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;r. . ' ,, <br /> ._�• -=::„ ` -- . <br /> _ ��',� <br /> Q!} _. <br /> _ . . , <br /> . . ._ ,1 .. .. . _ °"°I'���F/�1�•�: <br /> � per(od�Wat I.enAu rsyulrca. 7ho losurenco cartler provlding 0e lnsuranae�hall be choxn 6y Bortovr.r tublectto 1.sqQatM . . .:'„` <br /> � approvd�vhfch ehn11 not be unreaaonebiy wi�hAo10, lt 8ortower falb ro melntoln coverage deaer�bed n6ovo,Lendor mqy,dt . <br /> I.endorti optton,obiatn coverage a proiect 1.enderl dgha tn Ne Property 1n oaoNu�ce�vl�h paragraPh 7. ' �---- - <br /> All insurance polidca end�enewab shell be ecaptablo to Lendu and�he11 Ineludo a�undaM mortgage clause. Lendu ' - <br /> e1�all�avo tM right to hold tha polida end rcnewat�. If I.enda requlrca.Qortower�hall Dromptly glve ro LenQer al ttoelDb <br /> o!pald prcmiuma end renowal notiaa. In�ho event of Ioae.Dortowu nhalt givo prompt nafce a�ho Insuranco eaater and �- <br /> Lender. Lcnder mny meka proot otlosf If not mado promplly by Qortowar. <br /> Unitss Lender and Bortower ahawlse agteo In wrlting,inaurenoe prxecd��hall6e�ppllrA�o rcsroradon or repeit of <br /> �he Properry damagod.If the rcatoretion or rcpalr b xonomically feaeibla md Lecdort�ecudty te not leasoned. If�ho <br /> �.--' rcstoration or ropair is not amomluliy twibie or Lenduti eecudry would bo lesaened,Uro insumnce Frocced��hdl bo `� �"� �� �' � <br /> eppded to�he suma cuured by thb Secu�lty Instniment, whether or no[U�e�due,WItII NY E7ICli7 P6I0 ro Bortowet. If <br /> — Bortowu abandom�Ae Property,or doea not enawer within 30 day�a notice trom Lender thet�he inswanco cerrtar hes <br /> offercd eo settle a clelm,then Lendu may coliect the insurenoe proaed�. Lendu may um the prooeed��o rcpair or«atoro <br /> -- �e Pro�ny or ro pay cums seared by thia Sccudty Inam�mem,whether or not then due. 7Le 30-0ry pedad wtll6egin when <br /> the not ce is given. <br /> Unleu Lender md Bortower o�hmviw egrce In wdtin6,eny eppllcetion o(proceede to p�inctpal�ANI not eatend or <br />.:- postpono�he due dete of tha montAly paymenu rotemA ro in pamgrvpha I and 2 or change�he emount of tha pa enn. If � � <br /> _= under puegreph 2l the Property It ecquired by I.ender,BortowerY dgh[to eny insurance policles and p�resu/Nng <br />= trom dunaga m the Property prior�o tla acquis(tlon�hell pea ro I.ender to�he extent of the auma secuad by this Secudty <br />— Instntmentimmedtetely pdoirotho�cqufaidon. <br />'-`'Ci 6. Occupency, Prsservettoo, Meintenance end Protectlon ot the Property; Borrower'e Loan Appitcn8on{ _ <br /> x] Lemeholda Bortower�hall accupy,esteblish,end use the Propeny d BorrowerY pdnclpil rcsidena wlNin eixty days eRer <br />:;:'s.; the eaecutlon of thb Security Insuument and ahall wminue ro occupy�ho PropertZ as.gortowal principal realdence for et <br /> -" Icut onc ycar after the datc of acupu'xy, unleas Leodu o�htt+rise agrw m wd�ing, whkh rnnxnt shall not be -- ----� <br /> �;� umeawnebly whhheld,or unlaa atenua8ng circumstenoea exist which aze 6eyond Bomowcrh mntrol. Bortowa shell not c <br /> deatmy,demege or impalr tho Pcoperty,allow�he Propeny[o datedomto,or commie wasie on�he Properry. Bortower eheil <br /> '! be in defaul�(f eny Podeimrc rction or proceeding,whether eiHl or criminel,is begun thaz in Lenderh good faith Judgrnent t_,�;-,i-.