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:! ,�,j ,_:.: . . . .._. . .. _ . .. ; <br /> . . ' ' , .,_,. . . <br /> ,_ <br /> .. -. •: <br /> . ,_ <br /> '= , ,.,. � - -- . <br /> _ , . , , <br /> — ;;,,�;: <br /> 93- �0�2�2. <br /> 7'008791BR WPI'N eil tho Improvemenu now or horatter eroe1W oe the properry,end e11 eaumpnte,ppDurtenmc�s� � <br /> - and flxtuna now ar Aercaftar a part ot Poo propa1y, All tcplaCemente end add(tlone ehall elso bo covued by�le Sxuri�y � - <br /> tnswmcnt. All otlhe torcgoing ie rofcrted to in th(e Securiry inawment m�ho"P�openy.' <br /> - 80RROW8R COVIlNAPPI'91hat Bortower!a tawfWly soiseA ot�ho wem hcrcby mnveyed end hu tha dght to grent ----- <br /> and convey t►ro Propeny end�hat Ow Propeny U unencumbercd.eaapt for enwmbrancca ot record. Oortowu wertenu anA <br /> will detend generally the title to the Propeny egelns�eIl elaim�and dcmends,�ub�ut ro eny encumbrance�o!raot4 <br /> TH[8 BBCURITY INS79tUMBNT combina� unitorm covenama for natlonal uso end non•uniform covenenu with <br /> ° � timited variatton►by Juddk�ion�oconstlwio a unifam secudty Inumment covcring rcal propeny. <br /> UNIIaDRM COVBNANI'3. Bortowcr and I.endcr corenent nnd�greo ai follows <br /> ___ __ 1. Peyment of Prindpal and Interatt Prepayment and Lute Chergca. Bortowtr dull promp�ly pay when duo Uro <br /> ^��-- pdnMpa1 ofnnd Interost rn the debt evidenttd by�ho Note and any prepayment and lam cherga dua under the Note. - <br /> ��- ]. NYmda Por 71uw and[neurence. SubJw��o appIiceble lew or ro a wduen wdver by Lendcr,Oortower�hell pay ro <br /> �"-"-" I.ender on�he dey monihly paymenn ero due under the Noto,untll 0e Note Ie pafd in PoII,a ium("Rmda")for.(e)yeatly - <br />�::�e:fs:.iv taxm and essessmente which mny enain prioriry owr this Security tnstmmrn[es e Iien on Ux Propeny:@)yeerty leasehold <br /> r:u� yaymente or ground tenu on the Proporty, if eny: (c) ywly haurd or property inaurence premiums; (d)yearly flaod - � ���-� - <br /> z'° insurence premiumn, If my:(o)yandy mortgego insurence premiums, it ony; end(0 any wm+ payeble by Borrower ro � <br /> �S!�� l.ender,in ncardanco whh the provision�of parogreph 8,in Iieu ot ihe Payment of mortgaga(nsurence premiums. 'Ihese <br /> �__ar hema uo callcd"&scrow Items:' Lender mey,ne any�ime,rnllect end hold fi�nds in an amount not to excced the max(mum -. <br /> � " amount a lender tor e federelly releted mongage loam m�y requirc Por HortowerS esttow�ccount under tAe federel2eei <br /> � &tero Seulement Praceduru Act of 1974 ef emended from time�o�ime,12 U.S.C.4��u u9•(�R&SPA'7.unleas emU�u <br /> ,r,'), lew�hat eppliea ro tho Plu�di w�a e Iesser nmount If co,Lender may,at any 8me,collect end hotd Rmda in an emount not�o `----� -- <br /> -� exceed�he lesser emount. Lender mey estlmeta tAe emouN of Wnds Aue on the besis of current dam u�d rcesonable ._,_,._ <br /> '� atimate�o[expendlWru of Poturc Escrow Gema or oNerniu in aaordance�vith epplicable Inw. <br /> `rh� 'ILe Punds chall be held In an inst(mNon whosa deposite ere insurcd by a federal egenty, insimmentel(ty, or enliry <br /> - ',',•p� pncluding Lender,if I.ender ia such an(nstimtioN or in nny Pederel Nome Lonn Bank. Lender shall�pply the Punda 10 pay __ <br />'��':��"°^ �he Eacrow Items. Lender may no[charge Bofrower for holding end npplying 1he Punds,mnua0y uialyzing the eacrow . <br /> �� 't"- uxouN, or vedfying Ihc Eserow I[ems, unicxs I.ender pays Bortower imereat on the Rmds and epplicabk lew pe�miu <br />,^=N„i <br />;-_.;ti��„_•� I,ender to mxke such a chvge. However,l.ender mny requirc Bortower to pay e one•time charge for en Independent real <br /> .;,';?� eau�e tex rcporong servttt used by Lender in connection with this loan,unlea:applicabla law provida otAerwiu. Unless an _ <br /> ,�-i: agrament ia made or epplicable 4w rcquircs inttrcs�ro be paid.Lender shell not be requircd ro pay Bortower any intercst or =_ <br /> 4�+� eaminga on the Aunda. Borrower end Lender may agrce in�vriHns,howevcr,that intcrost shall be paid an�he Punda. I.ender <br /> -..��.��'•Z ahdi give�o Bortower,wllhout cherge,en ennual aaouming of�he Punda,sho�ving crcdiu end debiu to the Aunda end Iha � <br />:;h'�� pu�pose for which each debit ro�he FLnds wes mede. 7Le Wnde�m pledged es eddi[ional setudry for dl auma securcA by - <br />•ic'.,t.; thla Securiry lnstrument. -- <br /> � �" I(Ihe Fumis hclu br I.e�iJer ex�cui lhe aniuuida y2�mittcd tG bc hcid by dj'.plitebk liw, G:a�'.�.'f .hil) eCGCYnt IO ------- <br /> `>J��;` Bortower for�he excess Mnds in eccordance with iAe rcquiremenn of appiicable law. 1t We omount of the Ponds hdd by -. <br />`,i��{i�/ Lender at eny time b not suttidem ro pay�hc&crow Items when duc.Lender may m notify Bo�rower in�MQng,end,in °F1'�'�`�_ <br /> }!- _� such cese flortower ehell pay ro Lender�he emount neceuary w meke up the defidency. I3orrower shall make up the ��°`"'__ <br /> y� = deficiency in no roore�6an twelve monthiy paymenls,at Lender S wle diurction. QG`7�� -; <br /> "_i;��t Upon payment in fuli of all sums sewred by this Security Insirument.Lender shall pmmptly rcPond to Borrower any gzr� � ��'�--. <br /> ; x� Punds held b Lendcr. If,under re re h 2I.Lcnder shell a mrc or xll�he Pro n Lender,prior ro the e u�snion or �%•�'�,g-��%-� <br /> � � ; Y Pa 6 P W � P� Y• M . . , ry . <br /> sale of�he Propeny, shail opply any Ponds heid by Lender at �he eime of acquisition or sale es a credit egainst the sums ��',i�`.�AiU�- : <br /> �1 hl secured by�hls Sauriry Instrument � �u1' ` <br /> ik R 3. Appllcetlon ot Peymenis. Unless applicable Inw provida othcrwiu, all paymenu rccelved by Lender under +t1 �;--.