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.-� _ . . . _.. .. . . _ . �1 <br /> __ <br /> {I yL - . - � _ � - �. __ " " . _ -.- - ) ' <br /> � " i . . . . �� . - - I � . .... . <br /> • � . �3� �a��,�� r : �- <br /> ;,d¢810HAtENf Oi B� EHT3 RICER s. . <br /> � '� THI8A881pNMRNiOPR�NrBfl�PBRromadesndoxeoutadEhls�&C_...d@yo} �txY ,�g��,gnQ1e r , <br /> `� lacofporp{edfntoenpehNipedoemedtoemendend6uppiemenitneMOrtpepoorDeedolTtuBt,hare{n ti0r[Olartepf48��he � _ <br /> __ "8 t 0 U fl l y-I I I 6 I N�I I O M".0}t 1 f 0!l f l l s 0 6 t 0 Q I Y 0 0 b y lh e u n d e f el On e Q,he rolnaitbr refarted to se t�e" orrower",ta eeBurA - ;;�, <br /> -.� Borrowe�'elnAebt6dnena.herelna/terroterro0toael�e"NCte",toNOMEi6DEpALBAVIN�8ANDL0ANA880tiUT10N.OP, ..;'-�—_. <br /> �-A,,r; flRAND181AND,herolneiterreterre0loaetne^lenOer",oftheeamedateanAOOVedngtheDropertyCeearlbedln1�e80oudfy : <br /> – ' -�� InttrumeM�nd looatatl et: � ''� <br />->>:,>,��v 1Y13 N. IfOWA1tD AVS, GRAND ISLAHD, NBBRASRA 68803 `'" <br /> - (vroDenr aaorone) -. _ _.---._,. <br /> --;�;� WITNE@86TH: <br /> "� �t°Z� WNBREAB,Bonower an0 Lentler have agre0d thet any rente enA proflte stttlCUteble to tho property ehould oon6titute - <br /> ,,.`��3 <br />'.::�ki�L� etldltlonll eeoudty to tho Lander for the DBYmont of the Note; . <br /> t: r�z.� <br />-�-"''1'M"=`, NOW,THEf1EFORE,Itisagtaatlthatt�o8ocurltylnettumenteha116eamendedMrebyenddeemedtolnoludethafollowinp ____. - <br /> �-{ '" provlelone: <br /> �� •. <br /> 'y�t�.(`z. 1. AealanmentolpenteanALende�RentelC011eotlonHlahte.BOnOWBfllBfebyebe01Y181y911dWCOfldl�"Y1811yE8819f1Ed11 <br />_, �M...,_. <br /> +6.-�` rente, lesuea anA prof8e of the Droperty to Beneflolary. Lender s�all have the rlqht, power and eut�orlty AvAng the _ <br /> Z�t"Zi contlnuanc9 of the 8eaurity Inetrument to colleat the rente,laeuee enA proflte ot the proDarty and of any peroonal prop8rty �-- <br /> r3fta -- <br /> ��r t�9 laaetad thereon wlth or without tekinp poaseaalon of the property eBeoted heraby.Londer, howeve4 hareby aonsanta�o <br /> �'"'-i Bortower's oolleotion end retentlon ot euoh rente,ie6use and profita ae theyacorua end b000ma payable,eo lonp ae BOrtower __ <br /> -y�'v(� an.:...,-__` <br />•�.-::�.;}.^�,� le not,et 8uoh tlme,In deteult with reapeot to payment ol eny InGeDtednese seoured hereby,or In the peAormenca of any �,.�,t�,�.� <br /> --_y r agreement hereundec s ", : <br /> rf S <br /> , 4. A000lntmant of Recalver. if flny erent of defeult In reapact to the 8ecurity Inetrument shail have oocurted flnd be h : <br /> -`1}nr coMlnulny,Lander,ea e matter ot rlyht antl without notice to Borrm�ar or anyone oleiming under Bonowar,and wNhwt � ,w;�-::� � <br /> _,`�,°,,; ,5 �operA t0 th9 v81u0 of the ttust e8tele or th9 int8reat of tho Borrower the�ein,ehall have tha dght to 8pply t0 flny aourt havinp ?� 3 `� <br /> ?YS�, JuflEdl0ti0n to BppOlnt e raoBivBr Of the property. r Y+"` - <br /> p ihT� <br />.. ��.�,� & Blaht m Posseenlon.In oese of dafwlt In tha DaYment of tha eeid pdnolpal Note or intereet,or any part It "'�§i"=°'� <br />�-:._c5�f.5. �:�,:,�t.c_:_. <br /> .