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r �? -". - . t — ._. <br /> � <br /> L ` <br /> w JL � _ ': :.1 - i S i <br /> r , <br /> " __ _..--�_ !" L �_ -�_s t� s1 � <br /> :. <br /> ur�t'S�- . . _� . ". . �, '-:-� _..' _ �..Y, ��� �..�� � '4 i ) _ _._.—___ - .- . <br /> _ _ � ' �� � t } .�,.1 '. <br /> ioasma�i.n,srerr�ui�,�'7ti61ri5Y1atIFeMRterpTO'vldlnBQieLnuranceAhalt6ectio3eDbyBOrtOS1'2tEYb,�t�c��ae�s ,� <br /> _ �. �pcovalw�lehehallrtqtbourtrcot4pAbiy_syI�hGlA,lt6oitn�vtrtalldlomainteutcoYEnqedcaqri6eda4qvo, dccmqy.At �: ,' <br /> — t.endcttopH6q,pbjolncovcr�ataprotectpe�sdetYrlghulnthqhoyynYtnc�ar4ancewTthpyvBrnpA7� ,° ° ` - ° --- <br /> qlilnaurencepoUciesan rchawats�hvl baaae�ablo to4e�d r ehWlinbludasc�andnrdmb ageclauEe•LenE^r <br /> ° � 'sheURavatM�ttaholdtAapoliclas�rcnewelo, ill.ta+a�r�N��atrowce6hallpmmptiYgtvemCendetat�iealpro _ <br /> of pdA prcmluma end renewal noHaa. In @e ovom ot Iou�Horrow4r�hoII givo piompt nodce ro iho Jnsuronw�'airiee and <br /> Leqder. Lendermaymakoproofofl�itmtmedoprompUyDy Bortowcr. <br /> Unles�LenQer end Hortower aherwlu agree In wridng,Insurance praxtds�null be ayd9ed to rcsroradon oi rcpilr of • <br /> �he Propeny d��ha rastaa�ion or repelr la economlcaliy lca�lbie end Lenderb eccudey b nqt leasen . U the <br /> --- reitoredoa or repalr fe not economkaUy kulbte w Lenaorl eaurity woutd bo lassped,lho inaurancap ihall bo ` ' ` <br /> flppIled lo the wm�uarcd by thle Sswd�y Inawment,whaAu or no�then duo,wi�h any oxase pdd to 8otruWM. It <br /> — B�rtower abendom tha Propeny, or does not auwer wlNin 70 d¢ye e noHce from I.ender�het the�naurance eeMa Nu <br /> offercd to se��le a clalm,then Lender may collect tAe insurenca proceeda. Lender may use No proceed�to mpalr ot resroro <br /> --- tde Property or to pay suma cecurcd 6y�hli Security Ina�Nment,�vhaheror not tlien duo. 7Lo 30-0sy pe�lod wlil begin when <br /> — tho noUco la gIren. <br /> - -•-°° Unlee.+Lendcr end Dortowcr othcnvise rtgree in w�iting,my appIicetlon ot proacds to pdncipal�ha11 not axtend or _ <br /> — postpone tho duo dero ot�he monthly paymen[s re&rted ro tn puegraph� 1 and 2 or chengo tho amount of thepaymenta, U � <br /> ��v:�_u� under puag8raph 2� the Property u ecquiced by Lender.BortowerY ri¢ht ro any inaunnce policlee end proceeds raulting <br /> ��!: from damn a ro�he Property pflor�o the acquisitlon shall pass w Lcnder ro tho oxtcnt ot tha sume secured by�Ids 8ecudry <br /> :��at:f [nstnu�xntimmediarcl pdorrotheaW uliition. <br />-.�'�F,...+ y <br /> ,; h� 6. Occupancy. Preservntlon, Malntenana end Profsction nf the Proper�t Borroner'� Loen Appticatloni <br /> Lease6olds. Bortower chall occupy,catnblish,md use�¢Propeny as Dormwerti princ pal rutdence wf�htn sixty deyi tfW <br /> °�"� �he execudon of thla Sceudry(nswment and ahatl continue ro occupy tho Pmpeny m Bortowerh pdncipal cesidenco for at <br />_,,,.,.,,,��� Icast ane ycu aRu the date of occupaney, unka Lender alxrwise agrm In writing, whkh consent ehall nat be �_-._.. . <br />-"i`"�ri:� unneesombly withheld,or unlese extenundng circumstencea exist which ere beyond Bortowerh eontrol. Bortower shall no� <br /> 4:i� r, <br />.