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T _ <br /> _, �.s� , ,.� — <br /> � _ . . . . _ _ . _ r'° o -r, ,� r <br /> + .'r.. _ ..:_. ... ., �_.'.. - .- '.'. .. -_, 'YY� i�'�7Gf/p�'i _i:`�� � � <br /> epp�ibtpie IAw may spaify Por relnate�em¢nt)tiKoro aeie of tlte PrOpeny pu�uerii to eny dowu 4t a�le con;�e�"fq�h4s � , ` <br /> Sceudty ln�Irumwu oe @)enby of e Judginwt eotmcin9 Nif 8ecwlty(nabuincnti 'fliom eocditl4ne ue ttucBotmNCr (U;' <br /> pqyA Lc r ail ama vfiich�A�n woutd ba due unQe�thU 8uurt4y Giswment an4 cho N6to w if no saxleroUon��d;, <br /> pcCUrted�)curC�enydofaultotanyothucovenanuotegreemcnN:(a)�aelloxpenseaincurtcAlnentq:eing�h►e8�tuHty " <br /> TfiaGVmdii,idciUding,Wt,ii0t Itmtted Io,iCaiotiibl8 QItBf(iuj�s'fci.i:Md dy IEke��uCh acUon a��ndti mdyF2+76U66ti1y , <br /> �Squlea t0 ess�tra that the Ucn of�ht�8a0rity inummCn6l.cndorY hghq io�he Propcny end Bortowcrb ob1igeUon toCa�r�ryo <br /> wmi �ccurcd by �b Becud�y inahumenf �ha11 conNnu6 unsh�ogcA. Uprin relna�etem¢nt by Bortower,.Nib'BeeuN�y <br /> InNrumcnt nnQ tt�a obilgatlon��aured hcroby�hall remaln Nlly effectivp aa if no aocetnatlon had oaurttd, However;tht� <br /> righttorel tete; Iif�oEnpplylnthocnsooTescekmHanundcrpuagr+pht7. �. _ <br /> • r . IP.' J o�p cpYnjo ot Lom Bervicer.•1rio Nao a upu�ial intercst In�ho No�a po8ether with�Na Secudty <br /> ,fna(t��nFTM�q�` tO�A"pAa or moro Omc�without prla nalco ro Bortowor. A wlo moy resuit fn a c6ango In ihe enNty <br /> (kpown dltho AG3Crv[al7 Aat collecte mon�hty paymenn due uoder tho Note end�hle Saudty InsYUlnCnb 7ficro alca <br /> m�q 60 ona or moro chu�ge�of No t.oan 8orviocr unrol�ted to u uto ot tho Noro. If thero is e chengo ot the Loan Scrvicer, <br /> Bortower wIU bo glven wrH�en nalce of the change in aocordanca wUh puagr+ph 14 abovo end apDlicable Isw. 'Ih0 nattte <br /> will�teta�ho neme md eddreu ot�ho new Loan Servicermd t�a eddrea�o which paymente should be made. 7tie no�ico will <br /> also conWin any aher intormotlon required by appIkable lew. _ <br /> 20. Harardow 6ubstances. Borrower ihell not cause ar pemrtt�he presence,uw,disposeL srorego,or release of any <br /> Hazerdow Substancee on or in�ho Ropeny. Dartower ehall nd do,nor allow anyone elsa to d0.eaything attecting tho <br /> Proporty Nat ia tn vlolulon of eny Bnvironmental Law. 7ho prcading nvo eentrna�shell not epply�o the praena,use,or <br /> etorega on the Propeny of nmall quantidea of Hezardoue Subs�enca thet ue gencrelly recognized to 6e eppropda�e to nortnal <br /> realdentlal uees and ro malmena�rce ot�he Propeny. <br /> 8orro�vu shaU promptly give Lendtr written notta of any Inveetigatlon,claim,demand,lawau(t or other aalon by eny <br /> govemmentai or rcgulaiory egeney or pdvete parry involvtng the Property end my Hazardow SuM�ence or Hnvironmentel <br /> Law of whleh Bortower du auuel ImowlWga. If Hortower leame, or is nmified by eny govemmentei or rogulatory °----- <br /> autho�tty,that any rcmoval or other nmedlation of eny Hazardom Subsanco eftceting the Propeny ia necwary,Uortower <br /> ahatl promply teke all neceseary rcmWial ectiona in�ccordana wfih Envlmnmentel Lew. —__ <br /> As used in[his par�graph 20."Hazerdous Subsiences"ere those av6slenca defined es loxic or hnsrdoun cubslences by -- <br /> Hnvtronmrntal Law end the following subatencea: gesoline,kerosane,olher Oammeble or toxic petroleum praducfe,toxic <br /> pesticidee end herbicida, volatile solventa, meterieis comeining ubestos or fortnaldehyde,and radioactive ma�eriale. Ae <br /> u�W(n�hii peragroph 20,"Environmenul Law"meens federal laws end laws of the jnriadic�ion wherc tho Property b Iacated <br /> tAa�relate�o heaith,aefety or environmemal prota�ion. _ _ <br /> NON-UIJIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrowerand Lender funher covenan[ond egree ea followa: - � <br /> 21. Acceleratton;Remedies. Lender ehell give not(ce ro