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o.���y�.�.�_—,—.—,...-,...T-.,.�,-, . ...: , . .. _ �`- . __ . _ Ji` i _"—'._— ">___ <br /> � ' . -. . . . ., . , 1 � �- <br /> = _. .93- ��.0��5� '�` n "L r --._ <br /> -- .: . �.. �:_—�... . _ <br /> . , . .... . . . <br /> TOpRifi�lt WflH et1 tho improvemmw now or herceftw erected on the pcopeny.anA atl cssemenu,appuRen�ncu,:' '. <br /> enA Axturca now or hata4ee a pan ot the prope�ty All kpiaamenu and additPona nhail elso bo covued by�hie Secudry • _ . <br /> tniirvtnem. Att otU�a fo�egaing ti rokrred ro in" tNe 3eadty Inswmmt as tdo"1#operty." , � <br /> BbRROWER COVBNAPTI'8�at Bnrtowu ia lawNlly ssised of tho utato hereby conveyed and Iwa Ow rlght�o gmnt <br /> ead convaq thep�p�y md tl,at�he Propzrry Is urscncumt�d,except for encumDrencef otmord. Barower wairents aid • �__ <br /> --- w1i1 defend gencra1(y ttia Ntle to Ne Ropeny ngainst all cleims end demendb�ubJta to eny eneumbrenae of recotd. <br /> 7HI3 38CIJRTfY IN9IRUMIiNI'combinea unlPoim wvenanu for na[lonal uso end noa-wdtotm covenenro wltl� <br />. ., Wnited variatlom�y Judsdip�on to consqtute s wtform uadty Inawment eovedng real propeny. , . . <br /> UNIFORMODVENAM'S. BortowerandLsndwcovenentanda8ree e�followa: <br /> L Papment of Princlpal end Intwestt Prepeyment nnd t.�to Charga. Borrowcr edall promptty pay when duo�e <br />�-u prinetpal otend intemst on the deM evidenced by�he Noro end any prcpayment and late charge�due under tfio Note. <br />��--- 3. FUnda for'I�cea and ireurena. Subja[ro appIlubla Iew or to a wrinen waiver by I.cnder,Bortower ehell pay ro <br /> .,.�„_� Lendu on ttre day momhly paymente ero due under tha Nae,until tha Nae fa paid in full.e sum('E4nds")for.(a0 yearty <br /> `- -- �exea and aasessmmte which may eneln pdortty ovcr thii Sau�(ty Nswment ea�Ilen on�he Property;(b)yeartY�easehold <br /> ''�z"A9! yaymenU or ground nau on Ne Propeny, If my: (c) ywly haiaM ar propetty irourance premfums: (d) yeerly flaad <br /> —= insurance premlume, If any;(e)yearly mortgege inaumna prcmiurtu, if any;and (q eny suma pay�ble by Dortower ro <br /> -T�� Lender,in eaordenca wfth�he�rovi:ioro ot paregraph 8,in liw of the p�yment of mottgega Inaurance premlum�. 7Tiese <br />��` �?� itema aro called'fiscrow Gema.' Lender may,et eny t(me.collec[end hold tLnds in an�momt not to exoeed the maximum <br /> `-� unount s lendcr tor a tedenlly related mortgage loan may rcquin for BortowerY escrow eaount under tha fedewl Real <br /> t &teta Setdement Procedures Act of 1974 ae amended from tlme to�ime, 12 U.S.0¢2b01 et rrq.C'R83PA"),unleaa enotAa <br /> {���- lew�hat eppliea�o tlw Rmd�seta a lesser amoum. If co,Lender mey,at any�ime,collect end hold Rmds in en amount not ro <br /> il;; exceed the lesser amoun[. Lender mey eatim�te �he amount of Punds due on�he buis of wrtent deta end reasonabla <br /> :'�.-.