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� l�I�"'. . .�P�° . . .. . i � f. __._ -. _.. <br /> - " '.. ., - . . -__ _. <br /> � .. <br /> �. L' <br /> � <br /> }_ _._._ ..�: . _'_' "._..___ _.. _ . . nR `-_�iIIlE�Q�31��. _ ...= ., . i5� �r._ <br /> - ._- - — — �5 <br /> � .,�,vrc�+�?.r , , <br /> - • . . .. �.. �� __ _ <br /> conAqmnaHon or ocAer�ating ot any partoi0e Pmpeny,or foi conroyencoln tleu of ebndemnedon,pro perSby�ssi�ed on0 <br /> ehillDop�idatender. ���(o eho eum� cecuted by �hla 8c�;ud <br /> tn the evanc oYA wW tatdns ot tM ProPenY..�o ptoaFdt chWl De'ePP �Y _., ._`.: -- <br /> °° InaWment,whelhu ot not U�ed'dua Wlt�my oxoen pdd to Bortower. !n dte ovml of a penial:teking o!iha Yrp "tty in , _ <br /> which the tefe muket velue ot the PropMy Immedfetety 6efom�hu taking i�equul to or Beater than tho emauat dt�sum� • <br /> -- cecured by tNN$audry Luwmam immediitely beforo�ho toking,unloss 8orm�eer end Lendu o@envlu egree In w[Iqng; - - - <br /> tho tume aewed by thte Saurlry(ns4ument ehdl be reduttd by the amount ot t1yproxW�mWdpIIW by U�o foilmving <br /> Recdons (�tho totai amount of the euma�aumA tmmedlately beforo tho teking,divldcd by(b)�he ftlt makct value of�ho <br /> ,, Propeny Immedletely betoro tho uNng. My �aleno�eliall be paid ta Bortoww. In the avent of e pnnlal taking of tta 4 _ ._ <br /> Ptopeny In which t�e falr market nlua ot�he Property fmmediately IxPore the teking ia lcss�han the emount of tho sum� <br /> - seeured immedlarciy beforo tho talcing,wlw Hortower end I.ender othenvisa agrco N vrtidng or unlw eppAuble law <br /> othuwtae providea,the praeMs ah�ll be epplied ro�de sums securc4 by this Suur(ty tnswment�vhe�htt or not the wm�ero <br /> thcn dua <br />__ If the Property ia abandoned by Horrower,or if,after notice 6y Lender to Dortower�hat�a condemnor oftm ro meke <br /> an awerd or setUo a cleim tor damegw,Bortower tait+to rcspond to Lender wtthin 30 day�after the�ta�e�he nodca ia gtven, <br /> .. . Lender is euthorized ro wilect and�ppay tlro fp optlon,etther�o resroration or rcpaU ot�he Propeny or ro the _ _ <br /> -- -� - sumf acureA 6y Ihis SecurUy Inskumrn4�vhuher or not then due. --- - <br /> Ualess Lender end Darower otherwitt egrce in wr(ting,eny opplicat(on ot proceeds to p�inetpal shdl not extend or <br /> pos�pono the due dato otNe monthly paymenu rotem;d to In paregreph�1 and 2 or change tho amount ot�ueh paymenu. <br /> Il. Dortowu Not Reteasedi For6tarance By Ltnder Not e Wetver. Bxunaion of the tlme for payment or <br />— modlflcaHon of emonizetlm of the wms saured 6y�hia Securfry Instrument gramed by Lender m any�uausor in fntercat <br /> _= of Bortowet ehaft not opemte to rclease the liebility of�he odginal Bortower or Bortowerb succeuon In intemt l.endet <br /> _-�_� aheil not bercq uiRd to cammence proatdinga egdnst eny succeesor in intercct or rcfuse m eatend time Por qyment or <br />- .,,;n,,, otherwlae mMNy amonizatlon of the eums xcurcd by this Security L�su�ment b� .rsson oi an�demen•'mad¢by�he odginal _.. _,-..