�,_.,�;,..'fi�/..� datroy,demega or Impair�he PropenY.ellow the Propeny to commit wasie on�he Property. Barower ihsll <br />,;,,�,.ti,�r_ be in defeult if any fodeiturc ection or proceeding,whether cbil or cdminal,la begun Nat tn Lender6 good f�ith Judgment _ <br />: 5:.����,. could reaWt in fodefmrc of the Propeny or otherwiae matedelly impair the lien creaud by thfa Saudty InsWmmt or <br /> '=;,f.ri',-:;;'� LenderY seeudry intercst. Bortower mey euro auch a defmlt and reinsuto,oa prodded in parngraph I8,by cwueing U�a eetion <br />--';�.T���{, or proaeding to be dlsmiased with a iuling ihat,in Lenderb goad tahh detertnination,precluda fodeiturc of�he Bortowerh <br />�..�;�,{�3.,.x intercat in the Property or oihcr mattriel impafrtnent of the Iien crcated by �hfs Seeudty inswment or Lenderh acuriry <br /> ,;,,;q%!;� interect. Bortower sholl also be in defeult ff Uortower, during �he loan epplication yroceu, gave matedelty falu or <br /> ';i:it:A�;� ineccurate infortnntion or s�etemenu m Lender(or feiled to pmvide Lender whh eny matenul infortnetion)in connudon wllh — - <br />'=ir?.',1'•ti �he loan evidenced b ihe Note. inciudin , bw not Iimited io, rcprecentallona conceming 8ortowerti oceupane ot the — <br /> _�%4'�^�'" Propeny aa e pdncipql residence. It�hia Secudty Insuument 6 on a Icesehold.Bortower�hall compty wi�h all lhe pmvisions <br /> t;;�,�'. ot the leau. If Bortower acquires fee titic to the Propeny.�hc leaxhold und�he fu�hle aAall not merge unlese I.ender egrcea - <br /> ._..,�.;r�° to th¢merger in wrning _'.`-" -'"°-�° <br />;=<<�pf;.�;,� 7. Protcetlon ot Lender's Righls in the Properly. If Borrower faila to pedomi �he covenents end egreemenu �._ <br /> % F,t,-: rnmeined in ihis Sewrity Instrumen4 or�here is a legnl proceeding�hat may signiticantly efket Lenderk dghu In the —__—__ <br /> 'i•�''�a� Property(such as n praceeding in Ginkrupmy,pro6ate,tor condcmna�ian or Podeiwre or w rnPorce lews or regulaHons),Ihen =-__�� <br />���;.;�'��-�- l.ender me do end a for whxtever ia necesse ro mteci ihe vulue of�he Pro n and Lenders ri �u in ihe Pro n `° �a�;�°__-� <br />�-..:��ti;� Y P Y 7 P P� Y 8� P� Y• -- <br /> -r-fl i" LenderY actiau moy include paying any wms ucurcd by n lien which hns priorny over�his Security Inswment.appeering ' �^�'�'�:: <br /> qt ,- � in rnun,paying rcasonable mromeyi kes and entering on ihe Pmpeny to mnke repairs.Although Lender mey tnke ac�ion �i,�-h����. <br /> --�t 1I under this pa�greph 7.Lender dacs not hare to do so. ��f �,- �c�.� -,_ <br /> _+y�f?: Any nmounu Jis6ur.ud by Lender undcr this pamgmph 7 shall htt�ame addilionnl deb�of 6ortomr secured by this tfi 7�,"-�j �? <br /> � r, �.