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. -__ i . . , . ,�y' � ' a ----_ _ .. <br /> _ _ �; - _ - - 'A ' .vri' _..__._-_ . <br /> t .' ._. — ' . _- - e��.i. � -`�. � `r <br /> � . ''' • ' , ' ' ' ��J 1Y�7���W� ' ' � <br /> � conderiin�uonoraAirt�t�ngofurypanotthoQiapeny,oKaconreymcatnlleuofconAemniUdn,ueheribyudDledu+p„ t' ` ° <br /> ftiwDeyddtol.ecde�, .- - .. _ . ... .: : :. .. : . _ <br /> ° !o tfp�GEift ot,a taet tokifig o!tAa P�b��tp,tAe �►hallD�app fe¢io ttro Au �-tewr�AbY thls BStVdry--' --- <br /> In�Guinon� xfiech or no1 m n dua w4�any exaa�yil�a pBrrowek.Irt�ho,�vent ota pon�al teku�g oi tha�ropenp 1n <br /> : t4fjt�i 6iu�iii r1i�vptua o�N6 Riry2�ii'i�itdlEtiryto7v�tA5 r�Sing ib.Eqstat t9 W6�rsrmatrarR w�w�tf�+�w "�r -- <br /> ceeure0 by t1�la Saudty tncttumen�immedlate)Y Uofota�ho Wcing�unleas Bnrcower ana unGu mhenv�ao egree�wdt�1�B. ` � <br /> Ae aYms ucured 6y thif 8�cu�iry(nswA�em sl�al!ba reQuced by.Ua amounc ot�he t m6lltVIied by t�6 fouqwing <br /> hecdoni t�a�o totai amant o!dro�um"�Kwrcd Immcdla�01y baforo tho iaking.d[v) �4 4Y )�he feir marlcqt v41udo1�he. <br /> PropeM1y tmmedtetety bptora tha�eking. Any balanca�ha11 hn pald�o Botrower. �1n tho event ot a Da�lal 141�Ing 9f thv _ . ._ .... ._ . <br /> Ptppeny tn ivhich�h6 telr maikst ve�ue ot thq Propetty ImmWietety 6eforo lhe�N tW�`�o����o nl�i Ms wm# — <br /> � 6�'Cllrcd Unmcdteeely txtoro tHo Wcing,dnteu Bortowa md I.endu ahmvlse g PP bib law - <br /> othuwlca provlEee,the paeeda chall be epp11W to tho wma caured by tfilr Sscudry Luwment�4huher or not iho eumf ere <br /> then due. <br /> If the Pmpeny la ebmdoned by Borrowu,or It,e(ur rrotlu by Lender w Horrower�hat�he condemaa otPon to mako <br /> an award or eenlo a elefm for demegen,Bortowtt fatle to raspond to Lender wi�htn 30 daye after�he dato Uw notice le giren. <br /> Lendu la autho�ed to apcet end appiy ihe proceeM,u ita opdon,e[ther ro rurocstlon or ropxir of the Propeery or to the <br /> wms cecurcd by tdi�S�xurlty Insuument,ahuhcr or not�heti due. <br /> Uniw Lender and Bortowu mhenvise ngreo[n wrlHng,eny applicaeion of proaede to prineipal cha11 not extend or <br /> postpone�he due d�ie of the monthly paymenu rc[crted�o in puegrequ 1 and 2 or change ehe amount of euch paymente. <br /> 11. Borroeer Not Releesed� ForDearance IIy Lender Not a Wulrer. Bx�uuion ot the dme for payment or <br /> madllication of amortizetlon of�he cum�cxurcd by tfiU Secudry Inswment greneed by Iander to eny�uccessor in imereit <br /> ot Bortower�haU not operete to rcleese Ne Ileblllly ot�he odgtnel Borzowu or Uorrowerh wccoswn in interest.Lender <br /> thell no[bercq d�ed to commwka procadinge agains�any sueceswr in interest or rctusa to eucnd time for payment or <br /> othenviso modify emoniutlon ot ihe sum�ceeured by tNi 3ecudty Insttvment 6y rcason ot eny demand made 6y the oridnel - - : <br /> Hortu�vu or Bortowerh wcaason In Inten:at. Any for6earana by Lender in exerctsing any dght ar rcmedy chall notbe a �---- <br /> waiver ot or preclude the aerciaa o[any dghi e:rt-:dy. <br /> 12. Suceesson and Assigna Bound�Joint and 3everal Lta6lltty;Co-aignere. 