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h1 . .� . .-. .. . ... . .. .:�. . . - . w.__.LL � <br /> t = ..". -... . <br /> M , <br /> Nni �.'1�, pl� . - � . . . � . . . , _ " . - � .. ^ � _—_ ..._.--. . <br /> __ ' � DJ�.�v��r� � � <br /> � k \ <br /> •ofaileind@si�hipetodingthop�lm�en{o41h 4Witcdetet��ctoalty(ncurreA,pWtoexce2d; , _ . �ot � <br /> —�= . !Ae pt{aetpJ amoual of tM note et the ttm+ol{�e dedaratton otdefeult,end rresonnD.(a aitomeya'teti aa petmi trd_.,,-� ----- `- <br /> bY�anl(b)to�Aeartu aecured 6y tEti Hecurtty ImtrumeN;and(c)any exofa�lo the peraon or perwne tegqity wtttted . -. <br /> ---- tGib ` <br /> J!. Reconreyance. Upon paymem o(e11 cuma ceeurcd by this 8ecu�iry Instrumcn6 LcnQer shall rcqual'ihiftea!o ': <br /> ceoonray tho Property end�hail surrender A�b 9ecuflry Insuumem and eil notei aWdencing debt acurcd by�hle 8ecurity- <br /> Inatniment to 7luuee. 7tuetw shell reconroy Q�e Property wphat warrantY ena without diarga ro tho perton or denons <br /> _. .. ..... , to8e11y endllCd Io It. Sueh penon or perwna chnll pay any rewrdatlon cosu. ��,. . . ..... <br /> 2). HubsHtote 7Yastee. in opHon,may from Nme to tlmo romove 7Yuitee end ap Int e eucoawr tiusteo ta <br /> any 7tustee eppointed�ueundu by an Inspument rcarded In tAc county in whleh thi�3ecu�Instrument ta rcrnrded. <br /> M�haut eonveyenca of tha Propeny,the successor tnwee�hall cuccced lo all the dtlo.power and duNea eonfernd upon <br /> 7tuatw hettin and by appifceble law. <br /> ?A. Re4uat tor Noqcea. Bortower rcquesu ehat copia of tha notica otdetaull and�ele ba cent to Borrowerb addreaa <br /> which is the Propeny Addrw. <br /> --���---�--- 7J. Ridero to 16t�BeCUrify instrumenL If one ar morc dden am exeemal by Bortowcr nnd ruorded rogethor�Wth <br /> �his Securiry Inswment,�he avenanp-end agreementa oJ eech weh rider shell bo incorpo�ated inro end�hail nmend and �� ��� " - <br /> ---- tupplement the covenanta and egrcemenp of�hla Sesu�ity tnstrument ea if the ddeKe)wero n part of this Secudty Inmument. <br /> --:_— [Q�ak epplleable 6ox(rap <br />�'-"�"'�—'°a!� �pdJus�eble Rero Rider �Condaminium Rider �l�4 Family Ridtt ,_ _._ <br /> �"'°-'..+�+��_ �Qradu�tW Payment Rider �Pienned Uni�Developmwt Rider �Biweekly P�pnent RiJer _ ___. <br /> � �� <br /> 6V 5.:• • <br /> "'��v-C. �Balloon Rider �Rate Impmvement Ridcr �Sceond Home Rider -- <br /> r �t �,,' ; _ <br /> �rt�5;�.,; ❑om«u�[Sv«url 6�:_.:, . <br /> '�� ',�c.� t:t'�r_=: <br /> y���� BY 314NIN6 BBIAW,Bortower exepta ond agrcca lo the tertns and covenants conuined in�hia Security Instrument � t?�6 <br /> � - and in eny rideK+)execured by Borrower end recorded wiih it. 1 }1t .