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Ig$� ����30 �^ <br /> T06B71f[iR W17H ell tho Improvemenu now or herca4er cruted on�ho propeny,end ail eaumenu,appurtenenx�. <br /> nnd Rxturc�now on c�rcaner a part of tho pmpeny. All rcplaamenu md addltlona�hell nlw ho wvered by�Ab 3audiy -- <br /> (nstrumen6 All otthe forcgoing li nkmoG ro tn 0is 8ewrlry Insuumcm as�ho"Propcey.' � -` �-° -° <br /> BORROWIiR COV8NAM8�hot Bortower Is Ia�vNily wised of�ho osmro hcrcby convoycd and haa ilw dgAt to grent =-- _ <br /> anA convey Iho Propeny ond diat 1ho Propeny b wencumbead,oxapl for oncumbrenczs ot ruord. Borroxer wartants�nd — �- <br /> wlll dohnd geaereliy�o�hle lo tho Propeity againtt dl de�m�ond dem�nds,iubJect to eny encambrano¢s of rccord. � .��' a.____ <br /> THt9 SHCURii'Y IN97AUMHtYf combines unitortn covenanu for natlonal uso and non-uNform mven�nu whh <br /> Ilmlted vul¢tlona by Judadiqion to conatlww o unifortn cccudty Inatrument covcring rcal propeny. p ;5 = <br /> UNIPDRMCOVBNANf9. BortowcrendLendurnvenmtendegrceasfoUowa: `� —'_ <br /> 1. Payment of PrindQai end Intercaq Prepo�ment nnd Late CAergw. Bortower.hall prompUy p�y wncn dw cho �_�y r,. �m=_ <br /> pdnolpa1 of nnd imercst on the debt evidenocd by tha Note end eny prep�yment md lero chazga due under�he Noto. i;��'{��'.n�:,?Y��wr; <br />� f. [Nnda for 7LxW ond Insurance. SubJect to opyIlubla Inw or m e wrinen waiver by Lendm,Bortower ahall pay io �;::n��,� ?. ;-� <br />- Lender on the day monthiy paymenu em due undcr the No�e,undl the Noto ia peld in full,a sum('Pondf)for.(a)yearly .,K%`.{ i ` ;� . <br />- tua and asseasmenn whicM1 may atwtn pdodty over ehis Secud�y Inswment ss a Ilen on�ho Propeny:(b)yearly leasehold ,R r��, j �3�-.,-��,.- <br />� ymenu or gmund rente on tlw Qroperry, if uiy; (e) yearly hazard or propeny insumncc prcmiuma;(d) yearly Oood ,! � '� �J�.- <br />; oturance remiurtu, if e) earl� mon e insurance rcmlum�,it en and(0 an �umf ble 6 Bortower�o �""'"'""- - <br />- p �( Y 8+8 P Y� Y PeYO Y `�`�-tT:`YI(N��,.x"�'-�r�.. <br /> I.ender,in a000rdance wiN�he rovia ona of re A 6,in Iieu of�he pa ment of mon a o insuronco mimm. 'Itieae ���""�•�-� <br />. P P�S P Y 8 8 Dre .r:.,,�.,+°,-;�.:;.,. <br /> ittma ere cailed'Hscrow fum�" Lender may,a�any tfine.mllect and hold Wnda in m emount not ta excad the meximum "1���i',-:.:�:w.;a-�.:'� <br /> amount a lender for e kdenll rola�ed mon e e loan ma uiro Por Bortowerh eccrow account under ihe fedewl Real ��±t=%'S��^'��`+�':�.�;rt-�.� <br /> Y 68 Yrc9 ,.ys,�.fy';�=.��- <br /> &Iaro SUAementProcedum Act of I974 ss�mended from Iime w Nme,12 U.S.C.�2601 e�srq.("RESPA'),unless ano�her rnrl�,�,..t.,.�r.e.=.. <br /> lew�at npplia ro�Ae Punds seu a Icsser amomc If so.Lender msy,n eny tlma collcet end hold Funds in m emwnt no�to �.�:=;f?ti���`„�r' <br /> exaed�he leaser unount. Lender ma estimew tho amoun�of i�nds duc an the bmta of eurrem dam end rcasoreble +-'j"'''`"-- - <br />. utfmata of oxpendilurca of futum 8serow Rems or othetwise in occordonce wlth eppIlublc law. >f�j s E � - <br />-� 7fie FYnds cAall be held in an InstituNon whose deposiu erc insurcd by a federal agenry. Insm�mrntality.or entity ..,,�,'�_�_ �!Y- <br /> (including Lender,if Lender ie cuch m Institmion)or in eny Pcderal Homc Lwn Benk. Lender shall epply�hc Wnd+to pay `;::��4:r��____. <br /> �Me Eserow Items. Lender may not cherge Bortower for holding end e�plying �he I4nds,ennualty enal�zing�he escrow y.;lqFtf.;c,,,;,yS:;,,--�_ <br /> nocount,or vedfying the Pscrow hema, unleu Lender pay� Bolrower nrercs[ on the Punds end eppliabte law pe�mit: �}by:�,,,:-,"=— <br /> Lender ro make mch e charge. However,Lender mayrequhe Bovower ro qy a one-time charge for an independent rcal -'°��•ir;.3�,�ta;-�. <br /> • es�aro tax ropoNng urvice used by Lender in connection wiih thia lonn,unleas eppifuble lew provide�othe�wice. Unleu en r af4�f:;'r-���:�- <br /> - a ment ie madc or e Ileable Iaw uires intercat l0 6c d,Lender:hall noi be rc uircd to Bortower an intcra�or °����:}K;�����:;-_ <br /> S�a PP rc9 Pal 9 PeY Y �.,;. <br /> i wningi on the Punda. Bonower and I.ender mry egrce in writing,howcver,thet interat shall be peld on�he Wnds. Lender r�.r�-e,!'?_>;:Wu�� <br /> sheli give ro Bortower.witiwut charge,an annual nccounNng of the fimds,ahowing credics and debits lo the FLnds and the ��+•"+��s�hi��� <br /> ;i iX(;(�.�t,;..� <br /> puryou Por which each debit to�he Punds wu made. llu Wnds are pledged es addhional sauriry for all sum:securcd by „R,;,:f.,,s-, .,o,.-.=-.. <br /> �hia s«udty�nawment. ,e;;:;:�t;J'�{f�'iCli� <br /> . If ihe Phnd� held by Lender exceed �he emounu permitted ro be held by appliceble law, Lender shall aecount to •�,'g��,`�€,�S?�4AlA`c.-° <br /> Bortower for Ihe e�ceas Punde in eaordenm wilh the«qufrcmenta of appncable lew. If�he emoune oi me Funds heid by , -sr �w� _ <br />