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..`5?�0�!'.L,r._'Ni2- i_r�,'-'.` .... t.-;. �.,Ie4T�;.:�'..mli'I'_2I:.:..: u_ . .s _ .. . ,. . <br /> 9q4 1092�.2 <br /> condemnallon or other cnking ot eny part ot�fie Propony,or for wnveyanco In Ileu of�naevinna�bn,ere heroDy aulgned and -� <br /> ehall bo paid to Lendcr. ��—_.__ . <br /> In No ovent ot a total taking of tho Propeny, tha proaed��hell bo applled �a the euma �eeurcd by�hla 8ecudty <br /> Inaaumen4 whcther or not thcn duo,with eny oxcea peld co Bortowes (n tha evcnt of a penlal�aking of tho Propony In —_ <br /> which�he Potr muke�velue of�he Propeey Immedietoiy heforo eha taking i�equal co orgreater thxn ihe umount of Ihe euma <br /> �eCUrcd by�hi�Securlty InstNmom Immcdia�ciy befom the taking,untesa Oortower nnd Lcndcr otherwice ogrw In wrlting, <br /> the suma ucurcd by thls Security(nsWment shall bo rtduccd by the amoun�of Iho proceMa multlplied by tho following <br /> haodon: (e)the tota�emount otthe mm+eecurcA ImmWietoly beforo the taking,div�ded by(b)�he talr market veluo of tho <br /> Propeny immedi+taly 6oforo�ho�aking. Any bal�nce�hall be paid ta Borrowcr. In�he evcnt of a paetfN taking of Ihc •• _ - -_---- -- <br /> Propeny In wbioh the feir muket veluo of the Property immedlately boforo�he�aking i�Iw�hen tM amount ot�M sums --- ----- <br /> securcd Immediately 6eforc�he teking, unlcsa Bortower u�d Lender otherwice egrce In writing or unlw nppituble Iaw <br />_ otherwise providea,tho prceeeda chdl be epplied ro tho eumv secured by thii 3audty In:wment whuher or not tho iuma era <br /> then due. <br /> If�hc Propeny ts ebandoncd by Bortower,or it,aRer notice by Lender to Borrowcr�het�ho condemnor o(fen io mako —� <br /> en awud or a�tle e citlm tor demuge�,Bortower falls m rupond�o Lender wfihin 30 day�elter�he da�e the noUce ia given, ____ <br /> Lender b amhodud�o collcet und epply�he proceeds,at ita opqon,cither to rcxtomtion w rcpair of the Property w to�ho -` �- ----- <br /> eume�ecured by thta Stewity Insuument,whether or not�hen due. <br /> Unlw Lender end Bortower othe�wice egae in writing.eny epplieatton of proceeds to pdncipal:hall not exrend or °= <br /> postpone thc due date of�he momhly paymenis rcferted to in paregnpha I end 2 or chenge thc amount of auch paymeme. �-�-'�—__ <br />- 11. Borrover Not Releesed� Pbrbesrana By Lender Not e Wafver. Ez�enslon of the �ime for �aymrnt or -" _ <br />- modification of�mortizntion of�he wms xcurcd by ihia Sceudty Instrument grented by Lender to any iuceessor in interest ���;��i�-:-•.- <br /> �;�.�.. <br /> of Borcower shelt no�opemrc ro rolease�he liability of�he origind Bortower or Bo�rowerk aucceasors in (nwmst.Lender v-____. <br />- shell not be rcquircd �o commenee procecelinga egeinat eny �uccessor in interest or rcPox ro exrcnd time for payment or {��"---' <br /> otherwi:¢modffy emonizatlon of the smru securcd by thia Security Instrument by reaaon of eny demand made by Ihe originel 3.