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T -_. . .�3�� '�,VfR�}7 . . . . � -' - F �- .�y ` ' <br /> ` • froo4�11181�i�'�Yt at"tha i reaxnt8 noWA► rer�dl�traud+kY tife ' ,an0 tl(ea�emnnt ��pene{�e'N :� „ <br /> --�- ` ;Nidtlxtureq�owo dcrpaRera 4tttp�c�e�y ,�reytattttmtn4'� itlbo� IpaoDOSOVet�byJ'67�8ecvjity ) ` - <br /> feswmane Atta;�iqto��pe-tng srote�a'toN�A�p�8cwil�ytrt�um?x;nii��apony;` ;� .:n � r -- <br /> 80RR01YIiAjQU�tANCBtAatBorrowe f�7►wNilyceli�d.ofc6eesiq�e�erebyconveyWUidAa+Uw:dFhtto�u�f � <br /> — -- � - -andomiYa'—y�hpF�vyetry and�tTitfihe �3w1�36uiriY�ct�Bxi�}�EtKirrnl��G,afi�Wr�Fvn."vwir-�iiurc�laan3-- - --.._. -_.. <br /> wllidefendg�ieratlythoftaefoUk➢ro�tloa[e1lelAiKp'aMQemande,EubJCCitoeny�ncumbrusc2aotraroYd — <br /> THI9 8�(.9)R1'i'Y IN571tIIM1'f8N7'tomb(hd�.uolfam ooyenyda tor nattdnal,use An0 ifon•unllofm cuvenanu-with. + <br /> Iimlted.vsrtatlon�DYlwlsdtodonrocanitttuteeuNfomi�eairityinshurKenteove�ln$ie�lpropprty.. , � '� <br /> '---- UNtA01tM00YBNAN['9. BcrtcwCraipt.wWucoYeMn1endogceaaitolloryti ° " <br /> 1. P�ymen►otPrind�tandlnCerepttPrepp'inent�ndLztsCNrRa. BortuWpr�heliptom�y�y wlia duetAe •� <br /> pdne1ya�lolandlnureston�hodebiavidencebbyNe{�aepndenyprcgaymemendiatbc�eraeadubunderineNOte.� <br /> k Fynd�Por'[fuceewAGuv��nca 81�bJeetto�pp'lleabletawortoew�Itunwelrcr6yLenEer,BOtrowcrshaUpayto <br /> Lender on the day monthlY paymen�e are duo under tho Noto,unW tho Noto b paid In IWI q num("ILnd��for.(a)yearty „ <br /> taxW end essessmenp which mey ettein pdori�OVq W6 StCUllty Inswmem u a Iien on t�e Property;(D)yearty(ease$otA " <br />- - .. paymenu or givund rente on tho Prop¢ny. 1 eny; (c) Ytarty (�uatd or proputy insurane9 Dmmivme: (dl Yearty RCOd <br /> Inswanee premium�.If 8ny: (e)yearly mongage Inauranco prtmluma,it any;md(�any eums p�yaDle by Bo�toWee to y_ <br /> __ ___ _ I.enhr,in eaordanoe wf�h tTeprovlalau of paregreph 8,la Itw ot the ayment of mortg�ga Insuronco premiwn�, lfiete <br /> tteme aro called'Bscrow Item�. [.enda may,et eny�imo,collect end boPd[i�nd+In an emount not ro exaed tlw mutmum <br /> - _- emount a Iender for n kderelly rctated mortgiga loan msy mqulre for Botrowerh escrow account under ttw kderol lteal <br /> Bsnte&t8ement Prooeduroa Act of 1974 as amended from dma to�ima,12 U.9.C.0 2601�r seq.('RHSPA'�,unles�anothu <br />-`��' law�hatappUer to tho Evnds acte a lesur amounc It eo,Lender mey,at eny ttme,eollat end hold Ivnd�in en amount not to <br />._�1���1 excad�ha lea:w emount Lender may ea8mate U�e emount of Rmdf dua on ihe basb of cwrcnt data end reawnable <br /> euimates of expe�ditures otPoture Hscrow Items or otheiw[sa N nuordenca with epplicabie lew. <br /> ,�;u�?�� The Aiada shall be held in en insdmdon whose deposita era inaurcd¢y n tedenl egenry,Inswmentellty,or cnttry <br />- `�� '�'-� (including Lender,if Lender Ii aeh an InstiNtlon)or in eny Pederal Home Loan Henk. Lender ahail apply Ne[§�nde to pay <br /> ~ny .'�"���I the Cscrow Imme. Lender ma not cAu a Bortower tor hotdin end ap 1 ing�he F4nd�,ennudl �nat <br />�::�p��.�`.N. Y 8 8 P Y Y Y��B the escrow <br /> .�, ,; aocount,or vMfyfng d�e 8serow Item�, uNw Lender pay� Bortower interut on tl�e Punds end appliable law permR� <br /> �;l',,�,�2,,. �I I.ender ro moke�uch a chuge. However,l.ender may«qmre Bortowu to pq e ona�(ma efiarge fw an Independent rcN <br /> ,,, � I estate te�c reponNg servtce used by l.ender in connection with tNs loan,wies��ppIlcabie law providw otherwise. Unless en <br /> r 5 -r�, a�eemmt ia made or eppl(cable law requirca imercat to ba paid,Lender thall not be rcquired ro pay Bortower eny interest or <br />+:.'-t,:;'1i, � eem(nge on�he Fi�nde. Borrower end Lender may agrcrs in wri8ng,howerer,tNat intereu�Aall be wid on the Wnds. I.ender <br />;;;.<<�:�•_ �,� sheil givo to Bortowcr,wi�hout cherge,en ennuel accounNng of tho F'unds,ahowing crtdtp end dWita to tAe Ivnds end the <br />�;;8,;1,.��;'�. purpose[or which eaeh debit to Ne F§�nds w�mede. 7Le Wnds ere pledged u additfonal�ecudty tor all cuma sxurcd by <br />-;,"-�-;F'``.x�� Ihl�3ecurltylnsnument. <br />=i�.�:vS'.