� Security Instmmcm. Unicss 6ortoa�er nnd I.ender agrcc tu o�her�emis of paymcnt.�hesc nmoums shell bcar Inareat from the {t;; i,� �__ <br /> ' ; _ date of disbursement nt�he Notc rale end shull I+c pnyable,ai�h inicm�.upon notice fmm Lender to Bortower requestlng ��?��f} f <br /> �} ..; paymrnt. _ `�a��1',��� ��__. <br /> }i;� 8. Morlgege Insuranrn. I(Lender rcyuircd mongagc insumnce aa u mndi�ion uf making thc loan sccurcd by this �� ,,�d�r d� _ <br /> +(' ��, reua�n�Y�I esnwn e•B nsmance'covem ehm uircd�b` Lenderdla}e+�ur cenxa to 6c Fn effec6 Bor wer�sh 11�fon c� 21•,Y;r'-���i4'�r r„��. <br /> �-- ' S S F 4 Y P P"Y yt i,� <br /> -�t�",- . pmmiums rcyuired �o ob�ain covcr�gc sulntantially cyuinJrnt �o ihc ntohgagc imurann pRViously in effat, at u cas� �� ; _, �iir r �_ <br /> .;�;e,.,l suMtentinll uivolem�o�hc�n.t�o Rorto��rr of�hc mon a c irounncc rcvioml m eftca.from on nhcmye mon o e .. +.� ?''.� �' �-- <br /> YN BF P Y.� 88 _";;,�::'�.._;y��;a'��: <br />-�.�:�A;'�:'� insurcr apptored by Lender. If suln�antially cyuivalcm mongnge inw`ancc cuvcmgc�+no�nvailnble.6orrowcr shall pay lo ;,�4�,,,,��f,�� .,_:�.._ <br /> s "-�- Lendcr cnch month a}um eyual to onc-u�rlGh of�hc yc�dy mungage imur.mar pmmium hcing paid hy Uortourr when the r-.,(�i ;�'� ���:._ <br /> � . incuroncc co�xragc lapad ur ccaacd�a hc in cifccl. Lcndcr o iIl aacpl.u.c anJ rclain ihnc paymcnh ai a luss rcscrvc in lieu Z:z -:;*�.r�{r�[ ,: <br /> , � �; of mongage insumnce. Lm�rc+enr paymcnts mar nn lon�.rr Ix rcynintl.:n ihe np�inn o(LenJer.if mortgage inmrance .t�y ���5�r __. <br /> .: �k: mveragc(in�hc�mnunt and(or�he�ri�d�hat LenJer rcynin��prnriJed by:m in.umr appmred hy Lcnder again Mmma t f} , 4Yy��t <br /> � u} � ovailable and is ohtaincd.Aurtmcer shall pa2�Ihe prtmiwn.rtyuir.d m mainlain mortgage in.urance in e(fccl.or W providc a k .`iar�,��r`�+, . <br /> t`•.;1 Imx rcsme.unlil Ihc reyaimmenl fnr mongagr inwr.mrc arrnrdanre oi�h am wcucn aErcement hcu.�ecn Iiarm�rer S �, � ' <br />�.:;:�.�,'.�- and Lcndcrorapplicablc la�r. ^, ':.�� <br />. 9. Inspecliun. Ixnder nr il•age�d ma� maAc rc.nnnaM1lc cmri�ti u�x+n:md�hr Ro�nr. Lender�haii �; � <br />. . gire Bnrtuoc�nv�ice a��he time of or prinr la:m in.�.unn.�•afi�mg n•a.nnahir rauv fnr�hr in.�wclian. °.".. . - <br /> 10. Condemnxtlnn. llic pnwcrJ...l any axanl o�J�im I:n.i.nn.�gc..dircn�n.� m�ncctinn�ci�h anp � , ' <br /> � � <br /> - 1mp1.1-.nniy F�nnk\1nrPrcAdir4acl\IHIN\II\�1HINE\i -Inn..nnt.naunn VW q�q +../np�¢..� . . - - ' <br /> �nn1.�nMi`+alur In e . <br /> Tu�WrcUY11�n�nM� 1\\RI�i31-Ill� <br /> � <br /> . '. <br /> ._. -^�`'_. ..: . - - . �. ' . . _ �� - t . . . - . .-. . � <br /> , ., `� <br /> -:::f:,.-_'. . <br /> P1. yA> <br /> .;(�-:"(-= <br /> _ �,it>:`. - <br /> i. : .. . . <br /> a �: . - <br /> r . <br /> ' <br /> � �: <br /> . _ .-. - - _ i �,.-.-�.:._.. . . _. _ _ - - <br />