__ <br />��"!���?;9 Hortower or Bortower6 waesson in intemt Any forbearence by Lendcr in eaercising any right or remedy shnll not he s <br /> walver otor preclude the eurcieo ofany daht or rcmedy. <br /> „'e I7. Successore and Assigna Bound;Jo(nt end Severel LIe611ityt Caalgnera. 'Ihe covcnanta and egrcemenu of�hb -_._ <br /> Seeudry Jnadument�ha1161nd end benefit�he suaec+on end avig�u of L.ender and Bortower.wbject io�he provialona of <br /> F• peregreph 17. BortowerY covananu and agrcemenu shell be Joint end xveral.Any Bortower who co-aisna�his Securiry <br /> -: x: Insteumm[tut doe�not axaute lhe No[e: U)is co-signing�his Securi�y Insm�ment only ro morcgage,giant end convey that <br />'�?;�;.c3� Bortowerti inmrest In the Property under�Le lerms of Ihis Securiry Ininumenr, (b)is not perwnally obligrted ro pay Ihe sums _. <br /> ��{ secured by�his 3ecudty Insuumenr,and(c)�grees�ai Lender and any oiher 6ormwer mey agree ro extend,modify,forbear G <br /> �.�?� or make eny eceommodedons wtih regerd ro the terma of thia Saurity Instrumcm or the Note without[ha[ Bortowerti <br /> wnsent. �� <br /> : �� 13. Loan CAargee. If the Ioen aaurcd by thia Saudty Instrument is subjea �o a law which seu meximum loen „ _,- <br /> " _�'� chergea,and�hat law U flnilly inte�rcted w that the interest or other loen chargee collected or ro b¢colleaed in eonneclion b�„�tz,;__- <br /> ��X° wnh mo loen oaceed�ho pem�iued hmi�a,�hen: �a)any such tom chargc anall be rulu�cJ by th�araun[r�;ary ta r..du� :-- - <br /> the eherge ro�he permittW limit:and(b)any suma nlmady colleceed from Bortower�vhich excceded pe`mined Iimiu will he r���'�'"- <br /> --e'<-.; rcPonded to Borto�ver. Lender may choou lo meke�his rcfund by reducing�he principal owed under the Note or by meking a t �+ i.:-_ <br /> �'�'�? ditect payment to Bortowcc If¢rcfund rcduces principnl,�he reduttion will be treated as e partinl prcpaymen[whhout eny �`n`f C'v`r;�=� <br /> ' prcpeymrnt cherge undenhe Note. ,� tu �_- <br /> fr�q� I4. NoGces. Any naice ro Borrower provided for in this Security Insuumrnt shall bc given by deliverin6 it or by `�N".t�, ..- -- <br /> - malling it by tinl doss meil unlesA eppliwble law rcquires uu of uno�her methad."Ihe notitt shall he dirccted to�he Property (�,`�y�''ry . <br /> y � � 7'x„'�)Sr:. <br /> _�<<�. Addrus or eny other address Bortower desienates by no�im ro Lender. Any notice m Lender shall be giren by first class � :: <br /> �7i;.'�4k��,.,t�,•:_;. <br /> ' =� meil ro Lenders address a�med hercin or eny mher addrcu Lcnder designates by noticc ro Borrower. Any no�ice provided tor �� �$ 7 y,:.: <br /> `..f� in �his Security Inawment shall be deemM [o have Aecn given �o Borrower ar Lender when given as provided In this j j+ A _ V. <br /> PsmBnph• � �r <br /> � �� IS. Corerning La�r;3everablllty. This Scariry Inarumem shull bc govcmed by fedeml lew end �he hw of ihe tt`�Y{LJA�i�. <br /> jurisdic�ion in�vhich�he Property is locmed. In the event ihat:my provision or clnuse af this Security Ina�mment or ihe No�e y�a�..,,_�,,,.,,;,� <br /> r-• conflicta with epplicuble low,such rnnflict shall nat uffect oiher provisions o(this Security Incuument or the Note which cun r q �r ; <br /> t q, --. be given e(fect without�he conNaing prorision. To�his enJ �he pmvi.ions ot�his Sccurity Insuument md the Note am � - '� �, <br /> .