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. ..n ' :Lt:�u..i�s: , ...... ..u. _, <br /> -Y T�"� � . . . . �.-•-..� __—.�_--.. <br /> i{1 -�. Q!�o ����AYO � <br /> ,Y,` s�.�;;�-, p{ymeaU moy m loq{a be roqul[ed,rd tLe oµton oti.enEw, it io�unoee covesa$$'([d the�mouu:wd for tha pedod <br /> �!<;�'fi.>-n. �t IeoEer requ�re+)Provlded 6y m ioiurer rpproved by I.eode�ydn 6eoomw avdbble�aA b oWJoed.Boaower�5+ll pFy mn <br /> .-:.,.�,� ��v:,,. .� rumlumr cequired W malah�n mo o lwn000 tn eftat� or b vlde�ku raervA uutU�e roqutremom tor moK;ayo G;.:--_._. -. <br />��`k lt�"f5� IDwnmee�ina000n�acoaf�h�q}�wrltconey�eomeatDaremBorr�wazmdLeale:orappllcablelaw. �� —_ — <br /> �4�i;C�,.±� 9.IntDectloa Leodet or�u�qant mty malce«asomble eaMe�upon�nd laipwttom of the Propocry.L�du�h+tl Blve �` � ��, <br />� HonoxermUwitQastimaatar�;ioiW�cirsy;ctiaacgal�i�r-••teKbkauufor�ala:pxttaa. i,�, —�—. . <br /> ,t +� n`� '��� 10.Coadtmnitlac. 1Ue prooaed� ot�qy �wiud or eL+lm tor dw�ga, dirat or oon�equemW. la oonvealon aUL aW' { �i4 =- <br /> j��e�f�i�;(��, eoademouton or other tddiy of any pR ot tlw Ptoperiy�or for eonvey�noe in Ilw o!wrdr�netlon,ve bereby ud�aed�cd _.,h ` . <br /> "zj�;�,t`,�. �hallbepeldroLeoder. > rr � . - <br /> �� (n me event ot a tard tek4�g ot Q�e ProP��4'r �e pmeaeds eE�ll bo applled w Ihe ium��ecured by thii 3ewrlty InNrument� �p .- �. . <br /> 2 A� I L" Y0 <br /> �'hl � <br /> „n i i <y.�:j whmLar or mt t6M du0 wltL tqy exoa�pdd to Bomowet.In tLe event ota pult�l Wdng of the Pmpeey In afilcL�Le fnir mulrot _�k,r� _ . <br /> s� T c��-,=�. `:� value ot Ihe Pm immediYe befom t5e b W or ttiu tM emauut of the�um+�owred 6y tLt�8eauity ��d�YS� ��_: .. <br /> n 3�. -?s��_t?�. PoRY �Y �d � 8�� ,.?z s . <br /> w F F. ���&s j Imhvmeot immed4tely beforo the taktog�wola� Bmmwu aud Leader otheraLe�reo in aritlag. the eumi �earod 6y�h9 � r-�4�„�{',r}_ee`i ; <br /> R �Sr{ t'r,q� 9eauity Imhummt rL�U ba:aluad by the�mwnt ot the proceed�multiplled by�he tollowing ftxdlon:(�)the toul�ma+ot of }�fi s.� ��,.'; <br /> 1 {�.,.r �' �d bY Ppi4' lY "sQ"I�Y�-.ik..w3,' .' <br /> �{E s� !-v. t6e rum1 sea[ed Immadlate beforo the t , dWided (b)i6e fiir mulru v�1ue ot�he Pro immedi+te betoro the c .. <br />_„�,.�*?:: �'�*� Wdng.Any bd�nw eLilt be qld w Dormwu.Ia tLo eveot ot a putlal t�ldng of t6e Pmporty ia al�lehtLe fitr muku valuo ottLe ;-,s��.�r.[ :i:- <br /> �,����x� <br /> �' °"rrtt�'� Yropee�y Immodietely before the Wcing U lat tLrn tbe rmount ot the �um� �eaued immediatoly 6eforo the t�kle8.volai �;� 'rh�" �.,e; <br /> i� .q'l��St1�5� �um+�aatedb ttfs�8aud Ltnahummtwhem�erornotthenwuuehe¢dueernl�eprovida.fLepra�eed�tLillbe�ppllodWl6e �S�'s`�`;r'���;a : <br /> 1it� _f„�v3; Y �Y jl.