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.�� -.��,.;� ' __ ' . . . ., �.. s _ �_ . • � i i <br /> 1i..f. . .i.�+__r _ CC � �i1'.._.�i�u�_ti���._u.. '1. `[-- <br /> _� r b /� q " ! .' . .. _.. .. . <br /> . . �,� , �. J� ` ..�M� .'1�Y� + �- 1 l 1 <br /> . ' � " _ . . - � 1 t� � " , 1 " . r ! . �. i � 4 1 ,'� •�` <br /> conAeihnauanOtdih`utaklAgotpny�qut4tth�sPtopeRy.orfpl�conveyy�cqlnllsuAfcademnyilat.em�erqbYaq�}�(�I t' <br /> � 6helly�yi1QtbLeildst . . : - � . + � . • r � -- � � 1 <br /> - ._a. w o :'St.� <br /> " . t �)u evenC oE s loui,W�B ot We'Fm�EW��e praa�d�a661E�iJypU-sd yr.t��aumt.,����,r•N=r;«w , _ <br /> Insi rnt,wheUie�orbotfiendu0.�vltti.eny�oxase aidt68o 'qwk'Inthoevodt s idf�ctngolthep���U'tn <br /> � whMh��lrrfdtfis�etredwofdwPruper[y!�le�o�y�fnrs��gLequalmo�qre��t16�dfhamiwnlal�iuM! ,i �� <br /> secured py thi6 Becur(ryf�Fuument Ghmalletaty b�foro mb Mking,vntae�ortc�c aiQl.enderotheiivlsg egrfp in wtttl�g, <br /> tho iumi eesurcA 6y thia$auriry Ina{rument s eIi be)adusedb the amowt.a!�v pt8at6�mul l lep D �ha foliowfri; ��� <br /> ttaetibn; (o)tho rotal emount ot�M numd sccured�mmfdUtoly beYtol6 tAe t�king,divlEed by @)�hef��m e4�'�1�bttha " ' <br /> -----,� propeny Immedlaiciy betore the IaYing. Any balanoe iha116o pald to Ooauwe'r. Id IAe event ot a p�taklAg of lhP , <br /> -- Propeny in whtch ehe feU madcu nlue of�ho Pi6yeny ImmedtA�oty 6eforo me tuctnn$ta teu A��n�h9 empw�ot�ee sumi �; ` " <br /> euutrA Immedietely beforo �ho tektng,untasa gortpwer end Lendu ahernlao egtee In wrl�ing oi uNeu�pplleabfo tt�V � <br /> othenvlte provide�.rho piooccds shel)bo appHed co�ha suma eecwed by thla&arity fnswmeM�vhethdr or nat tM tuma ora - . <br /> then u�he Propeny I�abandoned by Borrower,or it,after notice by Lender ro 8ortower t�at the condemnOr often to m�lt%� <br /> an a�vard or settle e elaim for damigee,Bortowu teil+ro roapond to Lender within 30 dayt aRar the dete Qq noqce is given, <br />--=- Lender le eu�hoduA to cotiect aad epply�Ae prooecde,at tu option,elthcr to rostore�ion or rspafr of�ho Property ot to the �_ <br /> �ume securcd by ehia 3ncurtry Instrvmen4 whether or not then due. <br /> --- Unlae Lender end Bortower otherniu agrce in wriMg,my epplicatlon of procada to pdn¢Ipal�hnll not exknd ot <br />--=--= postpone�he dua daro of the monthly paymente hfeired to In pangrepha 1 and 2 or ehenge tho emount otaueA paymente. � <br /> == 11. Oorrower Not Reltased� Forbeerance II Lender Nat a tYalv¢r. 8xronsioa oT tha time!or qymenl or <br /> -=--= modificadon ot amortlzn�lon of the wma caured by��8ecnd�y Inat�ument gnnteA by Lendet to any euoassot N In�erost <br />-- �� of Bortower ehell no[opereta ro rcloeso the 1lebiltry of tlro odginal Bortower ot BortowerM succosaon tn Intorost.I.ender <br />;;�i� �hell no[bereq uired�o commence proceeding�ageinat any sucaasor In interest or rcNse�o extend pme for p�yment or <br /> ::.