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-�, . , <br /> ; <br /> s-..:--_. _•� -- -— — -�- . - - _._�. _,__. - ,.,, , _ .;��. ; c,:; <br /> n `.:�� - .. " . ' • ` . . . . '.�� . --" r � -� . � <br /> f ' . ,,, . : , ,. I il��r.V�G7(�., ' 1 <br /> ppdoct�ifipty�nAermqdtrev; 'l'Iioinsun�abdcazHcrprovlElng 1heNsurpnoeabalt6ebflossn6y Botrqwenub pl.snder9 • <br /> epprd4a1wA1�hffiattnot6eunreaaoceblywi�old. VHottotvufatlatainainkNoDVtMg�dEUil6edeLovg,, e�inqy.s4 �_ � <br /> i!nd'etbopQon�ob�eliicar�ecopiotdt[�dzrYdghtaiothe�'optnylAacoDM. w1thp5ragraDhh. � <br /> All Instuahce�olicia en rt�l9wzla ehni pe e ta61e w Lender end sh41141c1u e A�tanderd morfgagect�e�ute Lende� <br /> shaljiW4etfio�ghirofiolduwpolieicsendiaiawal�,�LcrAtrrzquk'.:.SoYS:::�e:hdlproMalygl�etoLet�laplFse:xlps:. _ <br /> pf Puld prcmiuma and rencwal botlaa. in the evem of Iose,8ortower�hell give prompt nodce ro tha Insurenoe ceitter end <br /> I.endu. Lendermaymq�eprootoflossltnot�nadgpromptlyby Botrower. <br /> Vpleaa Lertde'tAnd Sortower othernise egrca N wrlling,in:uiance proaedf en�il bo eyplied to rearoredon oi tepatr ot <br /> �ha Prop' ory�dqm� egotl,It tha teataretion w mwtr Ia ecmomieeUy feasiblo and Lenderb cecurlry!s not less�ed. U ths <br /> rcstoraUon or rcpwr i�noi eoouom�caUy feasi6le or l.ender§eccuriry would 6e IesseneA.tde fasumnoo prooadi ehull tx <br /> nppIled to th8 sume ecwrEd by�tii�8wudry lnswmant,whelher or not ehen duo,with any exceas patd to Bortowu, it <br /> H ortower abandona ide Properry,or does not enawer wl�hin 30 day�e no[Ice hom Lender thnt the Inm[anoo casrter hat <br /> offercd to settle e claim.�hen I.ender may copect tM Insurance praaed�. Lender may use the prooada to rcpaIr ot rcstoro <br /> Ne Pnperty or to pay�wu sxured by tbia Secudty NsaumenR whaher or not�hen duo. 7fie 30�dey pedod wlli 6egin when <br /> tla notiea 4 ven. <br /> Unlca der md Hortower ahehvlx agrce in wdtlng,my eppilcatlon of prxceda to prinolpal ehell na oucnd o� � <br /> poHpone U�¢due dete ot the momhly paymenro rohimd�o in puagreph+I and Y or chmgo�ho omoum ot the p� en1�. If <br /> undu paregreph 21 tho Ptoperty la acqaircd by Lsnder,Bortowerti rl�t to any imuranoo pollcia md p�rcsulting <br /> tran damago w the Property prbr�o the noqulaitlon ehall paaa io Len er ro�ho ox�ent of tM mme wcurc4 by ihl�8aurlty <br /> inmumentlmmWint¢ly prlorto�hoacquliltlon. <br /> 6, Occuponcy, Prcaervatlon, Mutntenana and ProteMion ot the Propertyi Borroneey Loon Appllcatlon� <br /> tawehoida. Dortower�Aall oaupy,ei�¢blish,and uso the Propeny m BortowerY pdnclpal raldcnce wlihin dxty daye�Rer <br /> tho ezuution o!�hle 8audty lnstrument end ehall conttnuo to acupy�he Propeny o�BorrowarY DdnolPal reaidence for at __ <br /> tea;l one year after the dato of oocupancy, unlesa I.endor othsrwl» agreW In wr3ting, which eonsent �hall no� ba <br /> unreasoneEly whhheld,or unleu oxtcnuaNng circumstena�exin which ero 6eyond BortowcrY conuol. Dortower sAell not <br /> datroy,damago or Impair�he Propercy,allow tho Propeny�o deterloreto,or wmmit wasto on tho Property. Bortower�hell <br /> be in defeult it eny foReiture aclion or procading,whsthu olvil or criminal,li begun that In LenderY good felth Judgment <br /> could rcauit in Podelturo ot�he Propeny or otherelsa muedeily tmpnir tha Iien crcated by thia Secudty Insuument or <br /> Lender§securiry intercat. Bortower may curo such e dofault and rclns�a�e,ea provided tn paragreph IB,by ceusing the ection <br /> or proceeding to 6e dismissed whh�Nting tAaG(n LendaY goad felth detmmimtlon,preeludea fodeiNre of the HomowerY <br /> imercst in�he Properry or other metedel Impairment of iM lien crcated by thia Saudry Insnument or Lendenc �ecudry — <br /> intereat. Bortower sAall elw Ixi in dofeult if Bortower,dudng the loan eppllcetton procesa, gave matedally felse or <br /> imccurero infortmuon or petemenu�o Lendu(or feiled ro provide I.endu�Wth my metedallnPoimallon)in connecHon w�th <br /> the Ioen evidenoed by �he Nae. Including, but not limiied to, rcprcttntetion+ conaming Borrowerb occupu�cy of�he <br /> Prop�rty m a principal residena. If thia Secudty Inswmen�is on a lwxhold,Bortower aheil comply wi�ail the provisioru _. <br /> ef!!r!t=•t. If H�!rowtr L�'qutrc!fee tttl!te Lht Pmp?rty.t�le�L`6n�A AMI the&e�itle�rynll ncrt msroa�nle<y Lt�Idar?gr?!