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r .. � <br /> . , . . <br /> . <br /> S%�-: � � -. ..: .�.—...—... <br /> .,.�:— <br /> �/�qp�p ry ,: ' <br />_._.��� ��•� J.V°.RIpJ.li1 ..._,._. _ _ .. .. <br />- - oteai�endlhecale,Indudtngl4epaymentotthe7Foatee'efeceaquWtylncurred,nottoexceed 3.0 S4of <br /> _-- tAe prNelpol�mou�t o►We oota at t�e Qme of the decluation of Qetautt,end reawnaDte ottomep�'faci ae pamltteA ------ - <br /> — Ay luw�(b)to ell sumuecured Dy thia 8ecurity Instrumenti end(c)any exoea+ro the person or percone Ieg�tly enilUed <br />_ tot1. - --°.—_. . . _ . <br /> - t3. Reconve�ance. Upon payment of ell eums cecurcd by �hi�9ecudty Inswmen6 Lendm ehnll rcquest 7ius�co lo <br />---��`°° reconvoy the Property end chnil eurrender thb Saudry Instmmem end nll notea evidenctng deb[�Ie Savdly <br /> Inswment ta 7Yuqee. 7tusteo�hdl rcconvey eho Propeny whhout wamnty end without chargo to�he perwn or penoro <br /> ,. legelly entitlW ro(u Such paron or penons eh�ll pay my rernrdation coau. �, ---- - , <br /> �� 23. Bubstltuto 7Yustec. I.ender,et iu optlort.mry fmm timo�o eime rcmove 7tuatw and ap�olnl uucceswr uuatw to -� - �----- - <br /> _ any 7tus�ee appolnted Aereunder by an inewmen[rerorded in the county in which thi�Secur ry Inswmem Is rororded. <br /> , -�e� N/ithout convoyance o!d�e Property.the auocessor w:toe�tull euccceJ ro all �he dtle. power end duNes antortcd upon <br /> ' �;� 7lustw herein and by appIluble lew. <br /> 2Q. R¢quest tor Noticee. Bortower rcquuts[hat wpica of the no�fces of dePoult end wle be aent a OortaverY eddreu <br /> s rn,}�� which ie thC ROperty Addrcxt. <br />-'?�=*�+� 23. Rlden to t h�Saur[ty Ins trumen w I f one or moro dden ere execmW by Boaower and recorded�ogaher with .__ . <br />(-�:_i�:� this Security inawmm4 tAc covenanta'end ngrcemenu of tach sueh rider shall be incoryorated Into and shail emend end -- <br /> __,:�.:a aupplement the covenanu and agrcemrnu of�hii Scewiry lnspumem�e If�he ddeK�)Werc n part of�his Secudty tnsWment. <br /> -_��+'a [Chxk appliteble box(p)1 <br /> Z7e <br /> 4���� �AdJusteble Rero Rider �Condominfum Rider �I-4 Family Ridcr <br /> �y, • <br /> Y:_. �pradua�ed Payment Ridu �PlannW Onit Developmmt Rider �6twccWy Peymcnt Rider .__ <br /> ra* r _ <br /> a�i�'' �Balloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider �� � <br /> �t F 3�. �' �it `:- <br /> y�l �OtAer(U[speciry) AGa�di�ledgirc+nt and Aseigrurettt oE Ranttt Rider +y t;" <br /> � ^-� <br /> ;�a:._:;: <br /> � BY 3IONINO BSIAW.Bortower eccepta and egreea ro the leim�and covenants conteinW[n this Secudty Insuumen[ fy �' -_ <br /> ) t 3�ri <br /> and in any dder(�)executed by Bortower md rceordW wi�h iL _.�F� .--- <br /> +1�' ,< <br /> �tt}�, � x ,�>�. �::..- <br /> .� �3 Wimesswr. ' r �� � <br /> r� . <br /> T�,it_ � (SCeI) ' fSi`»' —^- <br /> ; ..