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{;Y'a . ��° � � <br /> � . _ . � � <br /> `� iybsteiitlelly�equl�atentmortgege Inwmnoo coee�aBe Is na avsllable, EOROWCP 6I18II pay�o I.emfer wcb month a�uin equd io ` ` <br /> -� pnatwelt�{�of thcyQady mottgage insuranoe prumrom bcing pafd by Borrower when�ho Insmm�ce coverege lapsed or ocascd lo ___ . <br /> � bo In aifeq.Lendef w�11,ecQpDt.uae end rcta�n thae paymeme as �losa reaervo in Iicu o( mongage Inaumneo. Loss reurva <br /> payment�rtiay no lon$ef be tho oplon of Lcnde►.It mortgego Imumnca covcrage qn tho emount and(or tho perlad <br /> ___, U�at I.dMer roqulrmt)provld�by m Insurcr epproved by Lender egain baamej nvaflablc ond Ia obtalnM.Qorrowcr shall pay <br /> ---° �he premlums requlred to rqelnWn mortgoyp Inwrence in effttt,ono provido n lou rcscrve,unUl�ho rcqulrcment for mortgaga :- --- <br /> Insurenoo enda 1n eoeo[d9nco wi�h eny wriltcn egrament between Ilorrower end Lendtr or eppllcn6lo law. <br /> - 9.Lsspedion. Lender or Ite�gcntmey meke rcasonabie entdes upon end inspocUons oi�he Propeny. Lender�hell giva �_ ______ <br /> Borcower notico at tho Hme of or pdor to an Insponlon specifying rsasonabto cause Por Ihe Inspeclian. __ <br /> — 10.Coudwnnatlon.71�o procada of uny oward or claim for damaga, dircct or mnuqucntlnl, in rnnnecllon wi�h eny —___ <br /> condemnelion or other[aking of any pan oi�ho Properry.or for conveyance in Ilw of condemnmion, ero hereby assigacd end <br /> - — shdi be pald ta Lender. — <br />� ----- In the event ot e totel taking of tho Propeny,the practede�h�ll btt nppiied W tho eunts cecured by thii Secudty Inurument. �-� °_- <br /> —_ whUher or not then due,wlih eny acess naid to Bortower. In�he event of a paniel teking of the Property In whleh the fair <br />�;.:.� market wlue of�he Property(mmedlarely 6efore[he teking fa equal to or grcatcr than �he amoum of the wms sec�rcd by tFB _,-_____-- <br /> Sxudty Instrument tmmediately before the teking,unlw Oorrower and Lender o�hernisc egrea in writing,�hc sums secured by � <br /> _� Ihis Sowriry Insuument �all be roduad by �he amount of tlx proccede multiplied by the following (rection: (n) the tmd ��c��,���, ;, <br />__.,,�a emount of tAe cunu xcured immedimely beforo�Ao taking, divided by(b)�he fair market value of the Fropcny immediazcly t�,5.� � <br /> �� beforo[he teldng. Any 6alence ahdl be paid�o Bortowa. In the evrnt o(e panial taki�of thc Propeny in which �he falr ��i�� rr�:_:. <br /> �-- marku vdue ot the Property immediatcly beforc�hc iaking is Icss then the amount of the wms saured immcdiaccly 6cfoR the --.