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� t� • _ . . .... '_""____. . _._ _ . . <br /> t _.+ e5 , . ' . " ..-.,.._-,..__ . _ <br /> perlad+�hot Lcndor rsqulros. 7ho inaurenco cartlu providing�he Insuranee�hoU be ehosen by�Q�wer su6JEdlbl�i�erY <br /> - -== epprortl wbtch�hail na be nmeawnabty wOhheld. if 8ortower fa(b to m�main averega decodbed above,i.endpr may,et �--°- <br /> Lenderl opdon,obtein covcmgo ro protcct LendcrY dghti In tha Propeny In ecoo:dmce wlth paragreyh 7, <br /> All insurence po!!da eM rcnewale sAvll be ecttpteMa to I.ender and ehall ineludo e etenderd mongege olease. Leade� <br /> ----"'- �hell lure�he risht to Aold Ne policla and rcnowal�. If Lender requlra,Bortowcr�hell prompdy give�o Lender eU rceelpU <br />- -"=��� of pWd prcm(um�and rcnowel no�lcra. In�he ovrn�of lax�,Bortower�heil give pmmpt notice eo�ha Insuranco cartisr md <br /> Lender.Lendcrmay m�a proaf ot Im�It not mode promptly by Borrowu. <br /> ±33+yt� Unkaa Lender end 6orrower othenvlx agrco in wdtNg,inmrance praeeda�h�11 be eppllcd ro rca�oreqon or rcpair of , ._.-_„ , . _.__ ._.,, . <br /> �he Propeny dama�ed,lf the rcstoreqon or ropNr b eoonomlcally hasible and LenderY securlry b not �eesened. It Uro <br /> rcamraibn or rcpa r ie not economicaily feuf6le or LonderY seciuiry would be lasened, the insurenca proaeda ehall be <br /> �4';'� eppAcd�o the�oma caurcd by thfa 3ecuriry InstNmont,whether or no[then du0.with any oxcea�pdd ro Bomowu. U <br /> ��„ Borrowu abandona ihe Property,or does not enawu within 30 daya s noilce from Lendu that�ho fnsnrence certier hm <br /> �ct� offered io sente�ctaim,ihen Le�er may collect�he Insurenca procuda. Lender may uu tho procud�ro rcp�(r or rcstoro <br /> �,Y-,r '= thapropetty or io pay cums eccured by�hie Secudty Inatmmem,whether or not then duo. 7T¢30-0ay period w111 begin when <br /> h'tr���'� tho not(oe Is giren. <br /> .�+�y�..�'' Unleas LeiMer md Bortower otherwiu egree in writing,eny eppIicadon ot proaeds to principal ihail not extend or � �� �� <br /> ,=Y` .�s �,• pos�poro the due date ot�he monNly paymente rcPorted ro In paregreptu 1 md 2 or chenga the amount oi tha pa menu. it <br /> - ry - ��� mder pwgraph 2l ihe Property Is ecqWred by Lender.Borrowark right to my insurence policiee end p�raulUng <br /> �„{{}t!� from d+mage to ihe Propeny prior w�ha ecquis(don shetl pcss to Lender ro�a extent of�he eums securcd 6y thia Sauflry <br /> {,y� [nstrumen[Immediaul prIorw�he ecqulaition. <br /> ,��, � �(g� 6. Occupanc�,YPreservatlon, Melntenena end Protection of the Propertyi Qorrower'n Loan Applieatloni -- �-- -- -- <br /> f' <br /> ci i�,��+- �eholda. Bortower alul l occupy,uublich,end usa tha Propercy ae Rortowa§principal raidenee within sixty da7n after _ <br /> �he ezavtlon of ihfa Savrlty Inswment end shell wminue ro oecupy the Propeny u HorzowerY principnl rcsidena for at - -- <br /> t,��y�+�"� leest one yeer �Rer �he date of occupancy, unlw Lender atharwise egrcea in writlng, which conunt shell not bo �' -' <br /> ,��g Y�, unrcasambly wi�hheld,or unlw extenuating cinnms�encu ex(st which erc beyond