--'• atimata otexpendituros oI fumrc 8ycrow Items m ahelwiu in auoNenco with applfwble law. -----�- <br /> c <br /> , � 'ILe[i�nd��hell be hetd In an institutlon whose deposits ere inaurcA by a tederel egency, insaumentelity.or entiry <br /> Y�t�;� (including Lender,if Lender i�such en instlNUon)or In any Federel Home 4oan Bmk. Lender shall�pply the Pun&to piy _ <br /> - Ihc Eserow Itertu. Lender mey `rot chsrge Bortower for holding and epplying the Wnda,annually analyz(ng the eacrow <br /> "��'t� aocount, or vedtying [he Escrow I�ems.unless Lender qya Bortower imercst on the Wnds end eppliceble law permip ---� <br /> �°"?�`�`+ Lender lo milce aueh e cherge. However,Lender may requirc Bortower fo pay a onatime charge for an independent rcal _ <br />;_.��,:;" _ - <br /> '-:;.�, utate tex rcponing urvice used by Lender in connecllon wi�h�hia loan.unless appliceble law provida otherwiae. llnless en -- <br /> `- �� egrccmem(s mede or applfcable lew requirca imerca[to be paid.I.ender ehall no1 bc required ro pay Bortower eny interest or __ <br /> Mz�� wnfng�on the T�nda. Bortower ond Lender mey agree in wriNng,however,that intercst ahell be Paid on the Punds. Lender _-- <br />�<;en;��Y.,,i :heU give to Bartower,without charge,en unnuai eceouming of tAe Punds,ihowing credils end debhs to�he FLnda and t6e �:_,_,.- <br /> .-r r:� puryose for whleh wch debit�o�he Amds woa mede. 7Le W nda ue pledged��dditional cecudty for ell suma aecured by [-, .,,, <br /> s�;; thie 3ceudry InstmmeN. � ''. <br /> + -t If Ihe Punds hetd by Lender excecd �he emounn pertnitted to be held by appliceble lew, Lender shell aaount ro �,h �� r�r,. <br /> ��� .t <br /> ��;,� Bortower for the excess F1nda in a«oNance wllh Ihe requircments of appiicebie iaw. If ihe amoum of�he Funda heid by " � --- <br /> � {' I.ender at any time is no[sumcient to pay the Pscrow Item�when duc. Lender may so notify Borrower in wriNng,end,in ���'�,.�� <br /> �f�'t�4t�= such cau Bortower shall pay ro Lender the emount neceicwry io meke up the de6cicncy. Oorcower ahall make up Ihe �¢y � - <br /> }'j� deficiency in no morc�han twelve montAly payments,nt LenderS sole diurc�ion. �� , — <br /> r <br /> -_ v°;� Upon payment in full af all aums secured by�his Saurity Insirument,Lender shell promp�ly rcfund to Bortowtr any '��?!�'� � _ <br /> ,,,��� Punda held by Lendec If,under pawg�aph 21,Lender sholl acquire or sell ihe Bopeny,Lender,prior ro�he acquisition or ��$'`�?�ys , _ <br />�-e, ,"f sale of the Properly,ahall apply nny Iimds held by Lender ut the lime of acquisi�ion or sele ds a crcdit egainst the sums Yxi"',i�v - t `� <br />�.i;>��r «curcdbythis3auritylnstmmen[. -�<�r�'��c,:;ik4�,�:,j:: <br /> --`Y'; . f• :. c r <br /> ! 3. Appilcatlon of Peymente. Unlcu applicebie law provides otherwiu.Wl p�yments received by Lender under f� t�;���^S _ <br /> �A�.