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�, ..�. .. . .. . .. . . .. <br /> ...,:.. _ ,,. <br /> -_--. -. _ �u •_ ____ _ .... . , _.,�._ ,_, , <br /> - .. . • � .. , ; , <br /> , _ . , , t.:.,. <br /> .: , . . , . . „ - - ; i��� ��2 � `;, S <br /> TOQtfI'H6AW17YIo11thoimprora�ien�sgowotiiereaRtrotccmdoathvproycnY,Mdi�ll�ucm.enu e ntn f; � <br /> nna tfxwro�now ot herctRar o paR ottAe ptoytrry� Atl ttplskemb+ils a�id aAOlilone�un4 aisn M e6vtte0 b � Ii�S��Y <br /> fm�romsm� Mlof�heforegolnyl�roterteG1olpN(aB�cudtyfMwmemutho"Proyeny" . - <br /> -� ' SQAROWBR ODVBNANTB�hnt Dortowce!�Iawfulty alacd of.�he cstalo hcrobp convoycd and tu�tlw dgLt ro gr6nt . <br /> mA convoy the Property and iha�mo P�operly 1�unoneumbead,exapl(or enambronaa ot i�ecotd, IIortower watrant��UTA ; <br /> � witl deRnd gcneraily tho tltla�o iAO PtOpeny egafna n11 olaim�and demaaOf,eubJcet to eny cneumbtnncoa otrccord� ' . <br /> ° 11mI1cQ�varlatlons by Jurlsd cGon WMrnn�sUto abuniform iaurit�y insirvmeni ooverin8 rcil propony n•uNtorm covcnwe with ., . <br /> UNIFORMCOyg�AN7'B.DortowerendLendercovenantand�Hrce�Bt�o'��Bortower�hall rom d �vhenduotho <br /> 1� Payment otPAnclpol ond[nterestt Prepayment ond Ixte Ch P $ Y�� <br /> pdncIpn1 of end interest on�ho deDt ovidenced hy�ha Nota end any prcpaymcnt end law charBee due un er ote. <br /> 4. FUnds tar 7�ca aad Insurantt. SubJat to eppticablo Iaw or to a wrinen�vmirer by Lender,Barower shail pay to <br /> l.endu on tho day monthiy payments aro due under t�e Noto,untll tlw Nae b pald tn NII,a sum("FUndf)for:(a)yeady <br /> ,__ taxa nnd auessmena whieh may aneln prlority over tM1is 3uudty Instrvment e�a Uen on tha Proptrcy;@)yavly leazehold <br /> paymema or ground rem�on Ne Propc�ty. If my; (o) Yculy hezard or property inwranca Prcmluau; (� peulY �� —.. .-—. <br /> Insuronce premtumf, if�ny, (o)yearly mongego tnaurenca Dremfum�, if any,end (q any sum�payable by Borrower to <br /> l.endw,in eccordenco with the�rovi�lon�of paregrepA 8,In Iieu ot�hepayment of mortg�ga Insurence premium�. 'Ihese <br /> — item3 aro celleA"Bscrow[tems. Lend�r may,at�ny time,wliat and holdlvnd�in an amount not to oxasd the maximum <br /> — amoune e lender for a tede+ally rclated mongage loan may mqufro tor Horrowerb escrow eaqount unda�he tede[ol Real <br />----- I�aw tAng applks to ihe��nuda eu a luser moun�I�so,�i.ender may,�•eny tt eCcottec�end 6oIdCRmds inwmuemount not o --� <br /> - axoad the leua amoune Lender may eatim+ro�he amomt ot[Und� dua on the basf�of curtent d�ia anA rcuoneMo <br /> -- estimetes of expendituma of tuturo Escrow Iteme or otherwise in aceordu�ce wI�A eppIlable law. --- <br /> -= 7Lo[vnda ahell be held in en Instimtion whose dcposite�re in:ured 6y e federel egency,instiumentality,or entity — <br /> i Oncluding Lender,if i.ender ia sueh en fnstituttoN or In any Pedercl Home Loan Benk• Lender shall apply the Ei�nda to pay _ _ __ <br /> �-�+ the Escrow I�em+. Lcnda mey not ehcrge Bortower tor holding end applying�he Pund�,ennually amlyzing Ne escrow <br /> - eocount, or vedtying tha Escrow Item�,unless Lender pays Bortower Interut on tbe Pmda and eppliceble law pertnlu <br />-",`'�� I.ender to make suoh a charge. Howerer,Lender mey rcquirc Bortower�o pay a one•�ima charge for en independent real <br /> ,��" mWt¢tax[eportfng servla ueed Dy Lender in eonnectlon with�h(s loan,unles�appIlcnble law provida otherwiu. Unlea�en <br /> ageeement 6 mede a applfeable law raryirce intercac ro be paid,Lender e1u11 not bc required to pay Boirower eny inremst or � �., <br /> -i�� eaminge on the Rmds. Borrower end Lendcr mey agrce in wdting,ho�vever,th�t inrera[ahdl be poid on the Pund�. Lender ` � <br /> *�� ehell give ta Hortower,wi�out charge,en annual accoun6ng of the Wnde,aM1owing crediu and debi�a ro�he Phnd�end the — <br /> :, puryose for wAich exch debit to U�e Fmds wes mede. The Ii�nds erc pledged�additlonel securiry fm dl suma saured by � _ <br /> ;� Nls3ecudtylnswment. '�"� :� <br /> - If rtR P�r.ds hdd by l.ontr eztt:d ihe e.^.:om�_ �mi[tted m!+s!+eld hy apolicebl¢ lew. Lender shall eccount to �nfb:w <br /> "�{�I Bortower Por ihe excess Mnds in aecordentt wiih the requircmem�of appl(ca61e law. !t�he emount o[the Punds held by - �-�r :,:; <br /> Lender at my tlme is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Iums when due,Lender may so notify Bortower in writlna,end,in JH±.°;_' <br /> :;?;11 wch case Bortower shall pay io Lender�he emount naessery ro meke u the deficienc . Borzower shall meke u Ihe ��t? <br /> p Y P h.7�, �-.: <br /> -r��-I deticiency in no morc thm twelve momhly paymen[s,at[.enderk sole diurttion. u st _ <br /> ;,,r�l Upon payment in full of eil�ums ucured by�hi�Securiry Inswment.Lender shall prompily refund w�ortower any ;4�y �� , <br /> Pond+held by Lender. lf,under pnregmph 21,Lender shall ecquirc or sell the Propeny.Lender,prior to Ne acquisitfon or ' �,� - <br /> wle of Ihe Property, slull apply any Wnds held by Lender at�he time of acquisitfon or sele a�a credl�agalnsl the sums ��n�rFr <br /> ucured by Ihi�Securiry Instrument. ' <br /> r,.�i J. Applicatinn of 1'nymmts. Unless applicnble Inw provides othe�wtic, ell pnymems raeived by Lender under '{�' dr� �� <br /> �_��i pa�cgcaphe 1 end 2 ahull be epplied:firs6 ro any pmpayment charges due under�he Nore;second,io amounts payable under {F ny x.; <br /> parogreph 1:third,to intercat dur,founh,to principal dur,and liw,to eny late charges due wider�he No[a p , � <br /> 4. Chetgw; Llem. Bortowcr chall pay all toxa, ouessments, charges, flnu and impositions ettributeble �o�hc ., �y,t:•� <br /> n a..;:;;._-. <br /> i��.';�y� Property which may attefn pdarity over this Securiry Inslrumen4 and lea.uhold paymrnts or ground mnis,if eny. 6orrower �_.:..•;:::. <br /> ahall pay�hese obligations In thc monner provided in p�regreph 2,or it not paid in that menner,Bortowcrshell pay�hem on 4`'"�-. <br />..