+ <br /> Bortower or IIorrowerl suaeason in interest. Any forbearana by Lender in e:ereiaing eny righc or rcmedy ahall not be e t{�' ` �� <br />- waiver of or preclude�he exercisc of eny dght or remedy. ; !if +r - . <br /> 12. Successare and Assigna Bound;Jotnt and Severel LIa6111ty;Co•signera. The mvenanu and�greemenu of thi: �i'�+�.�?.,_-.=� <br /> Security Inswment shall bind and 6enefit�he successo�a md nssign�of l.ender and Rorrower,subjat�o�he provisions of �r�-""�'-- <br />- parag�eph 19. Bortowerk covenem:and egrcemrn�s xhall 6e joim end uvewl.Any Borrower who co-signs�his Secuflty 'jJ�i���'•;"-:_. <br /> Inatmment buc doea not exame the Notr. (u)is co-si nin this Seeudt Insuument onl to mort a e, rant and mnve ihat �r���''�''`� <br /> 8 8 Y Y 8 8 E Y . ��'e�=..� <br /> Bortowerh intercs�in�he Pro n under�he�erms of this Secudl Insuument; (b)is not rsonall o61i ated ro a �he sums �'}t' """= <br /> a� r r x r s r r i�.; .:�;:,.- <br /> aecurcd b this Sauri InstmmenC end(c)e rets�hat Lender nnd en mher Bortower me a rce to ex�end,modif,forbeer '�'r-�."'; <br /> Y �Y B Y Y 8 Y �;.�,'ht:z,�,,---. <br />- or meke eny accommodations with mgnrd to the rertns of Ihis Securrty Instrvment or�he Note wiihout �het Bortower§ :s��°;�.;-;;,':_.-- <br />. consrnt. .�l '`. . <br /> .•r..:.;,�>.�� <br /> 13. Loen CAar es. If the loan secured b this Sscuri� Insirument is sub'ec�ro a law which se�s meximum loan 'd'°tiS�;F"�- <br /> 5 Y Y 1 <br /> th9.e^_!,?R'�!F°S I°_H'�EJi1911Y 111Sn�yd��Fe.�!Fw 11!Sif^_5!!Y^4I1?f Inan[hnmGt MII¢CIlA Ol 10 If¢COIICCIGA Ifl CO�IICC[loll s?5 x7frz FL.... <br /> with t�e loan exceed Ihe pttmil[ed hmi�s,�hen: (a)ony such lam cherge sholl 6c rcduced by�he nmoun�necessnry�o reduce t��, � � <br />- the eharge ro the permitted IiRi�;and(b)eny aums nl¢ndy collected trom Borrower which exceeded pemiiRed limiu w111 be 1?rl��,Y����;�. <br /> rcPonded ro Bomowee Lender mxy choou�o make ihis rePond by rcducing ihe principnl owed under�he Nae or by making a 5 rt r�; �k+-y �.. <br /> dircet paymem�o IIorrowec It a rcfund rcduces principul,the rcduciion will 6e�reated xs a pnrtial prrpnyment wiihnut nny ��Ft'+`���:!���_�-�- <br /> prcpeyment charge under the Nota ��1?'�'a`ty#j • <br /> -,r,•.� y�i _: <br /> 14. Notices. Any notim to Borra�rer pmvided far in ihix Security In+uument sholl he given by delivering it or by 'xi���4 �u ,:,-, <br /> mniling it by first cinss muil unlesx applicnble la�v rcquircs use o(anoiher methad.The notitt shall be dirceted to the Property �' •�'=�i,•�µnrc%=ao-�� <br /> Address or nny mher uddresi Boirower dexignutes by noticc io Lender. Any notice�o Lender shall 6e given 6y tirst class �:�.}t;'':'Ye(�t:`t=•`- <br /> mail to Lenderk oddmss s�med hercin ur nny o�her nddrcc.Lender de5ignutes by notice�o Borro�ver. Any notice provided Por �;�r S� �7�� ,.