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.. . . _. .. <br /> S�, �Q�2 _. : , �_ -- <br /> 'ifiel�und� sfiell bo held In an insdtudon xfiose depostn ero inwrcd 6y a ttduat e�aiti�y, lnsuumeut5lity, or aitiry �-°. _- <br /> (IncluAing LcnCer.It Lendcr ie wch en InstituHon)or In any Pedenl Homo Loan Denk.l.ende�elull epply the FuM�to pay�he •; <br /> Bscrqw tttiit+.l.enAer may not cdprgo Qortower for holding and epplyl�g cho Funda,ennually enalyzing the eacrow e000un4 of <br /> verlrying tho Bacrow Icema,unlw Lendcr payi Borrowcr Intcrcsl on thaFunds uid ap Ilwblo lawperml�e Lender ro tnska euch _ . <br /> a�o.Howevcr,Lendcr nmy requlro Borrower to pay e onetimo cMrge far en I�ependent rcal csteto tu rcponing scrvlas _.--_---- <br /> uscd 6y Lendu In connoctlan with thb loan, unles� appllcablo law Orovlda o�hcrnlso. Unlcss an agrecment Ie mado or <br /> applicabla law requirca intercst to 6o paid,Lendcr�hell not bo requUed ro pay Bortovrcr eny ineeteat or tam!nga on the Fund�. <br /> Bortowu end I.cnder may agrto in wdtlng, howevcr,�ha[Intcrest ihall be peid on tha Pund�. I.ender ch�ll givo to Bortower, <br /> without chargo,am m�uA eaounting uf�he Punda. �howing crediie end debin ro the Punda and�Ae pwposo Por whlch each <br /> deblt ro tha Fund�wa�mado.7Ue Punda ero pledged e�additlonal Kcurity for dl wm+wcured by thB Secvrity tnatrument. <br /> 1(thc Funds hcid by l.cnder excced�he ertrounta permhted to be hcld by appIlcable lew,Lendcr ahell eccount eo Borrower � ., ._ . _ <br /> !or the exoes�Pund�in acoordaace with thercq Wremente ot npptiable law. [f�he emounc of No Funds hdd by I.ender at eny - -- <br /> Hme Is not sufflcient eo pay lhe Hscrow items when due,I.ender may eo notlfy 8onower in wrldng,end,In cuch case Borrower — <br /> shell pay ro Lender the emoun[neassary ro mako up�he deflcienry. Oortower�hull meke up�he de(Iciency in no moro thm ::-- <br /> twelve monthly paymenn,a[LudarY wle dlscretion. °;. <br /> Uponpayment in PoII of all mm� auured by thin Security InstNment. Lender�hall promptly refund �o Borrawer eny v>-�. <br /> Punds held 6y I.ender.If,undcrparagreph 21,Lender ehall ecqutre or ull the Propeny,Lcnder,pdor ta�he ecquiihion or sale �;=�.,�-� <br /> of lhe epply eny Funde held by Lender et�he tinx of acquixition or xele a a credit aga(nst�he surm cecured 6y E�,,:_.,-..__._,-_ . <br /> thie Saurity Imtrument. .,..._�. <br /> 3.Ap Ilcation ot Parments.Unless eppliceble I�w providu otheiwise,ail payments raefvcd hy Lendcr under paregrephs — <br /> � e�2 ah�t be ap�uca:�irse,ro eny prcpayment cherges due unda the Note;saond,to amounls payablc under pamgreph 2: �!=:� - <br /> R.�l:�±•s.:�:' <br /> third,ro Intercat du�:fourth,ro principal due:and lest,ro eny lete�Iwrga due under the No[e. onrc,_•�•�� <br /> R£t;:5_-,.