� o�hcrwlce mod fi y emottizadon of the soms�ecursd by thb Secudry Tnsuument by 2ason ot my demend meda by the odgtnel ___ <br />..:>y;;N..l� Bortower or Bortowerl wxason in Intercst. Any fofiearenca by Lender Iq exercising any flght or remedy thell not bo e <br /> ix��. waiveroforprecludetheexercisaotenyrtgh[orrcmedy. <br />- ::;.u:r}.;.: <br /> .-,: �j 12. Succason end Assigna Ooundi Jolnt and Several Uablittyt Co•algnera. 1he eovenente end egrcementa of�hle <br />�-'�����%%� Security Inurument shell bind end benefit�ha suceasom and auiym�of Lender end Bortowcr,aubJat ro the pmvi:lona of <br />���:�;}+z'� paragreph 17. Bortowert rnvenems end ogrcemenu ehall be Jo(nt and eoveml.Any Bortowu who casi@��tAi�3ecudty <br />"i';�%`. Instmment but daa not execma the Note: (a)ia co-signing thti Secudty Inawment only to mort ago,grent end canvey Ihat <br />`:i>.irs:'s <br /> =--�4�� Bortowerl intercat in�ho Propeny undor�he term�ofthla Saudty Instnimem; (b)ie not penonal y obligated ro pay Ihe sum� <br />"=:-�.t�.:. <br /> .�.,,;,,;; savrcd 6y this Sceurity Insuument:and(c)egreea thet Lender end any other Bortowsr may egreo to oxtend,moditr,forbear <br /> -="1:i t- or make any accommodatiom wiih mgard to �he lertm of thb Seeudty Instrument or�he Note w(thout tAat [fortowerl <br /> -=:��'•'�� wnsent. — <br />�"�+'-�!. 13. Loan Cha�ges. [f the loan secured by�hia Saudty Instrument ia subJat ro e I�w whkh aets mealmum loen <br />�`t=��':��; chvge�,end that law is finelly interyrcted so thet�he intercst or o�her loan chargea mllated or to he colleUed In connecNon <br />��-�s:l�+�i- with tht Iwn exceed Ihe petmiReA limiu,ihen: (e)any such loan charge ahatl be Ieduced by ihe emount naxuary tu itAucs ----'-`--- <br /> �;_;,;;�` tho chnrge to 1he pertnined Iimit;ond(b)any aums alrcady collecied from Bortower which exoeeded pemdned Ilmiu will be <br /> ,,�'••)r�,, rePonded ro Bortower. Lender mey choou to moke thfs�e(und by reducing the pdncipal owed under the Note or by meking a —. <br />-.:;r;��i`,�}`• dircct payment�o Borcower. If n rcNnd reduces prineipa6�he rcductlon will be�rested na n partial prepayment wi�hout eny <br /> "-": prcpayment cherge under the Note. . ___. <br /> v, f: I4. Notica. Any notice to Borrower provided for in thin Securiry Inswment shell Ix given by delivedng i�or by e_��- F _ <br />-_-��;�:��Y� mailing it by flrst dass mail unless eppliceble Inw rcquires u.te of eno�her method.7Le notice shall be direcud to�he Property •^---�-�_==---- <br /> �_�:,-: Addrcas or my ather eddress Bortower desisnatex by w�ice to Lender. Any notice�o Lender shell be giren by fint elav �+���L� <br /> �x t� <br /> .;.;,,,� mail�o Lendcrk addrcrx sinted hercin ar xny other eddress I.ender dexignates by nocice to Bortower. My notice provided for >,,;,;.,,,:--�- - <br /> _- . , in Ihie Securily Instmmenl ahall be decmed la hnve bcen siren 10 Borto�ver or Lender when given as provided In �hia 'r ,�,-y �7��'-� <br /> = ;h: pamgmPh. -,. .�_. <br /> `°��,-'•=.