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�� <br /> IL . . _"' ' . . _ <br /> .�. <br /> j : <br /> � 1�`�. ' . . . A .� yyy���.i . . <br /> ._—� . �V` �VYIY`R� . � r -. _'_ <. <br /> 1 <br /> ' pedod�tAat I.enOe►Rquliea, 79�a irourenoe wrtfabrovlding tAe Msuranoa�hnll be chosen by BarroWlf nN�ec��ol.enAerti <br /> . , approvel which�hnU not be unrwionably wlihheid f(Bocrower fefia�o melaaln covemge dou+ibed above,lender may,et <br /> . I.endcrlopiort,oDtalncov _ etoprokctl.endul�ig7isln�hePmpeM1yin�000tOuioowl�6 pangraph7. _ --- - - <br /> A116u�uanca polkfea�rcnewele ehdl6o aasINel�te to Lender end�Aill inetudv u�tOnCert1 mongago claow. Lender <br /> , tlwlt have iha right to twld�ho pollclw and renewaU. if l.tMer rtyulrea.aoimwa ch�t1 promptb glve to Lender ell haipW <br /> __�, ot palA prcmfum�end rcnowal noNaa� In�ho event of(as�,Bo�wer aheii stva prompt nottce�o tl�o insuraace cartim ond _ _ <br /> I.ender. l.endermay maka praof of los�Itnot mede promp�ly Ey Bortower. <br /> Unlw Lcnder end Bortowor othxrwlao ngree in welting,tnauranoe orooxdi�hdl be epplied to rc�oretion or rcpaU of <br /> -- �_-_ �� thc Proxny drmeged,V the testomtlon or ro alr la aenomlol�ly kesiDle end LenAarl�ecudty I� not lcsuned, (t the <br /> �_,_.._ _,_ <br /> rcstomdon m rcp�ir is not eoonomlcally kasl !e or l.enduti eavrity watd be Ietuned,the Insuranco prooeed�ehail be <br /> __ �pplled ro iho�ume ucured by thla 3audty InswmenG�'�he[ha pr not�hen due,�vlth eny oxces�pdd ro Borto�ver. It <br /> Barowu ebandoro the Propeny,w daea not answer within 30 d�a a notloo trom[.ender thet the Insurance w�ier haa <br /> ottered co cettlo s olNm,then Lenda may collect the Inaururoo prowWs. Lendu mry use ihe ptoaed�ro rcpdr or matoro <br /> -� � e6e Propeny or to pay�um�securcd by thl�3ecur�ty Inswment,�vAaher or not Q�en dna. 'fbe 36day pedod wlil begin when <br /> .-_----- the notica b g[ven. <br /> - -° Un1es�Lender and Bortower othe.iv{ae agra N writing,eny eppllce�on ot p�oceede�o princlpal�hell noe extcnd or <br /> --�''- pwtpone the due date ot tha montNy paymenta rekrted to in peragraphs 1 u�d 2 or change�he unount ot�he paymenu. It <br />_°":?`�� under pamgraph 2l ttw Propeny b eoqulced by Lendef.Bortowef!dght lo eny Inwrance policlea and proceed�resulting <br /> --- —� trom damago ro the Rnpeny pdor ro the ecquiaition ahall pau to Lender to�he exient of ihe sums secured by 01a Saudry -. <br /> '`u'�"�� Insm�mentlmmediately pdorrotheecqaisidon. -'-.. <br /> '�'�� 6. Occupancy, Prtservatton, Malntenanca and Protalion ot ihe PropertYl Borrower's Loan Applicattonj -� <br />.,�w_�:�.� Leasehold+. Bortowershailoccu — <br />_ .: .rs�,�, py,uublish,and um�he Propeny m DortoxerY pdncip�I rcsidence within dxty day�afler _ <br /> !_;:�� tta exautbn of Nie Saudry Inaaumrnt end ehall cominua ro oaupy the Propo�u Bortowerk pdncipal residence for et _-- <br /> ��7-ti� leut one year efter �he dete of oocupu�cy� unleas Lender o�herwisa �yeas m wri�ing, which consmt �M1all not be --`°�- <br /> _„ y��, unrcaaonably withheld,or uniesa extenueting circuma�enas exiat which ara 6eyond Bolrowerh wntrol. Bortower ehdl not �"_'�- <br /> x�,;r �� datroy,damage or Impair�he Propeny,ellow tla Propeny to dett�iororo,orcommit was�e on the Propeny. Bortowcr aAnll F,;:;_,_ <br /> be in defeult if any fodeiture�ctlon or procading,whuher eivil or crim(nal,is begw�haz in Lender�good fe(ih judgment �, .sti>-� <br /> +e' � ,1� eould ruult tn todaicurc of the Propeny or otherwise matedally impeir tla lien ereated by thin Security Inslrument or - _-- � <br /> � 'r�, Lender4�eeudry interest Bortower may eurc wch a detault�nd rcinstote,u provided in paragreph 18,by ceusing the ecdon ,�_�!