Borrowerk convol. Bortower shill no[ `: � <br /> � n # destroy.damage or imp�ir the Ropeny,ellow�hc Ropeny ro dUedorate,or rnmmit wesie on Ihe Propeny. Bortowtr shell �t��;wR`--. <br /> frr �� 7i�" 6e in default if en fodciwre eetlon or roceedin ,wheNu civil or criminei,fa he n Ihet(n l.endeth ood faith ud �' _ <br /> r ..i Y P 8 E� B J Sm�� — <br /> --�� s A; muld rcsult in forfeiturc of�he Property or otherniw materielly (mpair Ihe tlen ereateA by �his Security Inswment or ,--: - - <br /> ,t„,,,,,� LenderY security intercse Bortower may curc such a default end rcinsta�e,ss provided fn paragreph 18,by causing the eaion " '� <br />;,y*;<<'�rz d5?� or prauding ro be dismissed with a rvling t�at,in LenderL good fa(th detmmination,prceluds fodetturc of the BormwerY �" ` � -� <br /> 7t:F�.';;�: <br /> --.r ;1 vi interesl in the Roperty or o�her metedal Impairtnrnt of the Ifen creaud by thta Seeuriry Inswmrnt or Lenderh saurity ��'1e, f. <br /> ifir ;s ; imerca� Borrower shail also be (n defeul[ if Borrower, during the loan applirnion proava, gave mecedally telse or 'FrS�:� �^a� <br /> JU i� r; inaccunu InfomuHon or.tntemenfa ro Lender(or feilW ro provide L.ender�vith eny meterial informapon)in eonnection with •:-:u n <br /> � r„- _ �he Iwn evidenoed by �he Noie, including, but not limited to, mprcsente�fons conceming BorrowerL occupancy of�he � �.5 p � <br /> ey'',t;;' Propenyu a principal rcsidence. If Ihis Savriry Insttument is on a leasehold,Borrower shell comply with all the provisiom �'7^ <br /> ,, � -- a(che irae. if Gorrowencquircc kc[iiie ro Ne I�mpeny,me lense�old end the fee iitle ahall not merge unless Lender�grca ?- -- - <br /> f � --. ro the merger in wri8ng. ��'^ <br /> N�r°�i 7. Proteelion of Lender's Righis In the Property. If Borrower feils to pedorm thc wvenanu and egrcemenla g�ay".��xttw, � � <br /> , i.J mntaind in �hi:Securiry Insuumen4 or�here is e legal proceeding ihet may sianiflcantly effect Lender6 righu in Ihe ts�,n. !_.t_�; <br /> - '.�;�i�� Propeny(such ac a prauding in bankmp�cy,pmbate,for mndemnation or fodeiturc or ro enforcc lawa or rcgulationa),then �i-::��,�`�n:_:,� <br /> u _ ` Lender may do md pay for whe�ever is necessary to protat ihe vnlue of the Propeny end Lenderl dgh�s in�he Property. U r`�S� '(j� n;y, <br /> i<- • Lendert xtions mny include paying any sums xcured by a licn which haz priority orer�his Secudty Inswment,appwring c��; <br /> �� >-1' - �rsr:�-- <br /> ';niy��` � under�F'u�yms��nuble aaomeya'fees snd entering an the Propcny ro make rcp�irs.Al�hough Lender may take eaion t;c^�(��;���tf,� i� �,.� <br /> � ,,�, t: pn �aph 7,Lender dces not have�o do so. ��„ F g -�fi - - <br /> - , i Any amoums dicbursed by Lender under this pamg�aph 7 shall become additional debt of Dorrower secured by thia 3'�fi��'�{�yy�N'��_=. <br /> S 5ecurilylnstrumen[. Unlas Uortowernnd Lenderagree ro ather terms of payment,�M1ese amoums shell bear intetest from the f Su�t�£�� 4 <br /> l� > :� date of disbunement at�be Naie mrc nnd shall tx paynblc,with intercs6 upon no�ice from Lender to Ilortower requesting �y ��%�i� ���{<�xf - -� <br /> i. WYmem i< ��'}E,1,y�ikr.lZ � <br /> , ,,_J,:, 8. Mortgege Insurann. It Lcnder rcquircd mortgage insumnce us a condiiion of maleing the Imn securcd by�his r--;�^� �'Fti' < � <br /> - -�,f� ; Securi�y Ins�mmen[. Bortower shnll pay�he premiums rcqmrcd to mointein ihe moegege insuronce in eRect. If,tor eny '� 1at4��r,� r��fF t. ' <br /> ;,,, �� ;, rcawn,ihe mottgage insummx covemge rcyuircA by Lender loptes or ceaus m be in e(fcet, Borro�ver shall pay �he :,�5>,..-�!;�5�, �..,.;.-- <br /> � - t premlurm reyuired to ob�ain rnvcmge subs�entially equivalent to �he mongage imurance previously in effa6 m a cost _ `�`"+,��i��`�f'��•�-; <br /> � t ., subsmmi�lly equivalent m�he mst io Dorrox•cr of�hc moegage insurantt previously in ef(ect,from en al�emate mongage ��`t�• ~�r� ._; ; <br /> insurenppmved by Lender. I(iubsiumially eyuivulem mong:�ge insumnce mvemge is no�availnble.Bonower shall pay to �y'�`�i4 , f : ' <br /> � _� Lenderach momh a sum eyual m one•��velf�h of the yeurly mongege insumnce pmmium being paid by 8orrower when the „{r�.4.�,£�.f-`;��- <br /> � .r f_ incurunremverage Inpced or cea.aJ to 6e in efkct. Lender will accepL use and rctain Ihex paymenis�s x lo:s rcxrve in lieu i ;��� r�"(�2 l.y�?�_ <br /> ,,.i - of monE�ge inw�ann. Lms rcurve poymenis muy no longer bc rcyuircd,at�he aption of Lender, if mortgage insu�ance � " t -�•' �- <br /> �� 14 ' coven�gelin �he amount and far Ihe period�ha�Lender rcyuirc+)pmvided by an inwrcr appmved by Lender agnin becomes "' ' ���`�t � �;��:. <br /> -_ _ ; availabieand is oblaincd.Rorrower xhall pay�he pmmium.rcyuircd to maintain mangage insufance in c(fat,or ro provide a r� -�'� ��s-_�:'-;;t <br /> ' - - � lao reune,umil Ihe rcyuircmem for mortgage inwr.mce ends in accordance�vi�h any wm�en agrcement beeween Borto�ver q_.,k�.},,. ..`;._,(°�;y[ <br /> ��. .� and Lender or applicablc law. -::i t a <br /> � i 9. Incpeellon. Lendrr or it.agcnf mry makc rca�onablc cmrics u�n and inq+eainm af�he Propeny. Lender shall :�_,_�__ a :�� <br /> . gire Bumnver nuiice n�M1c linm al ar prior w un in.pcclion+pecifying�ea.onaMe e:m�e(or the m�ptttton. y �.i� �. - <br /> ; 10.Condemnalian. Thc procccd.o(any:mard ar claim fm damagc..Jirect nr rorocyucntial,im m�ncction with any E-��� '.��- <br /> - � � '�� Sm�kFinnl�--lannleff�e?}tEAle\LCl\ffORNIVbTNCNF.\T-Fnrt.xmC.nrnm�� 9,70 ery�te?n(nNCrv - <br /> I t ; mxiAe�esnlaair ■ �. . " � - <br /> t --'. mnm�.acem.wr�m�nxciR»wu� - . <br /> ._�ti:�1(,;:. _ <br /> `n.. - K <br /> .. <br /> . ;. -.._,.,.4-a<:ss. . "_' '""_'" ' .. . .. . . . <br /> - �1.-::. �• _ . "i .. M1_. .. . ..._.�„�-T:r "4' " '.:-�e.-i - __ . <br /> t <br /> f ' r'' - '_ _ ' _ .. . . . ,- . _ . . _ . ._. <br /> .l�T't1+�1.�``y;..:' <br /> �.f.S�; . r,1' ,_ . . <br /> :;��j�::: .u: y ' . . . <br /> ` . _�:.i . <br /> ..�_ ' r��_. <br /> ' -e:::f:��`.��! _ . . _ - <br />'��[c' _.':��.!/(" - <br /> ..'$;y::rr-13.c`�t;" � . . <br /> yyy5�t <br /> ; /f. , ' <br /> I....�.t�r . . . <br /> � ' . . . , . . ,. . . <br /> z , <br /> � y <br /> �sr 1 ( ' � �,` <br /> . . . . _ ,.... . . .. . _ _ _._.. ���- , <br />