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-�� : , _T= J__-. <br /> �.�� . g3= �ti���.o � <br /> c x^i�a d.guu4orYropeiqlasurimtt. 8onoweriW�llkeep�Imymvaamu�wex6dnsor6aredlerenotedondaPmpeAy ' . �,. <br /> :;e�n�� �iarv[ed�dwt lOw by Are�huuQ�IaoTuEad almlo tLe krm'extmdea aovert�e'�od aqy omet luurGir ixlud(o�QooN ot <br />; ;;-,.�:.yY,'� ,lioodlni�for wAkL Lendu coqufroi imur�nco.7LU In�u�noo�L�tt be mAiotelnod in me�aomu�ud tar ma pedo6�tNt Leudol <br /> u i , -,�,: rx�ultw.11»iniunnoo cu�iu pmvldioa 0e facuneae�L�11 ba cflotw by Uortowm wbJeot t9 LeodeP�typtoml a2teh eb�D not ---- <br /> � _�'`� be uacasoo�bly wltLbeld. It Banower Wb W mdntaln oovemge daoribad �6ove, Leodor uuy, u LendeP� opUon, obpL� <br /> � aovat�,qarogrataotLa67nYrtyhtalnmeAope�qina000niuwewli9yaa�r+ph7. <br /> �r , a,:, All Imutmoe pollola roA ronew�4�Il 6e aaeeptable W Londer�07�5�11 iaolude�ttaadud morty+ge olawa Lendet�Etll r_ <br /> < h-" E►YO WO fljYd W AOIO m0 fOUCIM�tA fOCDW�L.U TALAOt Mqtllf0i,IIonower rLall prvmptly�Ive w l.iwder dl meipu ot qid <br /> � 'U;s <br /> , � pnmhim�md rwewd U�o erent of Iw�,Bonower�ball give pmmpt noNee to me insurmoe anier aad Leader.i.e�det _ _ <br /> . r ;F' w�ymekeptoofot]a�IfnotoudeytompllybyBottowee. '.-�� i '-- '- <br /> „�' -, Unla�Leoder w18o�[ower dLenvLe�gee In addng,insunooe proeaed� �ttll Ee applled w re�wnNon or npatr of B�e _ <br /> �'i ,•0 :; MoPeKY a�meBed,lf the�WnNon or repdr L aonomlo�ly feufile�nd Le�der'�uautry L aot la�wed.II tLe re+Wntio¢or � <br /> �1 '�''i " �b aot eeoeomieelly teu@le or Leader4�avrity wauW be keawed�the imunoee prooeed�eL�R be ayylled to me� � - <br /> Ur;`�-t �ecvcod 6y tLle 8ea�rfry Instnm��t.xPtNhez or not tben duo, wlth�ny exewe pRW ro Bofrovez. ItBorrowet�Modom me �� -� �:_. <br /> ��,�.y> Propecty, or dow eot wwer wltLin� Hys a mNce from Lader thu tLe ia+iu�eoe artler Lu oftwed to�wle a ddm,then � 'z= — <br /> t I.codu mq eollect t6o Insurame pmoecd�.I.eodx may me the prooeed�W cupilr or recWca rta Pmpecry or to p�y eums�ecurod ��,F� ._ <br /> y'+if4_,-� bytLLBecudtyln�Wment.wLaLerormt�L'ndua11ie3Qdrypedodwlllbeginahmmemticebgtvea. k - <br /> � ` IIdeee I.eudet�aA IIo�rower otharwLe�geeln w+Ittaa,my eppllWio¢of pmceadi w prinelpel eLtll not exteud ot poitpone t�Y�� �-, <br /> �'" ` k tLe due date ottLe mont6ly p4ymonte roterttd to in patagiaph+1 eud 2 or ehmae tLe�mount of We pqymeab.It�mder pengnpb ?i: <br /> s a�i7_� 21 t6e Propony ie noquirod by Lmdx� Hortower4 dgRt w wy imonnce pollolw�od proeeod�reeulttog from dmuge to me frn}`,��.,_:-.. <br /> ?,,<�,k Property Pdor W me aequb3�loa elull pu�w I.ender W the exteot ot tte nws eecurrd by tW�9ecudry 1wtn�meet immedWely �p it.,, ; <br /> t i }t��� pdor w t6e�cquYffton. - <br /> �� � <br /> n{ .