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� �_._-..� _ _. . . ;; . _ y . „ ___ <br /> a � . - . - � .?i i .� <br /> �.�.�..__'---..�. ...�. _� �.�. ��_ _ ___-. ��Ri' � r +. � - <br /> _ ' .. ^� . . . 11' A�, ` � , — `__ <br /> �t SR , �n.> <br /> . . . . . �f . .. .: <br /> condemrtatian otother takin9 0!any put of wa Propeny;orloe<onvoyanca in llou olcondemeaqort,ero he�e6y oailgnQd a�d <br /> shellpppaldro ndcr,. . <br /> Gf�ho ov�ot n totat takl�g ot t�o Propmty, �Iw ptoaeds�hdi bo eyplicd to t�e ame aaureA Uy thy 8eeurtig . __ _ <br /> [nawmmt whuNU or aot Ihen duo,wl�h any exooaa pald tb 86rtoWer. [n tlie ovent o!e patpnl�alcina ot iho P�cye�ty N <br /> wMe4 Na fdr muklt value of N6 Prapeny Immedietety beford�ho Iaklag 1�cqual to or gtteter tA¢n�hri amwnt ottfie euinf � _ <br /> aseurcd by Ih(6•Buurity Inswmcnt Immedintcip 6�o[ore tho taking,unias portowcr mfd LcnQei ocherwlu ag�eb in wrJtti�g, <br /> Ihe�um�caureA Ey tl�u 8ecudty Instrument�hnll be rcQuced by tho amouni of�he��a�hulllpQcd by U�a foilowing <br /> freplom (�tha toW e�rAUnt ot tlw�uma securcd Immedletaly betore tho taking,divided by(b)�he fair muku value of tM <br /> Pmperty immedlacoly be(oro tha taking. Any balenco�helf bo paid ro Hortower. In the evcnt ot e�larHal ta�Clng of�he <br /> ' Pmperty in which�ia[air market vaiue ot�ho Propetty ImnNAlately betore tho taking is las tAan tho mnouat ot thp snme .. . . - , <br /> eecumd Immedl�taly beforo�he taking, unlcs�Hortower and Lender ahenvlae egrce In wrlting or unlu�apyAceble law <br /> oNuwlao providoe,the procccds�hell bo appUed io�he�um�eecured by tbb 3ccuriry fnawment whethw or not the eums aro <br /> chcn dua. <br /> It the Property ia nbandoned by Dortower,or if,afler notice by Lender lo Bortower Ihet�he condemnor oRen to make <br /> an award or acttle n alaim for demagea,Bortower feils to rcspond�0 4ender wtehin 30 daye eRcr ehe date tho notica in given, <br /> __ Lender It euthorlud to collat and epply the procuda,at Ite opt�on,elther ta rcstoraqon or ropair of Ihe Property ot ro�Iro _ <br /> � sum+saured by th63uudry Instrumenr,wheihaor not�Aen dua ` " ---- <br /> Unles�Lender end Bomower othernise egrce In wriHng,eny applicetion ot procccd�to pdncipal ehail noe axtend or <br />-.— postpone Ne due date ot Na monthly peyment�rokrted�o in paragreplu t end 2 or change the amount of such paymenu. <br /> 11. Oorrower Not Releosed; Forbcarance By Lendtr Not a Weiver. 8xtenalon ot the eime for payment or <br />� madiflcation ot unonizetlon of the tum+secured by thb Seeuriry Instmment grantW by Lender ro eny auccessor{n interest <br />�° of Borrowu ahell not operero to rolease tha Habilfry o(the odginal Horro�ver or Bortowerti suceeason In infereat Lendu - - <br />:— s6a11 not bercq uited ro commence praeedingi�gelnst eny sucaasor In Interest or reNso ro extend t(ma for payment or <br />`-' otAttwtw modlfy emorttutlon of�he sums securcd by�his Suurity lnatmment by rtewn of any demend mede by�he odgtnd _ <br />-"-'- Bortower or Bortowerb successon in intercs[. Any forbearance by I.ender in exerciaing eny dght or rcmedy ihall no[6e a `_---- <br />-�.