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,: .. � :_ . <br /> -��...�._ _ _ <br /> , . -� _ _:,.�r2.r V;, ,� <br /> __-_. - -�-•— -- --.. ... - - -- __ _ - - `' Y[�yy� <br /> - . - � D1��'�f�Ci °�ir..� : '�------- � <br /> • t� <br /> Tppgp{BR 1Yi191 a11 the lmpro�emena now or hercaRer crected on the prope�-ry,end all casement� ep uneneriCG, � . � <br /> wb flxtura now or hetwftor a put ot tho D�opert�• Att replaamentr and aamnone aflaU�iso ba rnvaee by t�1e ee�ur�ty � _ _ _ <br /> Inswmenw A11 otmo tore�oing b roferred to in�s Secudty Inswmert m�he"Property.' - <br /> UQ�tROWEII C�VBNANtB that Bortowcr le InwNliy solsed ot the ealato heroby convayW nnA hw ttw dghl to grent <br /> end convoy�ho PmDcrry and N�t tha Proyerty fa uncawmbered.oxcept fa encumbrencr�of rFwM. Dortowcr wartame and _. <br /> will detcnd generolly the�itte�o the FropenY e8ainst ell cialma end demnnd�,subJcel�o eny encumbwiae of rccord, <br /> Ilmlt�erle�toHns yju sdlcN�on�ocons�iitu�ebunitorm�ccadyinstrumentcoveringrcalpropeny°,n•unitorm covenanu wi�h <br /> UNIFpgM ppVBNANfS. Bortowor xnd I.ender covenent end agrcs as(oilow�: p psy .— ���� � <br /> pdnclpe1 ot�end interes[on tha debt ovidenoed bY�h0 No e e�d any propaymen and lute cturg�oa dua underythe No�n due ehe <br /> 1. F4rtda for 4h:es end Incurnnce. StibJa[ro appliceblo Iaw oT to a wrinen waivw by I.endu.Borrowm ehall pay to <br /> Lender on tlw day monthiy paymente are due nndcr the No�o.undl tha Note ie pald In full,e eum("[i�nds")tor.(a)yearly = <br /> texes and escessmente whkh may nttein pdodiy over fhie Security Inq�ument e�e Ilen on�he Propeny;(b)YearlY Icesedold � <br /> paymenu or growd rcnta on tla Property. If eny: (c) Yearly hezerd or propenY insannce prcmtuma: (� yenrty flood <br /> truurvnce Prcmiums. If eny: (e)Yearl� mong�a0g��ePhraBw P w oi�heif ymenNOf mon age insur�aoce'�7l�ese - . .� <br /> Lendcr,[n exordence whh the provls ona of � B <br /> I[em�ero c+lled"Pscrow Irem�' Lender may,e�eny dme,collea and ho d Punds in an emoun[not ro excced�Aa maximum _ <br /> amount e lender Por a hderaliy roleted mortgage luan may rcqulro for BorrowerY escrow account under Ihe ttderel Real __ <br /> Estate Setllement Procedurca Aet of emwded from tlme to time,12 U.S.C.�260i rr seq.('R13SPA"),unita�mother _ <br /> law Net applies ro tho Wnda acta s lesser amoum. If so.Leoder may,at eny time,wlleet end hold Fi�nds In en nmowt not a - <br /> oaaed the leaur amount. Lender may eatimetc Ne amount of I'unds due on �ho 6azis of curtent date end rcasonable __ <br /> esdmotes o(oxpendiwrs�of fuNa Escrow Itema or ahelwiu in accordenco with�pplicable law. -'�__ _____ <br /> The Fi�nda�M1all be held in an Inatitudon whosc deposiu em insurcd by e federel agency,insnumemality,or emiry � �,r <br /> (tnciuding Lender,[f Lender ts cuch m insdtution)or in any Pederel Home Loen Bank. Lender eAell epply the Punds�o pay ._ . <br /> the Eurow Items. Lender may not charge Bortower for hotding end appiying�he Punde, annuelly mnlyzing the eacrow „�; ._._, <br /> eceoum, ur vedfying ihe 8scrow [[ems, untesa Lender paya Oofrower intereat on the Ponda and applicabte law permiu �.