� declarcd to be severeblc. '�r��•�� <br /> �1 • 16. Borro�ver'a CopY. Barro�rer.holl be given une confomied copy of the Nme and o(this Securiry Inswment. Z3��-�,i}, <br /> i#. 17. 7}anakr ot the Property or a 6eneticial Interest In Borrow�er. I(nll or nny pan of thc Property or nny imereat in fn_r,�r.�;i.,' <br />`,•`�:'"' it ia soid or trxns(erted(or if a beneficinl imerest in 6nnoa�er is sold ar�r�nsferrcd nnd Bormwer ix mt a rmmml persaN ��;.ri�,;.,',-:_'�; <br /> +�� without Lenderh prior wrinen eonsenL lxnder mny,ai its option,myuirc immcdiatc paynxnt in full o(ell sums ucured by � � _ir=' <br /> ��i this Saurity Instrumcm.�is opiion shall not M by LenJcr i(cxereiu i+prohibitcd by&deml law ns of w : -� <br /> - ',,� the date of this Security Inswment ,, �: " <br /> - 1 '�'i If Lender exercises�his optioa Lendershall give�orto�eer na�ia o(accekr��iun. The notice.hull pmvide u period o( _� -�,, <br /> _�°;� not leu than 30 days from�he dlte�he no�ice is delivered ur mailed wi�hin�rhich 6ormwer mu+� ay alI�umc secured b this <br /> P Y i �f i�'•�.. <br /> � -� , Security Instrumem. If Bortower(nils Io pay �hex,um+prior ta the expintiun n(thi.peri�d. Lender may inroke any ' -f� ^ <br /> � ^% rcmedics pertnitted by this Security Instrumcm wi�huut(unhcr na�ice nrJcmmid on 6ortuwer. � � _ i <br /> -� `� I8. Qorro�ve�Y Rfght [o Reinstate. If Bom,wcr mec�+ccnain condi�ion+, I3ortn��er.hall ha�r �he righ� to hare ��i��. <br /> _ rnforcement of Ihis Securily Imtrumeni Ai+rnntinucd at any lime prior lo the eadicr uC (a)5 Jay.lor wch oiher period u �;:,;':`�_::.-�--� <br /> �:�' SmRlel"vmJf..F�nnkNut?7MdieNatl'SIFIIR\II]tiTRCNE\T-Pmfmn6n'emm� L90 ��uSN..Jn �Yru �'"----. -- <br /> / M1 � <br /> h� � r, <br /> � 1 3 <br /> ; :.� f <br /> �J•+.�..x�:.�.iTir.^:4"^ 4rv .:rn..,-`c-.- r_ 1 - . i. .. ... L _ - .�.�_..,.— 't s . ...�.�.. ' . <br /> � . ;�--�f r r-;�:—�^ , ,-, e,_ _ <br /> _ � � l�f - - ' , <br /> - �_r? + N . - �i � <br /> � �-,f- . -t.(� ,ys, __ � <br /> , _. <br /> . , <br /> .dc eJ,,,.._,.- --, �-.. " . " _.__._.• ' ____.__ _ _ ._ ___ __ _ .__ _ _ . _ <br /> __ _ . ..._._ __ . __._ . .__ __ — _ <br /> � _ " . _ ' ' _ _ ' _'_ <br /> p�4t� �� � � -.• . � _ " . . - - . � -. . _ _ . <br /> tt{�t_. _ .F,_ 3 _ _ , ' . <br /> � <br /> ._� t . � - . _ . . . .. . <br /> l �_ .y a ' <br /> t�.. i7_ - �� <br /> �S�k t- r .' , . . . . _ <br /> < Ye - e �s -. ^ 1 ' ' . � � t ' - ' t . . . <br /> cf �. 2 t �f;..s i l _1 �'� - �_; {. .. . . " . � <br /> 11 S �il Fi . �� � � � -�� • '3 y� � 't 4� . <br /> t � i f f �! . t �/ _ . �* t " . <br /> y - . ' . - , . }t '_ <br /> � R - l ' ,. .-... .•- �� _ t - � <br /> ., f - r � r r �.4 .�A.,1 4 4�. :, . . - . ' f. - U.t t , <br />