> ' <br /> ���,°,4' pareglaphs 1 end 2 ahull bc applicd:fin4�o eny prepayment chorga due under the Notr,xrnnd,to emoums payable under ,t�i���;�a,t:,r:._' <br /> ��-_ : paregnph 2:third,ro imeres�due:fourth,to principal due:end InsL to eny Iaie cherges due nnder ihe No�e. f.7„r +° <br /> r �i� 4. Charga; Llem. 6olm�vcr shali pay ell �axes,usscummts, chnrges, fines and imposi�ions ettri6uteble to �he ,A�} Ut--' . <br /> Propeny which may eqain priuriry over ihis Sccurity Insuument,and Icasehold pnymenes or ground rcnu,it any. Borrower }'��l -;.s�� <br /> .,�,�� ahell pay�hesc obligetians in�hc mmner provided in pnragraph 2,or if not p�id in tha�manncr,Bo�rower shall pay�hcm on .1�,,._,n�:` <br /> � � lime dircc�ly to ihe person owed payment. 6ortower shull pmmpely Pomish ro Lender all nutices of amoums ro be paid under 1 <br /> �,,.�'r �his ra h. If Bortower mnkes theu ments directl .�orto�ver shull rom tl (umixh to Lender rceei �s evidencin .'?.,'r;�`•-` <br /> _`j';ii..; P�S P WY Y P P Y P 8 -:t,.czAlir.:-..:_�, <br /> xj-. Ihe P3)'111eni5. ��r, - <br /> �Li� Bortower shall promaly discharge any lien which has priority over this Securi�y Inswmm�unless Oartower.(a)agrces �_. _ <br /> i -�` in wri�ing ro the pryment of ihe abligaiion secured by the licn in a manner accep�able a Lender.(b)cnntests in good faith the c���` i -�.-- <br /> -,f-;,-. -- . <br /> --%;-�., lien by,or defends ugainst enforcement of�hc licn in.Iegal pracecdings which in the Lender's opinion opemre�o prcvent the -�;,:�i��;Yi�tt,(_-_� <br />�`�±?o;L,� enforcement of the lien:or(c)securcs from�he holder of�he lien:u�ngrcement satisCxtory�o Lender subordinatins the lien `>�•`'. <br />,�:;';.:: 'i:'�«:�.. <br /> . w this Securi�y Insvumene If Lendcr dcicm�incs tha�any pan oC tlie Propeny i.+ubject�o a iicn which mey a�tain priorrty ,i��%�: <br /> rr; ovcr�his Sewri�y Instmmen6 Lcndcr may givc 6ortowcr a notice idenlifying the licn. Bonowcr shnll sa�isfy�he lien or take ��h4.t�:;,;,,,r <br /> '; one or morc of the aaions set fonh abovc wi�hin 10 days o(�hc giving uf�wtice. .,1 - - ° <br /> � S. Nx�ard or Properir liuurence. Borzoacr.hall kccp�he cxii�ing un c�reaftcr erccted on�he TY h� t�f,�M1;.-. <br /> ��"- Propeny insurcd againsl loss by fire.havafds includeJ wilhin Ihe tem�"exlended cove�age"and any ather hanrds,including t��n;;-::;1;-_ <br /> - - tloads or OMxting, tnr whirh I.rnAcr reyuim. inv�nnre. Thi. imnnncc.hall M maintainrA in ihr ammm�c anA !m thc =�•�,�+��--��=- <br /> _ _ 7'm`_.•:7,[ <br /> _- i,';iti� , <br /> FmmlOSe 9�0 ,NC��./eryR�ii <br /> a <br /> i • � _ <br /> � ..r... . - .:�. .._ _ ' ' e " _ ".. . .:r>.L : i _ . : J. . . ..,. . . <br /> i .I _�,"1 , . ' _ . _ <br /> � . . _.__ _ . . .. <br /> - .__ ,i. .,___—_-___._ _ _.... _ <br /> i . }�-. .. i . . .. -- . . ' . <br /> �,l? G:f"'.i� .'+ •. - - � <br /> � 'r�' �•l•n. - . <br /> "�L.' •�'O: - . .. , . . . _ .. <br />.�..�ti,_ _ . . <br /> � r � . <br /> r . :. _ . . . � _ <br /> 7 � i ' . <br /> -ti' .� ..I. .. . - . . � . - .. _ ' . . <br /> t �i ) ' � 5 .. i: . - '. . ' . ` <br /> t � <br /> t' 4 t � . • 11 <br /> lt � _ .. _ . I_. . � . � i f <br /> i �.�....f _ . r r� ...-� . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . , _ ., . .. . . •- . . . _. <br />