�rM.;,�:__ <br /> I.ender to meke such e cherga However,I.ender may requiro Borrower to pay a one•ume charge for an independent rcal �.�-,..-. <br /> estate ux rcporting servia uud by I.ender in connec�ion with this loan,unles�eppliceble iaw provide�o[heiwiu. Unles�en `;���,��.,�:.- <br /> agreement is medc or epplicable Iaw rcqufres intercst lo be paid,Lender shall not be requircd to pay Bortower any intereat or `�.;_,_ <br /> eemings on tho Wnds. Bortower end Lcnder mey agrce in wdting,however,�het interest�hell be paid on the PunN. Lendcr „_�,.:_. <br /> shall�ive lo Bortower,without charge,an ennual eccounHng of the FLnd+,ahowing crcAiu and debits to�he PunM end�he . �,,.�c_ <br /> pucpose for whleh each debit to the Wnda waa made. 7Le FLnds ere pledged as+dditiomi secudty Por all sums securcd by 1�..��_ty.-j <br /> �hia Sxufity[nswment Y f <br /> If the Wnds hald by Lender exeeed the emounu perm�tted ro be held by applicable law. Lender shell eccount l0 1.�r _ <br /> Bortower for�he excess Funds in n�cuidar�K�.ith i:a rcGulmm'nL of eFFlic96!!law, I(�he emount of Ihe Funds held bY �jy��-a+ ,____-- <br /> I.ender at eny Iime is not aufficicnt ro pay tAe Fscrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Bortower in writlng,end,in -.S� � . <br /> such case Dortower ahall pny to Lender the emoum necesaary to meke up �he deficieney. Bortower shall make up �he 4•%�i�sar�;:�-� <br /> defleiency in no more�haa twelre momhiy payments,e�Lender]wle diuralon. , +�i�lt - <br /> Upon payment in full ddl sums securcd by thia Security Inatrumen4 Lender xhall promptly rcfund to Bortower eny ���•!`=---�. <br /> � o•..siila(�.� <br /> Pund+held by Lender. If,under pafagreph 21.Lender shall acquirc or sell the Property,l.ender,prior to Ihe ecquisition or +�Ai}_..�„��„___. <br /> nale of the Propeny,shali apply eny FLnds held by Lendcr et�hc timc of ecquisition ar selc m a credit egainu�he sums u�y�y>�<;�:.,: <br /> securcd by�his Sauriry[nstrumenl. �`��'{'�zY`'���: <br /> 3! i?i:':`=,_i <br /> }. App![cetlon of Paymenta Unleu appliceble law provides othcrniu,all paymenu raeived by Lender under �,�,t���,,�`- <br />_ pereg�ephs I end 2 sh�ll be nppiied:firs�,ro xny prcpaymzn�chargcs due undcr thc Notc;accond,to amoimts psynble under ,>��.�fr.��,;;=. <br />_ pareyaph 2:third,lo imercst due:fourth,lo principal duc:end lu6 ro eny I¢te chvges due under�he Nore. :ii�ty.S:4>,?��'� <br />-- 0. Cherges; Liena. Bortower shdl pay all texes, assessmenu,charga, fines end impositions ottribulablc to �he r p � <br />- Property�vAich mey enein pdorny over this Security Ins�rumem,and Iensehold paymenu or ground rcnu,i[eny. Borrower �°r�� j' �.': <br />- shall pay theae obljgations in�he menncr provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in thet manner.Bortower shell pay�hem on �� �.. -n' <br /> 4rC',:r'4�;_;` <br />" time directly ro the person owed payment. 