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y!�'Q:r ,. .. .•.....w...� ,�.�- . _-, - `2=. . .. .. , - �{f i - __ __._ -_ <br /> y4��. - ':.. . . , . -. - :. : �- __L_ _ <br /> . _____ - .... _ _ _ _. __ . . _.. ..._ _ _ _ --. ... . . .._. <br /> _. ` . � � 1����,� _ _ <br /> condemntUOnoro�hertakingotanypartofU�oPmporry.orforconreyanoeinllenotcondemnot(un.ard e y �edand <br /> , thtltEep�drotendcr. � <br /> ---. GI Iha erent ot a totol taking of tlte Properry,tho proceed+fiall 6o epplied to the eum�seeured 6y thla 8ectuiry <br /> Nattumen6 whether of not then duo,wl�h eny oxcep ysld�o Bortower. In cha ovent of e padiat taking ot tho rty.ln <br /> whlch tl�e fatr fiuket value ot�ho Propetty Immedlacefy befora tha qking ie equul to or griatcr�hen tM emount ot b Buma <br /> wcurcd Dy�hb Becurity Tnsuument immcdiaie�y Eoforo eho Wcing,unlea�Derrower and I.ender o�hern�iso agrce in writing. �--- -- <br /> d�o sum�tuured by tfilt Bxudry In:uument ihail bo reduad 6y�he amount ot�ho proccedf mul�lDIicd by�ho follo�ving <br /> Gecpon: (a)iho�aal emount of tlw eum��earcd tmmediately befae the ta}ctng,divided by(b)tha fair mwica valuo of Iha <br /> ,_ „,._-„ Propeny Immediately hetoro�Aa�ekhig. My balanca ehail be paid to Bortowm. In tha avem of e panial taklng of the <br /> PropeKy in which�ho feir mahet valuo ot tha Proptny Immedlately beforo�ho taking U lea+then ehe emount of tde sum� ' <br /> «tuted Immedlately before the teking�unita+ Bortowor end Lender othawlae e�w In mi�ing or unleas applicable Iaw <br /> oiltenviw provlde�,�ho proceed�ihall be eppNed ro the wme cecurcd by thh Secudty tnswmen�whethu or not�ha eum�ere <br /> �hon dae. <br /> If Ide Property la nbandoned by Bortower.or it,aiter notice by Lender to Bortower�hat the condemnor ofkn ro maka <br /> m awnrd or senlo a claim tor demaga,Bortower felb ro rcspond lo Lender wlthln 30 day�ofter the date the noNco la giva�. <br /> Lender b authodzed to a11cet end apply the prottede,at lu op�lan,either�o rosto�ation or rcqir of tha Properry or to the <br /> — wms wcured by thb Securiry insiwnenb whuheror not then dua " °'- <br /> Uniess Lendu end Bortower o[herwise egrce in writing, any+pplicedon of proceeds[o pdncipal shall not ax�end or <br /> postpone tM duo d��e of the monihly paymcnu rcfeaed to in paragnpna 1 end 2 or chenge ihe amount of cuch paymenta. <br /> 11. Bonower Not Released� For6eernnce By Lender Nat a Wi�iver. Eztension ot the �ime for payment or <br /> modlflutlon ot qrtwrtizatlon ot tAe�um+sccurcd by�his Securfty Gutrumen�gramed 6y Lender ro eny successor in intercst =- <br /> —� ot Bortowcr�hall not opemre m rcicase the Ilabiiiry of the originil Bortower or Borrowerb cuccesson(n intercst Lender - -- <br /> thall not bettq uircd to commence proceeding�against eny euuessor in interost or rcPose ro atend tlme for payment or <br /> - -----� oihetwisa mo0try amonizetion of ttx:ums secured by�hin Sceudry Instrument by rceson of eny demend meda by the odginal -- _ --_.-.-_ <br /> •��' Bortower or BorcowerY mcaason in Inlercat. My fofieanu�ce by Lender in exereising eny right or rpnedy chall not be a �r;;,=- <br />...�,�:�'- watvero[or procludo the oxercisa of any dght or rcmedy. _-- <br /> ,,;.,,F;i.,�� 11. Succeasore nnd Assigna Qoundi Jolnt end Severel UaDlltty;Castgnen. "Ifie eovenanes and agreemenu of�hia �:�;y�yp.