` �.•'.•• � _ _. . .. <br /> �lrt._ .:.F -:I _ _ . . <br /> � �lff.. . � . - � <br /> �i <br /> - -,t-- - . . . . <br /> Y l � y. _ <br /> � � <br /> --.: ) - -: . - . . _ _ .. _ <br /> r �. } <br /> < ( <br /> c r [ <br /> 5 f-�r - . Y . -' . .l i . ' _. . . . . � . I ._ <br /> . - ..> - . .� • . . ' <br /> . . � ,. .: ., . _ . . � . ....; . . -.�_. . .... . _. -i__�. , .,� �.._ _ _ ' 4 . <br />