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T_ . <br /> , .:_ . <br /> ... .. _ . . , <br /> , . <br /> � :. . <br /> . �..___ ..�- - - ---- - -- -- - - - -� . . . �_._ _._.. . _ . u _ �-�� - - <br /> . �: _' � 93,'�o4x�:',;.,.,.}:��.� � <br /> �DpUc�Dto I�w iGVy apecify Por[elnstatemenq betoro aete ot�ha Propecty Wnuan�W imy yower of fale comafaeA ifi thl+ <br /> '. gacud�y�t�uumta�eF or(b)anus�ot�Judgmen�enforoing�I+Becuflryry Tnsnumcn�� 71�oso medUtonf oro�halFortowpra {e) <br /> �urtediNaieui�cu�dc�PaultolenyaRcr�venani/orrth�l�nu;(o)DaY�oD�ai�u��rtedineotorcingthe8ecuritY - _ <br /> In,�me0t.4ncluding,Dut na limited�0.��eDla attomeyP fcost and(�iake�euch ectlon a�I.endcr may retweebly <br />� iequlto IoeSSVfa lhet Iho IteO of fhif 8tculily InsWment,t.endeib r18h�s in the Propeny nna eortower4obilge�lon eo poy iho ��°— <br /> sum� �xured Dy thlt 8ecudty InstNment shall wntimue unchengcd. Upon rcins�etemem by Botrowu, �hie Security <br /> iaawtnent�nd t�o oDliaeHon�sewrtdhereby�hnll rcmeln futly ottattvo a�It rro aceeieredon hed ascurted. Howevu;We <br /> dg�t�orelrateto alull nat ayD1Y�n the eoae oteaeleretlon under paregmph 17. _ <br /> 19. BOte ot Nots{�Aange o}Loan 9ervlar. 7Ue Nde or apartial intertst In Ne Naro(�ogcthcr�vtiA thle&cudty � _ ,. <br /> Insdumen0 mey be wid ona or mon tlmea wi�hout Drlor nodco to Bortower. A eale mey raul�in u cAango In iM entlty <br /> may Ae on or more cAang�a ot the Loan Servlxrhimroi ie�ed�to e sel of th No a tf Aero�la c henge ol�ihe Loan Servicer, <br /> Bomowu wpl bo glven writfen notice ot the chenge in eaordenoa whh paragraph 14 ebove and appAcnble law. 71a notico <br /> will suta the name and eddrese of tta new Loan Servicer md tho addreas�o which paymenu�hould be mada 71ro notica witl <br /> elso contain eny o�her Infoim�tlon required by epplieeble law. <br /> 20. Hn►xrdaus 8ubslencea. Oorto�ver fhall no[cause or permft the prosence,uu.Napasel,�ronge,or rcteeu of my ----- � --� <br /> Hazardoua Subsnncw on or in tho Propeny. Hortower ihall not do,nor allow enyone elso co do,anylhing effatlng the <br /> Property the[1�in vlolnion ot any P�rironmemal Lew. 77ie prcading two untences ehall not apply ro�he prosence,use,or <br /> sromge on the Ropmty of amall quantiAea of Nezerdow Substances�hat arc generelly rceognized to bo eppropdata�o nortnel <br /> reaidendel usee end ro maimenanu of iha Propeny. ____ <br /> Bortower tM1all promptly gtva Lender written notice of eny invesflgetion,cleim,demend,Isweuit or aher ecqon by any <br /> govemmentel or rcgule�ory ige�cy or private pany Involving the Propeny end any Hazardou�Substanoe or Fnvlronmental <br /> L¢w ot which Bortower ha+ acmal knowleAge. If Bortower leann. or la no�itied by any govemmentel or rcguletory --__ _ _ _ <br />' authodry,thet eny remova]or mher rcmeAlation of eny Hezerdous Substence ntfec�(ng�he Property is nocessery.Bortower �r,�_;'-- <br /> ah�ll pmmptly teke dl necesHry rcmediel acriona in eaordena with 6nvironmentel Law. �.•______ <br /> A�used tn�hia puagwph 20,'Hazardow Subslences"ero�hose substences defined es toxic or hererdous subauncea by rr�..,.,"-. <br /> Pa�vironmental Law md the following subatences: gasoline,kerowa.otlier flnmmeble or toxic petrolwm producu,toaic �,�, <br /> pesticides end he�bieidee, votetile solrema,m�redale wntaining asbestm or Pormaldehyde,end mdioaaiw materiila. A� _ .. <br />- used in thl�puag��ph 211, "Fnvimnmemal Lew mwm fWerel laws u�d lawa of the Judadiction where�he Property is loceted �„+_;?:.rz�:- <br />� thet[elarc w heelth,eafuy or environmentel praection. �"�'�-�� � <br /> a.;?