�-� 6,pccu lHd�m�.� PetiYt DP ° - ------- <br /> t" ,n s punq,Presermtbn, oeudProtaliono thePro Bocroeer'e laan A catlonJ o ��y <br /> .,1,�,�� Bortowu�Lall oauPY.eeleblt+h.�nd we the PropeRy u HortoweP�pdueipsl[ealdenro wltWn�kry dnyi aRer tLe exoatton o! �T ',;�ti s: <br /> - ; � €r.?� �y��ty Ia�lnwout and tLell eontlnue ro oeapy the Ptope�ty u BortoweP�princlpil restdeaee for�t leeet one yeat dter me ��}-?+� r;�_-:_ <br /> ,,�f,��1�f� date ot oeapenoy� udau Lender otherwbe egea+ in rnitlog� whieb coman[ eLeIl nu be mceneodbly wllLLeM� or unlesi S�i�{,� ' : <br /> �y�,• extenuating eirtum�h¢cw e�dtt wlilch ue beyoud IIonowee9 coattoL Hottown thall mt dut[oy.dameae or lmpelr the Propo�ry. r t%v(yzy� '.. <br /> ` `r. -� dlow the Pmpecry W dUedonte, or eomm(t wuk oa the PmpeRy. Bormwer �h�U be in defwlt it�qy toddture actlon or '},p�?}�!hg��-,"`' <br /> s � '-i. <br /> Proeeadfod.whuLer cirU or eiludml.b 6ogun 1Eet in 1.eodm4 good tdtL judgment eaM rwult in fodetnue ot tLe Property or { 'm'<<�ii r � . <br /> � : <br /> �Ir — <br /> � -t�u otLeraLe matafelly impeU tLa 1[en ercated by tW�8ecudry Imimmeot or I.eadeP��cadty INerwt.Borrower may eure tuch a ' _,,:,l��F`�� _—:. <br /> � r- -'(. defwlt md nfwtate. u provlded ia panyaph awing�6e Wion or procecdfng W be dbmLsed alth a mliog tbet.ia J A�r;n tt�'�',� �-_�_, <br /> .%_.--�, : LeoduY good fdth dete{mlmNon,Praludw fodeiNre ot�Ee HotroweP�iaiereat Lt the Propeity or o�her mate9el impdrment of t�t'br%},�i r ` �.._�,� <br /> � <br /> i the Ilea eteated by tLlt 3"tadty Inthument or Leoder'e�avdty interatt.Hortower�bell tlso be in defaultltBorrowet.durlog t6e i`:i�T�i�t,...i4"`''- -.°- - <br /> j -. i la¢�ppllalion p[aa�,geve metetially ftite or idcwnte in[mmation or rtatemam�o Leoder(or iailcd w provide i.eoder with ;r�kY`,iH t 4 - � <br /> r �E�ha�' wy matethl info�metto� ie wnnatbn wiW t6e loaa evWenced by�he Note. lududlog. but not limited to, rapraeowlom Jf r t.,fx''�4��+4 -: - <br /> t f�Z�Yt; coxeming Bortowm'�oaupmey of the PropeAy nf a p�faeipel[ealdeae.II thb 3audry ioattument L on n]eeiehoW.IIorrower 6; v� {� r`t r Y t:, <br /> t f�r�'LH oS��iyf� <br /> � 'y;��. �L�ll eomply af�h dl tLe provblon�of the lease.IIBorrowu acquire+tee Htle ro tLe Propecty,�6e leeeehold�nd tLe tee tftle�Lall ���. �- -.-� <br /> . NJ _ � �� } CA';r <br /> �- i� nMmetgeudw�I.ender�arcatWthemeryui¢wtitln8• - R , � r� - �- _ <br /> �� :j„ '. 