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, - __ <br /> , ; <br /> �is�p�. , i . <br /> � , .,..:-. �_u-- —. . . <br />.. ,•--, , . $�� �(� ' ll . .�___--..,...... <br /> � pa1o0�thm Lender requlrca. 71�e Inmranae wrtla provlding lho insurenoe�hetl be chaun by Boirowor�iub�tb GenQetY <br /> approval whlch�hall not be unreasonably wlthheld. If Qortower falla to me�ntaln coverage descdbod obovo,LenAu may,et <br /> - . Lendert op�bn�a6eoln covcmgo to Protect l.endul dghte lu Uro PropanY in exordenw whh pangreph 7. `--.—_ _. <br /> All lnsurance po8cle�end renewat�shali bo eooepIaD1e lo Lender and�haU Nciude��lendud mortgage cleuu. f.endt� <br />_ ehail hevo�he dght ro Aoid the policla md renowaie. If Lendtt rcquirea,Bortowor�hnl!P�P�b B��a to I.ender oil reoeipte � <br /> ot pald pmmluma md rcnewnl noHcoa. In the event ot los�.Bortowot�hell glvo prompt noUca�o the insurenoo certiet and <br /> l.ender. Lender may mnke proot ot los�itnot m�de promptly by Borcower. <br /> Unles�Lcnder and Hortower o�hernise egrco In wrtUng.Wuronce proceeda shnll be�pplleA to rcstoretlon w ropaU ot <br /> --.-., �he Property dameged, if�he rcatoredon w ropa�r Is aonomically fwiblo and Lendut secudty la not leasened. It Ne <br /> restomtion or repafr i�na aonomically feaviCle or Lenderl cecudty would be iwened,ehe ia+uranw proaede chall be '-'--`"----""-�--' <br /> appiied to tho wm�sxured by tNi Secudty Imwmeat,whaher or not�Aen dua,wtth my exow paid ro Bortowes It — <br /> Bortower�bendom the Property,or dae not answu wi�hin 30 days e natca from Lender �hat the Insu�anca certier da+ <br /> oNered[o«ttle a claim.�hen I.ender may collat�he insurcrxe proaeda. Lender may uw the proceed��o rcpair or reatoro <br /> _ [he Prope�ty or�o pay sums saured by�hia Secwiry instrument,whether or not then due. Tha 36day pedod wfll begin when — <br /> �-- the notice 1�given. <br />----°— Unles�Lender end Bortower othernlse agree in wd�ing,eny appIlcation of proceeds ru pdncipel sha11 not extrnd or <br />-`""`"" pos�pone tha due da�o of the momhly pnymenta ttferted ro in paregrepha 1 end 2 or change the unount ot the paymenU. If ---- <br />.�9 under paragraph 21 the Propeny Is ecqulrcd by Lender.Bortower§dght to eny inauronce pollcies and protted�rwulting <br />-���,t� from damago to the Property prior ro the acqulaition shali pesa to Lender ro the ex�ent of the auma aecurcd by thla Seeudty — <br />-�::a� Instrumen[immedieidy pdor ro tha ecquisitlon. _ _ <br /> 6. Occupane�, Preservatlon, Malntenance nnd Protection of tM1e Propertyt BorrowerY Loan Appllcatlon� <br /> Yh,�;� Leasehold+. Bortower shall occupy,ea�ebNah,end uu the Property as BomowerS principil residence wtthin sixty deye eRer =_ <br /> �he exxution of[h8 Security Inswment end ahall condnue to oocupy the Property es Hortowert principal rcsidence for at <br />-.:,,,r,>v" leest one yeer eRer we date of acupancy, unless Lender ahernice egras in wriiing, which consent ehall not bo �_- <br />--�.'.