=. <br />:�:,�� could rault in fodeimrc of�he Property or otherwise metednlly impair the lien created by �hia Saudty Inatrument or �;'_�_A`"-" <br />�;!;5� Lenderh aeeuriry intercs�. Borrower may cure:uch n defeult end reins�ete,os provided in pamgrcph I8,by ceuaing�he ecUon ^t,.,;7�=__ <br />;�;>_� or proceeding io bo dismissed with a rutlng�hat,in Lenderk aood fei�h duermine4on,prccludee fodeimrc of the BortowerS .�:;,t;�j,_„ <br /> __:;� intereat in the Propeny or other m�wdei impairtncnt of the Iien crcated by th1:Swurity/natrummt or LenderS saudry � i�;':r�-�. <br />--:�; intcrcsc Borrowcr chall also be in defeult if Bortower, dudng �he loan application procw, gave meteridly falae or ?��:�-i'�;°� <br /> -- ineccure�e informetian or eta�emrnu to Lender(or faited to provide Lender with eny matedd info�mation)In connenion wi�h t,{s;;:•:;;;-�. <br /> - ?� �ha lam evidenced by the Note, including, but not Iimited ro, rcpresenteilons conceming Bortowerl occupancy of the ��'(� ' <br /> Propeny ea a pdncipal Raidence. [f this Seariry Insm�ment B on a leasehold,Bortower sh81 comply wi�h all the provbions {� s � -'=- <br />:-'�^� of�he leasa If Bortower acquircs fa Atie to�he Propeny,the leauhold and�he fee title shdl not merge unies�Lender agrce� E;-"3„'��'�_;"_;�- <br /> ro�h¢merger in writing. <br /> '� 7. Protecflon of Lender'e Rfghts In the Properfy. If Bo�mwer feila �o pedofm �he covenams end egrcementa �sf£��x. <br /> *.'� wnteinW in �his Securiry Inswment,or iherc Is a Iegal proceeding that may significantly nffect Lenderk dgh�: In �M1e r j{, _ <br /> Property(such as a pracedina in b�nkruptcy.probate,for rnndemnaiion or Podei�urc or ro enforce Iews or rcgulations),then � r,�' ,caL :- <br /> ti, Lender may do and pay for wharever is neassary ro protect�he value ot�he Propetty wM Lenderk righu in�he Propeny. K �n : <br /> Lenderk actions may mctude paying my sums securcd by e lien which hes priority over this Security Insuument,appeering i S I <br />�_?! in courc,pnying reasoneble enomeyi fees md en[cring on�he Propeny to make rcpairs.Aiihough Lender may�ake action ;s:`,"---�,`�';�:�.v��' <br />_:_=;,�; underthisparegreph7.Lenderdoeanothevetodaso. t��. )vxYx.s:- <br /> M amauma disburxed b Lender under this are re h 7 shall beeome addi�ionul debt of�ortower secured b ihis -'>: } �R`�'- <br />-zii Y Y P S P Y �, �•�.x`� -. <br /> Security Ins�rvment. Unless Boimxer and Le�der ngrcc to oiher temu of puyment.