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--- --- - - --- —� — - - �------ ... — = _ <br /> -- -- __-�.— --- ..� _ •. ; <br /> gg°� so��� � : � : :.;:':- -- <br /> paiod��lut Lendor rcqufr�v. 7Le insivance csrrler pmvlding�o Inturanoo sheU 6e chosen by IIorcowtt aub est to JAnderi:' . _ . <br /> ��pproval vfitc6 ehell aot Do wucasonebly wl�hhetd. ll Aorrower felU ro main�in coverege desul6ed ebovo,�j.ena�►n,�,et _ . <br /> �4endeeLoptloo.o6tolncovcrageroprotcctLcnderYdghuind�oProponytneaordnncow7�panp,�aph7. -- -= <br /> All Inad�ence polkia end renewata�hetl0o eoceptable ro Lender ead ehall fnciu6o e ctender4 Rorlgago cl�aueo:I.erAar <br /> ,dWl Mve Na dght ro hold tho po!lela end ttne�:att. ItLender requtres,$mro�.°er shall prompUy glee tol.etMer all rcxlyt! --- <br /> ot pald premluma end renowal notioes. In tha event of Iosa,Bortowu sha11 give prompt noflao to tLe inauronce canier end <br /> I.ender. Lendermaymekeproototlaulfno[medopromptlyAy Bortower. <br /> Unlou Lcndar end Bosrower ahttwlae agree in wrtiing,insuronce prooecda s6aU be eppUW to ra�oretlon or rtpefr'of � <br /> �o Propury damegcd.If rhe asromtlon or ropalr U eoonomically teaatbto end Lendu6 seauity ia not Ieuened. I4 t�e <br /> rsarowdon or rspelr U aot economically toasibie or Lenderb eecuriry would bo lauened,the Luumnce prooieW tAeU be ` ' <br /> eppllW to the wms«wrcd by rhia 8ecudty Inawmcnt,whethu or not t�en due,wltb eny exttae pdd ro Borrower. (f <br /> Bortower nbandons the Propeiry,or doea no[mswer wi�hin 30 deyi a noiice fiom Lender that tho Nsurance canier he� <br /> oHcrcd to aenle a cleim,then Lendu may collut the in:urance proarAa. I.endcr may uw the proceed�to rcpair or rearoro <br /> �he Property or ro pay iuma aecured by th�s 3ecuriry InawmenG whethu or not then dua 7Le periad wlll begtn when <br /> �he notice b givcn. <br /> Unless Lender and Bortower othenWU egree in wiidng,any epPIlcatlon of proceede to principal ihail not axtend or _._....___ _ <br /> postpone�ha due dero ot the monthly paymenu roferted�o in peregreplw 1 end 2 or chenge the emount of the p ents. �t <br /> under paregreph 21 dw Prope�ty la ecquired by Lendu,SortowerS right to eny(naurenw polidw and p�esuping <br /> from damege ro�he Proparry pdor ro the aoquisitton ehetl pass to Lender to�he extent of tM sum�securcd by�hla 9ec�ulty <br /> tns�Nmen�ImmWiately prior[o Ne acqulaitlon. <br /> 6. Occupancy, Preservation, Melntenence and Protection of the Property� BorroHee's Loan Appllcadon� <br /> I.easeholds. Bo�rower ahall occupy,eatabliah,end use the Propeny es Borrowerb princlpal rcaidena within sixty daye efter -- <br /> �he execuqon of thie Secudry Inauumen[end�hell mntinue to occupy�ha Propeny a+BortowerS pdneipal rcsidence for at <br /> least one year aftm �ha daro of occupancy, unkss Lender othe�wlse ngus in wridng, whkh consent ahall not 6e =-- <br /> unreasonably withhel4 or unleu extenuating circumstancea exiat which are bsyond Bortower4 wnirol. Bortower�haU not <br /> datroy,damege or Impair�he