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,. � � _ _ _ . _: _ <br /> ::, <br /> .. <br /> ,..u.._ _ . <br />_ - '93- �o�a <br /> conQomnaqon w o�er�eking ot any pert otthe Property,or forconvry�nce N Iiw otcondcmnadon,ero heroby asalgned end <br /> sha11 D99dd to Lendor. <br /> - In the erent ot e tolnl roking of Iha Roperty,tho proceed+ehdl 6e eppiled ro the cuma aecured by�his Setudty -�_--°_. . . - <br /> Nsuumeni,whuher or not then due,wl�h eny exxx+p�id to Boiroxtic In�he event ot a partlel Iaking ot�he Pnperty in <br /> whlch�e tab muka vatue ot�Ac Ao�ty immedlatdr�forc the leking Is cqual to orge��er�hnn�he emoune af tlie sums . _ . ..._.. .. <br /> e�euttd by thte Sau�ity fnauument Mmediatoly 6e[oro Nv taking,unku Borrower anJ Lender otherwi�e agreo in writing, <br /> Q�e wme�ecurcd by tAie 8eouriry Wtrvmrn[nM1all bo rcduad by�M�mount of the procecda mu61pIled by�he following <br /> frecNon: (e)Ne totel nmount of the eume cecuttd Immcdiutoly batoro�ho�aking,divtded by @)the fair markN veiue ot�he <br /> , Propetty Immedintely betore the teking. Any balence�hall be paid io Boirowcr. fn che evcnc ot a panlal uking of�ho <br /> Proporty In whieh the fair merlcet vatue ot the Pro�ny Immedlatcly 6etoro�ho mking Is leu than tho emount ot the suma °� '-"--'��" '� � <br /> aeurcd immcdlately befaro iha mkNg,unless Bortower and Lender ahcrwlu agree In writlng or unleae appticabte law <br /> othenv�w providee,tho procecde ahdl bo epplicd to�ho cumn acurcd by thl�3ccudty tnswmem whethcr or not�ho�uma ero __ _ <br /> �hcn due. �- <br /> If lho Propeny le abmdoned by Horto�ver,or if,afler noHw by Lender m Bonowor the�tho condomnor offon lo mdco _ <br /> en award or ultlo�c�alm Por demagos,Bortower fnll�io roapond ro Lendcr wi�hin 30 daye eftcr tho d¢to the notico li glvcn. ___- — <br /> __ Lend:r le authoriud ro colicct end�pply Iho proxed�,et iro option,ei�hor io rc�toiailon or rcpnir of tho Propeny or ro eho -_- --- <br /> �um��ecurcA by�hb Sccudiy Instnunem,whether or na�hen duo. --- <br /> Unleu Lender and Bortower o�herwi�e agrco In writing.any�pplicatlon ot proceed��o prtncipel shnll not extend or _ <br /> postpono tho due daro ot the monthtypuymenu rcterted lo In pamgreplu I and 2 or change�ho amoune of suah paymenb. "�c-,�=--- <br /> A. Borroxer Not Releatedi Forbearentt [ty I.ender Nat � Wairer. Bxtenslon of �he dme for paymen[ or E;�;�_'_ <br /> modifleatlon of e�nortimtlon of�ho�ume cecurcd by thi�3ecurity Inswment granted by Lender ro eny eucceswr in imerect C,yi,___._ <br /> - of Bartowm�hali not opemro to rdcese�he liabiiity of�ha ariginal�ortower or Bortowcrl succeison in imerost.Lender r�-,r��-�- -- <br />-- ehall not be u1rcA to wmmence proceedings agalnst any�uccossor in intercs[or rcfmo io eztend tlme for payment or �� <br /> �— o�herwlse mod�i y amortim�lon of�h aum+secured by�61s Sceudty Inswmcnt by reawn of eny demmd mede by the odgfnel � � ---_---.____,_. <br />--... Bortower or BortowerE auxesson in imerc:t. An forbcmm�ce b Lender in ezercisin an ri ht or rcmed :hall not be a '�`^==:��- <br /> Y Y 8 Y 8 Y ��},.,--� <br />-- walver oPor prccluda the exorcim of eny dght or rcmedr. F;-;:,. <br />�-�:''� Securi�n��6hall bf d�md 6enelii lhel�ucce 8eve rel�Ig birytof Lender end Bortower.