6orrower shnll promp�iy fumish to Lender rtll notices of amountx to be paid under a;:r.:--�:.�..._ <br />_ �his paregraph. If Bofmwer mekes these payments dircaly.Bortower ahell prompdy Pomish to Lender reccipts evidencing j�i��?i-,.;,'':°;; <br /> thc prymenfa. `� � �� <br />= 6ortower ahall prompUy discharge any lien which has priority over�his Securiry Insimment unleas Dortower.(a)agrces �`t4 s� '�+�: <br /> in wming�o the payment of the obliga�ion secured by�he lien in¢manner accepiable ro Lender.(b)comes�s in good faith the ��;;�_�.7�:. <br /> - lien by,or defends xgninst enforcement of tAe Iien in.Iegal proceedings rvhich in�he Lender'.s opinion opemte to prcvent�he ..,1 s • <br /> enforeement of lAe Ifen:or(c)securcs from the holdet a(Ihe lien fln agrcement salisfnctory to Lender subotdinaling�he Iien �.{ �'�h„- <br />- ro this Saurity Insuumcm. If Lendcr detem�incs that nny pan of�he Propeny is subjat to a lien which may attein priority .,{,, f.,._--- <br />- over�his Secufiy Inswment.Lender mey give 6ortower a notice identifying the lien. Barower shall sn�isfy�he lien or teke �yr�f?-yE,"'rS_ � <br />- one or more of�he actions set fonh a6ove within 10 days of the giving of no�ice. --%:` � <br />� S. Hazerd or Property Insurance. Borrowcr shall keep the improvcmemi now existing or Aercaf�er crccted on the ;;= � -_:_ <br />- Property insurcd egainst losx by fire,ha�ardc included within the tertn"utended covemge"and any ather hxzerds,including ;;,`;,.,.Y� , <br /> tloodc or flooding, (or which Lender requims insurance. This insurance xhall M maimained in the amounu and for the �f,.,;:__T:.��;r-- <br /> FamJ07! 9N0 �!'^XtT^In�wR�sl ��--i.�'�,'.�;'�-. <br />= i�ni. <br /> �!� <br /> P <br /> .� ^:Tr'.a--r..rtV' ". '..5..-., c . ' ' "-� ..- .. . <br /> n- - -F_' f . - - _ �_._ .+ .��f� r _ T ' • <br /> ��a,,,�r_. � . . ' ._ .. • <br /> - --'+ - , .t . .. <br /> a i z7- . - ... - � - . . . . .-. : . <br /> � - :.... ...:�. . . . . . . . . . �� . . <br /> , . <br /> �. .. ._ <br /> . _ <br /> � � . . _ _. .. � ; . <br /> � a,1 -.d \ � . ,.� _1 .. ' ' _ . . _ _ . . _ <br /> . . ,- ... . . - ., . - .. <br /> . . ..-,- ._-. .:.r _ ':_- . . '.�_--'_'___ _ � <br /> ._:_ ,- .- _ :-:. ._' '.' " - ___" _ _ _ '" ' '__ _ "' _ ._—_' '_ _ _ _ _- _ " <br /> ' -r- <br /> - . . . _ . - . ., ., , . - .. . . - <br /> t .c�.� - t' � t " . _ - .. ' .. . ' _ " <br /> i -Y,.t) . t` Y!� . . ' . _ - . <br /> � f � <br /> k. �-. \ -S� a - ij ; � - . -.'- . . . <br /> T " '" <br /> + ' � <br /> ��iti �_p�f . :S - - . _ _ ' . ( _ . - ` , " <br /> ��� ' 7r � .. �. . ,� <br /> ' r � � t <br /> �• i " <br /> i - � i i ' !-f _ '� . . ' <br /> � _' r_ � � : ; `, � ._i i�. �•: _ <br /> . , ( <br /> i� �i�l j i-. ' '' t .f � s / -!� . _ <br /> � -�, iii i�t . r �. � � :� . <br /> ,C ai... . i .. . 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