Propeny,allow the Property to detcdore�e,or eommit wmte on�he Property. Bortowu shdl <br /> 6e in defeult 1f nny forfeiture action or proceeding,whether civil or criminai,ie begun thu in LenderS good faith Judgment <br /> rnuld resul[ in todeiwre of the Propeny or othelwix materially impair �he lien creetW by this Seeudry Inswment or <br /> Lenderk aeeuriry interest. Bortower may cua cuch e default�nd reimtete,e�provided in paregrxph I8,by ceu3ing the adion <br /> or proceeding l0 6e dismissW with a mling that,in Lenderk good faith detmminatlon.precluda fodeiture ot Iha Bortower4 = _ -- <br /> imerest in�he Property or o�her meterial impairtnent of Ihe ilen crcated by thia Security Inatrummt or Lenderl secudty �aa-i:�_�� <br /> imeresc Bortower sha11 alm be in default if Bortowa, during Ihe loan epplien�ion proce�.+, gave matedelly telse or - -- <br /> ineccurate infom�atlon or cieremenn to Lender(or feited to provide Lender wi�h any metedel InPom�etion)in wnnection wiih ;,;�;`;�-. <br /> the loan evidenced by tAe Note, including, but not limhed to, ttyresentationa rnnceming BorrowerL oceupeney of Ihe -"�-r=�. <br /> Pro n u a rinci rcaidence. If thia Seeudt Instmment ia nn n Ieauhold.Bortower shell mm i �vith all�he rovtslona �'"' <br /> P� Y P P� Y P Y P �'�`:r}`i'���•�. <br /> ot�hc leese. If Hortower acquiru fea tiHe to ihe Propeny,�he leasehold ond the ke tl[le shall not merge unles�Lender egrca �.�;,,r,-<;,-:: <br /> �o�he merger in wri�ing. --� <br /> 7. Protectlon of/.ende�'a Righfa in lhe Property. If Bortowcr feila to pedomi the covenantn end egreemenu ���yy.,;. <br /> rnntained in Nis Secudty Instmment, or therc la� legol proceeding that may significantly uffat Lendert righti in �he ��y4j;r � '. <br /> Propeny(wch u e proceeding in 6enkmptcy,probate,Por condemneeion or fodeiturc or ro enforce lawa or rcguletions),chen -_s��'- `-- <br /> 4ender may do end pay for whetever ia neusaery�o praect�he velue of�ht Propeny end Lcnderl righta in Ne Propeny. ';',`s'�":''�i��'- <br /> Lenderk ecHon�mny include paying any sums ucurcd by e Ifen whieh has prioflry over this Securiry Instrumen4 eppeedng ;i;t���'�`;�. <br /> in coue,payfng reaaonoble atromcya'teea end entcring on thc Property to make rcpain.Al�haugh Lcnder may tekc ec�ion ?;�°-`�T������ <br /> under thia am re h 7,Lender does not have ro do w. "�Y�"'"��-.� <br /> P 8 P ; ,s;,g_>.�-,_ <br /> Any emoums disburted by Lender under�his pnragreph 7 ehall become additional debt of Uortower ttcurcd by tht� �'i,s.,,g;___- <br /> Sccurity Inscrumem. Unlecs 8ortowcr and Lcndcr asrcc ro aher tcmis ot puymen.,thcac emouNa sholl benr intercst(mm ihe _�:�;•`�"�'.,--- <br /> daia of disbmscmcnt e�thc Nate retc and ahall be payable,with imcrca4 upon notice from Lender to Bortowcr rcquea�ing ,E;r�>i,:;__.�. <br /> WYmcnt. , .,y;:;�- <br /> 8. Morigage Insurence. If Lender rcquircd mortgaae insumnce us a condi�fon of ineking�he loan secured by thia ,?ry�;t[�:;�-_ <br /> Security Insuument, Borrower shell pay�hc prcmiums rcquircd �o mainmin�hc mongagc ia+umna in effat. IE for eny r1i::'r;�y,�;i" <br /> rceson, �he mortgage insurence coveregc required by Lender Inpsen or ceases to 6e in ettea, Borto�ver shnll pay �he :'�?:<<t;;,�zr.