- <br /> in �his Sewriry Inswmem sholl 6e deemcd to hovc 6een givcn ro 6ortower ar Lendcr whcn given ox provided in this t k � - <br /> - .�. .,.��.::.».:: <br /> pomgreph. ��?;.._,�y,�5�...: <br /> IS. Coverning Le�r,Sevcrablllty. 'Ihi.Sccurity Insirumcm+6nll 6c gwemed by fedcml law and Ihe lo�v of�hc ;,.ti{��;1{F",.�cA=== <br /> urisdiction in which the Pro n �s lacmed. In ihe evem ihm nn mvi.ion or clauu uf this Securil Instrvment or ihe Note ��,`Y:>�ry';i;�:�"� <br /> 1 P� Y� Y P y ,r...,�';S��Sc�t-_'. <br /> conflins wiih opplicnble Inw,such con(lict xhall mm�ffect mher provisions of�his Securny Insimment or ihe Note w6ich can . ;,_��,_ , ,. <br /> be rvcn eRat wi�hom thc confliain rovi.inn. Ta ihi.end�he m�•i.iom of thix Stturit Instrumem and�hc Nore nne ""}�'�y-n`�"'�. <br /> 8 F P P Y t'r;,. -�� <br /> ''��c:c::.;> I:G:,.,'. <br /> declarcdrobe:evemblc. .?. _- <br /> t6. Dorron�er's Copy. Barro�ver shnll 6e giren une mnlomicd copy al�he Note and of�his Secumy ins�mmem. --,;t( $v ,� <br /> 17. 7}anskr of the Property ar a Ueneflcinl lnterest In Borro�rer. If:di or uny pan of�he Propeny or my imerext in �ri�� ���'� `� <br /> it is sold or Iranskrred(or i(n Ikneficial imereat in Rurrnx•cr i.+u1J nr Immferted:utd Bortowcr is not n nnmml person) a'�,7v•- <br /> wi�hout Lendert rior�vritun convnt. Lender ma ,a�i�.o �ion,n uire imm�vliate a mem in fuil of all.ums securcd b "� "�� ��- <br /> P Y P V P"Y Y �i.,p �.t�a <br /> this Sccurily Inswmem. Ho�rever.du+op�ion,hall nnl lu cxcrei,cJ Ay Lendcr if cxemi.c is pro6ibited by fedcml law ns of ; e t�s <br /> Ihc dote of this Securily InsuumenL ` ;; � a^ _ <br /> If Lender exereius Ihix oplion.Lcndenhall girc Bono�cer nnlice o(aneleration. The notice�hall provide a period of �_ � � ��yeT.:; <br /> not less�han 30 days from�hc d:rtc�hc na�ice i,dclivcrcd ar maiicd��i�hin���hich Rarrowrr mm�pay ail.ums sccurcd by this ..;.V::..��t?;;;._. <br /> Security Ins�mmem. i( Bomnver faih �o pay �hex .am.prim to�he espir:nim� of ihi. �ri�xl. Lender may invoke :my ����� ? .- <br /> rcmedies m�illedb Ihi+Securi��Irotrumem���i�hnaiPonherno�icenrdem:mdnnRommer. - �''��="•,:v`:. <br /> P� Y ) C:;�-":��:•;:.:: . <br /> 18. 6orrao�er's Ri�h� tn Rdnslale. II Bnrrnaer mech cenain candilinn.. Horrnxer�6n11 hare Ihe righi m have <br /> enforcemem of thi.Securi�y Im�mmenl dixnnlinneJ:n am �ime prinr la�he earlier oL �at S da�:.(nr.uch olher period ax t,:?:}�,� <br /> SmFlrl4md�-Fann(HiooFrMdie]I�rl"SIfORNI\>1Nl\4:]7'�-1'nmwmCmmam. 9190 �p.iyrf Jn�wsn� i:�.��.'.;" . <br />-..��.�:.A'I��._ . . ..: . :•.".� .. . . �.ii� :�� . i�)'.. �I I ! <br />. - V.n.. _ � . _. ..� . . - . . /_..� l.' . . . . . � . . . . _.. <br /> ' � � <br /> ! .���.'.. � <br /> . ."'• <br /> ` - : • � � <br /> � ,. -1�' • '- " . <br /> . <br /> ��{ '. -. .J ' ... ' -. . ' � r <br />