�ub ect to t&hee iovi ionshof S(��':i;5'�t'�.���� <br /> r s 1 n r?„ <br />_.�� paregreph 17.Borrowerb covenanu and xgreemems sM1all be juint ond saverel.My Bo�rower who co-�igm thia Security ,�',� � __ <br />--::=: Insnument but dow not exaute the Notr. (a)ia co-signing�hia Securiq Instmment only ro mortgege,giant und convey that ";� ,r :- <br />-=.� Bortowerl interest In the Propeny under�hc tcrtns of�hfs Secudry InsWmenC (b)b uot petaonally obligmed to pay tla sumt +'f',�(r;:z: � <br />'.j securcA by Iht�Saudry Inslrummt end(o)agrces thet Lender and eny other Bonower mey agree lo extend,modtfy,forbcer �;��`� ' ' <br /> or make any accommodeiiona with rega(d to Ne �emu of this Seeurity Insuument or the Note without �hat Bortowerk ,�: ,..�,_:�•:_. <br /> consenc ,`!' �*` . -- <br /> -? 13. Loan Chargee. If the Iwn �ecuted by �his Security innmment is subjut to a lew which sets maximum loan ��S s'—°- <br /> .= charga,end that law ia fln91y inteRrcted so thai the imerext or ocher loan chuge.e collecied or to be collected in connection �``t4��zta� — <br /> -:_� wi[h�ha loan exceed ehe pertnined lumu,fien: laj uny sucn loan chuge abnii be reduced by�fie umouni nuzuuy to fcJu�e - ,��� -: . _- <br />_�4� the cher e to the m�itted IImiC and(b)en sums alreed collceted from Bortower which exceedW rtnined limits will Ix ,",` ,�•��;.Y='-- -' <br /> < B P� Y Y P� -k2 {' �.n .n� - - <br />- ;;; rcPonded ro Bortower. Lender may chaose w meke this rcfund by reducing�he principel o�ved under�he Nore or by makin g a ; �3�,�Y-�r,'. . _- <br /> �- direct paymem�o Borrower. If a rcfund rcduce+principal,the reduaion wfll be�rcated aa n panial prcpayment witAout nny a�+�z f��qtt� <br /> n� prcpaymentchargeundertheNote. i'�'��'''y���},il,. - <br /> ?� 10. NoNcea. Any notitt ro Dorrower providcd for in this Securrty Instrument ahxll 6c given by delfrering i�or by ;s s�,����f� � <br /> .a mdling It by flrst cleas meil unless epplicable Inw rcqulrcs uu of anoiher me�hod.7'he notice ehell be directed m ihe Propeny �t�z �� q� � � <br /> ��a Addrcu or eny otM1er addresa Bortower designeiea by notice to l.ender. Any notice ro Lender ahell be given by first clnx+ 1t 3r ng��i;x� � <br /> --i mall lo Lenderl eddress ate�ed hercin or eny other address L.endcr designates by notice to Borrower. Any notia provided for %L�`�(p� ,��v�f�i -"-'- <br /> in �his Securlty lnatrwnent shall he deemed �a havc htn given �o�orto�rer or Lendcr when given at provided in �M1is y.�,7 �%j at� �. <br /> _� paragnPh. !�b}�1��?3•$a.�, <br /> � 15. Coveming La�r;Se�•era6111ty. Thia Security Inxuumem sinll 6e govemed by kdeml lew nnd �he law ot the Y (�,'�`�� �*j.^`�� _'� <br /> judsdicHon In which�he Propeny is locmtd. In�he evem�hnt nny provuion or cleuxe of this Security Instrumem or�he Note _,����a i ri� 'i �y__: <br /> �i eonUicls wi�h applicnble le�v,such mnFlict ahnll mt affa�other pracisions ohhis Sewrity Imwment or�he No�e which can .,, t , n.�a�` S <br /> ibe givm effect wiihout �he conDiaing provlaion. 