-� <br /> remiums m uircd ro obtnin wverv e aubs�antiall mvalent to ihe mon e e insurnnce rcviousl m effect, et o cost �"--� <br /> P 9 d Y M � 8 S P Y � �.?y'y.�'=,��:. <br /> subsiantiaily equivalent�o�he mst to Borto�ver ot�he mortgage insunnce prcviousiy in effect,from an altemaa mortgeae ; �s-'_-;._:� <br /> insurcr xpproved by Lender. If subs�antielly equivelent mongage insurance covefage is noi available, 6orrower ahell pey�o ��"F"�'�->�':%` <br /> Lender each month a sum equal to ane-nvcllih ot�he yeerly mongage insumnce prcmium bein5 paid by Bortower when�he ""''et<'t�;;?,__, <br /> insumnce rnveroge lapsed or ttaxd�o M in efkct. Lender will accep�,uze and rctain these paymems es a loss reurve in lieu �=%'_-�<��=-'� <br /> of mon o e insumnce. Locs rcservc a menu ma no lon er be re uired,ot�hc o �ian o(Lcnder. if mort a e insurnnce "•'�'%�"-�' <br /> F 8 P Y Y 8 9 P 8 8 ,'-��i;::i^- <br /> covernge(in�he amount and for ihe periad thal Lender rcquircs)provided by on insurcr appmved by Lender again becomes >=-;;:�,�•-:_� <br /> aveilablc and is obtnined.Oorrower shall pay the premiums rcquired�o mnintain mongage insunnce in eBce[,or to provide a �^`.`;:��;��'c-:� <br /> lass reserve,umil Ihc requircment for mongage insurnnce mds in accoldance wit6 any writlen agrcement between Bortower „i;,ly_.;[_"; <br /> and Lender or applicn6le law. �i�a';-��;:�:`.-�^ <br /> 9. Inspeetlan. Lender or its agent may make reaconable eniriez upon m�d impectiom o(the Propeny. Lender shall - <br /> give Dortower nolice al the lime o(or prior to an inspec[ion speci(yin¢rcasombk caux!or Ihe impecliun. . <br /> 10. Cundemnatlon. The proceeds of any a�wrd nr claim(nr damages.dirccl rn cnnmyucmial,im m�neciion wilh any �i -7 ,� <br /> .•":s�.,i.:.,:. <br />- SinElrFamiy�-F�nnleN�e;FrcddleVaeC\IFUR?II\tiTRC\1F.�T-CmfivmCmemn� 9.90 �pucr-+,.7rvM/�+� ;:)'�' <br /> oenue.murnrar.irs '��:'... <br /> r.mnfiu �aros»w»ornxs�dw�-�m - i�:• . <br /> R <br /> _. __ : _ - ._....._._.._-- _ . , . ...r__"— <br /> :c..}i. �,_, .�._ .. .--....,�.-.-. _..�" . . . ... �.:._;.o-i..� r ' _.,��, t- _ . . . � <br /> ._ .: .. '=:: .- . ._ .._ ' <br /> :,_z,.i..,..; . - .. - . . . . . <br /> _ '.�y___ _ _ _ � ' _ � ' _ <br /> •�. �` <br />_::i.,-. . " <br /> "_ 'l_ .`" .. . . . <br /> + i} _ • ,_ _�_._ ... _ _ . . . _ . . <br /> _',..1G,';:�I{''' . _ -.� <br /> y.:' ;_f;' _ <br /> , , <br /> ((i i -� �. . - . � <br /> _d,.:� . t. - . <br /> rfi� .' sis ;f - - - � . <br /> ,.r .y_ . . . � . <br /> j_ �f`% 'i• . . . '__ . . . . _ <br /> e / .S!' _ '�� _ - - - <br /> � ';I'; <br /> -i;• . r . . . `:i.. - :i . .s.. <br /> - � f - F . S - . .` . <br /> Y 1!r � ' �.. - - . _ � .. . - <br /> 1 � -: S �_. - -. -: . . <br /> .. , .,. .. .. ..4r:: . . ... . . . . .. ... _. .. . - ... .. . _ �ti� . _ . . � �-: <br />