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� �``';;.. �4�,� --- <br /> appIlaable lew mny speelty for rolnatatemenq be(oru eale ot No Propeny punuant�o eny power o a e , In Nia <br /> 8kutity In�uumenq or @)entry of n Judgment enforclog O�h Security Inspumcnt. 7LOSO candltlom aro ihat Bortower. (a) <br /> , pey�I.rnder dl anu whlcA then would bo duo under 161a Saudty Instn�ment and �he Note a�It no aoocicradon Aad _ <br /> pecurttd;(E)curcf eny detwit nf eny other wvcnenu or egreemcmr,(c)peye ull oxpenses tneurted In mtorcing thle 9teurlty ___. <br /> [nsWmen61nc1ud'mg, but not Ilmited to,reamnabla ettomeys'hes; and(d)iakoe euch eciion m Lender may rwonably <br /> rcqulro to auuro th�t�ha Ifen of�his Saudty Instmment.LenderY dghte In�ho Fropeny and Uortowcrti obligation ro pay the <br /> nurtu secured by �hle 8ecudly Inslmmcnt �hap conNnue unchengcd. Upon reinatetoment by Borrowet, �hi� Secudty — <br /> Inswment and the obtlgetlona�ecured heroby chell remaln tully etkctive w It no ecaleradon had occurred. Howover,�hi� <br /> � dgh�a reimtetv ahall aot e ply In tho ceso of acalentton under pnngrapA 17. F_ _ . <br /> -�I9. S�Ia of Notei�enge of I.oan 8eniar. 7La Noto or a penlol interest in�ho Note(toge�hcr wi�h ihie Seeumy <br /> Inspumenl)may be mld one or moro dmea wiwout pdor notice ro Bortower. A�ala mey ruutt in s change in�he entlty _-�--� <br /> (krqwn ee the^i.oan Servlcer'7 that collecte monthly paymente duo under�he Noro and�hl�Security InatNment. 'fiem etao ��,;..., .. <br /> may bo one or moro changea ot�ha Laan Serviar unrelaad to a ule of�ho Nota If thero 1��chenge ot�he Loan Servicer, �---�-=-� <br /> Bortower will bo given writtm notla ot the chenge In accordence with pareSreph 14�bove md applicable lew. 7Le notla �;�;.;;___ <br /> will staro Uro name end addrem of�ho new Loan$ervtcer end tho addrese to which paymenu chould be mada 7La nodce wtll -h•��- <br /> elso contein eny o�her intomietion«qutred by epplieable law. ���r--='� <br /> 2(1, tiazardoas Substencea. Bortower:hall not cause or pemi(t the preaence.use,disposal,norega or releau of any �•_°-� � <br /> H+vrdoue Substances on or(n the Property. Bomower chall not do,nor ailow anyane ela to do,enyihing effceting the =- <br /> Property Nat is(n violatlon of eny Bnvironmental Lew. 7Le preuding two sentenaa ihall not apply ro the presence,uu,or }�..,�:•_;._ <br /> crorege on ihe Property of small quanti8ta ot Hezertloua Substencw ihat erc generally recogniud to be eppropdate�o nortnal -- <br /> residentlel uses end ro maintenance of the Properry. 'k` ., <br /> Bortowar ahall prompqy give Lender written noHce of any invatigation,cletm,demand,lawsui�or other ectlon by eny Y"f- -� <br /> govemmentel or regulerory egency or privaie pazry Involving the Propeny and any Huerdwe Substance or Environmemal k�;'?': <br /> Lew of which Bortower hea actual knowledge. IC Bortower Ieam�, or la nolltied by eny govemmentel or regui�wry �<<ksi.t�-��� <br /> authority,l�at eny romorel or other rcmediadon of en Hazerdous Subslance et[ectin �he Pro is n Bortower �"���!"�- <br /> Y 8 P�nY ettasatY• ��i.: ;� <br /> ahall promptiy teke aU necessery remWiel ac�ona in�ccord�nx with Environmental Le�v. _- <br /> As used in�his paregreph 2(1."Hazardow SuMlencei ere thau aubstencu deMW az loxic or hazardaus substances by � _,-; <br /> Environmental Lew end the tollowing aubatancei: gesoline,kerosene,o�her flemma6le or mxic petroleum produc�s,roxic ,:.:-; <br /> pesticidp end herbieidea,voletile soivema,metedal� containing ubeatos or fartnaldehyde.�nd redioactWe mareriala. As 'v�'�'� <br /> ..�c'�=`-`-:_.. <br /> uud in lhis paregreph 1A,"Environmeatal Law'mans fedenl lews and laws of�he jurisdic�ion wherc ihe Property is loceted •�,�}:_::-_ <br /> '`:s• •: <br /> thnt rele�e w heelth,sefery or environmemel protation. ' -• �t�-•' <br /> lr'n' <br /> NON-UMFORM COVENANfS. Bortower end l.ender funher covenant end agrce as follows: i;i;f„��.. <br /> 21. Acalerarion;RemMfea. Lender shell glve notice to Bormwer prior ro acaleratlon toliowing Borro�rer'a ����`�f�?