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___ <br /> .,. . ,. .. : . ;,;J <br /> , . �;,s <br /> .: - .-: ., . � �.f I , <br /> . __ _ . �..... . � ._ ._ . . .________ _ . � �Y��Y.�( _ .._ L �_ ._ _ _. <br /> __ . �� .. _ _. . _ �� •�. <br /> � ' � i�ppijc�Dlo I�w nidy cyecUy fa reln��memenq betore eale of No PtoDeny punaant N any powcr oi�do comilnW In t1�ie � f <br /> , 6e;ur(ry Wwmen):or N)enuY of a Judgment entorcing tNe$ecvr(ty In�wmcnt. 7fio�o eandltton�ere that BmrO¢rcrs {� <br /> Qay�I.endet�ll eunu vfii�then woul4 Oo Quo undu�hb Saurpy Imtrument and tho Nao aa If eo aaelera�ort fiad <br /> ' aceurted;(b)sura eny del�af�ot eny wher covenmt�or ogrecments;ic)pay�att cxpenua IncurteA in enforcing tMa Secwity — -- — <br /> . tutteumenR including,6qt not 1��ed to,ttasonabla utromoye'hes;md(d)tnkW eucA acllon aa l.ender may m3wna01y <br /> rqblmm aswio Not tix Ikrt ot thia Seadty fASWrtan6 LenQerY�ignu In tha Propetty and Oortowerl obllpptlon toDay tha �.-__ _ <br /> eam� asuttd 6y thq Seewl�y Insirument �ha11 continuo unchanged. Upon rcinautcmcm Gy Bortowcr, thla Buurlty <br />� insWiaCnt uid the obllguiona«curaf hercDY snell remain[ully offa�vn as it oo exeleradm had accurtcd Nowarer,lhf� <br /> dght tominauta sheli note�ply In tho caso ot acceleretlon undcr pazapnph 17. <br />: IA Sde oP NotC CGYnaO Ot Lqp116CIYltt►. 7't�o Noto or a yutlal Interos[in�he No�e(togahu wNh 1Ala 6eadty " "- •-' ��'��� <br />; Insttument)m�y be eo�d onp ot mor4UmeawlNwt prior nodca to Docrower. A�ele mny rcsult in e change In the entlty _ <br />� (known es the'i.oan Servlar")thetcollectt monthly paymente due undar tho Noro end�hfa Saurtty Instrument. 'Ifuro elm <br />� may be ona a moro eheng?a'otthe loan 8ervlar wreletcd to a�alo of the Naa. If�hero U a change ot tho Loen Servloer. <br /> Hortower will be glven writteri noQdd'Of thC cllanga tn aocordencc with pamgmpb 14�6ova end apDIlablo Lw. 'Rw notieo <br /> wlll s1e�e the neme end ed�us ot tha now Loan Servicer end�ha addrcss ro which paymmts�hodd 6e mada 7Le no�lce will <br /> e4o contein my other Informatton rcquUed by applicable taw. <br /> 20. Hexxrdoua 8obstancee. Bortower she11 not cautt or peimit the presence,usa dlapwel.ewroge,or releuse ot eny <br /> Hezardous Substancu on or in the Propaty. Bortower tM1atl not da nor aliow enyaw eise lo do.enything affatlng �he <br /> Property that ii In viotation of eny Hnvlronmen[el Lew. 7Le praeding two ceneencas shatl not�pply w the prcsence,use,or <br />- stoiage on tta Property of�mall quendtiea of Hezardoua Substanas�hat ere generelly raogniud ro 6e epproprlate�o nortnal <br />- residential use�aqd�o maintenance af ehe Property. -� <br /> Bortower shell prompAy giva Lender written noHco of eny invenigetion,clatm.dunand,Wwauit or otlier action by eny - <br />- govemmenpl or tegulatory agency or privero party(nvolving tAe Property and eny Hezardow Subsunce or Environmentu -_-_ <br /> Lew of whkU Borrower hee actual knowledge. If Bortower leems, or is not18W by any govemmentel or regulatory --_ = __ __ <br />- auNodq,tlut any rcmovel or other remediatlon of ony Herardoua Subauna affatina�he Property fe neceuary,Bortower -;n+<,-�.: <br />_ �hNl promptly take WI neaesary remedial acqoro in accordance wi�h Environmenul law. �•6.