-�y waivor of or preciude the exerciso of eny dght or rcmedy. �� <br />`;�;� 12 Sucaa+on end Anigna Bonnd;Jo(nt and Several Uflbllily;Co•atgnen. 7Le covenanu und egrcemema of thii - <br /> - gµvflry(nstrumen[ehell bind and benefit�he wccesw�a end essigns of I.ender and Borro�ver,subjut ro the provisions of k:�,'--'-_-� <br /> _�� par�greph 17. Borrowenc�ovenanta end egreemema :hdl be joint and several.Any Gortower who rn-slgna thii Saudty =_- - <br /> Imuument bu[doe►not exmire�he Notr. (a)i:co-signing this Secudty Insuument only to morcgega grent end convey�hnt �' <br />,.,y� Bortowerh intereat in the Propeny under the tefms of this Secudty Instrument; (b)is no�pcnonaliy obligated to pay th¢sume „ ' <br /> secured by fii�Seeudry Inacrumenr,and(c)agea�hat Lender end eny aher Bortower may agree ro exrcnd,modify,for6ear {�;Ir;," <br /> or make my eeeommadetions wi�h rcgerd ro�he temu of this Secudty inswment or the Note without �M1at Bomowerh ',i,;,;r._.- <br /> _; I <br /> `� ��13. Loen Charges. If the loen aecureA by thie Security Ins��ument is subject ro a law which se�s meaimum loan �� y f.-:- <br /> _ chugea,md th�t lewis Mally imerprc�ed so�hat the imerat or o�her laan charges collected or to be rnllected in eonnation �;j j%,=.:, _ <br /> - wi�F ihx�wn txr.W Q��m�itsed!i'.^.i!s,th^_re {_i any yMh 1!n!n�h?rge.�.��he reduced 6y the amamt necesserv�o reduce .±t ,� _ <br /> -�:� the eharge io the permft[ed Iimit;and(b)eny sums alrcedy mllected from Uorto�ver whfeh excceded pefmitted Iimhs will be ' <br /> rcfunded ro Bortoxxr. Lender mey choose�o make thix rcPond by reducing ihe principal owed under the Note or by making e t�t 53 �s«h�� <br /> --� dircct payment ro Bortower. If n rcfund rcduttc princip�L the rcductian will be trcated a+n paniel prepaymrnt withaut any -:.�'�,�t, ,�,�:._. <br /> prcpaymen[chuge under�he Note. '�'` `^"'�_� <br />::`q �5.���'JB'{:.w , <br /> 10. Notlm. Any no�ia ro Borto�ver provided for in this Securiry Inswment ahnll 6e givcn by delivedng it or by �r '�, i ,:. <br /> '� mailing It 6y first cless mnil unles+xpplice6le lew rcquircs ux of nnother method.The no�ice shall 6e dircered�o�ht Propeny �'u.A 4 � F-S:- <br />�:-�,� Address or eny other eddress Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any no�ice�o Lender shnll be given by fiRt clan -r���;�'i1�4,;?;:-!°- <br />;,`�;� m�il to LenderL uddrcsa steted herein or eny o�her eddrcss Lender designates by notim ro Bortowee Any no�ice providW Por ,•;'^ t, �--��- <br /> i r al .i� <br /> In�hia Stturiry Inhiumem shnll bc decmed m havc Men given to Borrowcr m I.endcr when given a� provided in �his �;ra.r��.e,1�_;;._ <br /> �_i� Par+Breph. `� 'E-�..:; <br /> 13. Covern�ng Law: Severabillly. 'ILis Securny Instmment shnll be govemed by (edcml luw nnd �he Inw of�he ,?��.k�jL ��,�, -�: <br /> _.