� . <br /> -y� Ieking,unlas�Borrower end Lender otherwlu egrx in wfiing or unleu epplice6le law o�herniu provida, the prorecd:shell - . <br /> - be epplicd to�he sums ravreA by this Security In+wmem�vhethcr or not the aums are then due. '�'�,�, <br /> =�xmni it Ihe Propeny is abandoned by Borro�vcr,or if,after notia by Lendcr m Borrowcr ihat thc mndemnor offea io makc m �;;•;-��=�=�=�_ <br /> '_� eward or senle a cleim for dema a. Hortower feils to re nd ro L.endcr wi�hin 30 da c nfter ihe date the notice is iven, m':•t''-" -�'°"��-� <br /> ,;;� I.ender Is authodzed Io collat and apply Ihe praceads,at�s option,either ro resmretion or rcpair of the Property ar to�he cum� � —_ - <br /> w� secdred by thB Securiry Instrumem,whether or not then c ac. �'�' <br /> Unles+ Lender and Bortower othernix agrce in �vriting, my npplica�ion of pracecds to princi�ai shall nnt extend or <br />._�;�i.� posipone�hc due date of Ihc monthly paymems rcfertcd io in pnreBrePhs 1 end 2 or c6nngc thc nmaum of xuch payments. - =r.� "`-°�--� <br /> � 11.Borto�rer lYot Rdeasedt Porbearence By I.ender Not e Wnirer�P.xtensinn nf Ihe�inre for paymen�ar madificallon �=�_� <br /> ''r-'?j of anwniretion of�he wme ucured by�his Secudty Instmmem g�amed by l.ender tn any succexm,r in imere+�af Bnrmwer�hdl =�-,._ <br /> '" nol opemtc lo rclatsc�hc liabflhy nf ihc original Bnrmwcr or florrowcr'�.nac�w�n in intcrc.�. IAnJcr ahall nrn bc rcyulral lo �+_:?:�Y',- <br />'�,;::� mmmcncc prc�cceding�agnins�ony wccc.anr in imcrcni nr rcfu+c Io cx�cnJ�inu for p:rynkm or o0krnf.c nx�lify nmarliinlinn <br /> ?�{4� ot ihc xum+ sccurcd by ihix Scwmy In+trunmm I+y rcuw�n of+ny dcnm�d m:Wc liy ihc origmnl Nnrtmvcr nr @�rro�rcr'. _.-_ <br /> wcccsson in imcrcat. Any foduman.r by IenJer in cxcrci.inK uny riyM ar rom��y +6uil na� hc n wuivcr nf or prccluJc�hc <br /> -;.:;)� cxertlu of nny righ�or rem�dy. --- <br />--._�,r 13. Rucce,00rw und Acslgni Iinunde JoIN nnA tievernl I.1o6111fyt Cn.tilgner■. 'Ne c��vcnam� nnd nyreenmm� af�hix .°:� <br />;...:pt SttVfilY InS�Ni1M0i Rhnll l�lnd anJ M1encfil Ihc wiic+wm nnd Iwndcr ond IAnmwcr. .nhjai �o �hc pmvixlom of <br /> - �•� pamgmph I7. Bnrrowcr's aivcn:m� nnJ ngrecnunh d�all hc jniN a�xl krcnJ. Any IA�rrue�cr wha n�•xigna thM 5ecurftY - <br /> '� .� Insuumcnl bm dcee M�t cxttvlc Ihe Notc: dU is an.+igmng Ihi+ticcurity Iro�rwncm only u, mnnyngc,gmnt mul�rnvcy�hai � <br /> '���� Borrower'a imercsl in tlu Prapeny unJCr the Ierm�nf�hu Securi�y InsuunenL' (hl i.nol�r.nnally nM1ligmal�o pay�he sums ---- - .-- <br /> -i;:=.' ueurcd by�his Sccud�Y Instrumem:nnd(cI agrcez thut l.endcr anl nny mher Uorroocr may ugrec m cx�cnd,nuM�ly.Ioroear or <br /> -��:;�n� mak¢any acmmmodavatu wi�h rcgard�a ihc icrmc nf ihis S�turny In+wnxnt nr ihc Notc ai�haut ihm Bormwcr':conseni. _ <br /> -=��� IJ. Loen Charges.If dm lo�n ucurni 6y ihis Securny tiu�mmem is+ubjttt to u Imv wbich.e�a nw�ximum loan charges, __ <br /> "'�� and that low is finally intcrprcicd w�Im�ihc imcrc.t nr other Icnn rhargc.aroll�aicJ or ta hc�nllcctcJ im m�nection wt�h�he __ _ _ <br /> -.fL, loan exeted the permitted limits, �hen: (n)any wch loan charge>hnll he reJuceJ by Ihe a�nnwn ne�tiswry to raluce�he charge _--- - <br /> "-•�l to thc pcnnined limit:anJ(b)nny wms alrcaJy mllcctcd Bnm Iinrrrn��cr whinc�xcecJed pcnnirtcJ limiis will he rcPonded�o � y�._- <br /> l3ti:Y <br /> :rl�.