�J�; <br />��.:��>q�;�'{y4 it�ha Punds held by I.ender excad the emounu pertniuW to be held by applfceble la�v, Lendar cha11 aaount to <br /> I j�L;�- BVIIYWiI fai thc cF�cas F'-ifi3i If YI.tiY1�411CK.V%I��I 1Fi�C1�1i1R�11iTIG Vf ipp1lwEfv laiv. If iFic a�TicG�d oi th2 P�uiiv'S Fi�ld by -----. _-.. <br />,,�;;Y„�� Lender et any time is not eufficient ro pay the Bacrow Item�when due.Lender may so noiity Bortower in wriNng,end,in <br /> �;.,:,.rt u�4 auch case Hortower shall pay ro Lender the amount nececsary to make up the deRciency. Bortower ehdl make up �e <br /> ��'t r f , deticiency tn no more than twelve monU�ly paymenw,at Lenderh wle dfacrction. _ _ <br /> -- �� Upon payment in tull of ell suma cecured by�hia Security Inauument.Lender ahxll promp�ly rcPond lo Dortower any - ._ `� <br /> ��<<.:•'ti HLnd3 held by Lender. 1f,under paragreph 21,Lender ahali acquirc or ull the Praperry.Lender,pdor to�he ecquisitlon or r:-=_-=_�_ <br />'�';"�����- aele of�e Propeny,ahall epply ony FLnds held by Lender at the timc of ecquiattlon or sele a�e credit egafnst the sums --= - - <br /> f >>'�<`��� secursA by thia Secumy Insuument. [„}. '" -� <br /> �� �, � 3. Appltcatlon of PaymenL+. Unleas epplicable law provides aherntu, ell payments raeived by Lender under -� -- - <br /> `'�� � paregrephs 1 end 2 sM1all be epplied:first,ro eny prcpayment chargca due under Ihc Note;saond.�o emounu payable under '�°'Y �- <br />.,,.,�S;r._,{£ parngiaph 2;third,to Intereit due:tounh.�o principal due:end lest,to eny late charges due under�he Nole. `,,_,��`}',..,:;; <br /> zr3 ''l�i 4. Cherges; Llene. Borrower shall pay ell texea, messmenu,chnrga, fines end impost�ions atMbutable[o �he ,,;;r�}.,_. <br /> L �t�`: Property which may euain priori�y over�his Security Ins�rument.end Ieauhold p�ymems or ground rentn.if any. Bortower , �f i _- <br /> ' shall pey tl�esc obligetions in�hc menncr provided in paragmph 2,or if not pnid in�M1et menncr.13ortower shail pay�hem on u �?'i'- <br /> ..�.i..c;. �.,��,:i <br /> v- ! lim¢dircctly w Nc person owed paymem. 6ortower shell prompHy fumuh ta Lender nll notices o(amounts�o be paid under .-> <br /> ,� ,�yi�; Ihia paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments direceiy,Borrower sMll prompHy fumiah to Lender mceipta evidencing -�.,�,-.��t -. <br /> � �. . �hepaymenu. ;, ^� <br /> Bortower ahell prompdy dischnrge nny Iien which hss priority over this Saurity Insuument unlexs Bortower.(a)agrces �';v's� <br />. "`"'� in writing to the paymem of the oblige�ion secuad by the lien in a manner accep�able to Lender,(b)mntesta in good faith�he ,{, j+�T�..=�-. <br /> r.;': ry4•ti1 <br /> --ra �.± Ifen by,or defends against enforeement uf the lien in,Iegal procttdings which in the LenderY opinion opera�e ro prcrent�he . �ti-�: <br /> -^``� enforcement ot�he lien;or(c)securcs fmm ihe holder of ihe lien nn egreemem w�isfaciory ro Lender suboMina[ing the Ifen � 't::, �� <br />-:.;;���s:;,(-�,� ro�hiz Secumy Inawmcnt. If Lender dcicrtnines�hat any pan of�he Property is subjttt to a licn which may attain prioriry ��>� ;;���" <br /> "� "- over�his Suuriry Instrumcn6 Lcndcr may give Bortower a norice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy�he Iien or take ��"`-`x'"'`�-� <br /> � - -- i� one or morc of�he actions set fonh above within 10 days o(the giving o(nolice. ;} -.,� � <br /> .1�, �-V�� S. He�ard or Property Insurance. Barto�vcr slwll keep�he improvemrnts now cxis�ing or hercaffererecced on the ? �= ` .," <br /> r.�`"'���"��'° Pro n msurcd a ainst loss b fire,hamrds included wi�hin ihe temi"ex�ended covera e"and an other hazirds.indudin �� 'r°'�.- <br /> P� Y� 8 Y S Y 8 ;i'Si�,•-:- <br /> ❑aode or flooding, for ahich Lender rcyuircs inmrance. Thiz inwrance �hall be tnainlained in Ihe amounts and for the <br /> -_ Fbrm W7D 9/90 �NR�=�J�P✓A�+I k{ - <br /> ' '.' �„ `.-: - . <br /> � <br /> E <br /> _ F <br /> : <': ° . _ . , . <br /> _. . ,. �--,-�,�_::,---...--�.; ,- .:::.:.__ .. . . .. <br /> �`i:Y:—__ - . . ' _ . <br /> L.�_ <br /> '+:y <br /> �. <br /> i .. 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