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.. -. _ � .� .� .. ; . .. .. _ <br /> . .., _, .. <br /> . <br /> @3' �,0�� - <br /> epplteable te�v may cpecity Por roinaietemrnU botore w1a o!the Ptopeny punuant to eny power ot��te contalned In�hU <br /> ,Securi�y tnstrumenr or(b)enuy of e Judgment enforctng thle 9ecurtty InatNment. 'Riom copdlNons em�hn Aortowu� (4 _ <br /> Payi I.ender eil�ans wldcb ihen wouid�due u�ee thb Secwlty lnstNment and ttro Noro as If no.esoplcratlon had ---.-- -_- <br /> occu�red;(b)cura my dcfeul�of eny otha covenana or egrcemenu;(o)puy�etl oxpenaa incurted In cnforcing IAIs Secudty ` <br /> Inattumenb�nciuding,6m not Itmt�od a.�rasunqbta scc3rnay� tr,�;nnd id)teku ruch ettton as Lendcr may rw:anably � — <br /> rcqulre ro asauro that the lien of thia 8ecurlty Insuumrnt,I.endul dgha In tho Propcny nnd Dortowcrb obllgatloa lbpay�he <br /> �uma «cmed bY thla Saudiy Iaswment ��UI continuo unchenge0. Upon rolnstn[cmenl by Uortowe►, thle Secmity <br /> Inxwment and�tw oDligatiom cecured heroby�hall ttmatn fully ettative aa ti no eeoelention had accurted. Howover,tAl� <br /> dglRtotelastate ahaUnot ayytgin the wso of exeleratlon undw paregraph 17. _ _ _ _ _ _ <br /> . ����1�9;�8de of Nott�(�ange of Laan Benicer. 'Rie Nao or a panial imercst In the Noto(t�utar wiih thls Secudty =-- - <br /> Instryment)meY be'EO(tldna or more timea without prior notice to 13ortower. A�ela mey reault n e changa In tho endty <br /> (1cnowna�the"I.oan3lrvtter9 ihat cotlecte monthiy paymeN�due under Ihe Noro nnd NW Security InstNment. 7T�uo etw <br /> May ti5'onb or Morb 6liengE+ot�he Loan Servlar unrctated to a�ale ot tho Nao. If�hcro 1�a chmpgo o!the Lom 9ervlcer, <br /> porrower w!ll 6e g(ven w�iacn notico of�he chango in nccordance with paregraph��bo;��hould bPe m de�9Le aice wlil <br /> wtU eteta tAe nune end addrcsa of�he naw Loan Serviccr and Iho addru�to wbich <br /> olao camdn any oNu infomiation rcquired by eppIlabla law. _- - - _- <br />� ?p, 8ezardous Bubpencee. I3ortoww shnll not eause or pertnh the prcsenco,um,disposal.�rorcge,or release o(any <br /> Hazardou+Substencee on or In the Propeny. Bortower iM1all not do,nor allow enyone elae[o do,enrhing affeeting Ne <br /> property�htt Is N violation of any HnvironmeMet Law. 7Tie prcceding two sentenaa ahall not eyply to the presena,uso,ar ___. <br /> �torege on�he Propeny of amall quanqttn of Huazdou�Subsunces that ero Henerelly recognized to be�pproprlate to noitnU <br /> rosidenttel uscs end to mefntenence oitho Propeny. �-�+�,-- _ _. <br /> Bortower thill promptly give Lender wdnen naicc of eny invutigetion,cleim,demend,lawwit or other eaion by any =_ <br /> govemmental or rcgularory agmcy or E ivate a. ry tnvol�ing the Pro;�erty end my Heurdoua Substenca or 8nvironmenul __— <br /> Law of which Dortower hes acmel knowlWaa I[Bortower teams, or is notffled by any gmunmental or regulatory = --------- <br /> euthoriry,thet�ny rcmovai or other rcmedietion of eny Hezardous Substance affuUng�he Propeny is necessary,Bortowu � �- <br /> ihall prompUy uke ell necessery rcmedfal ecdona in eccoMance with Environmentel Law. - --- <br /> A�used in thif paregmph 20."Hazerdous Subslances"are�hose wbstences deflned ea toxic w hazerdoux subatence�by -+'`�'����-��-� -�- <br /> Envimnmente]Lew end ihe following substunaa: gesoline,keroune,otder Ilemmeble or toxic petrolwm produc��.toxic �����?c:-' <br /> peaticides and hefiiddes,volalile solvenls,m�teriels conteining esbestm or tormaldehyde, end mdioadive ma�erial�. As '''��"'-�-•_— <br /> used in this pnngmph 20,"Envimnmentnl Law"meens fede�al lawa and laws of thejudsdieuon where the Property i�IocatW �j`�'��� ___ <br /> thatrcleletoheelth,aafetyorenvironmentalprotectian. ���� _;: <br /> NON•UNIFORMCOVENANTS. Borto�verandL.enderPonhercovenentendagreeesfollows: b-��'{� <br /> 21. Acceleretion; Renxdlee. Lender shell give notice to 6orrower prior to acseleratlon follo�ving Dorrower4 x�'��h — <br /> breach oi eny mvenant or egreement in thG 3ecurity Instrument(but not prfor to aaeleratton under paregraph 17 tiS;;h' a z� <br /> unlesappllcable law provides otherwtse). The noltce sheil apec(ry: (e)the detault;(b)the ectlon rcqutred ro ture tAe gy� <br /> detaults(c)e date.