� Qartowcc Lendcr nwy .hnc�sc to nNkc �his rcfund hy rcJucing thc prin�ipal owcJ undcr il�c Notc ar by moking a dirM y a=,_, <br /> � payment to Borto�vec It a refuN rcelu�cs prinripnl. ihe raluc�iun will he tnaned a� u paninl prepaYment without eny �' .. —. <br /> :-��2 prepnymentchargeunlertheNote. �?s. "� "��"_ <br /> --.i 14.Notica.Any no�icc m 13ormwcr pruviJal fi�r in�hia Smuri�y In.uunum.hall h given hy Jelivering it or by nwiling ,`v rr=_ � <br /> _ �.=.- it by first cl»cs nuil unlcss myuim u+c��f nnn�hcr me[h�d.'fhc mm�t+hall In dinYt¢d In Ihc PmpCtly AdJress 'd,3 __ -.,° <br /> k��,: or nny athcr addrcsss Bunax•cr dcsignetc. hy nmice m Lcndcr. Any nnti�ti tn lsndcr.hail hc given hy fi�at clan nuil lo f j� � � :::. <br /> Lender's addrest.Iaud herein ar any niher addm� Lemler Je4iFnate�hy nmice io lk+rmxee Any notiie proviJeJ for in�his ,rt.�`; - <br /> �-?; Sauri�y Ins�mnunt shali M dcemcd�o h:rvc twrn @iven in&�rroxcr or tAnd.r whcn given a.providcd in thi.�ragruph. �>x!4�1. - <br /> ' . IS.Gnreming Imv: Serere611ity. Tiu. S.wri�y In.tranunt .6all hc goccmcJ h� IIYII'fJI IJq and �he luwof thc rer��i��� "`. <br /> .: jurisdiaion in which thc Property is kxnleJ. In Ihe ea¢nl Ihal am pmvi�inn ur rlau+�nf Ihis S�ivriry Irotrumem or lhe No�c � � �I'++( � -- <br /> �.� mn0icls�vid�opplicuble law.such ivnllic�,hall n,t a(fat�n�hcr pra.�iunro�,f�hi,Sc.uriry In.lrumcnt nr�hc Na�c which can M �5� jr 1_{fiar r ' <br /> »�,': givcn cffect�vi�haut tAc mnflicpng prnri�ion.Ta�hi.rnJ�hc pm�i.ian.of�hi.Sccuriq In+lmtncnt anJ Ihc Yo1c um J�dami f '}r�. �� �y,�-' <br /> to6cuvemblc. ��� (�tf`�',Yfi���s- <br /> .--�` 16.Borro�cer's Copy. Barronir shall ix Encn�mc a,nti�rnnJ rnp��nl�hc:vnte:md nl�lu.Sccnrit� In+tmmcm. �i .", <br /> - 17.Trenster nf the Pmpetiy nr u lirne(Icial Intemt In Itnn•m�er. If all.�r.nn pm ni �he Pru�ny nr any imera�in n � �t_r y�a�}� �. , �. <br /> i;�= <br /> -_ �F is wld or tnmkrreJ tor if a Mnc��ial imcre,� in Borcaicr i. +nW nr uan.fcrnvl nn.l Ilorr.n�cr n na�a namr.J�aw+nl���ilh�mt � - � > sr � : <br /> Lendcr's prinr wrincn amxnt. 4nJcr nuy. a� i�� optinn. «ymrc p:nmcm m lull nl all +um+ .�tunJ b�� �hi+ 'r� f - <br /> SCCOIII}'IRS�NIlU11L NO\\C\'Cf.IIII���r11O11 QI'JII Ih�l I�C e�.r.i+cJ h� Lcnler d.�.rav f.pm6fhflcJ 1+� litlrr.d la��a.ol�hc dalc .-i�,� '���7y'u.f <br /> : ; <br /> ..,-, n(thisSauriq�Insvumcm. r . - �lrT$ �j - <br /> ...i.�c.• ,' <br /> �:.'�i. If Itndcr exerci.c.i6i.�.p�iun.Lendcr.hall�i�c IA�rtax rr nuurr ul nnY�knuoa fhr nu��.c.hall proriJr a�xnnd nf mn �;-t;ij�..�.r <br /> kss Ihan ip Ja)� I}rnn Ihc alalc Ilr nnu.r � m:nl..l ��n6in .�h�ah N��rn.��.r mua ryn .dl vnn. .c:urcJ h� Ih�. •.�;;. . <br /> --�..j. &nurity In.vunam. II i3�.rruea lafl.tu�..q iu iL:.�p�cnnm.�I tl:�,pau•L LaiJrr ma� imoAr:m) rtnkvlu•. ..'