=,;.;' unreawnably withheld,or unleas ontenua�ing circumstenera exiat whlch ara beyond Bortowerh eonvol. Bortower�hall not gJ,:-�-���� <br /> -- ! destmy,damega or impair�he Property,ellow U�e Propeny m deteriorete,or commit wesle on�he Propeny. Bortower ahall , <br /> �r��ti be in default if eny fodetture ection or proceeding,whe�her clvil or criminnl,is begun tAat in Lenderk good fe(th Judgmrnt ,� �-�; <br /> ,�;:�g.p could reault in fodeimro of�he Properry or aherwlu metedally impair the Ilen erea�W by thia Secudty Insttument or t,� �� <br /> -� �'�•;; LenderY savriry intercat. Bortower may cutt auch a detault end rcinntaw,es provided in pungmph I8,by ceu�ing the actlon ,�?1"•�y�:: <br /> q; "_( or proeceding ro 6e dismiased with e mling that,In Lenderk good fe(th detertninetion,prccludea fodeiture of�h¢BartowerS t j 3:,;=. <br /> `-� inmrest In the Properry or o�her meteriel impairtnent of�he Iien crcated by this Secunty Instrument or LenderY secudty 7�,-., . <br /> '-�° intercst. Bortower ahall elw Ix in defeult if Bortower, dudng the loan eppliation process, gave matedally false or �rlr 1' <br /> }d�` inaceu�ate informedon or aeremenu to Lender(or teiied to provide Lender with eny materLl information)in wnnection wi�h �� r . <br /> r n;j: the loan evidenced by �he No�e, including, but not Ilmited �o, ttpresentations conceming HortowerY occupancy of the ,°f -. — <br /> ,r iti+: Property a�a pdnclpal residena. If ihia Security Instrument ia on e leesehold,Hortower�hell cromply with eil the provfsiom h�4 ` _ <br /> - of N�lease. If Borrower ecquire:fee�I�le to Ihe Propeny,�hc leesehold end�he fee title ahall not merge unlea+Lender egrees .,�Yy;.� -_ - <br /> � „r= ro�h�erProtcetlon ot Lender'e Righb tn lhe Propeity. If Borrower feila to pedorm the rnvcnenu end egrcementn �i,�F��y`'>', .- <br /> ,��i� comeined in thia Securiry Innrument, or�herc is a Iegal praeeding thet mey significamly affect Lenderh�ighu in �he # +�T�,��f��,h: <br /> �};� Propeny(ach u a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for wndemnation or Podeiturc or ro enforce lawa or reguletions),then �'�:-jr�t,�a�„ ,..� <br /> ��� Lender m¢y do and pay for whetever is necessary a protect�he velue of�he Property and Lenderg rights in ihe Property. �3'ti'� <br /> �.��7�, Lenderh actlons mey include paying eny cums securcd by e lien which ha�pdoriry over�hia Security Inawmrnt,eppearing � '�,.�'�`�'y�'�t��r��f� <br /> ,i-�r,� in court, paying rcemneble atromeyi fees end entering on the Propeny to make rcpairs.Although Lender may teke action - <br /> - r;�: under this paragraph 7,Lender dota not hcvc w do w. ��'%.��{''s�'�',-_ <br /> ° Any emounts diabursed by Lender under�his paragreph 7 ahall becomt additionW debt of Bortower secured by this 4tts �q`7rY}ji,: �.- <br /> t.�� Securiry Iiuunument. Unless Borrower and Lender egrce ro other terms ot paymen4�hese emounis ahall beu inrercst from the y'�a>�s y'� - • <br /> �-+' dnte of disbursement ot�he Note rate enA ehall be payable,wi�h intaes6 upon no�ice from Lender to Borrower reques�ing ti:;�.� '�.t -_� <br /> `P�e`d P%Ymene ,4 �,°r o <br /> .�:-�,, 8. Mortgnge Insuranee. If Lender rcquiad mottgage insurnnce ec n condiiion of making the loan secured by�hia f�� �-€t� ' <br /> a y- Secudty Instmment, Borroaer ahall pay the premiums requircd to meimain �he mortgxge inswance in effect. If,for eny r y r'tffik�'* - <br /> �`i remm�, the mongage insumnce covemge requircd by Lender lapses or ceases �o be in ef(ut. Bortower :hell pay ihe r a�i� � -t�; . <br /> .