�hesc aznoun�s s6e116ear intcrat from Nc =':.1:,,gf,�;�r. <br />"�? da�e of disbursement at�he Note me and ahall be payablc,wi�h imerest,upon no�ice from Lender w Dortower rcqucating `l>'ii;t};�,+,�`:! <br /> �-�� paymenc �S�t� ;- <br /> 8. Mortgege Insurann. If Lender Rquired mongage insuruice m u condition of moking the losn securcd by this r� � <br /> .y•. ,e. ._. : <br />- Sauri�y InsimmenL Bortower shall pay �he prcmiums reqmrcd to mnintain the mortguge insurance in e((ect. !f,for eny . ,.���y:.,r.:,;.. <br /> '� reason, the mongage insurvnce covemge rcyuired by L.ender lupxs or cences �o be in effec6 Bortower shell pay the t ` <br /> -_ � premiums rcquircd ro obtain coverege sub:txntiaily equivaient m ihe mangage insurance prcvioualy in e(fect,at e eost " y��' , <br /> -'.� substmtially eyuivalent�o the cost ro 6urroner ut ihe mottgage inwmnce prev�ously in effect,ftom on altemute mortgege � ,��i A <br /> . imurer npproved by Lendea I(subs�antixlly equivalent mon{tage insurance mvem5e is noi nvuileble,Borrower shell pay ro i�� ; y '� <br /> ::� Lender ench momh n sum equal to one-twclflh of the yeuly mortgage insurance prcmium Ming paid by 6ortower when the "� t{�{}7� _ <br /> � inxurnncc coverage la{ued or aaced�o be in efkct. Lcndcr wiil nccep,asc and retain tlieu payments ns a loss rexcve in liw Yt S - <br /> '"- of mongage in+umnce. Loss rcserre paymena may no long<r be ihe option o(Lender, if mortgage insumnce _+j�� x,_ ;-_. <br />-`� covernge lin the nmount and far the periexl�hat l.ender reyuircs)pmridW by a�i insurer approved by Lender again bemmea �.�tf;'kj��sl-_: <br /> •'�1 availnble and is ob�ained.Borrowershall pay the pmmiums required�o maimain mongage insur�nce in etkc[,or to provide o � , .. <br /> .� loss rcserve,until ihe rcquiremm�t(or mortgage insunnce endc in acmrdance u�ilh any wrinen agrcement henveen Borroxrr �F � -_ <br /> - '� and Lendcror applicable law•. , f° a �'� <br /> 9. Inspcetion. Lcnder or i�s agmt may make reaiannble eNriex upnn nnd inspec�ions of�he Pmpeny. Lender shall } e � <br /> give Qorrower nolice m ihe time of ar priar In an impeclion+pecifying reasonabla cau.c fnr�he impection. � <br /> I0. Condemnelfon. "ILe prnceed.o(any au�ard or claim for Jamages,dirca w connection with any - <br /> , ..� =i.''�` `'�. <br /> SinF4Pamdq..ilnnlrlLe/F}tEAkN�rl:\IFtIR111]ATRCVi.]T--CmfwmCmemm� 9190 �Nt�t.•l�Ne�s� :=';'"-�- <br /> ,1:� Ii1ILLNhufYfrtNtk[ � _�,..1�!, . <br /> L�NrtO41fdU9DfOfJPPAtH6i91.11)1 `�i.� :_ <br /> :.. ...!_._ <br /> � � <br /> �'�^'yr�'(.�T'—�—�r . - n4r1:> . - �K}:�.. . �> � _ _ •.l.� n�nplr—:—...�r-.—..—_�n—+�+m.__.:.-.�.�+t _ <br /> 1 '� S _ . - - . ' <br />...����sr,� `.__;.f� ." .. _ � . _ . .. . <br /> ..:h-.dki....l:t� `L... . . _ <br />�.�. "._,"."m.'qt_' . __ ' _ <br />___-__ ._ ___—.'._ _— " . _ _' ""_ _ <br /> . .:-�.. .__,. _ _ . _— _ '_"_ ' <br /> '.:NS•=;.:•.._ ..: . - - <br /> -: .>.:�::n ..: .. . <br /> ''''t �. . ' . � . <br /> �"J!` l5; _ '' ' '�. .,_ <br /> :;i-. <br /> _ � <br /> __ _ '�;�..':'` _ . � _ - . - <br /> y - '_ . � - � . - ` � � - . . <br /> r� �".' . ._. . - . . . . � . _ .-.. <br /> - � -,•t' . � ' . . � ' . 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