�`��{j����'. tr . <br /> 3 �, v�r j,: II�he Pmpecry b�bandoned by Borrower.or if.dter mHoe by Leoder w Hortower tE�t�e 000demnor offen w mdce�a � J��h� �. <br /> -i - ` ;fi:�:'�t aw�cd or�atle�ddm Por d+maga,Hor[ower taW w ra W Lender wltL(n 30 da e atter�he d�e tLe naloe h given.Lender ;�l- g„, ;�, -."- <br /> n z a. .!;.i6; ' - <br /> fe auQarizod m eollea+nd app�IAe proaML�t fu opdoe e,�itLx ro cestoratloa or capntr ot tLe Proporty ot w the�wu iaura� �,�`� �"" _ <br /> � 5� Yr'��� by tbL 3ecu�ity In�tiumeat.wLemer or aM ttea due. '��r",yf,�n.5F` <br /> !�•, i�:�t?: Udus Leadet and Botrower d6eravlte�ee!¢wriNog.�W'�ppllcatioa of proueda w pdnoipat�Lall aot extend or portp�na �<. r�ir y 5,,+��°: <br /> t( tac?, <br /> � „ �{�;� �he due dete of Ilw momh�y paymen�roferted lo in peregnp6+1 aod 2 or e6auge�6e wount of aeh peymeote. tr;r �e��,f 4;_- <br /> ' --,ri.ry;..,,v I1.BOrcowerNotRs7eaud?ForbearanaByLenderHotaWa[ver. Bxtemfonof�Letlmetorp�ymeotormodiftuttoa ' ' -- `, � �,. _. <br /> *, r <br /> �l - ��-�;;� of amoctirallon ot the�ume aewttd by tLl�SewAry Inatnweut gnuted by Jsader lo my ivaea�or b inrorat ot Bortower�Ldl ,'S j�y fj:�`�v *_` <br /> tL <br /> �^ -.� , ,.'�+ not ope�ete ro roleene�6e lle6lllry ot tLe odsloel Bortowar or Bortower'e euewwn in imsnat. Isodu�Lall na be[equi[ed w :'s �sf ��`1d --� <br /> � ,-`'-� �t(�,�� commaxe proceeding�ag�inst my cucceawr 10 latetwt ot nfuee to extend Iime for pqymaot ot othewise modity emortfvtlon ot �; +;f�4,��,+�� _ <br /> � _-.�p„ the nw'�ecurod by th6 3ecudty lmuumeat by rauon ot ay demnnd made by�6e odgioel Bonower or BorrowerY mxaion �e�a u z -.;��._:_ <br /> � � � '" in lntero�t.Any fotbeu�ace 6y Laoder ia acerclaing aqy deht or romaly�Lell not be s wdver of or preolude�ho exeroLe ot aqy f»� i r;�;� _-._ <br /> � :i��i - ,.�5 dg6totfeIDedy. . t't7c� fxJi��ic a <br /> '' t �-'_-'�: 1t.Sucasso�s aad Aasi�+Homdt Joint end Beveral UabNq't ��ere. 1Le wveoem� md a r«mewa of tLie : ��r i:,_ti�. °. <br /> 8 , r E n�.�,. <br /> - -i,"^`-"•%� 3eeudry In�tmment ih�ll bied md beaefit�he eueceeaon md wigoe ot Lender eod Borcower. wbJxt to 0e pmvbiooi oi `•f�y "1 .2!�,y� .,.... <br /> -.��..,;-.� �7`�;:: i�� �� <br /> � � - - : pstagnp6 17. Borrower•o covennn4 and yrcemeoU ehJl be jolut md �everd. Any Bortower who co-d� thf� Saudry ..�c N� i� - y5<<"". <br /> ; -, �- :` tytiumeot but doea nat execute�Ee Noro: (�)is �o-�igufn�thi,Secudty Lutrvmeot only to mortgege. yaut md eonvey�hnt � �s i`y"�;*���r <br /> o --''r.�j�, Borrower•a intecast in�he Propeny under the�erms of tLb Securiry 7asirvmeat: (b)�not penomily obllgetad to pay t6e�um+ ,� _ --� y -- <br /> i `'- �eeurod by eh{�8ecudry Imwmaot:md(o)aaroea tL�t Leoder�od eny a6er Bortower may a6cee ro exteod.modlfy.fofiev or :7 , 0 1`� _ <br /> _ ..- � • kisi .'