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T . . . _ .. ._.. . .... ._ . <br /> . . .. . . . <br /> . . � , t; <br /> . . . .. . _ ' _ " "" "' - _ . . . _. " _- . ..y_.— __ . <br /> _ . .. • 4V° i��lr✓iffi . - . _ —_. <br /> app11ceD10 law may epecify ta rolnstetc�mem)bafore ule oY tAe PropMy punuent ro eny pnwer of�de.conwlned in Odfl <br /> Suurlty InetnunenR or(b)enoy ot e Judgment cntorcing thie 8ecud�y InatrumenG 71row condhiona ero thnt Horrowu: (o) _ <br /> pdiye Lender eil wm�which tRen wou1A 6e due undu�his Sau�icy Inatniment and�ha Noro a+ if no eaelen�don had � <br /> oaurred;N)cures mY detault oteny othumvenema or�geemrn�a;(c)pay�ell expensea Incumed In rntoroNg thie Sccwity <br /> Inaa'ument,ibctuding,b�t not limlled l6�rwa6neblv allHley�'tees: and(d)takca tuch aetton ss LenAer m�y mranably <br /> requlro ro uwro that Na tlen ot�hta Secudry Inatnunrn6l.enderY righu In�he Propeny and BorsoworY obligadon[o p�y tho <br /> Nme sccurod by thit 8ecudry Inswment�heU onntinue unchanged. Upon reW�etement by Boirowoa thb Saudty <br /> W Wmcnt and the obllgadona eecurcd hercby sholl rcmiln tuity eflective a�it no ecateretion hed occurred. Howover,�hfe <br /> right to rclnstate ctu0 not epp1y in tM caso otaccalcratton under pazngaph 17. • -• <br /> 19. 8nie of Notei Cdange ot Lom&rvian 7Le Note or u panial intercat in�he Note(��wher wtth�his Saudty <br /> Wlrument)may bo sold ono or more timea w(thout pria notloe to Bortower. A uto may reauit n�ehange in the entity <br /> (known sf Ihe'Loan Servia�that coilau monthly paymenro due under tho Noro md thL Sceudty GWrumenl. 7fiva elso <br /> may be ona or more cAangca of the Loan Suvtcer unrelued to e sate o!�he Naa. It�hero 1:a chenga of the Loan 8ervixR <br /> Borrowtt will be gtven wdtten notice of the chnnge tn earordance with pb 14 ebove end appIiwble Iaw. 'Ra nalca <br /> will ste�e tho neme and eddres�of�M now Loan 9ervicer uid Ne eddrea ro ich paymenu chould bo meda. The notice wUl <br /> alto contain any other Infortnatlon roquired by appllcebi¢kw. ----� <br /> 20. Ha►ardous Su6stensee. Borrower ehall not cause or pertntt Ne prcaence,use,diaposel,ctoroga,or mlwsa ot eny <br /> Herardout Substencea on or In the Propeny. Bortower shell not do,nor allow enyone elae to do,anythtng atfating tha <br /> Property�hat i�in vlolatton of any Fnvironmental Lew. Tho praedtng two aentenaa�hall na nppIy to the prcsence,us0.or <br /> s�oraga on the Propetty of smell quenddes of Hazerdoua Substenas thut ere generaliy recognized�0 6e�pprop�teta ro nortnal <br /> rosldentlal usm and to meintenmce of the Propeny. <br /> Bomower ehell promptly give Lender wdtten no�ia of any investlgetlon,clafm,demend,Iawcuit or o[her action by any --� -�- <br /> govemmentel or rcguletory ngency or private pany Involring the Propeny and eny Hazardoua Substance or Envtronmentel <br /> Law of which Bortower ha�ectuel knowtedge. If Bortower leame, or ia noNfied by any govemmentel or reguiuory `�--�------- <br /> emho�iry,thai any rcmoval or other remedhiion of eny Nuerdom Substena pffatlng the Ropeny i�neceasery.Barower <br /> :hell promptly Wce ell necessery remedial adiona in accord�nce wlth Environmentel Law. <br /> As uuA in�his puagraph 20."Hewdous Subs�enca'arc thosc substenai definW ea roxic or hanrdoue substanw by <br /> Environmentel Law and�he tollowing eubsunces: gewline,kerosene,o�her tlammable or�oxic petrolwm products,tox(c <br /> pesUcides end 6erbicides, volatile solvenu,matedeia comeining nabestm or Pormaldehyde,and ndioactive me�edalf. Aa __ <br /> usai In�hb paregraph 20,"Environmental I.�w"means kderal lewa and Iawa of the judsdiction�vherc tha Propeny is laated — _ <br /> that rcl��e m health,sefety or environmrntal pro�ection. -_ <br /> NON-UM�ORM COVBNANTS. Bo`mwer end Le�der funher covenant and egrce ea(ollows: af.x��— <br /> 21. Accekration� Remtdtes. Lender ehall gtve nottce to Borrower prior ro acceleraqon totlo�v�ng BorroaePa '` -� - <br /> brweh of eny mvennnt or egreement In thls Securtty InstrumeM @ut not prtor to aceeleration under paragreph 17 �41�'���-�� <br /> unlea�appllcable laq provldes otherw6el. The nottcechall apecify: (e)the default;(b)the eMlon requlred to curclhe �•;;;: <br /> default;fe)s datr,no!!rs lAsa 3�dsyn from the dfltt the netlm b glven ro Borrmrqr,hr�vhlch Ihe Ae(pglt RI!