� :1 s�. ahell mCturB,or In the oase of fellure to keep or petlorm eny of the covenenta or agreemante aontein9d In th9 Seouriry Inet�u• , � �;•._: <br /> -.. �yl;`x mant, than t�e Lender, Ite evoceeeo�e or aselgna,nhall De enC la hereEy autho�lzed and empowareC to taka Immedlate � ��_,<: <br /> '�`�:�;'_' poaaeselonoflhesalUDramisestharelndeeodbedandtocollecttherentelherefrom,unOtoaDP�Y�heproceadet�ereottothe n��}`r�-��'-_^-� <br />:;�;�,;i� r'.y;i°.: <br /> v,,.,:..X paymant ol the Nota. Y�"ti;.'i�;•:_ <br /> y ���.- 1. Aoulleetlon of R6nte.I66uea en0 Proflte.All rente C0118ot90 by LenOer or t11B reCeiYer anaii O9 applied iirat io paymant �}', --` -. <br /> �' of t�e coste of inenaqement of the Droperry and collectlon ot rente,Inoluding,but not Iimiled to,recalver•a teea,Oremlvma on (��xg '*�ur., � <br /> �S`s{�$ racelvet'e bonEe anU reasonable altorney'e feea,an0lhan to tha aume secured by the Security Inatrument.lander en0 tha �$}t;�<<�'; <br /> °�y4� recalver ehell b9 IleDle to 9oCOUnt only tor those�enle ectualty received. L o u4 a�,�._: <br /> :,��,,,y, 6. OonatruotlonofProrlsione.EaChoflheptovielonecontelnedlnthleAaslgnmsntofHantaRiderendtAeBecarilylnstru• ft��.`,-;,,;,.. <br /> -�'-°;{��`" ment ehall,unteas olherwlea epecillaally requlra0,be conatrue0 in eccordance wlth Nobreska law, and In the event eny ��;:�:,:::__'-� <br /> }�' - r. provlelon�ereln or t�eraln oont8lned n�all be Cetarminatl by a court ol comDetent�urlsCiclion to be unentorceaCle,the eeme �,'�+-h.'�'-� <br /> t���,`a� ehell bB COne1N6d ae thOUph euch u08n10�Ce8b18 p�OVIsIOn w6�B nOt e pert hB�eOf O�ihBrBOf. fn/`}�`rd:'_' <br /> �y� 8. Etfeot of Rider.Excapt ea epoolfically modlNed by or Inconalatant wlth thle AsalOnment of Aonts Rider or by eny othor � z,t� _. . <br /> ��47�s apD��oeble tlder,ell of lha terme and provlelone conlalned in the 8acurity Instrument ehall continue In full torce end eifect. � ; :, • <br /> ifr�i f `, <br /> ";4�;� IN WITNE88 WHEREOF,Borrower hae oxecuted 1Me Aeal n ent of Rente Rid th date tl�et notetl above. `r��.; ,;'"; <br /> ,}! �'��� / 2� , <br /> t ;, <br /> ,t �> �5 . <br /> �� <br /> SC01T A. NOOKEI@°fO'�' L <br /> r ,�: <br /> !F <br /> � 1 T� f t: <br /> y��� '' � � !� �v : <br /> t 6orrower � �- <br /> t.. .' S . HOORER "L;A,. :. <br /> � ,.c _. <br /> - �+p�ji BTATEOFNEBRASKA) �' �-`��� <br />- _i:��';1�` (Sa: ��?.;;�r';i: <br /> `a' COUNTY OF HALL ) " <br /> � ��� <br /> �. �- On tNa�$L day of MAY 79��before me,the unOersiOned.e Nolary Publlc duly commleeioned end �i -��.� <br /> quelified for aeitl counly,De�eonelly came�COTT A NOOKFR AND CUSpN i.. NOORFR jHUSBAqD AND NIFF,)_ � - <br /> t:,�.. <br /> ` �° _,to be the identicel persoMa)who6e name(s)INare aubseriDed f - <br /> ,-„y9. to ihB fotegoinp inetrument,end he/she/Mey 9eknowletlge ihe etecutlon thereof to be Malharlt�olr voluntery 9cl enA Aeetl. � <br /> '' .� <br /> Wltneae my hentl antl Notanel Seal et GRAND ISLAND. NEBRASRA _ i. . .. <br /> �'�-�rh:�:= _ In,!a1A wunty.ihe�Jete at reselO. ; - <br /> �ci��y^tF,y. -- // /,, <br /> _ — �ic��C_s�C �C- ;. <br /> ;:_��,�' � J <br /> ;�z..:,-� . <br /> .� r•'.. .. fffiRfd WUAYSyy ii g� NOlary PuOht <br /> -. L�i.: d1�IiA1LOWlAtlVN <br /> .Y��.- . <br /> �``S� M Commi991on ex i <br />...A:^'-y, Y P <br />--_-—_ - xr uw nxn <br />. `�.i},`','�� . <br /> �a <br /> ' c;t <br /> � ��� <br /> ��;.�:ittt. <br /> _.:(�'}'�,�. <br />.�%y.iiiry. . <br />� .,.s�.i.'.Y <br /> e`.h, � <br /> , ;:J:.,'n — _ _ _ _ ...... .._ <br />