� IS. Governing Lmv: 3everebllky. 'Ihia Securiiy Instmment shall bc govemed by federel low and ehe le�v of�he ,�;;}y.;„?;;?r: <br /> -s/�„ jurisdiaion in�vhich the Propeny is IocntM. In ihe event ihat eny provision or clauu of�his Security Inswment or ihe Note �,� �..,,s _.. <br /> �A • conflk�s with upplica6le Imv,such contlict sh�dl not afke�other provisions of this Sewri�y Inswment or�he Note which cen ,l �.-'= <br /> � ��� be given efkc��vithout the canFliaing pmvixian. To tliix end ihe provisians nf ihis Security Inswment end the No�e arc �U�t,rr�� � ,°-- <br /> j- � declured�obexeveru6le. ' f .{l+.. <br /> -�--5�: 16. 8orrower'a Copy. Oorro�rer shail be givcn one wnfomud copy of�he Note and of�hix Security Incirument. + -'� str�,4i , <br /> "-3 �= 17, 7}ensfer of Ihe Property ur a QeneOdul Incerest In Oorrower. lf nll or any pan of thc Propcny or eny intcrest in s r�.s' � i ` <br /> ) , t�: <br /> it ix wIJ or tmnsferred(or if a t+enefici�l intere.ct in Borro�ver is sold or inncferred and Uofrower is not a neturel person) it ": i x��y1 � ,: <br /> y tt wi�lrom Lender.prior�vrinen conant. Lender may,a i�s option,rcquire immediate papnent in full of ell sums secured by t, i _- �:�SF i s �� <br />- - �hix Security Invrument. Hu�rever,thi+option shall nol be exe2iud by Lender if ezercise is prohibi[ed by(ederal lew m of },��.5'�;�:>;i.�;,=-..,;;' <br /> (ht dnte of�hi.Security Insuumem. 1 c>�`;kt '��(7_' <br /> If Lender exercius this nption.Lender shall give Bortower no�ice of xaderation. The notice shall provide¢periad of � S�i` �' + <br /> nolles.�han 30 days fmm�he datc�he noticc is delivcrcd nr maiied within which 6arta�mr mu+t pay aIl sums ucurcd by this �r�j� t �j _ <br /> �' Security In.uumcnt. If Uofrowcr Gils eo pay � prior to the expiraiion of thiti period. Lender may invoke eny - � F! ! <br /> .. �? " rcmedie.permitted Ay�hi�Security Incuument wi�hnm funher nmice nrdema�d nn 6ortn�ver. � � ; t'���ti,. r- <br />• 'r�"` � IR. Oorrosrer's Rfght In Reinstate. If Uamnrcr mcet.ccn�im m�di�iun.. 6orromer+hail have thc righ� to have � � <br /> - cnforccmcm of 16i.Saurin In.wmcnl di�cnniinucd al an)�link prinr m(hc cadicr oL' (al S dapc lnr xuch alhcr period es _ �'�',':!'f��":,'� . <br /> . i i., <br /> timplhmd�-Fanole\1ae'Freddir\1xCSIFONVI]tiTRCNEVi-ImuxmCmenann o.W rry�N.qnryqrn " - <br />__j:� .:y, _ �'./..:� � <br /> ':� • <br /> .� �. ' . <br /> -ri>!3r �t- ..... :'i:'. . ... . . _. . .. __ '_ _ ... . .. . . . -,. _ . . .. . .. . r.. -" . ' -. <br /> :al r <br />.,..i:_:.:.��:�'- _ _ <br /> 'f.{{-c ' ' ' . ' . <br />_ 3;T'-_ - - —__ ' <br /> �:�' <br /> . _z, <br /> ..�1.��, iJ;i.' . . . <br /> t'i•` <br />. ;�t'•. <br /> .+•i.': . - - <br /> :.".�.?��'. . � - - • � <br /> 1� . <br /> _{�j, � . . ' . ' � ` - . .. '�. <br /> a( J 'j 1 •� ' . _ <br /> # _� " : , <br /> � 1 > <br /> � ' �• � '.-. : . . - '.•�• <br /> . <br /> � ._' ` ' ' _ ": . -'- ..Jf a. ._ � -- - _ .' ... s _.. ..__ . � - <br />