� <br /> \?� pem�itid by thir Savritc Iualrunnm��nhnm lunhrr nnu.c��r J.mmJ nn IL�rtu��.r ' -. <br /> :. 18. Oarroncr: ltlght In Relntitatc. II IA+rmacr mcc�� .cnam omdiu n N�rtnnccr .h:dl �hc nghi �.. hmc . . <br /> '-� enfnrcemenl nf Ihi. Secuut� In.wmcm di.rontim�al .n am tinx pnnr ��.thr ��d��r aC �a� S Ja�. �nr .uch .nhcr �an�yl.n � . - _. <br /> .`:''y applirahlc Id\Y 10�{ .�nvify f.,r rcin.ta�cnwnn hwrc .dc ol tlw Pnqxn� pur.uam �.� .im rymrr al ..Jr comaini�.l m Un. <br /> ..'� Snvrily In.wnknC nr�b�cntn ofa IuJpntenl eidarcmp Ihi. tir.vnt� In.mnn.m Thn.r.vndn�on.arc�ir.n Rurmwrr. �a�pa�. � . <br /> - - Lemler ali wm.��hie6 Ihen xou1J h duc nnder�hf.tircunq In.�mmrnl:md the ].�Ir a.d nn ac.rlr�a�n�:i haJ�w�curmC �h� �` � <br /> _ .vrc.anr dclauli nl'am nlhcr ru�rnann nr agreeinrnl. ��� p:n.all t�penv. m.nrreJ m:nl.�nmg �hn� In.imnmm. i - <br /> including. hm nn� Iimrt�J �o.rca��aiMc aWrtn.�: 1��.:and �Ji ia6r.•ud�.i.unu a. I c�drr m:n re.nm..�hh rcymrr ��,.�.wrc � , . <br /> ' Ihat Ihc licn nf Ihit ticiunl� h�.immnn. I.rndc��.n�hl.m �hr 19npc��> .nW R�.n.,��r�".��hhgawm i,.pa� d�r.nm...,mr.i In . <br /> _ ' Ihir Sc.vriq InaNmeni .hali aommnc undiangeJ. l��m rennlalrmnn b� Bnrnn�r�. Ih�. tirrunt� In.lmnxm .n.l iL: � <br /> � nhligalinna tiy'��rad hcrch� Q�all rrmam lulh clln'mc nu anrlcr.niun haJ �r•nrnd- How.�.t. Ihn ngh11��tcm.Lnc.h.dl <br /> " - �nl.� ��lo-.-:�.....f:. - <br />�'!`.�; r19. Sale of Yole: ChanKe o( Lomi tienimr. 7Lr \utc,�r a pamal nnrrc.� m �hc Vu�c ��ogehci ��nh �hn Snunq <br /> - ] InswnxnU nuy M1c wW anc or mnn limc.wnhnm pnor no��ar m Ilurra��cc -\..dr m:n rc.uh m a ahan�r m�Lr cnui� dmmn _ <br /> -•� ai the'Luan Scrcircr')�hat mllivt.monthi� pa�mcm.Juc undcr�hr \n�r aud�hf.ticaunn In.trunmm Thcrr al�.ma� hr onr <br />� ;;;_� or mort change•nf thc Uwn Scrri¢r unrcl:rtnl m a.alr nf�hc Nnlc. II Ihrrc n a dcm}c�d thr I Srn i.rr. R�rtrn��cr��JI M <br /> ::`�.,�; given ariticn nnli<c nf Ihc rhangc m acr.xdan..��flh ry�agraph I�aNmc.nnl.q+plrcahir la��_ Il�c nnuac xill�IJII'IIl[IIdOtl'I114I <br /> - addrcs�nf�hc ncw l.,an Scrcircr aml �hc addre..��,��Lf.h pa�mcm..hnulJ IK nnJc. Ihc nnlin xdl :dw.omam am .aLcr <br /> '- �t� infuminlion rcyuircJ h)�aPPlicablclaw. <br /> ..� <br />��%?};,� 20. He�fdnut 5ub.qDncc+.Ikirroncr .h:dl nnl rau.c nr�rn1i11hc nv.diyx,cd. .Iurago. nr rticnc�•1 .�m , <br />'... !iF Haurdom SuM�anm an ur in �M Prupcm. Ii�mrn�vr .hall inn dn. mrt all.m au�nnc rhr ��� J�.. :nn�hmg �hr ; <br />� `��}; PIOPCfI�'IMOI IS�II \9PI8I1011 O(i10\FII\�1011l➢l`III:II I.JN. �Ill pm.JinE���o vw.nrc..lull nol apph e.�hc prtvn:r. � <br /> -'�i--- s(nnge nn Ihc Pmperty nf�mall yuanGliaw af HyarJaw Suhaam'c. Ihal arc�tcncr.dh rcn�gmnd In�.•.���,�.,�������a normal <br /> `•.�1` residentiai u>c.and In nuintcnanic�.f Ihc Prnpem. � <br /> ';';j� . � Po�m 3028 990 <br /> -iy u 4a. <br /> a-c<'� .— __ _ _ –���..._ ..... . -- <br />