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. 1 - 1_ - _ ' '__� ..._- - ._..___�..�.., '_ �.c.. .> ` � �..� -f�� � � - <br /> _t � . . .. 3�K �- -.�.. iL � � —,__..- <br /> , i . . � ; AEDIGNMEtiTOPRENT�FIGEl1 . - _ _l�V { (c _ <br /> ! tF�18A881GNM8NTOPqENTBAjD Rloma�e�nbexeouta81Me._.,1Z�?!_;idaypf ��.ta `g,.,�,�;�od(s. f= <br />_ _ . �naaYp�tallnto�n�onellbrdinn��loarhend�n4euppfommttneMortp�qetlr0ee0o1Tru11,Aerslnpttu(etanQdtptetlN' <br /> B�EYAt}/INlNlllR111��i 0�-ifl1liflls-.tl11A ybB114y(�0-4�0lf0�Q00tl�her4���h�r.�4fettetl-to ae lh0"BotrdW�i" to IAOUra ' *'- <br /> -$OROWit'�1�C1b1�O�o��npf�1��1{8�fC10RCdlop01h0"NOto",toHO�dBFBUE'RAL8AV1N�8pNDL0AFlA880tl�AYlONQP - � <br /> ; f�M�7p181�AND,hA��lntltvrefanedtaiethe°LenGar",olthaeemedataendcoverinpt�eproparrydesodbodl�the6a6Urily <br /> ' 7ndiium0ef indlootFdd�t: ; — <br /> °•. — <br /> 59: Bocua Drive Oonlphan, NB 68832 , — <br /> - ' (PropartyAdEroae) - - <br /> -. wirnEaserH, • • . <br /> WHEAFA6,Borrower and Lentler hare aqread thnt eny rente and proflta ettributable to the propeAy shouid con8tltute _ <br />-° �CGltlonil aeaurNy to the Lender Por t�e payment o}the Note; -_ <br />--- NOW,THEREFORE,It1899�e0dth8tlh0880urltyfnetmroeMeh81169flmend6dheroDya00deBmBdt00101uEethOfO110w1�0 -� <br />== proNalone: � _ _ <br />�-` 1, Assipnmanto}aentsendLendarRantelCO110ottonAlehte.BOrrowerheraDyebeolutelyandunoonOltlonallyesalgna811 ,_, <br /> -- reMe, Iseuea end profite of t�e property to Beneffolary. Lender shall �ave tha rlght, power anC authodty tludng the = <br /> oonllnuanne of the Beoutlty Inatrumentto aolleot the rente,laauea and prolile of the Dioperty and of nny peraonel property �'':;-__ <br /> - IooeteA thereon wlth or rilt�at takinp posaaealon of the proporty eilootad hereby.Lendar, however,hareby coneants to �,�r°,_c_•• <br /> BortoweYe ootleotlon end rotandon of woh ranta bsuea enC protlta ae ihey acorue and bewme DeYabte,eo long ea Bonpwer ---, _ -- <br /> - 18 IIOt,9t 8u0h tlrtiB,In datflWt with rebpea�to paymenl of flny InCabtednBee aeoured hetBby,or in tne panormanoe oi uny "r��'�� <br /> apreemanthereunder. Efr � <br /> �y 2. Aorwlntment ot Reaelva�. It any event of delault In respeot to the 8eoudty Inehument ahall have ocouved and ba ` <br /> -� wntinuing,Lentlar,as a matter of right and wilhout notice to Bmrower or 8nyona clelming untler Borrower,end wilhout 1 , ��� <br />_ _� rege�d to ihe value of the truet eatate orthe Intereat ot the Bottower thereln,ahell hava t�e dght ta epply to any aourt havinp �"�� : <br />- _ �udsdlotion to appolnt e recelve�of t�e property. �.��---=�- <br />�-''± 9. Rlaht to Peeaesalon.In oaee ot defBWt In the eyment of the eaid princi al Note or intereat,or an a�t theraof,ea It "�"�`+-- <br /> shall matura,or In the aase of tellure tokeep or padorm eny of lhe covanante o agreements contalnad In the Beourity Inetru• ���°��� � <br />�_.�;� �:�¢.;'.