`."_'_�-. <br /> As used in thia paregraph 20,'Nazerdwf Su6s�encu'arc those substences defined es roxic or hazerdou�nubsuncee by -�,,;y;,;,.. <br />- Pnvfroamentel La�v end the Pollowing aubsunces: gasotine,kerosene,aher flammable or ioiic pelroleum producu,toxic ��� %%*+•-� <br /> �,i",r.f,6c; <br />- peaticidea end herbkidea,voleHie wiventa,meled�l�rnnte(ning asbestm or fo�maldehyde,md radioae�ive matedeln. Af �-_�pst:;_— <br />. uud in thfe pvegrcph 20,"Environmemal Lew"meens fede�al lawa end lewn of the jurfsdiction wherc ihe Propeny la lacated -c��;l�"5;::=:-- <br /> �het rclaro�o health,ufuy or environmental protacion. ;N':t t€�`=" <br />- NON•UNIFORMCOVENAIV1'S. BorrowerendLenderfurthercovenantondagraasfailows: •"�a;,�t=`=�='- <br /> 31. AcaleraGoni Remediea. Lender ihell give nodce to Qorrower prtor to acceteratlon foliowing DorroNer4 -s�f"s'_"; ..v-- <br /> ys - I'<._..._-'- <br />- Dreach of any wvenent or agreement In t�ls Securlry Instrument @ut not prlor lo acceleratton under puregreph l7 .,t\?:-.,��,�-- <br /> unies�eppiieabte low provldw other�vise). The notice ehall epeclfj: (e)the detault;(b)the aeqon rcqulred to curc fhe �±:5=;;iy,y`�i::_'_. <br />- defaulli(c)e date,not Ies+tAen 30 daye hom the date the notice L+glven to Oorrower,br whtch the default muM be '�t�•°��';„,•-:_.. <br /> curedt and idi inat iaiiuro to cure ihe 6dnuii o��o�Gztom tte�iaiz�:�IOzd in ihx noifn map r�uit In tect!¢raqoa d - lj" � -- <br /> r� „ <br />- the aume saured by thls Security Instrument end sele of the Property The notitt shall Nrther Inform Borro�rer of ,��t:,;y�,�-s'=- <br />- the rlght to reinatate aRer ecceleraHon end the rlght ro bring e murt acqon to esurt ths non•exL�tence of a default or �;�f�1�,�f�X};,�`_-�_ <br /> enq olher detense of Borro�ver to ecceteratlon and eele. [f tAe deteuit Is not eured on or before Ihe date epeeifled In },�,,,�;...,--,;.�-_ <br />- the nolice,Lenderat Ifa optton mey requin tmmediate payment In NII of ell aumsateured by thbSaudty Instrument �'41 i;•,�{�,`,,y�({;i;=_� <br />- �rithout fLrlher demand and may tnvoke the poNer oI sule end eny other remedies permttted by epplfcable law. '���Nidf`=t� _ <br /> LenAer sAell be ent(tled to mliect ali expensea incurred In punuing lhe remediea provided in thU paragreph 2b lih�,.���,���,�„ <br />- Including,but not Ifmited to,reasonable atromeys'feea end castx ottltle evidence. r ,�r's ,. • <br />�� Rthe poNer of sete is tnvaked,7Yustee sM1ell remrd a not(ce oP def§ult fn eaeh caunly In ahich eny part of Ihe -�`�1����� <br /> he othe��ersoro reacdbed b �e��/lcebk8ln r nARer��he time r eufred b' e�binbte�la�r,�7Yustee hell 5�ve eublic i k{e'j`+',�4�'t`�`�':,; <br /> e <br />. P P Y PP �9 Y � H P ;�.