7Le covenanu and ageemenn of�hle <br /> Secudty Instrument shell bind and Ixrroftt�M10 aucceason end essfgro of Lender tnd Bortowu,eubJect to tho provisloro of � <br /> ph 17. Bortowuti covenxnta end egreementa ch�ll be Jotnt end uveni.Any Bortower who caaigns thie Secuflty ____ <br /> �tmmrnt but dae�no�racaute�he Noro: (e)is casigning this Security Inswment only ro mortgega Srant end wnvoy that =_- <br /> BortowerS intercat in�M1e Proparty undcr the lertna of thb Securiry(nswment (b)fa not personally obligated ro pay the mms _ _R <br /> securcd by Ih3a Security Instrumem;end(c)agrcee that Lender and eny otl�er Bortower mey egree ro eztenQ modify,fo'6ear -- <br /> or make any aaommodations with regerd to�he ternn of�hts Secudry Instmment or the Note wl�hoW that Bortowcrl =.-._- <br /> consent. — — <br /> 13. Loan Chergw. If the loan eavred 6y this Security Instmment is aubject io a lew which seu maximum loen ___ <br /> ohargaa,end�het law Sa Bnally interprcted so ihat the imereat or o�her loen cherges eolkc�ed or m be wllected in connenion ------ <br /> �vi�h ths loan exceed the pemtftted Itmite,Nere (a)any ach loan charge shxll 6e rc.uuttd by�he emoun[neceasery io ruiuco �'N-� <br /> tho eh e to the rmined ifmh:end @)an cuma alread collected from Borto�ver which exceedeA rtnined Iimita will be �'°"—�-- <br /> arg pe Y Y -c�..�,� <br /> roPonded ro Horrower. Lender mey choou to meke tlilf rcfund by reducing the princip�l owed under e Note or by meking a �;j�„u�.-� <br /> ditttt payment to 6orrower. If a rcfund rcduces princip�l, the rcduciion will be�rcated as e paniul prcpayment without eny ■ _y� _ <br /> prcpaymentchargeunda�heNote. ��f:� —� <br /> I4. Notitte. Any notice m Bortower provided for In this Securiry Instrvmen[shell be given by delivedng it or by ,�, � ,.,. <br /> meliin It b fint ciesR mdl unle�.n Iicablc law uires use of anoiher method.'Ihe nmice ahall be dirccted lo the Propeny -��'? ' � -� <br /> 8 Y PP re9 �;d:.t�'Vs::;::_.;,... <br /> Addrcu or eny other oddrcaa Bonower dufgnutca by wtice�o Lender. Any notfce ro Lender xhall be given by first cles� t, - <br /> mail w Lenderh eddrcss uated hercin or my o�her oddress LenAer dexignnicn by notice�o Bortower. Any naice provided tor '�,''}:;„��"i�"''-`: <br /> in thin Sccuriry Inswmrnt xlioll be deemed to hure been giren to Rurtowcr or Lsndcr �vhen given ts providcd In this �<<j?7��;•;�'?='�� <br /> reph. -���'.;i_15i}��'r>4";:: <br /> �15. Governing Luw; Severebllity. This Securi�y Ins�mmen�xholl be govemed by kdeml lew nnd the lew of the ;,f:;r�2ii,:S•;.