���_- <br /> � � 'S'•��„ meke�ny ne�ommodeNom wOh rogacd ro�6e telms ot�hia Sau�Iry Imhumeut or tLe Mote wlWout th,t Bortowot4 oonswt. '; i � <br /> h N: n -. <br /> ' �� . "�,"' 13.Loan Ch�'Bp. If�he lom�aurod by tW�Securiry Im�mmeat I+abJat ro e lew whlcb,ets meximum lom cher8ea. • + .� t-"tb�-'�C�., <br /> r -�.r�''�S �nd W�t Inw u finnlly ioterprcSad w tfiat tLe Inrotest or other lom eh¢rgu eollated or to be wlledad in wmeetton with ilw loan � >y �:}Y�, . <br /> �.,i.rrf.: exeeed�Le �mtttal OmiU.t6en:(�)en �ue6lom eLer e ihall be redueed b �Le emount neoea� to raduee�he cdu e to t6o � i -; f-' r �_. <br /> :..�o P° Y 8 Y N' 8 . . i r <br /> - :��'.t:�.,�" tmided llmit:md rvou nlrcad ullated from Hortower whleL exeeedcd imiued 11mfu will be ro[wded W Borcower. .':�;•-' ":.'+�7�,;;�3`� <br /> �� Pe @)mY Y P° <br /> iL _-.y�__ Lender mny ehoose to make�6b rofuad by roduefng Wx prlaetpel owed under tLo Note or by m�Wng n d4oct payment to -,"Y�.��"L5A <br /> --.,i > Bonowar. 1f a rot�ud roduaa prineipd� �he rcduetfoo will be�reetod u a pertW propnyment wfthwt enY ProP6Ymeat eLvgo f�.,...�. �_' �[ -:�. <br /> ".- ;;%� -•f� . uudertlaNae. :::Z`/,::"'`:1i:;; <br /> �,� ' �; <br /> -_�'.. • 14.NoUas. Aqy mt3ca to Dorrower provWod for in�hb Seariry Imtrumont iMll bo 61ven by delivering it ot by meilin@ it �� + }� lj - <br /> ' .•+•� by fint elmi mell uWw uppl3uble law roquUes mo of mdhor method.The no�iee�hall be dtreded ro the Propelty Addrose or '�' ij� -`. <br /> '.f....f,.� - . .` my aher addroa Homower deaiamtea by oaieo to Londa.Any noRw ro Lender�hall be givon by Mt dm metl to LeoderY �' ;,v.,..,:��'," - '- <br /> t � ri t •- <br /> .� '- ..::'� eddrou�teted 6erelu or�ny a6er eddrea�l.eodor desigm�ea by nolfee to Bottower. My notice provtded fot In IW� Saurity f. _ �,�� t��:.�. <br /> - r.�-. '-`�� Tnatmmeot�hall be damcd to Lave beoo g[vw�o Bortower or Leoder w6en a(ven u provtded In thb pnragrap6• k . _._��:,, <. . :. <br />-_f,.�`:.,' ..: . 15.GoverWog Iax;SeterabIDty. 17u� Sxudry Im�wneat etall be govemed by federel Isw �nd tho lew of t6o � - � <br />_,�t:.. � .. _ :.�':,_;.c;-=. <br />,,t.7': � . juritdklion in which Ihe Properiy u localcd.In the eveot Ihat�ny provision ot elw�o of ihi� Sc�vrity Insdumeat or tho Note <br /> _ wofliW with�pplicable Inw,iueh conlllct�hdl not effcct ahor providoro of thie Saurity Uutmmeat or�6e Nae whie6 e+n be , _ .. <br /> �•�• � givea effect wit6out the wnlliUina provi�ioa To W�end Ihe provi�iom of Nis Savrity Instnunent�ud t6e Nae are deelued to - - � <br /> bo sarenble. <br /> Potm 3018 9l90 <br /> .. . . �4RP1Ele�m� '.o.�s wr --- <br /> - ' �� <br /> .F. _ . � <br /> •� ;' <br /> .. �:; , '.'`_ - <br /> .��������' • <br /> �r. . . 't _t. <br /> . . . • :v <br /> _• <br />