�;. paragrephs I end 2�hall be opplied:firsi,to any prcpuymem charges due under�he Nate;second,to amoun�s payable under '�1,+�{i,,�fi 'y�s�_ <br /> ;.,si;�, paragreph 2;�hird,to inums�due:founh,�o principal duc;and Ins6 w any lete chuges due under ihe Noie. •�u1�-v��;��:':s_.. <br /> _,»� 4. Chergea; Llens. Borrower�ell pay all texea,assessmenu, chargcs,fines end imposi�ions ettribmable to �he �y�{F ji� ,v.,,>z'f� : <br /> Propeny which may nttain priority over�his Securi�y Inamment,xnd leasehold prymems or gmund rems,itany. Borrower f M h �� ' <br /> q=t chall pay�heu obligeiions in�hc menner provided in parayaph 2,or if not paid in�ha�manner,Borro�vcr shall pay�hem on t "(t p � �r, <br /> �+ -., �ime direcUy ro the perwn owed paymem. Bortower shall promptly furnish io Lender uil natices ot omoums�o be paid under t -�P, ��t �- <br /> ,,' ' �hia paragroph. It Borrower makes thcse paymems dircc�ly,Borroo'cr shnil promptly(umish to Lender rcceip�:evidencing q'>��,,sYl� � <br />,'s::+:- tAepaymenta. ,�.`.� �,"°'.;_: <br /> ,yt_1. Bofrower shali promptly diuhurge eny lien which hes priority over this Secumy Instmmem unless Bonower.(a)agrces r t �`�! � , �-' <br /> tq � in wrieing m 1he paymrnt of the obligalion secured by ihe licn in a mnnner ecceplable to Lender,(b)conttsts in good fuith the �� �a,�'?�';1��fi "i:: <br /> r��; lien by,or defends ngainst enforcement o(the lien in,Iegal proceedings which in�he Lendert opinion aperate ro prcvent�he _ _ <br /> � ; enforcement of the lien:or(c)securcs fmm the holder o(Ihe lien an ugreemeN s��isfecrory to Isnder subordineting Ihe lirn ` ��-y�'� '� r <br /> e !�;_: w this Seeurit Instmment. It Lender de�ertnines�hat an n of�he Pro rt �s sub ect to a Iien which ma nttain riorit ` ts �"/d�tt'•° <br /> •.-s Y YW Pe Y� 1 Y P Y ,C;.:.;�1Y��'�^ct;:,. <br /> - .',--� over this Securiry Instrumen6 Lender may give IIoROU�er a notice idemitying the licn. 6oRO�ver shall s�tisfy�he Iien or teke .»,��.,, ,,„r;.. <br /> onc or more of thc aclions ut tonh abovc within 10 days of�hc giving of naice. �' <br /> �`;"� 5. Hezard or Property Insurance. Dorto�ver chail keep�he improremems now existing or Ae¢aRer erceted on�he �°?1 ��i:�- <br /> �.z=:v'.��' Property insurcd egainst loss by fire.hazards includcd wi�hin�hc tcrm'ex�ended mvcraFe'and any mhcr haiards,including `�•v:t3��"ri,}_c: <br /> Ooods or Oooding. !or which Lender rtyuircs inxurance. lliis insuranee shail M maimained in ihe amounts and(or the _(,'�i:�.,,; _. <br /> l)�� -� turm J03! fl9D qvcr 2.4hN[�+� � . <br /> S -`'� <br /> ) <br />,,:i�.�!i��y �. - � .. <br /> � ,7'# ....__.�._--•. ..... .. . .. . . .: .. . . . . . . . . . _ - - , , C . <br /> T+ �1�D�{iy.!�4�VY�-..1 n .t�t Z�. . .. - . . . � T. i�'I '1 :SLa" . . . � <br /> '��(fti.� j ' - . <br /> �A:[f1:i -/!il.' . . . .. <br /> ''�:.-1ite.'� ' - - <br /> %.i.�t,. 1�n.a.r.�i. - " <br /> �l-t:. y - � � - ' - - <br /> � "as v <br /> 1) i • <br /> r7.�� ;' �+;ji S„ � .t,`,. <br />-- '��'�'�- � - `�'�c.,�a•< . <br />. :_.�.. . '-r. .�.f.y'-.,.,:-'. !y7}.. . <br />._ i.:#c,�` - - . . . . . <br /> < �-n .;7:y _ . .. . . - <br /> �1-- ';i . - . ' � . <br /> �p s " i ' <br /> �Y � <br /> J jt � �-Y , .- • _ . _ '. . - . .-r .. . <br /> �f'..: . � i .:r_� - . , . . _ . <br /> {{i,�� :iS z - � i ' _� # <br /> :]-� . . . _ 5 �.... ' �1�.� _ . , „ .: .. ., . � , . . . ..� . #:-. . r n - _. .. <br /> r _ � <br />