� Y� .....''- <br /> notice of sale to the peraona end In the manner prescribed by epplicable lew, uslee.�dlAout demend on Borrower, _yj{ *+1 y ; <br /> shall aell the Property at public auMion to�he highest bidder et Ihe tlme and place end under the�erm�dealgnated in r�yt )f, ,� <br />� the nolice of aete in one or more parcela end in eny order 7Yustee determinea. 7YUStee mar postpone seie of all or eny ` Sr�'����•'�`a ,.' <br />: parcel of the Property by public announttment et the tlme and plece at any prevlously nhedulcd aete. Lender or ils �r,��'/r�rt��y���;y�:'�` <br /> r;:-.�:.,�,.-.:: <br /> deetgnee mer purohase lAe Property et any sele. ^3;?i7;'d�i�"t;`��.. <br />- Upon raeipt ot poyment of Ihe pdce bid,7Yustce shall delirer ro the purchaser'I�ustee'a deed conveyfng the .� i,,..,�,��.,.,,_-.. <br />- Property. The rec(tela In ihe 7Yustee's deed xhall be prima facle evidenee of lhe trulh af Ihe statemenfa made therefn. �.=,c,"�j;jj?i+"_=Y�,,i'; <br />- 7YuMa ahall epply the proceeds ot the wle In the tol Io�ving order: (a)to all cosw and expenaes of exercBfng the po�ver 1 ,!+,F W, �+,'��� <br />. � a.��.�i1. ;�. <br />- Li.'�'�h�s�y�s>.; <br />. �;l?kjiJ�{`itli.-'. <br />. �-i'f.`.n`]'!i�'�tJ��� <br />' Cy f..�}��4+1 � ` <br />. �,,M1 , rk�s„ � <br /> ,;.�t�j,�tdt:;:�:t'; <br />- r4::5jf r�,.�, <br /> .0`ir. <br /> fermJOS 9A0 �ry�o•i.i6putn� -_.j:�5i'.�5 <br />- `:�en. <br /> ' :l�f.,p:..f_`i�. <br /> r ' ?4 ;n_ <br /> `i� .,.. <br /> � aa�--� .�rtr ti�.Arft.¢F"�".°,'nr'%..,�t,.rt�7.--'r-•-s_...... ..-'rr—_7".. ..`^-' �;�-°:S4"'i- xc� � . _ <br /> �. �, eri . � . ,� r �i _ y_ <br /> � ,: <br /> , ,, ;- , : ;y� ' <br /> � ; _ µ p'�l'[ i 1 + � ' _ . _ _ ' 1('� ir_:7 j : 'Y _ - ... .. <br /> _-... . - ,..-i - ��. _ . <br /> i...,..-."_L �:1 '___ � � ' ' � .i - __ .. : '� <br /> _. _-" " ' - .-_ .�._. ._.,... . _ -_ . . .. . <br /> _.,__ ____-____ � - -- __���- - ___` _._--.-_�_. <br /> y . �btrt i - � - T .. � - . - . - ' . <br /> „}i --�.- ; z, _ -�.r ; f_. - - _ r r _.� ,( _„ . . <br /> ,i r - c� , E rr ,"1 '� + ;r ky� . ' ,•1`� -_ . . . <br /> u�� �t {��� � - ��i 1 �r_ _ .-t �-� • lY _ . <br /> � .1 � - [� f _ . .Y, -t . .. . -; rl i . <br /> J f : . � <br /> °!`y.l -�� "i SS t�'1 1 - l. 1 1'. " . <br /> (N � f " + J }�� : f �. 1)� � 5 � � � .- � <br /> 1 y. <br /> y . Nlitf! �-f. "alk�c � S' _"r � ' �..' � <br /> �j�} �f i i� , _ ti 7<i�vF��i te - r _ t- - -.; ;� ,5 i.- � . �`r fY�p_ . <br /> ' k � .ltla' t !J . �A x '� . �� � - �r t�ti! ���{ � y <br /> (i c t .�� � _ . `s-. . z t . - t i i . � t �r _.'� � � Ir,< i '+ . <br /> . >t � - tr i. ��! -S s. � i � ' h < -7- . <br /> �i� _1 � `� � � �,; + t - � t� fz j ,` � .- s: y-:t ' i _ i - <br /> . < ...L ...r:�c 4 ., . . ..'° .i . ..., +`' . ._. .' ./ ,. . f �. ... , �l.f.- -ei.::� . t .. . . . . <br />