7b�hix end the provisians of�his Secumy Inswment nnd ihe Note erc -+ � i "S�#i'C±� <br /> �.� dceleredwbexverable. •'`��Y]� �,�t {�`t�a. :�-. <br />_:'A :�l\�i`eF-���'i'v�:y., <br />,.,_� 16. 6orrower'a Copy. Borrower xhall be given one conPomied mpy of�he Note nnd of ihis Secumy Insuument. ;f 4:;iY`L,_F�i::"•��_�: <br /> � 17. 1Fansfer of the Property or a Beneticial Interext In 6orroHer. If nll or any part of the Propeny or my intercst in � �i sy,rx�sir��-p' :-� <br /> ;y it is sold or uwuferted (or if a beneficial imcrcs� in I3artouer is sold ar tmncfcrted and Uortowcr ix not x nawral persoN n � y. � <br /> �?'J without Lenderk prior wmten con.unt.Lender may,m its op�ion,requirc immediate payment in full of all sums secured by �t"1�x� .��• ���•`��� <br /> ;?1 thie Sewd�y Inswmcnt. Howerer,�his aption shail na be excreixcd by Lendcr if cxcmiu is prohibi�eJ by fedcfal Inw as of t `!"-�-�1 y�js ' <br /> '�� �hedateofthisSecuritylnurument. . t� '�t { � - <br /> ';;� ItLender uercius this aption.Lender shall give�orrower nutia af accclem�ion. The notice shall provide a period of ; - -y �`UN��� � <br /> frot less�han 30 days from�he date the no�ice is dclivercd or mailed wi�hin which fiorrower muu pay all sums securcd by this `������#}$id}`};'� <br /> Secumy instmmem. It Borto�ver tails to pay these sums prior to�he expiratian uf this periad. Lender may imokc my �l ���u � -_ _ <br /> �.;� rcmedies pnmitted by this Security In+tmment wi�hou�funher nntice ardemand on Aortmeer. � g ?f z;;�� 1 <br /> :.;_� 18. Qorro�rer's Right to Retnstete. I( BoROnsr mee�. cenain condi�iam. Borrm�Mr+hnll h�ve �he right �o have -:.�,_��S�,,�_ ..,,�- <br /> '-� enforcemen[of this Sewriry Instnimen�discnminued m any�imc prinr�o�hc carLcr��L au 5 Jny,(m wch aher period a. � : , <br />..-:� ` {`a�� .�f -� _ <br /> SinF�Smil�-tinNeMee?'reAak}fetPSIFORflltitilAlliF.9T �l�mtamCorewna 9/90 �pu[N.•I�N.K�� t { 12 <br /> , i �� `: <br /> _;� ti\!" <br />..-:J '_�._ _ <br /> � s -•��"�°�."��'T"�"i'-��7-id r� n r.. '-- .m-� � r�S< ���h .1- . <br /> � . � - �`i f -s- . r .-� S <br /> _ ,. <br /> - :. � � . _ . . . - . .. .. .. . . <br /> � ! �1 �. r x� � � , <br /> ...IS Fa '-� ..a . !.: i - .r- . <br /> --.:. _".. .•.:.. t ,'_l- �..-.. . _ '__' _.'.-._ _ �� -.a _ <br /> _�'i . -_ - — _ _ . __y- _ . <br /> i <br /> �Y - ic s {. f � � y � Y ' <br /> _� ti!�-r 7•`.f l < < ..j • <br /> 1,. � i F i_ ( �.. _ t - <br /> � a��vti � I 4 . ,2 5 . � - . i �. _ ' � . . <br /> ♦.. :Fi �d_ � .�� ., . <br /> L_ ��"f } ! - _ yti- ' _ <br /> - _ .r � �E � l - - . . . <br /> - v- � .�4 -� ) �r I � a x � i 3 -� • - . <br /> +� r - Y..�� , _ _ y r - �` _ � � -�' � • � . , <br /> t 1 -'-_' l d �°) �l � i 4 �j J� �-. . <br /> f( �i l ? _ liii � � i.� G - � -�: d{ �� £ _ . . <br /> �� t��- i .�4.ti _ t e4ji i � - � F.: 1) tr -. _�i � � � c Y _' �_ � fi . _ . . <br /> i - .� !.rz} � ✓�c � 3 � i � {t i fNi v 4 �� J� _ e> +r s �, � <br /> �j�. .) t � Fr ) . �(S `•5,� � � �� S 1< »- <br /> / ��SS� } 1 t:.- i - r � f�j � � 2- - i{ � Y: r St � 1� y .f � ii ' . <br /> 1J�.f,._ �. .,.te. � '� .r.�i.,.i 3f... . . , ,, t- „ . . � .c . __., .; �.. -:t n, F.-.3 t, z,.... . , ._), r . . <br />