-_. ' l+i'i,-i,� ; <br /> time dtrenly to IAe peraon owed paymcne Oortower shall promptly fumish�o Lcndcr all no�ices of emoums ro be paid under �y�!��:�::.`� <br /> ,� �hh paregmph. If Borrosver mates these payments dirccily,Bortower shall prompUy fumish�o Lender rccelpta evidencing � ' . <br /> thc paymenu. ��Y' " <br /> "'' Bortower ahall prompUy dixharge nny lien mhich has prioriry orer this Securi�y Instmmem unless 6ortower.(e)egrces �y � ..' <br />.,�.� ! in writlng to�he payment of the obliga�ion ucured by the lien in a manner eceepiebie m Lender,(b)contests in good feith the N <br />'-�'' lien by,or defends ageins�enforcement of�he lien in,Iegal proceedings which in the Lendert opinion ope,ate to prcvent ihe �t;��^;�;?:- <br />!�:3j; � enforcement of the lien:or(c)xcures from�he holder of the lien an egrcement sa�isfacrory to Lender subordineting�he lien 1,���,-�:y:�s: <br /> �.�;E i w this Securiry Incwment. It Lender detertnines�hat any pan ot�he Propeny is subjat�o a lien which may attein priority �t}� t _- <br />__„ I over thla Secunty Insaument.Lender may give Borrower a no�ice idmtifying the lien. Oorrower shall satisfy the lien or�ake i :. <br /> one or morc o(the ectians set fonh abore within 10 days of�he giving o(notice. ` � •` <br /> '�� � S. flezerd or Property Insurenee. Uortowcr shalt kcep thc improvemems no�v existing or hercaftcr crccie4 on the � �-'�- <br /> � Propeny insured againsl Ims 6y fire,lwards included wi�hin the Icfm"exlended coveragc and any other hmArds,including r r i 3 . <br /> -�,.] tloods or tlooding, for x�hich Lender rcyuires incurance. Thic in<unnce<hall he nuintained in Ihe amounis and for the , i s <br /> '�7I <br /> s'� Form302M 9.70 qap�:^J�NResl <br /> 1 y <br /> � --.��_T_,���v'��4' ��_ :i`_ �, ,_._. . .. -'„iSf'��^w - --r:mf�'-u�. _i.Tr--�J <br /> + .._., 'r <br /> _ . . .. .-...� . .. <br /> _ .. <br /> t - ,- " . .. -_ " - . . ' _ - _ � . . - <br /> � - . . 1 . - ' ..' - . <br /> "�` '_..F J_ _ � . . . . _ . . . . � L -: - .. � - - <br /> �• .." <br /> �R..1.`>.-. 1 . O^ _.___� _. . . ._ . _ . .�-•-. . . . _ ' . • <br /> :. � ._-. -- . .._ _ _ . ' . . . . --. ". <br /> �- �. 7 ... { . ' . . _ . <br /> , <br /> l.",( r ;t vl i. . : _ _ _ _ . . . . . . <br /> _� . )_.- ! x r .e:'` _ . . - __ . _ . _ <br /> ��S t �s.,'F1 S `"-- .i� . _ . <br /> - �i -. . - . . . . . : <br /> `_ _ I. � .-`` . _ . . _ <br /> �w1 4Y��r A -, � ! - _ . <br /> �l - cq . �. �.i . . . _f -, . <br /> .: <br /> . . . <br /> �ll ..-_ . ' . . - . <br /> t -�3 � ' -_T - �-rt � � 4 _ '' <br /> Y1� i •$ � � i S� . . � . l i _ i . <br /> 3 'i�'1 � . j� I4�� ``�` + -1: S �� � , ` t' �: Z �-. ...r-+ ' _ <br /> Lx� ��tz, '.� sJ i r`: °� t�l--,•� iq[ Y- �'� � f �� il � , i 2{. <br /> �P-5.+4.: fti ....._ . .). . .l,.�t . _ . . -. . - ....�.. .. . . . .. .. .�L . ....� , . _ . '� • <br />