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�: <br /> J3� aU�� . <br /> �ra.-:.`1 . ��:L__�, �«_�. _ � ____,: ___ ,�, =� ,._ <br /> ,-�•:�4fr4N�A1�lA�proi�D1�Y.81ro teddei�It�en notlas ot enY inVesd��q�(on, �laidFr'dcma�� .fdi4suit oe otNcY ac{ion Uy w1y �,f — <br /> govtmnx�ytq�benq�ftotety. anryorpifvapt'�pp�}yinvotvtogi(iaPropcdy imdatW� oUSfiftutSnceAr$nri►4 #ntalLs�v ." ,- <br /> pt}yhlcr Bottqwefh8f eau�knoWledgo:U Hortnwcr Io3m�,or le n6NRed Dy eny oVF��n�al or.fegutatqry Au�o�oy.thol .. <br /> a�y�chrovel or olhe►romodletton of pny�Kerardou+b�4;�anco affcatng tho 9ropehy a noocs�ary,IIorroner ahalf piam Uy�a�e � <br /> att n�ccasdry ein�al acttom in 6aoor ca wlth Bnvlroomentel tsw, <br /> As u�l 111�s pa reph Y0. 'ltar8rdws Substanxa'aro those wbstancea defl�ed a+Waio or ha:ordmouep�bstanq�f by- <br /> � p�e'Sti(S dw aitd he�ibic(dc.�v�tatfie aolv�ente b��im a�lela anW�lningka�b8stas ai fomwidohpde��aod�iadioaa��c nteifa�/la ui�!n � <br /> thle pp��ry 20, 'Bnvlrotuncnut Lew' meana federal lawe and lavn oP tlro JurfadlGion whero the Property b loarted�het <br /> relatoto6eatth,wf�y orenvtronmental protadon. <br /> NOIV-UNIFOAM COVBNANTB.Botrower end Lendu Nrlhcr oovenaw end egreo n�followr. <br /> - - ^ 31.Acce:enGon{Ranedles.I.ender shatl gtve notice to Borrover prlor to nceelsraHon follow6�g Uorroxer's Dreac6 . <br /> oi sny wvena�it or agrament In Ih1� &arrlty Instrament (but not prfor to accelerallon undu pazogreph 17 udw <br /> e p11ca6ie law�rovides aherxLre).'lbe notice shall specIfyi (e)tLe defeWt;@)the 4µlonreqatred to cure fhe detaWt{ <br /> (c n date,not es�thsn 30 deyr from the date tha notice la given ro Borro�vu by ahlch tpe default musl be cured:4nd <br /> (�that talloro to cure the or 4elora 1ha dato epeclQed In the not�ce moy resuU 9n aaei4reqaa of tLa <br /> tecured 4y tA4+SecuAty instrumcnt and sxle qf the Property.7rie nodce sdell Nrther inlorm 8orrovcr of lha ri t to <br /> = sdnstate nRee earlerat�an and tha�Ight l0 6ring a court actton ro avert tha non�exlstence qf o delsul�or sny othEr <br /> � tteteaso ot Borroxer to atcelerati6n acd ca1e. It the detault ts not cured on or Aetore the date spec111eA lo the aottce, . <br /> -- I.ender,et Its option, m�yreW!re dnmed�ate payment In lull ot dl suma secured by thia 8ecurity tnstnunent wlthout <br /> = Nrt6u demand end may Invoka the povu ot sate aad eny other remedlea permflted bY eppIica6ie lax. Lenda ehnll be <br /> _ — = entitled to coilecl nll expenses Incuned in punml the rcmedlp prodded In th6 paregreph Zl,Inctuding,but not Iimlted <br /> - to,nasonabie ettorneye'fcea ond costs of tltle evt�ence. <br /> -- it thepawu o!eaU lv invoked, 7Yustee ehall rocord a notice of ddautt!n each county In xhich any part of the — <br /> Ptaperq L+I�cated pnd choU mall copiw ot wch noqce In the manner prcacdUed by appllrable la�r to Dorroww und to <br /> � the other pettom prcacrtbnl br appllcable le�v.Ailer lhe tlme rcqulred 6r opplirnb►e law,Trustea ihall glvo publlc noda <br /> -� a�spio lo lfie pereoro and fn tha menner preacribtd by apDlicabfa lew. Trustce,�dthout demend on Borroxcr,ehel!eell <br /> __= the Property ul public auGlon lo the hlghat hldder at Ihe llme and yIna ond undcr the temu dcafgnatcd In the notico of — <br /> � �pla In ono or more paral+und In any ordcr Trustro detem�lna.Truntro may postpone sale ut oil or eny puml of tda _ <br /> �:�t,�.'f'S,7 Property by publlc nnnouncement at tha tlme and plaw of any prevlousty schcdulcd sole. I.ender or lte deslgnce mnr _ <br /> purchaw�ha Roperq ut eny wle. <br /> _�5;��+� _ Upon rctelpl oI paY���ent ot thc pdce bid, Tnutce shuil delircr�o the purchwer Trustw'� dced mmoying lh� _ f <br /> - Praperq.Tho rccita� In�he Trusteo'e deed shall 6c prihm fade eridence o!