�. <br /> 4.Charges; I.lens.Bortowcr ahall pay ell rexes,easessments,choraes, finee and impositiorm auributeble to thc Propcny _ _.,__. <br /> which me aerain dorit over�hia Secudt Insteummt. and leasdiold e menu or round rents, if un . Bormwcr:hall �`�>_�=*��== <br /> Y P Y Y P Y B Y PaY e�r , . <br /> these obligatfons in�e menner providtd in��agreph 2,or if not paid in�hat manner.Qormwer ahell pay�hem on tinx dlrady ._. <br /> to�he person owed payment.Borrower thal promptly Pormsh�o Cender all notices of omoums ro be paid under Ihix pamgmph. r��- -. <br /> If Horrower maka these payments dittctly,Horrower ahall promptly furnish m Lender racipis evidencing the paymenu. �'"'t'+' <br /> -'----.._. <br /> :�'+,-. <br /> Bortower ahell promp�ly discharga any lien which has prionty over Ihis Securi�y Instmment unless Bortower.(a)agreea in .�.,.,__ <br /> writing to the paymrnt ot Ihe a6ligatlon secured by the lien in a mmner atteplable to Lender,(b)mntcs[s in goad faith the lim 2 �i.. <br />- by, or defends against enforcemmt of�he lien in, legel Praoeedings which in ihc Lender's opinion operem ro prcvent the �}-:?�5 '�- <br /> enfoarment of�he lien;or(c)ucurcs from the holdcr of the licn m agrcement setlsfectory to Lender wbordinuting thc Ifen ro i=���:: <br /> this Securiry[nsaunxnt. If Lender determines that eny part o(the Prapeny is subject lo u lien which mny atinin pnority orer 1L(�!;��.;•�,I <br /> Ihis Sxutity Instmmcn6 Lender may give I3orrowcr o no�ice Identi�ying�hc lien. 8nrmwcr shall x,nisfy thc Iicn or Ixkc one or :C'.,�ye�+: <br /> mom of the ac�ion+aet fonh e6ove within IO deys of�he giving of mNce. ������f�'`"�- <br /> S. Hazsrd or Property InFUrance. fi�rtmwer shull kcep ilk impmvcnums nmv exixiing nn c�rcaflcr crcctcd on the s''t�i4��;:-.0 <br /> Property insurcd agoinxt lov hy flrc. Mrards Included within�he�erm'extendnl covemge'unJ nny rnher harnrds, including :'•��Y y�'. _ <br /> Iloods ar Oooding, far which LcnJcrrcq uires insumnm. ThlS ineumna iludl bc nuinminai in�hc mm�untx unJ for�hc perl�ds �x-: "-'��°"- �"� <br /> �hat Itndcr rcquirc�.Thc fnmmncc cunicr Pmviding ihc Insurvncc+hall hc chnun hy Dortmvcr auhjM�o Lendcr'x appmval `�'�rr - <br />- wiii.fii.hull r�a tri:arr�:.�att� :�ithhetd. �t G-.r:::-.e �atls ta r.ohxais:;�:�^q::7:.�i:M...tS::A'�:'L. I.CM^[:7L'•�.9! L^l:.ICS S ��Y•sa -,_�.=_- <br /> uptfon,obtuin cavcrogc io prntce�LenJcr s righ�s in thc Propeny in ura�rJnn�e wnh pamgmph 7. "'�+:.v.�;�.,� '�._. <br /> All Insumnee pulicien nnd rcnewalx aMll be acaptnble �a Lender anJ +lull include n +mnJaN ntan a e cluu+e. I.ender �Y..��;Cri ��.=a�: <br /> 6 S '>'`*•itF�t��t.��;;_. <br /> xholl hnve lhc flghl�o hoW�hc Qnlicics ond rcncwals.If Lcndcr rcyuires.tiorro�vcr���dl promp�ly givc tn LcnJcr ull rtccipts of s'n�,�_�y.�su� . <br /> ald prcnilunu md rencwul no4ce..In�hc cvcnt of loss. Bormwcr shnll rvc mm � na�icc to�he insufuncc carricr anJ Lcndcc -f'='�"""�•'��".='.=�. <br /> p B P P Au�t;�:'.:< '"+.izs <br /> Lend U Itsi Lender end Borrower olhenvi e u re'1n�ivrB nr�Wn umn�r roceeds Rhult 6c a li�d m resturatiun or rc ir of the S�'��.