*e .__- <br /> to the merger in wdting. <br /> 7. Protecllon ot Lender'e RlgAts In the Property. If Dortower fail�to pedorm the wvenanw and agramente °"�- <br /> conteined!n ihis Secudt Inswment, or �here ia� le d racadin that ma si iflcanq atfect LenderL ri hu in �he R��r'� <br /> Y 8 P 8 Y 8� Y 8 Yc'l._:'. <br /> Propeny(such m n proceedfng In bankmptcy,pmt�rc,forcondemna�ton or PoReituro or to enforce Inws or regulatlone),�hrn a"`=;� <br /> Lender may do end pay for whatever ia necessary�o protect the velue of the Property end Lenderh righu in the Propeny. u�'=-�� <br /> I.enderb eaiom mey include paying eny suma secured by a lien which hm prioriry over thia Security Inswmen�,xppcuing - �__ <br /> in eourt,paying rcasonabte attomeyi feee end rntering on the Propeny ro make rcpain.AIU�ough Lender may ialce aalon i�<<- <br /> under�hia parngroph 7,Lender doea no[have ro do w. �)??<�- <br /> Any amouN:dixbursed by Lender under tMe paragmph 7 shall become�dditional debt of Bortower securcA by tl�ta i;;"-� <br /> 3ecurity Insttument Unleas Bortower nnd Lender egree to o�henerms ot paymrnt,�hese emounu shall beer intercat[rom the '�'���-- <br /> daie of disburaement et�he Note mte and ahall be payable,wi�h intcrest,upon notitt from Lendcr ro IIortower rcquesting �n'== � <br /> �,tl�' <br /> �m'e�`�n�or� e Insuranca If Lender uired mon a e insurence as a condition of inekin �he loan securcd b this '��s` <br /> B88 rc9 88 B Y °.-.�-�:�. <br /> Sauriry Inrtrvment, Uortower ahall pay the prcmiums rcquircd to maintuin �he mongege inaurnntt in efkct. It, Por eny 1't-'`'+_•. <br /> rexwn, the mongage insurence coverage rcquired by Lender Iapse: or ccuses ro be in effect, Bortower shall pay �he �,E.'�. <br /> pmmiums rcquircd w obtein coverege subsientielly equivalent to �he mongage insurence prcviouily in effat, at a cost �.s;:'..(�: <br /> eubstentially equivelent�o�he cost m Bofrower of�he mongege insurence prenously in eRat,from en elcemam mongage 5���'-- <br /> incurcr a roved b Lender. It substemiell e uivalent mort a e Insurence covern e is not aveilabie,Bortower shall to �"'�'"� <br /> PP Y Y 9 R 8 8 PaY �y-c;::,: <br /> Lcndcr each mon�h n sum equal to onatwelflh of the yeady mortgage insurantt premium being paid by Bortower whrn the i:ti-.:�- <br /> insurence mverage IepseJ or ceased ro be in e(fect. Lenderwill ucept.use nnd rctain these paymenu ss a loxs reurve in lieu E;.;_;:-_: <br /> of mortgage inaurance. Imss�eserve payments may no longer be rcquircd,at the option of Lender,it mortgage inaurence µ•:':=. <br /> corewge(in�he amount and for the period�ha�Lender rcquires)provided by on insurcr appmved by Lender again becomes �.>"�:�t <br /> s>.,.. <br /> availablc and is obmined.Uortower ahall pay ihe premiums rcquircd ro maintain mottgege insurantt in effect,orto provide a %>>t,� <br /> loss reserre,until�he`cyuircment tor mongage in+urence ends in acrnrdance wi�h any written agrecment htxxen Dorrower S;v;.--: <br /> and Lender or applicnblc law. `i}}::'_,. <br /> 9. InSpeNfon. Lcnder or its agent may make reawmbie entrics upon md inspeaioas of�hc Ropeny. Lcnder shall - <br /> give�ortower nolice el tle time of or prior to an inspection specifyin@ rcazonable cauu(or Ihe inspection. <br /> 10. Condemnatlon. 7Le proceeds of nny nward or daim for dam�ges,dircct or consequentinl,in connection with any � <br /> SinFleFamilY-41nNeNat47tddleMwUYIiY)RA11RS7RL�NF.PT--I/mGvmC�.ce�um. 9R0 �rys�t.•InM��'� _ <br /> OeY Wa dexu Fua hc Y <br /> TsU�bfY HpDStD{M�OIR{1N�1.1191 ' <br /> 1 r �c C �i t( I:� �S! >'1_ f. —al� ..-y—�.^-z 4} -i��`•)+T- r, '• '`� <br /> ` - r:. �S l _ ., _ i1 Ml�.v• _.• � <br /> � . <br /> t_ i <br /> .1 '� ): ,_ ' _ _ . _. . . <br /> _ __ .-.1..- <br /> -T _ _- . — _ ;. '_._" _- . -,-__ <br /> � r <br /> L. r_t ? �1 '` �r " . _ . . � . <br /> J '�P- i - ."t_� _ ., � ' <br /> i i.. ��f l� S � ' -1 - . . <br /> l�l �..Slrv,-� Su,'t ft . -�i � . . - - '., . <br /> -.:�r - .-t.- . . <br /> < � - i �_ - T. �_ _ . i <br /> bll � <br /> � � ,� .- 1.� �(�- :. 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