-�iG,;, prcmiumx requircd �o obtain coverege substentielly equivelem ro the monguge insurence prcviously in effect. et a cost _ j'�{.� i-" ._� <br /> -"'s�r-` su0.stentinlly equivelent eo the cost to Borro�ver of the mongnge insuronce pmviously in etfec4 Gom en eltemete mortgage �-`�nr��� <br /> insurcr approved by Lender. If subs�antielly equivalem martgnge insurznce covemge is not nvnileble,Bortower shall pey to �w,��.��, ` <br /> - - Lender each momh u sum equnl ro one•nvdhh of�he yeedy morcgnge insumnce premium 6eing paid by Uorrower�vhen tlie ,r,'��'y��•�klr::�� <br /> �-;. imurnnce mre�age lapsed or cee.ud to be in efkn. Lender will eccept,use�u�d reiain them paymen�s as u lass rcxrre in lieu °_+'? {°�'� - <br /> ot mongage in:urance. Loss reterve payments may no longer be rcywred,nt the option of Lender, if mongage insurance . ,:� �,��;; -�. <br />-._��ia:� coverage(in the amount and far the period that Lender rcquires)provided by an insurcr approved by Lender ngain becomes �,. °- �.' ''i ;r <br /> ,�-�,. �� available und is ob�ained.Borrower s6ell pay the prcmiums required to mainmin mortgage iatunnce in effecL or to provide a -y-�}�;'��.� ��r ` <br /> � > ;� bu rcurve,until�he rcyuircment for mortgage insuronce ends in aaordance with any�vrinen agrcement between Bortower +i F•. i <br /> =-'�:!.::. andLcnderorappliwblelew. .1'„!�:�_;'•` t:,��;'�. <br /> �� - 9. Inspectlon. Lcndcr or i�s agem may makc reasonable entrics upon and inspec�ions of the Property. Lcnder shall j' <br /> `! ` : <br /> -. give Dartower nolice al the lime of or prior to an mspeclion speti(ying masonable c�me for Ihe in+pection. <br /> rt `#� I0. Condemnatlon. The pracecds of any anard or ciaim for damaga.dirca or connecyion wi�h nny �-{- � <br /> ^ SmplePomdy—Fannlellrth7edAleVxCti1FOR!111NV18611F.h7--I:mfmmcmmam. 9.90 �ry�r?.JnryFes� ).��lL- �_ ;. <br /> � � � a..w..eo�msr�.i.�■ � �4�;� <br /> t t i n��aruo �arozwrmorese��e�.�ni � . <br /> t.. . . _ . <br /> � f� n - n.i y .. 5 �: r .... --0 4���)ti�:r1.� - . -. . � 10 Y�;9�5�`�`i t`;� i- n.' 7'„-(�r� , <br /> ti { ' 1 j - . - - - <br /> Y .(���� �� -�1�{ �.. . � . <br /> ✓�rj��� -4. . . _ . - . . � ' • . .. <br /> �y: • <br /> if: _ �• � . ..�: <br /> 1 lg.� S; . .... .. _ P. <br /> e'. . -.' .. .. . . . _ . 1 . . <br /> . ._ _ _ __ . "_ " . ._—___ —_ _ _ __ — _ — _ —_ .. .. . — . . <br /> t'L—t � _ ._' �.. ' - . . _ _ — _ _ _ " . <br /> ,_ <br /> ! � ) . T{ ' � / .:. . . . . . .. • <br /> � . I � <br /> � �"_ �F: F t . . .`' , . _ . <br /> E . 1- _ .}_ Y '. r _. . _ ._ ' . _ <br /> t 5{-- �:� �. ,� . . .. . <br /> � - . � f � . _ f. , . . . <br /> Y yy�- l� � �rl: ..! �� - " � - ' . <br /> J ` 1 <br /> 4 41�� T t ' -{ . t - ' . <br /> i. <br /> C! �" fl ) � f t .. <br /> A'S � � f r' l _� < �. l . f �� . ' <br /> i �*�r'R � s� � - li .I �� t. � � �� _ . <br /> E � � .3 + r ._� s " .� - � _( i -_ <br /> rR,d . � t: . � � ._ -,q,1 . <br /> # �t - � i - i + ' ' i t e + yy - <br /> � T��`.. , -.��' . . +,. r°�: � .. EJ, � .. �. _� .-i`��� . . . .r . ,.J� . _a . . � „�'F < . . . . �'�::'. - . . _ <br />