�T,;. <br />:��:,y�;y,.: or proceeding to be dismixsed w(th a mling�Aat,in I.enderh good talth determtnallon,prccludaa forkiture of the BortowerL 5;'-' <br />'�.'�s�;;:' inrcrcst in the Propeny or other mntedel impairment of tAe Iien crcated by thia Secudty Inatrument or LenderY secudry .;,`.'t:s: <br /> ��,s t1�i, intercat. Bortower ehall eleo be in default if Bortower, dwing �he loan epplice�ion procw, gnve matedally felaa or ;� ;v�':__ <br /> �*- -�!S ineccurete informa8on or:tatemenu ro I.ender(or feiled ro provide Lender wBh any matedal Infom�ation)in connation whh -�tc^,.- <br /> a`� ' �' the loan evidenad by the Note, (ncluding,but not Itmited ro, rcprcsenu0ona wnceming BortowerL occupancy of tAe ,�tn °._-- <br /> y <br /> ��xy71�r�r Property n a principql�idence. if�hb Saudty Inmument is on a leasahold,Bortower ahill comply with all the provisioro �;; -_ <br /> :c__ of�he Imx. If 6orroaer�cquircs fu�itle to Ihe Property,the leexhold and the fee title shtll not merge unless I.ender egrces } -�ax_ ._ <br /> ,c ��,r- to the mergcr in writing. ���(((f�x'i <br /> t� y1 : 7. Protection ot Lender'e Righte in the Property. If 6ortower t�ils to perfo�m the mvenem� and egeememe �rx 3:, . <br /> d tK+` - contained in this Secudty Ins�rument,or�here ia a legal proceed(ng thet may si6m8canqy afkct LenderS dgh6 In �he t 5 n =� <br /> ::���r}�,+,� Property(wch e+a praeeding In bankmptry,proba�e,for eondemnedon or fodeiturc or ro enforce lawa or regul�tlons),ihen ��; ;;f, ,.-� <br /> _�� Lender may do end pey for wheterer la neassary ro protect the value of the('ropetty and Lendcr]righu in�he Propeny. '� - � <br /> �+ ?:t4.o.,,-. <br /> .A.`.•.°.,S'i I.enderk actions mey include paying any aums secured by a ilen which ha+priority wer�his Securi�y Instrument,appearing ,���,��.�y r <br /> ' -y�-tiF,", in coun,paying reasonable e�romeyPfas and entering on�he Propeny �o make rcp�irs.Alihough I.ender mey uke action 1- ����;�t�.,- <br /> �'7`�'`�' under�his paragroph 7.Lcnderdaea not have ro do w. --�,�1^ . <br /> NS��*�-7f; Any amounu disburxcd by Lender under�hia peregnph 7 shell becomt additional debt of Borro�ver mcurcA by this k _-.��.� � <br /> t r+?� i Saurity Instrumem. Unleaa Bortowerand Lenderegrce to othcr termaof p�yment.�heu amaunu:hall hear intercct Bom ihe xz:;,� }L �-- <br /> 1 x.- `,�� daie of disburaement at�he Note rnre and shell be payable,wi�h in�ercst,upon notitt from l.ender ro Bortower rcquesting ' �- <br /> ..t.�,`�i.