�iot les+ihan 30 daya from the dete Ihe natice B given to Dorro�rer,by�vhich the detault must 6e +�,�6�, <br /> turedt and(d)that tetlurc to cure tAe defeuit on or beforc the Uate sper�n.ea In the notice may resuli in accelerelian at '%-�?i.';ry ty:t•`- <br /> the sumv secured by thB 8ecur�ty Inatrument and sele ot the Property. The notice shall Nrther intorm Borrower of °+;;,t,�r.;,�.:, <br /> the right ro rcinstete aRer eccelerotlon and the right lo brfng e courl acibn tn essert the nomeztMence of e defeult or '^`"' ;�"'' - <br /> .}�.'�i_" .,.y <br /> any other detense of Borrower to atceleratlon end eele. If Ihe default Ie not wred on or before the date speclfied In '���na�,-Y:•<Z��.. <br /> �ti.'='i%'ti;���;ij:i <br /> Ihe notin,Lender et ite optlon may requlre Immedlate payment in NII of all eum+secureU by Ihu Fecudty Inatrument �.}„•, } <br /> ».;,t:yi, ; ra:��. <br /> wlthout Nrther demand and may invoke the poo�er ot aele and ony other rcmcdlee permitted by applicable lav. Y;u`:,.:_.k{;�_i«_".- <br /> Lender sAall 6e entttled to mllect ell expensea incurred In purwtng Ihe remediea providtd in 1h4+pengrapA SI. .,;i,;.�,,-�.,-�_-',_. <br /> IncludinR.butnotllmitedto,reasonabteatrorneya•teeaandmstaoftfUeevidence. ,�,; � =q�� ,'� <br /> It Ihe po�m of Fale l+InrokM.7}ustee nhall record a notice of dtfault In tech wunty in�rhith nny patl oT tht ,,,�' �'` *{1 y� <br /> Propetly b loated end shail moll mples atsucb mtice In the menner preacribed by epplicnble lo��lo Uorro�verand m z�_-,�� s �c .. <br /> Ihe othtr peraona prescribed by apyllcabie law. ARer the tlme rcqulred by appllcabte law.7}uatee aAnll qive publlc �y,x.���e r;:+,;$r:�.`_.: <br /> nottce of cale lo lAe persona end In the manner prescribed by applicabte lafc. 'M1us1a,wtthout demend on Borro�rer, -i;`f t�,� �.€ _• <br /> ahnll aeil the Property at public auctlon to Ihe hlgAeat bidder at the tlme end place and under lhe term�daigneted In ,� - <br /> Yc': 7� <br /> fhe notice of ade in one or more parceU and in any order 7Yuatee determines. 7Yustce may postpone wle oI eil or any , 7, «+a� - <br /> parcel otthe Praperty by public ennouneement et the time end plece of eny prevWusly uheduled xata Lender or ILi �i� 1 �y�} .�, <br /> desfgna may purchese ihe Property at eny mle. }.,+r t:x,.,}:��:;,-: <br /> ��:e: � . <br /> Upon receipt of payment ot the price bld.7Fuatce shall deltver to the purchaser Trastee's deed wnveying the „:,,:���:si,p;_c+_, <br /> Property. The reettals in the 7Yuslee's decd shell be prfmo�nele evidence of the truth of the statemente made thereln. ' '�<�;;r,,;r�-#�;;.-•� <br /> 7Fustce shell apply the proceeds of the sele In Ihe Polla�rfng nrder: tal tu all cos4s xnd ezpenses of exerclsing lhe po�rer �f:: j� ''�U -- <br /> ;�sii3.., s v�4a <br /> r.:�y::r,:;;71�-�:�; <br /> �t^' � .�• �.;�:. <br /> -.�!i;:�r=::�',)d:;,;•;,, <br /> .�� .�,, <br /> ,.-i(:};;i�i���ej.;- <br /> O C,:r i <br /> �{:JA�• %•. <br /> . Yr';"� .'..�r. <br /> .Z.�.r.' ',i•v� <br /> r - <br /> :�:i.:..�"t'�(;'�'.-' <br /> PormlOLl 99G y.qr3..l^N�rv - <br /> •.t-n> � -f ..�_.1i. �. �.�.4."��—..�1��� . ). 4 Z�YL�I(��..V�{.!f . .'J a�.i:'--.��_5`-i . ' . .C. ' <br /> r . ' ' - - _ . - . <br /> f � - � - _ . .. . ' . . _ _ <br /> . �:�. . . . . . . __ .... . . . <br /> . _ ._ _ ._._ . _ . . __ . . <br /> Y . .� . ' _ . . . . _ . . . _.. <br /> 1 h - <br /> � �1�./ .'.Y. ' - - . . � <br /> ' `,�.1 , . _ . .. <br /> fl- . <br /> / C� .4 S <br /> �_ <br /> /_ r "f i 2� r _). '. }.. . <br /> _- r' -- . .. _ _ - <br /> ��� a�j�s� ��s :+�°� � d .+.r <br /> :.;�. _�,.` r•.�;-� . . - . <br /> j �i � !. 4t : t . J.� l� 3�5 1v. i'.` . _ �� "r.° 5',i . ' , <br /> d7 �g �tf il i � .�- ( , � <br /> + � 2 <br /> � z � . J} � � � � a ..� t . ( <br /> ' -s', .0 . -_ i � � � J�iY3t ' S � i' ' f:_ <br /> t . I 'r i f' � ' � - _li fi <br /> i ( `v r' � -i� i ' t - 'r - { t i� . <br /> . t . . i . .. . . � . . . 1 .. . .. �t _ r.� .. ..�•a-� . . � . ::f.. . . .� �.. t ._ . <br />