^: <br /> breath oteay rnvenant or agreement�n Ihte Security Inetrument(but not prlor to acceleratton under paragraph 17 ;j.����.��� <br /> unless eppllcaDle Ia�v pravidee olherwise). The notice�heil epetity: (e)Ihe defeult;(b)ihe actlon requlred ta turo the >>;i.=;;�:.� <br /> defaulq(t)e detq not Iw lhan 30 daye hom iht date Ihe noiltt�s glven fo Borro�rer,6y vvhleh the defeull must be 't=!2'�:-�r <br /> curedt end(d)t�at failure to cure the defeuli on ar bePore the daie apaified in IRe notia may ri,-ult ir acifleratton at =-�r.:.'_: <br /> the sum+sceured by thL+3ecurity Instrument end sale of tAe Property. The notim s6ell Nrther inform Borro�ver of ✓,„?�;�_ <br /> the right lo retnstate aRer ecceleretlon and the rtght ro brtng a murl actlon to assert Ihe non•exlsfence of a detault or i«r 2•.;�,; <br /> eny ather dekose of Borroner to eaeleration end sale. [f the dePeult(a not cured on w Defore Ihe date specllltd In -`'^,,�;-_:::_- <br /> thenotice,l.enderatiuo tlonma re ulreimmedtate aymenllnfullofallsumssecurMb ihtsSeturit Insirument ����''t�.° - <br /> P !' 9 P Y Y t•,-�;, <br /> vtlhout Nrther demend end may fnvake Ihe po�ver ot aele and any other remedla permitred by appliceble lew. �rc,c":,`- <br /> Lender�hall be enqtled to collect all expensw Incarred �n pursutng lhe remedles provided in ihl� paragraph 21, ��'•�<<*`=`�` <br /> tnduding,Dut not Iimited lo,reasonable attorneye'teei end cost+of tflle evidence. �f`�ti�`�=�- <br /> ��`4in,��� <br /> It tAe pover ot wle is Invoked,'I�ustee shell record a notice of dePeult in ach county In�rhteh any part of the �,;;�{1_:�. <br /> Propedy b laceted and shall mofl copiea of such not(ce in the menner�reacribed by eppliea6ls la�r to Dorrower and ro �„t�.,�;y� <br /> Ihe other Persona presedbed by appllcebie law. ARer fhe time requ red by appllcaAle law,7}uatee ahall gtve public S�:j�;c•., <br /> notice of sete to the penons and in lhe manner preacribed by epplicable le�r. 7}urtee,xithout demend on Borroiver, ^�c,;,_Y:, <br /> sM1all sell ihe Property at publle auMlan m Ihe highest bidder at lhe time and place nnd under the terme designeted In 6+ ?:r;__ <br /> @e notla of eate In one or more percela and in any order 71�ustee deferminee. 7Fustee may postpone aele o!all or eny y„1�s;•:;w-: <br /> parcel otthe Property by public announcemenl el t6e tlme und pince of eny prevlously uheduled sele. Lender or Iti 17s�tKr:-��� <br /> dalgnee mey purchese ihe Property at any sele. �s^r� - <br /> Upan receipt of peymrnt of lhe price bid,7Yustee ahall deliver to the purchaser 7Yustee'a dxd mnveying the �lfu , <br /> Property. TAe reeitals fn the 7Yustee'a dced sholl be prima fecte evidmee of the truth of Ihe smtementa made therein. �, r i. -. <br /> 7}ustee ahall epply the procetds af�he sxle In the tollo�dng order: lal lo all cosls and expensea o(exercl�ing the po�ver �fi,-i�_: <br /> {�:i�i:':;... <br /> L?i2; _ <br /> #l;��'�r��: <br /> [,�„ <br /> .;•};S?�`- <br /> ;,"�: <br /> Fwm707d 9.90 �ryercqnrvrr.� �')'°'. <br /> . V�'`:. <br /> b .. <br /> t i -'.i`Ji7 -� T .(.--. -r%�e.i.!''� . ,. � -:�. , i ��—� s i .,.rT"`i::y".->`"f,;_-�...i�i"�3� � �. <br /> � _-y`s J � � - . - . . <br /> r � + iy - � � . - . � <br /> t ( i � _ . ." J ' _ . . .",- <br /> i-_ . � _ ..-: _. -_�,. ,. __. [ - ; -t'.'tc - � � - � <br /> __ _ . ._. . . .. - - , . ' . <br /> ,-.::.-o - ..i.... :�. . ..,-.,_ ___-,._ _ <br /> ' -.-Y{s ' _ .--__ _-' _ '° - _— - - - - .- - __ __" <br /> '�.� 1 . . .,- . <br /> x�y � � e�� . . '�'� " � . . - . <br /> - t... � - A� � _ - . . . - <br /> ' . . S__ ( _� . - . . <br /> ' �J_ ; ' , it . .0 . . . <br /> i t . <br /> .[ {/. <br /> � � � 1��. T ' -�- I . -.. . . � . - <br /> f 1 ' ; -. ) ) S _ <br /> � � � -!- . _ S ) - _ <br /> , j i t { [ � . �- ' _� . <br /> } ��� U < �� 1 .� � ]) 1 ' �l � � .<: . <br /> ( � •.l � { .. > � _� � C f " ' P r -.��. t . <br /> � ; ' � . . t �''` .'�. _�•J . ( .. _ <br /> f l G � C ' <br /> r'. , i . .. . )➢.Te-� t c 1 ... . . . 1 a � 2.. t . . .. .�, . . :t -7• . - <br />