Uorrover prior lo ecceleration following 6orro�ver's — <br /> 6reach of eny corenent or agrxment in this Sxurlty Instrument(but not prlor to ecceleretion under paragraph 17 -- <br /> unlesv appilcable lan provlda ot6enrise). The nottce ahall spaify: (a)the default;(6)tht action requlred ro cure the =-- <br /> default:(el n data not lesv lhan 30 daye hom ihe date the nottce 6 eiven ro Borrorrer,by�vhieh the defauit muat 6e - -- <br /> curtdi end(d)that Pollure ro cure the default on or betore the date apaltled In the noNce may rauit In atcelereHon of �,�;;.. <br /> the aum�wcured by this Securfly Instrument and sele of the Property. TAe notice sAaO Nrfher tnform Qorrower of �«�;- <br /> the dght ro retnetate aRer eaxleration and the right ro bring a wurt aetton ro aaerl the nonazistena ot e default or s;;:=:- <br /> eny other detenae ot Oorroner to acceleretlon end sale. If tim deteult U not cured on or before the dete apecifled In �5"`"::- <br /> the not�ce,Lenderat fe optlon may reqWre fmmediate payment ln NII of ell sum�secured by thU 3xur(ty[nstrument '�"`�� <br /> f��`,. <br /> �dthout Nriher demand end may fnroke ihe po�rer of sele�nJ eny other remedicv permitted 6y eppikabte la�x �,;,t:. <br /> Lender shell be entl0ed ro mllect aIl expensa incurred In purauing the remedta provided In thB paregraph Zl, .��,:._ <br /> Inciuding,but not Ilmiled m,reasonable efromeys'feesand cosu af tftle evldence. �,�j��-- <br /> If�he poner of aele is inroked,7}ustee shnll remrd a natice af defauit In each wunty In�vhleh any par�of the o�f,q�,- <br /> Property u loceted and aheli mail cap�ea oPauch natice fn tAe m�nner prescribed by eppllceble la�v to Oorro�rer and to �',.'.;%:e•::. <br /> Ihe other persons prescribed by appliceble Imr. ARer the tlme required by appltcable la�r,7}ustee ihall give public .-,`!L::::! <br /> notice otsate to the peraoro and in Ihe manner prescribed by eppliable le�r. 7}ustee.�vfihout demand on Borrower. '"` -ry.-� <br /> sheil sell Ihe Praperly ot publk euclion fo Ihe hfghest bidder nt lhe tlme und plece and under the terms designeted In ��.'`" <br /> the notice of sale in one or more parcela und in any order Trustee dehrmines 7Fustee may pustpone sele of all or nny f�r=`?'` <br /> percel otihe Property by publie announcement et Ihe tfine and plxce of uny previouxly xcheduied sele. l.ender or ttx ,°f:44`'� <br /> designee may purehase the Property xt any rate. ����_- <br /> Upan recetpt oP peymmt af the price btd,'1}uslee shell delirer ro the purchaser Trustee's deM conveying the ��;"i� � <br /> Property. The reeitnla In Ihe 7}ustee's decd xhall be prime fecie evidence uf the trufh of the�tntemenis mnde thereln. �'�_-�- <br /> 7}ustee shatl apply Ihe praeeeds aT the sote In the Pollamins arder. 1a1 ro all cosls end expensex ofexerc4cing the pa�ver ��'�'"`�"' <br /> r''::';,... <br /> 1�='4i; <br /> °.;.. . <br /> a:'�.�:�°. <br /> �z,,_ <br /> �e., <br /> Frm V11M 9.90 �ryery.qn/v:�v :r-.i_li <br /> � " <br /> -L. _�,__ . . _r . _"< _. ..::—�_.-�--._.-,r�-.-...,.-.'Ti.,��i;" �=.. _'�F'°� . . <br /> . _ -r � . � vr.< r}...-._ ..�- <br /> f:�. r • . <br /> i..f �' . . f • - . , - _ � <br /> _ _ .��. `l•. - ' ' ' _ . . _ " . <br /> .:-_. . <br /> { . . . ' . ' ". _ <br /> - 1 yj _ . ; : .. - . � . <br /> . .—` __.__. _ _ __ _" " . _ _-_i _ _ _ . _" _ __ _ __ <br /> . _. —_'._._ • _ . __�— - _ <br /> I4. " . _ " . '. _ <br /> '9�> � . . . . ' - <br /> ) -f t'� .. ' _ _ - . . � _ . . <br /> [!Y. <br /> ' . .. . . • _ .. . . . <br /> l ���t _ ' _ _ . . . <br /> �. ��. r <br /> .�): 1 <br /> •:�.. - : �: , .l. . .. . � _ <br /> � <br /> 1 .....-Y� .. - ._� '. �:.. " .� .[ . � ' <br /> f I <br /> \ rF ' '� '� , - � S � • <br /> � ,- � > � . { j ) T � <br /> 1 � '}p. <br /> 1 }- <br /> t T ,`t - J t � - # 1 <br /> �. . i ��. • . } . L..�_e..... . ___ • ._ _ .._. .. . ..... ...� .. _• <br /> i ` �.. 4.E�1 � -_�{.�, <br />