$ir paym8nt.Mo�t e e �i-i_� �.c;,: <br /> r � i _ g g Insurance. I(Lender rcquired mortgage insurance es�condition of making�he loan aecurcd by thia ��J�t,i+ '"'� <br /> � .e�,.ti* SauA�y Inswmem. Bortower ahall pay the prcmiume rcqmrtd to maintnin the mortgage insurvnce tn effect. ff, for eny }„ �^ii <br /> �`�:;�F„�C�` rcxion, �he mongege Nsurence cove�e;e requircd by Lender Iepua or«ases ro be in etket. Bormwer shall pey �he nz'�.,-n�:�=� <br /> ��f���'4:, prcmiums rcquircd to obtein wverege subsmntielly equivalcnt ro the mon6nge insumntt prcviousty in effa6 nt e eost ��X.r,l M1 i =_ <br /> � ,,� substaneially equivaleN ro�he cost m Bortower o!the mortgage insurence prcvfously in efkc6 from an eltemate mongage � T� � <br /> � U<< f{� Insurer approved by Lendec If aubsiamially equivelent mongnge insurence mvem6e is no�availeble.Bortower chxl I pay ro �`si;l..V� <br /> . .z- Lender weh month a sum equal to one•twcl�h ot thc yeady mortaagc insmance prcmium Ming paid by Bortower when the , i,- �,,.:�,�:'- <br /> s ti r� insurance wvenge lupsed or ceaud�o be in efkct. Lender wiil ucccpt,ux and rc�ain�hex paymenta as a loss rcurvc in lieu ---1'�'! ,- <br /> w,-_;� of mongage insurance. Loss reserve paymems may no longer be rcquired,at the oqion o(Lender,if mongege insurence ' t�r,� �-, <br />�;_��.._�,;r< mvcrnge(in the amount end for the period thnt Lender rcquires)provided byan insurcr approved by LeMer ngain bccoma t:;t�'.-�.^sv4-- <br /> -: t�' xvailuble and is obtained.Dortower shali pay the premiums rcquircd to maimvn mongage insurnnce in effcet,or to provide a ,�.�:�Y -_� <br /> .'4;y�t.;•t;, los+reserve,un�il�he rcyuircmem(or mongage insuwnce ends in accordance�vith any wmten agreement benveen Borrower �......:::::::.:• <br /> �F- -:t and Lcnder or applicnble law. � i i:,z�::: <br /> .,pu -'� 9. Inapatlon. Lendcr or its ngeN may makc rcasoncble entries upon nnJ irspections ot�he Pmperty. Lcnder shall - - r :� <br />;:ty::,-j;1:: ::.,.i:;:✓;`: . <br /> „_,y.r,..., give Bortower mtice at�he time of or prior to an inspection specifying rcawnable caux for�he inspection. � <br />`�°-7?t�:�-�11: 10. Condemnatinn. The proceeds o(any award or clnim for dnma�a.direcl nreon� rnnnea�irn wnh any I��-.+�:_`�'.-- <br /> ,t.f{: . . .. <br /> Sinxkfamdy"FannkM�di}eddleM¢CNIFORNIKS7RCMF_\T-UmfamCmrnanb 9.'f0 rry.�r!../nrysnl <br /> � 1 ura W'a Mr�Ier Ye ■ ' <br /> � )� t�OMfY IPoDSDIWOOl4161L�411J1 � . <br /> -,'.`i l � . . . <br /> �+� � � <br /> ti - j <br /> l�i� ,,.. t� ,�- .�, m�Gr ,i'I1Jq._- .-. ..�=.-.'rT-- .m..,n .,' " . -r-��!'JT' r.'js ' r r i.7ii .S 7'%-3 1' ' ... <br /> 1 > -�f 1� �T.- • < /- . . l -j _i:. - <br /> �� s r <br /> � � t;Z� F \ i 5 !. t ,� i . .. <br /> � (' � • t <br /> ` `°lp�� t 15�.-t�Vr. i. . .�..',t i , - ' - ' —• ' <br /> . . <br /> . <br /> .�_ .. � _ ... , . ' <br /> — _ _— —_""'. _._"__ '- ._s•_ . i__��.. " —"' <br /> t ��.lf- 7n s -- ._. . "_:_. ... .. . . . . . . . . . ._ . ; . - -. .., .'-ty �'.:'.- . . . . " -- -_ .. <br /> - �- r -� _ ' _ . _ <br /> �_ ' zt!{ /} _� _ . - a . - . . , . ' <br /> S)q �r 4 i.?l� - . - ' <br /> P f�uM1{f.Srrc�f J -- ur � . F " � . . . ._ _ ' <br /> r � �' { � j i� - r . . < - ��: - . . . <br /> :.� 14:�>.es�f + , 'i ._ � . . __ ' . <br /> t J. } . `{� -. � r r � � . � _ _ <br /> r <br /> t'�- -ys� ri " � _ .i � i! `i, . � _ . <br /> t 1 j� t1 . 5 � � ( 1 _ <br /> } ��� � � f �7 � 1 � f � -..� �. 1 .�:�� � .. <br /> r �� � �. � Z ( „ 1 C ��, � ' � . <br /> 'o � � � � ` 141 � St. �. • �.�i� Y � t �1 . <br /> � j );�' �,- ; ` rly _ `� � _c t t - -`4 � .�, n ..r14 S s . }, . <br /> �*+y _r�� t_ ' � - 4 1 .. �t � i ' � Y � - � {(4� . <br /> �i:. . �...r.�J... .r �� ..�'{ � ._..•.i,� ., . . ,... . .� ; ,�,�a ..._aYt � _ ... . .� ... .� �....._�: . _ �.� c.�r.._.,.. <br />