-� <br /> �4�tt t t�� �ry�uf � " -— <br /> .s ��C�� Wilnases: y,�,; .t i �'–. <br /> 1-..t e,t4, -s,...-- <br /> ��; 1�Cy��. �_",PCl�i U.e-__u, <br /> y . 4...�:- -- fSesU _,w:} <br /> v�tiia �r{ � @ROY fBfJll1811� •6mower +��rd�rytl3� �,._. <br /> F:r}� (,. SociulSauriryNumber ��' 3 .��';4,'l(��ntix _ <br /> nll„y l�ety� , . n � 1 ��i`}���,j y <br /> Yµt'4.x�-; �oort�m�aii y �,�t9,bl.�� <br /> i . (B81T18d6tte A. Ste9l�klR) lc t•, v 1a�o- <br /> � i.�.�f�I.,�1 Socinl Sccurity Num6er 513-40-7059 �° '�;��„F - <br /> u�y.y i : �"��o a �t t _ <br /> �: -� lis�?f� e ,-, <br /> > >o.�'- i .: <br /> iv y � STA7EOFN88RASKA. H811 Counlyss: >�_ �;�'s � � <br /> ' � <br /> ✓f <br /> 5 � <br /> r�{��i�,�_ On this 26th day of MBy� 1993 ,bcfore me,the undersigned.a Notary Public �Ll�i;y}�#r��} d�: <br /> x�)s+'js dulymmmissionedendqualffiMforseidcoumy,personallycnme LeROy J. Stegm'in end rv�.l�����2 �• <br /> , e'+ ,�s„ Bernsdotte A. Shegmart� Husban8 and Wife .to mc known io be thc i t-. <br /> �i,� � , <br /> , '' identical persons(s)whose nnmNs)nre submribed lo ihe farcgoing inUmmem :md acAno�rleJged�he execmion thenrof to F_� ;f� a 1,�e ' <br /> � --���j bc tlleiY volunlaryoctanddccd. �+;-��;y����i�yt � <br /> � �y 4't Witnas m hond nnd nomrial scul at GCBnd I618nd� NebYBaka in vid county.the �t��_�,m,��?� S' <br /> ;' A�:' dare a(oresaid. Y i . r . �<< �' <br /> cutaa murrsnn d�+ p �,, - , t�.�„ : <br /> ' }`;-:_ My Commiuion ezpires: � DEVM MeELROY _/.�a� ��' `ly : <br /> ` ' , ItJOOmiaFxP�625,1 Nau7Public '' f <br /> irr�p� r�F REQUL•STFORRECONVEYANCE �� �2�,�S4,t - <br /> i ' , - TO7RUSTEE: +t.'.4' i <br /> ,,.� ? - The undersigned is the holder of the mte or no�es ucurcd by�his De�d n(ltuxt. Said nute or notes,together with all ' �-��j ` "' � <br />-° �l�"; olher inde6�Wness securcd by ihix Decd o(Tm+�,have F�ecn paid in full. Ynu am hercby JinYted�o cnncel vid nnte or notes '=,1�R'�•'�?:.;;'-. <br /> � - �` , end�his Deed of 7tusL which arc dclivered hercM1y.and�o reconvey.wi�hout�vartanly,ail�he es�a�e now held by you under - >-`���✓ ��i-� <br /> ;�'r;?;:�r�;,:^ this Decd of 7Fust to the penon or pcnons Iegally emiticd�hcm�o. -.>r..��...?;;�_� <br /> r�iti� � - �.t� <br /> Dalc — <br /> r T r�F�' . t' `I� . <br /> � 4i- Form tO1R 1/90 �rycr n.,(np.c�.. �� <br /> � <br /> +�51 �' f'• <br /> nl". <br /> Y 5��� L} <br /> $��� �,$. _ [. <br /> � �t Jvl 9%' re•?—�. . ly'•; .Ot.t i . . ._ . . �]d �- . . v..:: . . :T' -f� l! : - .n'^.'i: . ., .. . <br /> l_ �� � <br /> / ` , T .1. <br /> �l _�' _ _ . ' . ' . <br /> -. ,r�l . _.-f._ �:. . .•..� .�:� " .. . .. . __. ,':, <br /> yf: - . . ,�� �- _. '_`. 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