� jurisdiction in which�he Prapeny is lacnted. In the event thm nny provision or clnux of�his Security Insirument or the Norc �_� rr.; �2 ? <br /> _�� wnNcu�viih applicabie lew,:uch conFlict shall nat nffect ather provisions ot ihis Security Insnument or the Nate which can . � y.,,� tt _� _ <br /> .�� be given etfce�wi�hout�he canflicting provision. To this end�he provisions of thi<Security lacuument nnd the Note arc yj V ��1r - , <br /> dalarcd�o be sevemble. t -'� � <br /> 16. Oorrower'�Copy. 6orrower shall M giren one conPonn�d cnpy o(the Nu�c and n(this Securiry Instmment. .�4t E ���`" <br /> 17. 7}ensterot lhe Praperty or a Beneliclul Intereat In Oorroeer. Ifnll or any pan of�hc Propcny or uny interest in .�a,�•,;:,�.;rY}��+'_� <br /> }�,� it is xo�d or�mnsferted(or if n heneficial imcrcst in 6orcawer i.sold or tmnskmd und Bortowcr is nut n namrel person) '=,, , „ •:i:_ ._' <br /> - withaut LenderY prior written cansent.Lender may.m i�s up�inn,rcyuire imm.Jiale payment in full of¢II sums xcurcd by ,;r r���_;-� - <br /> this Secumy IncwmcnL However,ihi.optian shall wt M1e exeni•cJ 6y Lcndcr i(ezerci.c i.prohibited by fcdernl la�v ui of i: }, ��- --- . <br /> � the date of this Sewri�y In>tmmenc - ` <br /> If Lender exercises this optian.Lender shall give Uortoxir nntia of u�celer.nion. The nu�ice aM1all provide a period of �`� y �,i��"„ <br /> not Icss thm 30 days from Ihe dale the notice is Jelivercd or mailed wi�hin which[imm�ar mu.t pay all.ums securcd by this :t�,^;-_t`,Y;',_+i,;-,:,� <br /> �"�� Securily InsWmeni. If Bortower fail. Ia pay Ihcx +um. priar ln Ihc cxpira�ion o(Ihi.peri�d. Lendcr may invokc :my -r <br />'�r� rcmedies pertniited by this Stturiiy Inslrumcm�rilhnu�funM1cr nolice or dcmanJ on�ortmrcr. �. -- }�t'�`-�- <br />-'''� I9. Borrower's Right m Reinslnte. If I3avo�cer mec�.cenain �xmJiiinn,. Barcm�cr .hall haee �he right io have �����!���'r'i''-.- <br />_:.:� ��_ S.:-._.- i�Fr:.::. - <br /> enforcemen[o(this Stturity Imlrumem Ji.ronlinucd :n any�imc pri�.r m thc cadirr ol: u�S dar.�or wrh olhcr periad a+ t'L.":::::-�. ...:. <br /> .,,�,Y...'_,vl; . <br /> -',� ' tii�leF+mdy"-F�nnkflantiretldk}6el\IH)R\IIYtiTRI\4:Yf-Innnem('m<nam� W90 �ryt��.'lM1rysm (•',;��� �::?.T,�- ..- <br /> S� . '�:i'i <br /> :� <br /> �Tr""^s'•i;.Tr . � � , . . i ..._ - e . . - .- ♦ 1-- 'SJS'i _YS-` rs -t . %i <br /> � � <br /> " :_-.J- .::.'._�'" _ ". �_ � . ". . . <br /> "_A:�_�; -- . . . - <br />�. . :.., . .a _ <br /> t_:i:..._ <br /> .. ...- . . ' _ ' ' . . <br />..."........��R.�..�-r .: - . - • . . . . _ . . ..._ <br /> / ` _ . _ _ _ . _ ^ ' _ . <br /> iS t �_ _ . . . . - <br /> ��,J.?_ _ . . ' _ <br /> { � �� - _� . .. _ <br /> -r_.. - � i . . . - <br /> -:,Ef�::•r=`._;-;--- . .` '. ' . __ <br /> .�..�.t '-� <br /> �- � (; . . .�. . . . . . . - , � , . <br /> -:l - _ - ,. _ . . - . '" _ . <br /> i ' 1._� � . i.�- � . .. '� � <br /> l V 'Y <br /> r �r� . f . , r .... <br /> �< S -� � ': t ' i . �. - - , <br /> +I L .�• _ .. . . <br /> 3 � l � ' ' 35+ / _ ._ - ` ', .. . .. • . <br /> - ` . . .• - .. .� <br /> . <br /> .l i <. _. �}..:...V.�i /_ '.a •. .� .t • . �.- ' . . ._ .' . .--.�'�� �.. . . <br />