�d? ��''?-�•?� <br /> cured;end(d)thet te0ure to cure the detault on or before ihe dafe spai0ed in the noUce may result In acceleretlon of -`�� �*���^� <br /> the sum�securtd b Ihla Seeurit Instrumtnt and sele of the Pro rt . 7Te notice ahall hirlher Intorm 6orroaer ol `+"�'=�'- <br /> 7 Y Pe Y ra».;_._..: <br /> the rlght to reinsfate aher eecelentlon end the right lo brtng a court action to assert Ihe nomeacisience of e defoult or ���°��td�-� <br /> nny other dekase ot IIarroner to eccelentlon end mle If the defeult ia not cured on or betore Ihe dete apttllled tn _3+�����"���=�-- <br /> tAe noilce,Lender at ita option may requlrc tmmedlate payment in NII otell suma secured by Ih(s Securlty insirument • ��:: <br /> wlthout Nrther demand and may Invoke the power of eele end eny olher remedte� permitted by eppiicable la�v .�';i,9z?G;-='". <br /> Lender ehall 6e entitled to wllecl all ex nsea Incurred in ursuln the remedies rov(ded In thts ara ra h 2l. �`t�s�F:::: <br /> Pe P B D P 8 P �s;4LyU,_,;, <br /> tncluding,6ut not Ilmited to,reesonable ettorne�'Peaand costa of title evldence. 4:f,�}t���:y_-� <br /> If the pover of aele Is invok�d,7Yustee shall remrd e notice of deteuit in each rnunty In �vhich any part of the •-� - � --: <br /> Property u located end shall mail mpies of such notice�n the manner prescribed by applirnble len to 8orro�rer and to l:;>;;z:��:'; <br /> the other peraoro pracribed by epplieable ta�r. After Ihe tlme reyuired by eppliwble la�v,7Yustee nhetl give publ(c �';;} 5 <br /> notice of sele to lhe personc and in lhe manner prescribed by xpplfcable le�x 'Ifustee.�vfthaut demend on Oorrmrer, y,?' ;._:�. <br /> shell eell the Property et publk euctlon to Ihe highesf bidder at the time end place end under the terma designated In ����yl?�1.��_;. <br /> the notice otsale In one or more parcels xnd tn nny order Trustee delermine.. 7}ustee may pastpone xele ofall oreny ,,,.;Jt,;�,,,,, <br /> parcel of the Properly by public announcemenl at lhe Iime ond plan of eny prerlously xcheduled sele. Lender or(ts �F���;,�,�:- <br /> dealgnee may purchese ihe Properly nt nny snle. }>••�;:r� <br /> 3�::�,..,, <br /> Upon recelpt of paymmt of the pria bld,Truxta shnll delirer to Ihe purchaser 7?ustee'a deed conveying the y� .'�'„�- <br /> Property. The redtels in ihe 7Yutiiee'x deed shell be pdma facie evidence of the Iru1h of lhe statements made thercin. `j iG'�:=> <br /> �tiY� �..:-..� <br /> 7Yurtee ahell apply the prameds otthe ra�lt(n Ihe follmdng order. (a)In all cosls end expensa af ezerclsing the potirer �� ;�r.-=-, <br /> �.�:�,'•`,�': <br /> �,k":�rFx'=;;: <br /> 4:?%•;'z-.: <br /> .'P�S�.:i_c::1 <br /> .w�, <br /> �,aa::�; <br /> :::�,�.;`..``:. <br /> ��:�,: <br /> F�.�;"'�,-_ <br /> Finm.�0311 9(90 quc<<..InNC��.� R�ilY.;i;;.,. <br /> 5`� '' . <br /> ��....,__-�..� ._ ..__. <br /> -y�- j"-'} t^ -�� ,��rt]? � lia! ;_-��'t .l�:.. . . - I' ..{ --'-��r-�r.n'. "^'nt�. <br /> �._ t`t:`. _ J. . .. r-n ' <br /> .-J2 a .J.. _ _ t. _ . _ __ <br /> __ , . � <br /> _ ' -. .: . _-.. ... .. .. .. - . . <br /> ... . . <br /> r'; � }��_. - . . - . <br /> - __:. .._"" _ ' ' - _—'_ ""_ _. _"__ _ '"" '_ " "' ' ' <br /> ��S�1 :c , __. -� " ' " . <br /> 'S:" ....�Y: =:�..i� . - <br />.. '���:.[. i'I_' '.;, ' _ . . . . <br /> j(�e ��Cf�.. :ta . . . . <br /> '••i: `.1� _ ' . . <br /> 1_ 'j_ J' - _ ' . <br /> � ' <br /> � � <br /> � � _. . . <br /> ,.� - -. _ , . . . <br /> _, 'b fl- — . . .. . . ' <br /> t <br /> tY � •i7 tu ' t , l � � � � �t . . -,�rst �4 ...M�. <br /> rv <br /> /� i ` � <br /> '� t .t{ 1 .y • SI 1` 1+ . L L _ _ - ( ' ' <br /> .1 5 -1� 1 ' �,i . . - .. . . ��. <br /> _.. .... . . .__ `,"!,u:._ .1}.a. ... ,. . .. . . . ,� _ . '.4 i . ._ .._ <br />