� t A. HOO .OomYSr i {a� --- . <br /> rx{� Sac rityNumber Qfi�R:5 s�s c� `� y" <br /> iitSat /]�.- n�Y� LVY��.awf . <br /> _ _ (�{Q.FiG � �SC2�� �°�ilS Ml�.i�11. <br /> ;. .. L. Hooket •nmower !�+�Sg "' �'� -- <br /> 4 � Saial Security Number cns_nn_,go� �f �� �T-.;` ,���- <br /> . � ,� <br /> '��-i 2�titi.d' t : <br /> � �<4 STA7E OF N88RASKA, Hell County ss: ?i ?-4' � <br /> i L � <br /> �� On this 27 et doy of Fky� 7 993 ,beforc me.Ihc undersigncd,a Notery Public ��'!���-���2F� '��.e . <br /> <<i'y-� dulycommissfonWendquelifiedtoraeidcounty,personallycame SCOtt A. Hooker enc38usanL, fiooker �r'1`!r �,Stit����_,'�. <br /> �-.t.°,-"� (HUebdnd azd Wife) .ro me known ro be the _i� j�'�°�y'r �`�r,":. <br /> r{ ��:. idemical petaons(sJ whose neme(aJ ere aubscribed to�he forcgoing insnument and acknowledged ihe execmion �heaof to 1 �r ;�t-,'�'}� , <br /> +,y pe t1181r volumery ett end decd. r>{`�h�''�,i-.... <br /> . � Wimesnmyhandan no 'e s � Nebraek8 , insaidcounry,�he ,- ''�Tyy;,q, � <br /> °�� da�ca[orcsaid. � � <br /> iElAlAl10L1�YSLY 1 Mlqtt� ' �I rr t�r.S�s/1��` + . <br /> E �C�v <br /> i r� MyCommission pir SNFkAILO'ORlAl9LW +rf „t_;�lr� u`�",.. <br /> hi_-c+l YYNmu.&0.&Dt4�,1995 ' NuuryPublk �t :-�S� j�,k's�• <br /> r' REQUESTFORRECONVEYANC :- -�.{;���T { � <br /> 'i i�. TOTRUSfCL': ^ t _ .'�tf ` i4�•:' <br /> �.;�-f� 7'he undersigned is the holder ot thc no�c or notes secured by�his Deed o(71ust. Said no[c or notcs,rogether with all : r.,.�_,:;,y;..;, <br /> -^ other fndebteAness securcd by this Deed of'ftus6 have heen paid in full. You are hercby directed�o cencel said note or m�es �y-s. <br /> .-;).•:' and thia Deed of Truat,which arc delivcrcd hercby,and�o rewnvey,without wananty,all thc es�ate now held by you under ,_�_ ,..-,��i <br /> thia Deed of 7tust ro the person or perso�u legally entiqed�herc�o. <br /> _��� - <br /> ' Date: • <br /> •��' -it_' . <br /> ';:ti�;:_' . <br /> �,? . FwmJOtd f90 lNir6n/6NRn1 ..,`e��1�;.�••:� _ <br /> iT <br /> :��� <br /> I.` <br /> _ ' <br /> _±-'-^siZ:c11�:sr;j�--�:3c�." " 'i - ' � " �.- ' .. . . , -:.-z:° -- . . <br /> y. . .�.:�.. '. . __ . ' _ _ . . _ _ _ _ <br /> ti�y: <br /> .. i. <br /> {. r � <br /> . <br /> ".- ._ ._::.:.:_ ." '" . ' "_-'- _-' _ ___ " ' " ' " <br /> � � 3 i' � <br /> ` .._ �„' ' - _ _ _ . _ <br /> r � <br /> � :. `.�Y <br /> �_ -=-.t �-It-.�� - }P . . - <br /> J 4: . S <br /> .1� ."� ' _. . . _ <br /> � � { y <br /> t .. �(1.' _' � - "� _ " . <br /> r ti . . . _. . .. - <br /> �t�ts _ . _ � . . . . , _ <br /> ' ` , _ <br /> (i'' af 1_i' • . i - � -S�i- r ' - - . . � _ <br /> i i �- -. ; � � �. . . � ^ _ (?t S� -t. � , .. <br /> y -: � � �+ -; - i t - - - . <br /> � t <br /> ! 4 <br /> 3 �fl t l ♦}. <br /> 'M43 al '�- i V� . • i . lf„ )., . . t.`. . .. . . ! �.�,� { _. . . . . . _.r .:.,{ . � b. " .��r . . . .. <br />