�__ <br /> juddicUon in which the Property is Icemcd. In�he event�hm any provision or clvuse of this Secudry lnswment or the Note ;:�,,�x�y��.r�;.. <br /> eonilicta with appltcable law,auch conNn chdi not uffat o�her provixions ohhis Securiry In.wment or ihe Noce whfch wn �-r.,-�;Sts,.n;{,;.. <br />�- be gIven e(fat without�hc conNc�ing provision. "Ib�hix end the provisians ot�his Sceurity Im�mment md�hc Noie arc T=�Q;��.r�.:�;4:;-: <br />� declercd ro be sevcroble. fyjj��"t"'"��:'.�- <br />- 16. Borroner's Co 6ortowcr sholl be �vcn one con(ortned m of the Nore md of�his Saurit Inswmen�. s=�� �" '- <br /> DY• 8 PY Y 7.-:',��s- <br />- 17. 7Fansfer oP tAe Pro ert or e Beneficlal Inlerext in 6orro�rer. If nl I or nn n of thc Pro n or nn intercst in � �` ^�-'�<-, <br /> P Y YW P� Y Y .i.;:�4..�9.hiz:;:- <br />_ it is mld or transferted(or if n 6eneficiul imerest in 6ortower is sold or�rnmfcrted and Bortower is not a naturel persoN ,y.r-4;�F.�,•�_: <br /> withoue Lendeh prior�vrilten conun6 Lender mey.a�i�s up�ian,reyuim immediate paymenl in Poii of all sums securcd by .rl�, �: <br />- �his Security Instmment. Howevcr.�his option shnll na�M esercised by Lender if exereiu is prohibi�ed by fedcral Iaw u o( t{�•- "+ <br /> e theda�cofthiaSewrityhutmmem. lr-� ` <br />- If Lender exercises ihis op�ion,Lender shall give Borrower notice of aaclem�ion. The no�ice shall pmvide a period of 4S^t�°'^- <br /> s�i;s <br />- not less than 30 days from the date the no�ice is detivercd or mailed wi�hin which Bonoxer mu,t pny all sums ucurcd by this :;,t;,,y;�,y„_-- <br />_ .Security TnstrumenL If Oorro�vcr fuiis lo pay thc+c wmti prior lo Ihe expiration of Ihis peried. Lcnder may invoke any �;;r':�'�' - <br />= rcmediespermittedby�hisSecurilyln<wmentai�houtfunhernoti�rordemandnnBarto�vec °'�>y}4'�:fi;-,}-_. <br />- !B. Borra�vtr'n Right to Relnstate. If 6oRm�er meen ccnain cnndi�iant. Nortower+hall hnve the righ� �o have �;�<��,�;_-„�_�.�- <br /> enfomement of this Securily Inslrvment discontinaM a�any�ime prior�o Ihe eadicr uL (:U S days(or such o�her penad xx n°.;'Cix'a'��.-. <br />� ' ��.Y�i:4ii:.._��-.. <br /> SingleBmfiY"FamkAtadFYMdkVneCA1FOR111YtiTRC\fEVT-Cmfa�mCm�emm� 9M1 rrypN.qnrvdnl _ i;;y_,:.t:_,:-. <br /> �^-tt � <br />." 1 , . ".;'lt:::•�'^�j�:.�, <br /> i;' <br /> � - yi� 'df�. Y� -+:�- ,1.- " '::ii�_ '\ �-ir'tT -�t,:-4 � ii°'^ t'�f 'v� ". <br /> F �f- � 1 i _ � I _ <br /> :a :� <br /> i - . k-. _ -' _'. �- . _ _ <br /> . ' ' . ..-. r 7 <br /> r i� - . f _: __' "' ,. _ . i ._+ r '" <br /> . � - "_- -... . _ . . - .: . . -�: i ^ q�' i. ' ' _ . . <br /> . _ . �.. . . � �. <br /> r�.�.. - �. : --, . . ' � . " ... � . " � '_ " <br /> . . 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