`r:,�1+` <br /> NON•UNIFORM COV8NAN7'S. Borrower ond Lender Nnhercovenant end egree as folloxn: ts.f�;;,-:_: <br /> 11. Acteieretloni Remedlee. I.ender ahail glve notirn to Borro�ver prlor to acceleration foiloxing Borrower'e i;'1-f�t:.,: <br /> breach ot any mvenant ar agreement In thB Seeurfty Instrument(but not prior to ecceitratlon under peragraph 17 x?,�'��,,;�. <br /> unles+applicable lan providea othern�se). The notice shall apecin: (a)the deteutti(b)the eMlon requlred to cure the ����- °�-- <br /> detautt(c)e date,not les+ihen 30 deya hom fhe date the notice is glven to QorroNer,by ahtch the deteult must be xS�i;n;'. <br /> curedi and(di thai teiture W cum thz d'ctautt on or C¢fort tht dole speclRed tn the notice may resutt In acceieratlon of �'e_���-I„-- <br /> the wms saured by�hls&curity Instrummt end sale of the Property. The notitt ahatl furlher Inform Borrower of �?�C <br /> the rlght to retnslate aRer oceelemtlon and the rfght to bring a murt actlon to essert lhe nomextatena of e defeult or '+:r'� ' ` <br /> any other deknse ot Uorroxer to aceeteretlon and snie. If the defeuit la not eured on or bePore the date epeel0ed In ������y� ,� <br /> the nottce,Lender at Ite optlon ma7 require Immediate peyment In NII of ell sums secured by Ihts Seeudty Instrument �f r '� <br /> nithout Nrther dem�nd and mny Invoke ihe po�rer at aele and eny other remedfw permilted by epplica6le lea. �h , •_ <br /> Lender shall be entllled ro callat all ezpensea Incurred In purauing Ihe remedles prorided (n thb peragraph 2f. �_._ � •. <br /> Including,but not Ifmited ro,reasoneble atrorneya'feee and costa ottitie evidence. �n'�"f"`�-�� <br /> It the o�rer of wte L+invoked,7Yux�ee shall record a natta ot defeult tn each county in�vhich eny part of Ihe �;`'�'�i,�,;�;-: <br /> Praperty IaPlowted erc!shdl mnil�vptea otruch notice in lhe manner prescri6td by epplteable lew to 6orrower ond lo ,i'�;��i�r:;;-.- <br /> the other percom prescribed by appticeble Ia�e ARer the tlme requlred by apD���ble le�v,7Fuatee�hall gin public �S iy �� <br /> noilce of aele m the person+end in lhe manner preacAbed by epplicable la�x 7Yustee.�dthout demend on Borro�rer, � . <br /> eheil sell the Property et pubiic autlion to Ihe higheat Didder el�he time und plece and under the term�designated In ?-� �� _�'� <br /> lhe notice ot sxte(n one ar more parceb end in eny order 7Yustx determine+. Trustee may postpone seie of all or any �-"k�'�•:�. <br /> �;a;';t��t:,::: <br /> arcel of the Pro ert b ublic ennouncement at the time and pince of uny previousiy scheduled sele. Lender or id '�.,,..,.��.;;; <br /> deaignx may purchaym the Properly at any sxle. .h��:f`7".: <br /> (±r,"�`.-1�:�)". <br /> Upon recetpl ot payment of Ihe pritt bid,1tustee shell detiver to ihe purchacer'1}ustee's deed conveying the , ;,�4�}._.�-� <br /> Properry. The recitnls(n the 7}ustee'»deed shell 6e prime fecie evidence ot the truth otthe slntemenU mxde Iherein. ��t'�'?'_".�,_�. <br />-- 7FUStee ahall apply Ihc proreeds otlhe ssle In the follo�ving order. (al to a0 casls and ezpensee otexerctafng the po�rer �•%�, - <br /> %l._:n•r,,_ <br /> if'..x, ,}1._., <br />_ PS�::L <br /> [�a,]:/�V���1::� <br />:� 'L'�_P>y��.LL.��.-. <br /> i <br /> ��'i5`f'x� <br /> y F. J t :. <br /> �}l t. <br />- Fbrm7021t 9.90 �Ne�3o/nryvn� - <br /> » <br /> S� <br />_ ' -,... :1'�_ <br /> ,.";(:r°:::. <br /> � r _._^•q^T•�^r,?�'^�+—T' _•�R,T.jT'T:- .—i-+v-�+--. •s^'aT'A f� _t.�'TR__.Mh -,_—�.—,m �,�I, _�•. <br /> -7- l' 1 f. .- .i.� + . <br /> r � �' <br /> ` ( 15 <br /> rv _ ' ' _ .. .. ' ' _ _ <br /> J� " . ' - / _ . . _ <br /> � � . � <br /> ". ..� ':_ . ' _ �. ' 'T— <br /> 1 lY• f <br /> f 'f l-. ' � - - . . <br /> 1 � t� 4 ' 1 l.1- t _�� _ � '� .. . ' � . _ <br /> . ' <br /> • <br /> J lv\ \ _a�.� - <br /> J �� <br /> � /. .!- 1 . . _ <br /> ���" - l ' ( s� -.-f l ) . . . <br /> � �i . ; �') �1 � . `� . -�� 's s ` . . ''�. . <br /> .f. f �• � .'t •. r L ��' �� ' ' r � - , . <br /> # - � -t �'�. - f-- ' - % - - � <br /> C � 1. �, ; 7 - � ' 1.�� - .. � -� __.� .. R f .-1'. <br /> �{ �i<��l 4 � .i- � +l.` ( -`VL��1�)1 } - - [t-.� - (` { . ` . I ' <br /> �w <br /> fn � _ j7�1 .� . ti S�, � z. +r �,—, . <br /> kY- �c i � �' _ -. < [ r�..#t� }._ V ._:�t.. . .. 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