�; <br /> �----- Secudty Inawmem ehell bind ond bene0t�he auccecw�s aM assiyu of Lender nnd Rorrower,subjat�o the provisions of _- --- <br /> �*5'`�i puagnph 17.BortowerY mvenanu end egrcemenu shell 6e Joim md sererel. My Rorrower who co-signs this Secudty .__ <br /> Insuument but doa no�execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Savrity Instrument only w mongegq grent end convey the� � - <br /> +;"�+��� Dorrowuy incercst fn Ihs Property undenhe tertna of�hia 3auriry Inswmem: (b)i�not peBOnally obligaud�o pay tAe sumf t -�� <br /> '� ' wcured by�h�3ecudty Inauumen4 and(c)egreea tha�Lender and my o�her Bortower may agrce ro ex�end,modify,forbear � t <br /> �hrtir''s� or milee any eccommodationa wiw rcgard ro the te�ms of�his Saurity Inshument or the Note without ihat Bortower6 �1�g'�� = <br /> ,r � conunc - <br /> .,.y ' 1J. Loan Cho es. If Ihe loen securcd by this Sauriry Insuument is subJect ro a law which sets maximum loan t<�ti`Y = <br /> xc ;� charga,end�hat law�i Flnally ime�preted so�hat the intercst or o�her loan cherga rnllecttd or to be rnllected in connection r,'��;F ���� <br /> ��+3 with t�e loan excad the pemmeed hmna,�hen: lej any such lom fiarge nhdi oc mluccd by thz nr�SUiwrd aaw»ty to r�a:.x _'_ -- -� <br /> ��5 z � ihe chuge ro tha pem�ilted limh;a�(b)any aurtu already wllecud from Dortower whfch exaededpemiined limiu will be +;n� ,� —� <br /> p �U roNnded�o Borto�mr. Lender may choox to make�his rePond by rcducing�he pdncipal owed under the Note or by mnkfng n �3 a ;''^ - <br /> r� d{rcct peyment to Borrower. h a rcPond reduces principal,the fedunion will be veeud a+e paninl prepnyment�vithout eny ' �.'� N.�, - <br /> i N?_v� prcpeymem cAerge under th¢Noia `��y�� �- <br /> ri s-? '` l4. Notices. Any notice ro Dortower provided Por In this Security Instrument shall be given by delivtdng it or by � � , h }ti� --_ <br /> ;yr i��� meilin;it by fils�clnas mall uniess epplicebie Iaw rcquires use of aather me�hod.The naice shell be diraicd to the P'openy �t ti f -�, <br /> , *S! Addrw or eny oiher nddrcss Oortower designatca by notitt to Lendcr. Any notitt ro Lender shall bc given 6y Rnt clav --�'�'� ��" ry;u <br /> �,:�t,t:� mall ro[.endert eddres�ateted herein oran otheraddrcxs Lenderdesi nntes b notice�0 6onower. An noiice rovided for 'L���•`-r@4�a'�:�____ <br /> � � Y 6 Y Y P .? 1�.u� <br /> " $``- in thle Securit Instrument ahatl be dcemed lo have been rven to Bortower or Lcndcr when rven as rovidcd in �hia .�t;�'1a`kSat•�:a:_- <br /> �ls-x� ParagnpM1. Y B � P ,.),s,�'��1�t voJ �_` <br /> -S }l`�, 15. Gorernfng Le�r; 3evere611ity. This Security Inurumm[xhnll be guvcmed by federxl lew nnd the luw of�he �'�l;y� °r� - <br /> r� udsditilon In which the Pro rt ie Iceafed. ln Ihe even[Ihu nn vixian or clauu at ihix Securit Instmment or�he Note '--�'t` ` <br /> r � -,f I Pe Y Y Pro Y 5;' . <br /> ;���;, contlieu wi�h applicable la�v,such conflict ahxll no�xffect o�her pmvisions of this Security Instrunmm or the No�e which can FS¢���y�G ir` 1 -_-`. <br /> Ys�tx bo giren effect �vithou�the canflic�ing provision. To�his end �he pmvisians o(�his Security Instrument nnd�he Noto arc h`s��•4�f� .' <br /> '��,1� �. decloredwbesevenble. � k f� "- -` <br /> ..