-. <br /> :-i ment, than t�e Lendar,ite aucoeeeon or aselpne, ehail bo and Is hereby euthorized and empoweretl to taKe Immedlete : <br /> - poseeaelonoftheaeldpramleeathereindeaetlbeAentltocolleotl�erenletherefrom.anOroepDlytheDroceadat�erenttothe ��}; �`_� <br /> -_� paymant of t�e Note. ;4 �,�, <br /> _;� 4. Aonlloatlon of Rente laeuea and Profile All rente collacted by LenGe�or the receiver ehall ba epR��ed ilret to payment r�d �_ <br /> ot the coais ot menageAwnt�t the R�operey,ne couemmn ot rente,Inowaing,6ut not nmlted to,recelver'e roea,premiuma on `si2' . <br /> -:� reCelver'e bOnde and rBaaOnable flttomey'e feea,and tlwn to ihe aume sacured by Ma 8ecudty Inatrumont.LenOe�and ihb ��; - <br /> recelver shall Do Ilabla to aowunt only br Ihoae renta eotufllly recelved. r " <br /> tYr.: <br /> 8. G9netruotlonotProvielone.EaohoftheprovieloneoontainatllnthiaAealBnmeMOtRenteRiderandtha6eovtllylnatru +14��5` <br /> �°1 ment ehflll,unleae othe�wlee epaolllceny requireA, be conalmed In eccordance wlth NeGaeke law,and In the event any 1 . , <br /> �_� provislon�eraln or theraln contalned 81�a11 be delarmined by a court of competent Judedlotlon to De uneniorceabla,the eame �,.,�..+'� '-; <br /> '? ehall be aonstmed es tlwug�auo0 unentoreaable proNnion were not e part hareof or theraof. -;, <br /> _� 8. Efteot of Rider.ExeeDt ae sDeollfeal ly modlflatl by or Inooneletent with thie AseiB�mant of Rente Rldar or by any other ;t' _, <br />�-.ii applloable ddar,all of the terms and provielone conteineA In 1he Beaurlry Inetrument ehell contlnue in lull force entl effeot '¢�•`,R -'� <br /> 7 �� <br /> ��� IN WITNE88 WHBHEOF.Borrower hea execuletl tNe Aeei enl ol Hante Rider on t e tlate firet notetl abOVe. f��, �'� <br /> : ' <br /> 'j g�,.�����o�� `� x <br /> 1 R8nda11 EYI el Borr er "`z <br /> I i 9 ' ;rj( �• <br /> �4 - <br /> '! Co J. Etlgel ono�r r �A�' <br /> � <br /> •- ;r ; <br /> 1 STATEOFNEBFlASKA) p{��'� �� <br />.-_.::j lea: 4;..jnn.'4;,:�, <br />__„_i COUNTYOFHALL ) f��,:�:• <br /> �;� On thle_77�11.._Gay ot�kiy .19�i,before ma,the unAereigneA,e Notery Public duly commiealonaO enA �� <br /> quelifietlforaeldcounty.peraonallyame n ^� �� r �,,•.,_!_n,aCnnnin .i_ Fewe� -�' <br />�:_� Hushand ancl W{£e ,to be t�e IAOnticel petaoMd)whoae name(e)islare 9ubeCdDBtl ' t-:' <br /> �`,� to t�e lorbpoing In6ttument,end he/alielthey acknowloUge t�o oxocution lhereof to be hielherltheir voluntary act antl dae0. • <br /> i <br /> Wimeae my hand enA Notanel Seal al �and Island, taar,*Aaka �,' <br />_,!,_.� In saitl county,the dete aforeselA. � � <br /> ,Q� �i� � ; .. <br />�-:;',') IOtEh VM,�o> °�. �`cl.a�rLi,_il. � _ <br /> �����' NoleryPU0lit <br /> _; A : <br />-�_,� My Commiealon explree: Qr-e. �Y r/4 4 6 _ . <br /> i <br />._i� xr�wonxL <br />...?� . <br /> 4 <br />-•,� <br /> _. � <br /> .] <br />'�'n <br />. f'I <br /> :i <br /> ,.�� . <br />_j;�� <br />�.:�. <br /> !1' <br /> ,�' i.. 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