�he truth ot the statements mnde thercin. _ <br />,,;�ys��� Tivatw s6u11 nypq thc procecd�ot the Fole In thc follo�ring ordcrs(U m all msle and expensp ot exerclstng�hc po�nr of _ <br /> rM- sale,and lho eole,Induding t�e pnyment ofihe Tnutce'a tep ncmnlly Incurred,not m exoeed th�of $50.00 or y`x F,�� <br /> .3� of the pdnctpal emount ot the note at the tlme ot the declaratlon ot defeuit,and reasmiable nttarneye'tem nv permitted � <br /> �'`'s; by Inwt(6)to ell cume sttured by thu Sauriry Imtmment�end(e)any exces+to the person ar percon+legally endtled to <br /> .� .� It. � , - <br /> r� rv- 22. Rewmerance. fipun�rymcnl oi di amiu aicurw7 6q tYis uixdrlty trsir�r,ar:. l.;.r�3:r :lnll rxa M' T.�:ata to <br /> � + rcconvey ihe Property end shall wrrcnder ihis Secudty Instrumem md all nota evidencing debt securcd by this Secur(ty <br /> ,�i,}_� Inatrumen[to Tmsla.Tnutee sM1all recomey�he Propeny without wartanty md wiihaut cherge to the person or peraons legally <br /> e 4__ entitled ro It.Such percon or petsona shall qy eny rocorde�ion msu. �-��: <br /> ,t 4,. 23.SuDriltute Trustee. Lender,at its option, may (mm tinx ro timc rcmove Trustce and app+int e mcceswr wxttt to • <br /> ,_>>�;� eny Trustce appointed hercunder6y an instmment rtcorded in the mumy in which�his Savrity Instrument is recofded.Without F,_ <br /> i convcyanx of 1he Pmpeny,q�e auccessor Inu�ce shell suaad to¢II ihc title, po�vcr xnd duues mnferrcd upon Trus[ce herein <br /> � -}� end by appNcablc law. � - <br /> '-� ?�'-, 24.Request tor Notices.Bortower rcquests that copies ot the notices af default and sale be sent ro Bortower a eddress �� <br /> t =-`--- whieh is thc Property Address. �"�� <br /> �}f�y�?� 26.Rlden to Uds Securily It4strumenL If onc or morc riders are ezecuted by Bortower nnd recorded eo8e�her with lhle �,� <br /> ,Si{r �!_°, Security Instrumen4 ihe rnvenams and agran�ems of euch such ridcr sM1all 6c Incoryomted into and shall emend end supplrnien� k,_- <br /> .:+'�:��-'_;!; tlie mven�nts and egrcements uf ihis Security Instrument ns if the riderts)were'a pan of�his Security Inswment. _ <br /> ' i";'is j�; [Chak eppliceblc box(es)� - <br /> .,t ct•. ' <br /> A+��t �' . <br /> utti- ' �Adjustetle Rate Rider C7 Condominium RiJcr � I-t Family Ridcr u�' <br /> � �t y Oradueted Poymrn�Ridcr O PlanneJ Unit Devclopmcm Ridu L�Bi�rmkly Payuknt Rider F <br /> z <br /> � 7r,t �Stttmd Homc RiJer ' <br /> Ballaon Ridcr C,Rmc hnpmvemcnt RiJcr <br />-�-�,??�'�'�;�'�� V.A.Rider pc >I Acknovledgemenc of Power of Sale ` '� <br /> �Olheq.)I� cif� <br />-'��'-f" Aome Equity Acceea Line Rider --- <br />->�:=�,:af` - <br /> ��FY:'.'�:�1 Af <br /> '�C .L ;. <br /> -.i".`'ip?;';� BY SIGNING OELOW. Bnrmwcr ucapi+anJ agrcn�n�hc�cmx anJ owcnam.amtaimyl in�hi+Sccurity Imwmcm and ;'''� <br />,:"`•'�'-;1�'; in any rider(sl executeJ by dorm�eer anJ raimled with i�. <br />..i/�ii�'cT� r;,-. <br /> = Nllncsses: 4, <br /> n r_. <br /> 5 � • ��/ �Scab --- <br /> �1{t��,Yj� ack L. �8yda1 c p,,,,,,w„ f' : <br /> r � � _— —_---_ { . <br /> it <br /> 5 �•.: <br /> 1 a� _ __ISCaII <br /> �- BTbai .1 By lek IN.m�wa � <br /> --= fi: — - ----.. . I . <br /> �._jT,�jrj- {[ <br />-..,�. 3'-.:{a lkail —lSi��l F <br /> _ .•_:.1::_" _— —____ _ "_ _ ._ . " _ _ ____— _ "'" __—_ F.�: <br /> -_v!s_u:� 14vu.u.� li..m.xa f'- <br /> ri'i:HT � ��:- <br /> .`.� L <br /> �' SI'ATEOFNE6RASKA. Hall Cuunt� �.: ���� <br /> 3 The forcgoing insWment w�s ackno�rledged Mfnre me ihiv! lOth -Jap of . Hay . 1993 �-_- <br /> '� by Jack L. Bydalek a Sarbara J. Bydalek, N sband and W fe - F� <br /> . ._F A;'`-T � <br /> -._,.��:�, Wilncssmyhandan �7u scalat Grand Island� ti b[fleke � �n.aiJCnmllC�thcJate:dun��id. �-`. <br /><:.i�?<tis�s; , a � � `� \ <br /> �,y,�= MyCommiuio . 1994 ,�_ `����:.-1����.---- �`.. <br /> �qi:�]l:_i� ��G' AmanPuhln- (• <br /> ' �t <br /> '�,'ii':�r+ 6 �,y _. <br /> '.�r,�r7': ' . 1P' - <br /> L..v�..��+' <br /> `"'{'j?;+�.c' , v,a�,.0 Form3028 B190 e�� <br /> ;`!"', ; ?; <br /> i'a:n„ R . . �' <br /> ±i-r:3�_�i, - t.. <br />