`%�F?'-+yi��--- <br /> Propeny dumuged.i(�he rcs�aration ur rcpair'��S econumically fea�i6le anJ Lender's ae�vrity�is nnt lecsenpl.I(the rcsto�e�fon or .r!'�<'y"�:?��r(;�;;��_._ <br /> .ii'�(�' <br /> repair is not economirnity fqsible or Lender's securiry wuulJ he IaseneJ, the insurun�v pn+cttds shall be applied ro the sums ,.;_.�al.5•e�:g�;a:,;-�� <br /> sxured by Uds Securiq• Ins�mment. x�hether nr not�hen duc. ivi�h any exce�s paiJ m Aorm�rer. If fiormwer ahnndnna ihe i-•J?;�„_x3:s -_- <br /> f t�sTr, <br /> Property,or daes nat urower�rithin 30 daya u notice Gom LenJer�ha��he insumnee cavier ha.offered �o seule n claim, then :,iy',•,`:ti�?�-T- - <br /> l.ender may mllat t6e insunnce pra�ceJx. 1.cnJcr may uae the pnxmlx to rcpair nr rc+mrc �hc Propeny or to pay sums ;����YS�;;-;-{�����`���r <br /> securcd by this Security Inswment.�vhe�her or not�hen due.The 30-day�ricxl�vill he@in when the nolice is given. .-� :y 'i�'� f;.'a. <br /> Unless LCnder und &+rrcnrer olhenviu ngrce in wriung. :my nppiicution af prac�d� lo princip�l simll nat extend nr ?- ;,,Sryf� ��:-`': <br /> postponc�hc due da�c of thc monthly paynunts rcfcrtal �o in par.�gnph. I unJ 2 or chnngc thc umnum af thc paynant.. If �;i::x,•;;•i�}y:.`.+�?'. <br /> undcr fa m h 21 �hc Prn n n nc nircJ hr LcnJcr. Ik�rca��cr'.ri�M tn am inwr.nnt ,licin anJ nx�c.d.rc+ul�in trom "�•:c r}i . �.:.. <br /> Pa 8 P P� Y� 4 r I* P F „�,, �, �h �,._;. <br /> demagc to tl�c Propcny prinr to thc acyui,iiinn.hall�tt..�a landcr io Ih.cctcni��1 th..nnu.aturcd hy�I�i.Sccuriq�Imtrumem �,.::�71,.+�s}i fi�.- - <br /> immediatcly prior�o�hc uryuixi�ion. 7s?;��'�3-;,q?h�jfi`;s <br /> G.Occupency.Preservetinn.\t�hucnm�m nnd Pru�ectlnn nfthePrnpe�i�: Rnrrm�er+I.oan Applfextlon:Iwaseholds. �>,.�._';.yl`��':c}�/:X� <br /> &�rro�vcr.hall ncavpy.c.lubli.h.and u+c�ht Pro�krt�a�li�+nmc.r'. pri�nipal roidcnat n i�hin.isq•Jay+aflcr lhc czttminn of s4.ta„k�.�+>�(�,.yty:i. <br /> llti�Sarourily InVrunxm and.hall taminuc tn�wcupy IBc Pn��n���. Rarroarr.���„����i nti�Jcncc for a1 Ica�t onc yr�r aflcr �-�' "- - . . <br /> lhc daic of oicu �n unl�y+IanJcr nlhcnciv a�rra�in�rrilin•.irhinc�on.em.hall nnl ht unrtavmaM1lr��ilh6clJ.or unln. ':i{.,;;,;i �k.':.'%7•'r. <br /> P• eY. F b :�.,. �� 1 b,�..•. <br /> cxlenualing circum+�:mcc. cxi.t ulnch arc M)�.+nJ Ilnrrm�rr'. a}+ntrol. Narrnacr dwll ua� �ICNfO\'. tI010J�C nr imp:nr Ihc ��� �,��! ��^c: <br /> Propcny. ailn�v �l�c Prnperty �a Jc�criora�c. nr cnmmit ��a,�.nn�6c pm�ttc. I3.�rrmur .hall h¢ in Jclauh if:mr fnrlciturc �1.:q�, . ��t -:-` <br /> aciion or pnnceding. xhclhcr civil or criminal. i.Mgan Iha�in IwnJcr'.guuJ lai�li jndgmcm a�uld re.ull in li.r(cilnrc u(Ihc i-5�.:,,;.%i::,.1-,11,��: <br /> Prapcny or othcnvix ma�crialiy impair�hc lirn er.a�nl b���hi.tiavrily In+irumem or i.cndcr:xruri�r initrc•1. @+rrnwcr ma). : •' T'.i.:`°�. <br /> �vre such a de(auh mid nin+late.a.prncideJ in par.