{,': <br /> ` 16. 8orrovrer's Co Oortower shall 6e �ren one rnnfomud co of t6e Note and af this Securit Instmment. -''7•� t��'�'-�F,��'��(��"-- <br /> .��`�� PX B PY Y ',;�:�+ ,..a,; �., <br />..��„�"�.- 17. 1Yensfer of the Property or a 6enelicfal Intereai fn Dorcower. If all or any parc otihe I'ropeny or any inceres[in ;Y�.`�� � ,,r . :. <br /> s u. it Ia sold or trana&rted(or if n beneficial intercst in Bormwcr is nold ar tmnskrted and Bolrowcr is not a namml person) u - � +�''�, '�.:[ <br /> �, s�;.- without Lenderk prior written cansem,Lender may,nt itc optian,rcyuirc immediate payment in full of all sums secured by v ,�t �L��i ��+�` <br /> � .,t thin Secudry Instmmem. However,this option shall no�6e exercised by LenACr if exercix is pmhibited by fedeml law ns of - + hd�+.+ �,iy - <br /> ��`.��!-� �hedateofthisSaurityinstrument. � � �1�F'��'��.�f'L` �;.�� <br /> t,-- z" If Lender exereises�his option.Lcndcr chall give Dorrower naice af aaden�ian. The notice shall pmvide u period o( �^i=S� �+�+4��-, '- <br /> '< < w not Iw than 30 deys fmm the daie�he notice is delivercd or mailed wi�hin��hich Buvower mus�pay aIi sums securcd by�his - . q 2 ast� st�:' <br /> 'f-,i`'---�k Security Inawmem. 1f Uartowcr(uils m pay ihc}e suma prior m the expintion of�his period, LenJer may invoke any `�q��:-.^'�n }'3}�y.:F_ <br /> a���:; rcmedies permitted by�his Securiry Instrument wi�hout funher na�imor demand on Burro�cer. �},ycQc r _�r.,; . <br /> F� +r.-� , 18. 6orro�rer's Right fo Relnstxte. If Bnrm�rer meets nnain condi�ioro. 6ortnwcr,hall harc �he right to havc :���'1� , � � :��"'-- <br /> = enforamenl�t this Secnrity In�ImmeN di�continued�1 xny lime prinr rn ihr r:rtlirr nL �a)5 davs(or zuch other period as ��;�,.::� � '``' <br /> . _ ' " .'.-ie :,. <br /> 3.,i:-' SinplrFamilp.-IannleUxh}NdkNrtCti1R1R\IIAb7RlMF.Vi--4mfn�nCmenann 1190 tryFN��Jnryf�s� •:��-!ti. /4 ' "- <br /> �i �4 � . <br /> t � <br /> 1' 1.. !'i r�}v '� r{'n� <br /> l� � t� _ r� S <br /> V r „ � <br /> � 1� "j� �y�.�'...yx � _ _.4 '$v�4a�f.'_'� v� {i�i. ..� 4�'�ifi:'_ � -r �_ j:',;.'�'`�vlx4�i'c�w;Ch Jf'1�P`.^-.s lv - �� <br /> h� 2 <br /> t . �• i � F_ t _ - 1 < ti\ . i Yr� - • <br /> � <br /> i � ' �I !� r �Tr - 4,ti J _5�-: �.� - JT , 1 , '- _� ,� _/._ �Fi . <br /> b r t.�".ir ti - � ! i i�1.�.�.-_ ..—� �_ i <br /> s� t^v;r '�' ' __ — _ _2� .� �1�. T � � - - . <br /> 7r f' : rl `s_ . t tF . 5. � „. __ 1 . F, fL- .°.'` - . <br /> ° - i._ r 7 ♦� �. � <br /> � )i y t } 11 �� '� 1 - 1 . � 1 . _ <br /> . . � - 1 /♦ 1 .t J <br /> .-i f �Y v c .-a� - -i - ¢ ,� - . - _ <br /> �.{ 4 ,`�} l � _ <br /> »� t i � - _'i a-� { 2 : � . � i __) . _ '_ _ _ . <br /> _ i,.j 3 . �-[ -� - . . <br /> �- ..V:i.:z�..i , :�. E : � .. -..' i -f' > > � . < � ` . . <br /> �!- r srh`T" � --` � . t ' t : :_ _' . _ <br /> � q � �� .• � 1[�r � ��� . � r ' � . . <br /> h�-T ..}; \ . ( 1 -���} �t � � J� < �h� � JJ.) 7 `� l <br /> {� �.:f ' ^ ' " ' , > a� �. ro. - � ,i 4� ♦ - . <br /> �f � �' t (1 i _ f ' - � � � .�t y T. i.4 ..(I' � ! - t- yj � - . t� . - . <br /> � . �� r � i � ,� . ` d i _ i � ti a - i� . � i��.. t ; E 1 r.� � .s <br /> � r v ; ' ' W� ' .,', ;.•� ; - �` ��4 � if � ' <br /> ' ?1;. ��: <br /> 'f .i. > r �. .Y.- -. . .° L. - �.� ._,. . , v . . . . . � r ..,i. c". . . S i. . e_�•-v .. -�- . <br />