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Vpon poymcnt ot afl eu�ie`eecilted py thif 9ccprlq Inst�ment;Lendcr 1ha11 requ4si'Ituf1M fd , <br /> te�ynVey Uro Propeny and il�etl aurreatkr thfs 8ecu�9ty IqstNment�ad ell'potoa ovldehcins deDt atcu[e4 by�hle�d(y_ <br /> fnshument to 4h�atSe. llwtw shell reoonvay the Properiy without warnnq erid wllhoat d�erge io tho pet�op or persona � <br /> �egai�y cntlticdwic SuchppaonmphsomahellpeyanyrccoMetloqtoate, <br /> ' �3. &iM4tute7Futtes.GeaOer,uiteoption,moyhomtimetotlmeremovq 71vpeeandappoIntatuoCclsortNSlwro <br /> e��ny 7tuatta�ppDlnted hercundet by an lnsuument raorded tri�ha counry In which tl�fi Secudry Ipakumrnt.U rocordeQ. <br /> �ytNopt conveyance of Ne Pcopaty,tAe euoaswr frustao ehall�uoaM ro ail�he dtlo,power and duHn con�crts4 upon . <br /> 7histee tieteln end Dy epplicable law. <br /> Z4, Re�ueat for NotiDe�. Bortower regucala�het copiee of tho noticea of defauit end�aie ba etnt to Botrowuh addrefe <br /> wh�clila Uro Pmperty Ad9te.u. <br /> 1S, Ridere to t�ta BFcortty InstrpmcnR I!one or morc ddere ara execviM,by Bortower etM Rcaded�ogethn w11N <br /> thls 6oewtry InstrummL the oovenaate onA agramenu o!each cuch ridu shftl be incoryoBteA inro end ehall udpnd rnd <br /> tuppicmant Ua covenania and ngrecmenu o!thb Security Insuument u tf tha rider(e)wera a pan otthle 3ecurirylnsWment. <br /> [Q�eck applicaD�o box(ea)1 <br /> �AdJustapleAateRider �CondominiumRidw �IdPamtlyRlder <br /> �OmduetedPaymcn�Ridu �PlennedlJnl[DavelopmentRidu �BlwceklyPaymentRida <br /> �BallaonRider �RettTmprovemen[Rlder � �3uondHanaRider <br /> �O�Au(s)(sP�fYJ Acivawledc�mnt azd Assigm�ent of Renta Rider <br /> - BY SIONllQa BHIAW,Bortower�ccepro and egrcca to�he�emu end covenan[e contelned in thls 9auriry Insuument <br /> and in any Ada(e)execueed by Bortovier end rccordod wi�h it. <br /> VJilne�sea: � � <br /> �I/�i,..11X _.—.--_.. . --r$pJ) <br /> Randall C. ffitqel v ` •Bo�mrer <br /> Soc�FSejudtyNumber 50c_72_532a --- <br /> f� - - <br /> (See1) <br /> Nnnie J. gel •eanoM+ - <br /> Socid3eeurityNumber �nR_GS_�M9 _. <br />� STATB OA NHURASKA, Hall County as: - <br /> On�his 17th dey of May� 1993 ,beforc me.�he undenigned,a Naery Pubtic - <br /> duly commiasioned and qualified for wid county,personeily ume Re[1da11 C. Ltgel and OOnnie J. E[tgel = <br />- Hueband and Wife ,ro me krown m be�he = <br /> Idenqcal perwns(s)whose namQa)are subscrihed to tAe forcgoing insemment end ecknavledged the execution thercof to -- <br /> ye their voluntary xct and dad. ° <br /> Wimese my hend end noieriei seel et Grand I818id� Nebraeka in seid eomty,the _ <br /> �taefo�d. .dA�,.� �z. K�y _ <br /> y i W�u :. <br /> Noiary Publie <br />_ ����p�p,�jqg� REQUFST FOR RECONVEYANCE = <br /> � <br />- 'Ihe underalgned ia ihe holder of the note or noua secured by this Deed of'Ruat Said note or nota,toge�her wi�h ell = <br />�- other lndebtednw aecurcd by thia Deed ot'Itur,have 6een paid in full. You ue hereby direceW to cencel said note or notea ' <br />: end�hie Deed ot 7tua�,which ere delivercd hereby,and to rcconvcy,wi�hout wafranty,aIl the estete now hdd by you under ` <br /> tNa DuA of Trust to�he perton or persom legally rn�itled therc�o. _ <br />� Datc: <br /> FbrmJOSb 9R0 lpaxe6nf6paxnl : <br /> .._� ?i ..-'1. -� r . - _: a _ y.. ] J4_ 't �=�`%� I. ,"" .7— 'j, +� . } �.5.-£ t . <br /> 1 <br /> { j -.t 1 - � � � . - 1r � ` <br /> - is -�-- �� �' ..te. .�,5: x. � - -_ s :J 1�t xt� ;:� - <br /> - Fr. - r.�1L/c � ._.�t !'.�. <br /> ll F7f, izL y 1 .�'tt � r• •x ._� r' s t�I ._' i- _ <br /> y F_� „r � ' `� `I' y :' r� , _, ° V„ n . 'r '�t i� . <br /> J �t'C{" t t c � � �� .:f' � -a <br /> � ' �i: � iJl � 1 I <br /> � <br /> z�4 ��-. �! -. � .t . . 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