�graph I%.hy c�u�ing ihe aAfnn��r pnw'arhng tn he Jf.ntn.rJ��i�h a ruling '��`'!"--�'•':'�=-:"���4. <br /> Ihal. m l.enJcr'. gixxl faiW Jrcermina�inn. prcduJ.�. li.rlcimrc al lhc 6orruncr�. nn.rc.� m t6. f'rn�n�n) nr nlh.r malcnal - �•?:,�'�_:`�:�:i`�. <br /> p. c. <br /> unpairmcm nl�hc licn creatni hy �h�,Sccunq lu,unmcm ar Ladcr:xcunry nncrca. B,nwwr� .L.d{ +f.0 Iw� iu d.-levh �I ::.�.:..1--;::_:'�• <br /> &�rrm�cr.JunnF�hc I�un appliaauon pr.kc...g.n.mmrnali� IAI�Of ill:lC<ULlli illluf114i14f11 Ot�IdlCllll'lll��a Lcndcr mr lafl.d ""' <br /> m p:..ti.:c I.cnJcr xilh:m� ma�enel mlumia�iaiu m.nnuc.hnn wnh Wc L�an c�iJcn.a+l h� �hr Vn�r. m.IuJmg. hm nnl limfl.d - . <br /> ia. rcprcacma�i.m.a�n�rming 13orta��cr'.nc.upauq oi�hr f'n,�n� :napnn.�p�l rr.idcn.c II tlu.Sa�unt� In.lmmcnl i.una c. . . . . <br /> Iraxhnld. Dornn�cr .hall anmpl� ��itl� all ihc prnu.�un� .d �hr Icau 11 14urnwr� a.ymrc. I.r uil. �a �hc PruMn�. �hr - - . <br /> Ica�chald anJ Ihc ftt Iillc�hall nnl mcrgc nnk..IsnJ.r.�grrr.��uLr mcrgcr m��nnng- ' � � <br /> 7.Prolecllan af I.ender'�ItiGhis in thr Nrn�xn�. 1� 13nrnmrr I:nl.t..pcnnnn�hc:a�cnanl..nW:igr.rntrnh a.mennd m - , - <br /> �hi�Sttvrilr Imlrumcul. ur Ihcrr n a Irg:J pnr'nYlfng ma� .�Emh.autl� �Iica I cndat'.ngln.m�L.Pm�•m nud�e.a . <br /> pnkceJing in hanArup�n. pn,lutr. Inr..,uJcmna�ion or iar�cimr.�.,r �n rni..n,laa..�r rrgul.d��mv. t6rn i cudcr m:n dn anJ � <br />' pay fnr�chalcccr n na�c.v�n �o prni.t� Ihr�.Jur al Iltr Pru�y�m aud I.nJcY, ngh�, m th: Pm�+cm 1:ndrr'.aawn. ma) ' <br /> include pa)'ing am wnn .ccuml h� a hcn ��6rch hw. �+nnnl� .nct Ih�. tiaunl� lu.lrnnunl. apryannp �n ..,un. r:n���� � <br /> rcawmble:mnmr�: Itt.and cmcnng nu tl�c 1'm�.m �u ma4c�qv�n 1hh�.urL i rnJ.r�n.n Ldr ad�••n miJrr Ilm para}nph � <br /> 7.i.cndcr�arc�o u...u' t <br /> Any amnunh di.bun•vl h� IxnJrr unJc� Ihi. paragraph 7 .h.Jl Lcaonw adJmonal Jciq ol 13nrn�wr: .nvrd h) �h�� <br /> Sccurity Inarunxnl. Unlc..@.rtoocr anJ Ixndr� agr.t• �o uihcr�crnn�d p;n n:cnl. Iluv .minum..hall har mtcrca In.m Ihc �. <br /> datc n!Jishucemcnt ai �hc .\'alc nlc and .h�il hc parahlc. ��i�h mlcmL u�xm nuucc frnm Lendcr d, H��rrux.r rcyuc.�mF t <br /> pa)�mcnL �'- <br /> B.!11alYgegC Irtwlence.If LcnJct nyuimi nt�mfagc in.ur��nc av.unJninu ol maAmf Ihr L�.m.a�und h� Ih�.ti¢:uni) <br /> lnsimmcnl. Ik+mm'cr .hall par IIiC prcmiuro� rcyumd 6. mam�mn ih�•m�,ntagr m.uran.. m ru.1i. 11. I.�r am ren..n. �h. <br /> mungagc inw'aucc corcragc rcymrcd hc I.cnJcr lapv nr r.av i�� hc m.I lat liorr.n�cr.hall pa� �hc prrnuum.:cymratl i�. <br /> ohlain avn�cragc.uh.tamiallp cyui�aicu� �n thc mongagc m.ur.mre prc�inu.i� m.Ilcal n a.aa wh.cnnialh ryun:d.m ��,�hr <br /> coq tn 6nrroxcr af�Bc nmrtgagc m.urann prcrinu.h in c111Yt Irom an :d�crnatc nn,ngaga ���.�„�.:�����,..,i i,� Lrndcr 11 <br /> • „�.i••• Fo�m 3028 9�90 <br />