7.Protadon of I.endu'�NSbts N the ProD�Y• Q Bortower faW to pedorm�he eoveaeon aod egcaemonn contelnod In �„<<k+"'�xk pts;- <br /> �'- +. .; tW�Secudty 1wl�umeot.or�Lere i�a leail proeeadtng th�t may �igilficanUy Jfeet LeoderY dg6u in the ProPenY(�ueh u� -, ,. ( � T���"�--- <br /> , - . praeedioa iu Muk`uptoy,Probw.for wndemdtia¢or fodeiwro or ro eaforee law�or roaululom).thea Lender may do e�pay t<<I�:�s 3�:a�� - ;-: <br /> < . i for wLetever b caeeeiery lo protaet the vaiue ot iho Prope'ty aod I.eoder'�dghte In�he Prope1ty.Leuder'�saiom may inohde .�'_r':�`,{A'a�B:r.,: <br /> ` -`� •' PW�B W� �vmf wated by a Iton whleh Lu prlodty ovu tLb Sauriry Instnwaot�eppeerleg in couR. Peying rm�omble 7" > .t-„�,: <br /> -�� ettomey�'faef aod eotertng on the Propeay to melco repein.Although I.eodor may t+ke ection uador thb parograph 7.Looder i�,��< �{�ytZ� ..: <br /> � y 5 : doeenothevetodow. � ��; lf ��;��. <br /> 1 �. �-: Aqy�momU d66uned by Isnder under thii paregnph 7�hell baomo addidoml dabt of Bortower wwrod by tLh 3ecudty � -2..%i >y�17i���3f�__ <br /> . !L y::. lm�nweot. Unlau Bortoaer�od Lwdar agree lo otSer te�w of peynwut. �6ese �manu �hell beer fntarost trom the Mte ot -,. ...�•,�,� ,��,i„_.,:; <br /> ; .:0., � c: �..� �t."5==. <br /> - .'.=+-: d66unemeot u the Nae rNe ead eLell be pnyable,wlth in�aat,upon natee from Lendu io Bortowor ta�uwting pnymeot. �;�v}�::•".�t� ,j;....t .� <br /> � ���'� 8.MoNyege imurena. If Lender requi�ed mortge;e imurnaee ei a eoudition of m�k3ng the lom exurod by thb Securiry -� t�7 r'-;j,�: <br /> Imtnweut, Bortowor �6�ll pay We protdum+ roqu4ad to mefotelo 1he mortgege insunnce io effat. If. for aqy taesou. the �l,`�r+ .:::; `;'t�:,n•, <br /> �C . ff r u� <br /> � ' moegege insuruKe wvemae raryixd by Cendu hpsee or eeeia �o be in effat. Bortower dull pay the premium�roquired ro - i'" -+� � ,'�: <br /> - - - obWn eoremge su6uan8elly equivalaot to i6e mortgago insuruwo proviomly in eftat,u n w�t�ubiunthlly equirdent W tLe , ,�' �.._- <br /> T 35.i�-.]+ ,. <br /> � i cm[lo Bortowet of�6e moNgege insuranee prodoualy in effal, from �n al�ema�e mortgage iwuror�pproved by I.euder. ff i,:�;i,'�,-�."a;.;.,,. . <br /> �ubitaoqelly equivdeot mortgage insunnee covenae i�not avdLblo.Iforrowor sLell pry to Leoder aeh moo�a�um oqual ro �� ' - . <br /> :.,`;r�:_. : ono{woNh of the yeerly motlyigo insurmee premium beiog ptid by Bortower when ihe imurmce covemge Lpsad ot teetod to � -� <br /> � - be in offal. Lender will �eapl, we and retein Iheto paymenU a�a b�� rmerve in Gw of mortgege iacurmce. Lmi rourve . � <br /> . �.:1;_.... _ <br /> -..�. Po'm JOtB 9/90 � <br /> - . �fiRR'7E)o�un nn�.rn wi.u- _ <br /> m <br /> f ' <br /> .� ,_''v ...i,•-.._"_" _' . <br /> ; 1 '_ <br /> .ij,'.-.,'' _ <br /> "-Ji � - <br /> diY.;i: ;� . <br /> :��. <br /> � �. ' <br /> j , . <br />