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..6° k'1 C ' _"`_.3�._::=:Y s".:::.:Y3'-�:::,:i:i'..�i.� , r.-"."",��''_''�uv°F7F�::�r �..._ _r,:i_. <br /> _ • "4'':T4- _ _ i���'•.'trn `'+'j r c =i _ w��i y.;C .9F'�/�xN' �v c t : .�n _---- <br /> ' ..�;^-,::;�•.:�, ,>. r� ,�:�. _ <br /> ►83� � ;,� _. .: . <br /> �k��� �o.a�a� �,. -� <br /> � f a%.,.,�� �6.Borroetr'�Coyy� Bortower�h�ll ba¢von one ooato�med copy ottlu Noto wd ottLta BecwIty Ia+kummt. �- �; -- --�- <br /> =71 i't' . �ol�i t 1'haafc[ru�o�tL1�Ve�ape�0p or�&�!!cG!IMertst ls Dorrowu. If dl or aay put ot tbe Progmty or ury laterut tn h b ^im: S <br /> �� � 6en Mf�l latercri In Botmwar ie w]d or tno�fened�od Bo�rowor D nM s mwrnlponon) wlthw! °� . . <br /> ' '� au t 'Imder4 dor wdUen oon�ene Lender ''� <br /> P m�Y�v Ib optton.raqulre immediue qyment ialWl of�ll mm��acurod 6y @4 8xmlry 7.- lr . <br /> fit r{ �t� tLIfNObN.HONOV6l�Ihb oytjon�Edl a0l M�xerol�ed by Leadee if exero�e L pto!(blted by fedenl hw u o!Ibe dW of�hL � r� ,, tt . ' <br /> , t � - Baudry fnttn+meat. S�_` u � �-�, <br /> „ ,v---- V i.aader exaro�e�01�oDtloo,Lemer�h�ll{lve Burswer aotloe ot ucalsr•ttoa.'he mtico�E�LL ptwlda a�rladaf aa las ` '- --„ <br /> +* F.� tL�c 90 dayi trom the d+fe Q�e notlea�dellverod oe mallad wl�Liu wLich Bomower�t pay dt�ume�ewrod by tLh 8audry �i +_�' t""��` `- <br /> � t{� Ioeaument.U Borrower fitb ro pay�hae rumi pdor to the expintton ot thL pedod,I.aadet mqy Invoke�qy remedia permluod ;�j ��yi�y"�r�,{ <br /> < `� by thb 8ecurlry fau�um�at NltLaw Nfther ootloe or demiad on Bomower. y � �J r.,� � <br /> "' ' ' { i B.B o rt o w e P�R I a E t t o R d m t a q, i f B o rt o w e r m e e b c e A a t n c o n d i d o m, B o�r ew e r ,6 J 1 L ave t b e d g 6 t W h�ve i,-'� `"`'� �' <br /> � fty��..' entorcement o!�fib BewAty iarttumeM dbooNioued et�ny time pdor W the arUet of! (e) S dry� (or meL omer pedod u - +-�s+ ' a -.;� -- <br />� � a llable Lw � �rfor nleitYemaM)beforo�de of t6e Propertypunwnt to�ny power of Ide CoWdaed In thv 3eeutlry +��h'}q�k !.;'' ' . <br /> `��� ° : 1w�iumenti or @)enu�yo►�JYEj[UOilt COIOfOillj tEI�BOCUtIIy ININmeN.31w�e oo�lUom�re tlutltorrower.(a)pqy�I.eader ell •jt�f y{d 4 ��rFe' :: <br /> � ,� Sil; de wlt t� other�w�vwoh or�roemen4l�o)➢4Y��°Iltment udiucuned in eafoto� Ibla 8 �� Instiumeo,�olud� b�it Z.:vJt�f}�$:�;`':: <br /> �tS, ; �r <br /> l �-;� �� not llmfted to,xuonable utomey��fee�t�nd(��ke��ueh a�a o n�Leodermq reeaombly req�e to mnue tlut tLe ien�of 16L %Y'"r��''it�`•T;--- <br /> c{+ .;� 3aeurfry ImUUment. I.aoder'� rljLb lo Ihe ➢roporty end HoltowerY obllgation to pay the ium+ eearad 6y thG 3ecwity --_�� �"�tU„`t' <br /> +�, - et'�ri, Imhumeot �WU continue uaehmjed. lJpon roW4tement by Borrower. Wb Secudty Ia+trumeot�od �6e obllg�ttom �xur�d �^i! i$:-� :. <br /> ec <br /> {JC{. Lerdny�E�ll remJn 1611y eNectivs w If no exelentlon hd oocurted.However,t6L dght ro reie�ute�hnIl not app�y ia lhe we of ��;��r�r s N ti�; � <br /> I .r �cceler�tion uoder paryn ph 17. �+�C��t � �r'i ,.., <br /> r� � .-x 19.8We ot Note{CNnye ot Loro&niar. 71w Note or a pvtid ioterat i¢ tLo Nae (wgether wit6 thh Saaviry }'N�i�1, r`�'n>'�$r ' <br /> ` ` ' _ - Lutnwent)m�y bo�old one or more tima alt6out prlor ootiw to Bortower.A�a1e auy rault in a ehnaae in the emdy(lmowa ��'�r xf�'1<t , <br /> _ .;,�: z. u t6e'Lwn 8ervlcer7���u�+��Y oub due uader t6e Noro�od tLb 3ecunry Imtnwieat.15ero aLo may bo one or ,qr�;f,;�i o��;:',y._� <br /> �- ±;- moro ehaaYa ot t6e Low 8eivlwr uoro�ule of�he NWe. It�Lero L�eLeoge ot the I.o�u 9enleer,Hormver wlll be i a�; r (�;�'�ti.;��:`;� <br /> given wAtten ndtw of�6e oLeo;e In accotd�aoe a�l�hqi�nDh 14 sbove wd�ppllable kw.7Le mtlu wW eute tLe neme md 1 -, ;y( , . <br /> � - �` addrai of t6e aew Lom 9ervtcer aod�he addra� to wNch pymenu thould be meda 1Le notlte wlll al�o wWai¢any other :, � ,=rc`�, - <br /> j '' iatorm�llon requiral by�ppUable 6w. y-" r 4�sa'`�-� . <br /> '--� 2D.Hnserdout Substmus. Bortower �hnll not euue otpermit �6e preeeoee, use. diepwd, stomge. or relwe of ury t � � h R:,, _ <br /> �'.�,'� Hezardou�SLbivaeea on or in t6e Propeny.8ortower duU aot do.aor�Ilow anyone eW w do.W'WinB dfatiug the Pmpeny ..:'•: , f.�+' �� ,-: <br /> ,.';.. ,, tLU b In violulon ot�Bnviroomen�l Lw.1Ae precadta;two�eetexe��E�U uot�pply ro the preseace.vae.or ewnae on the ;�'�t'?r r,�'�.,�,�. <br /> ';�, Proporty ot�mall queW iiw ot Heurdau SubNancee tlW ve generdiy rocogdud w be epproprWe m mrmal ra�ideaid usN �f;y ���r'�. �nz rz_; <br /> nnd to maioteaince ot We Property. . • � f 2 ' - <br /> 1 l - -;� Botrower �hall prompqy gtve Leader wduen oaice ot any fnvertig�flon. cteim. demnnd. 1►wm(t or otLer eaion 6y my .�:+' ,�'��,- .�._' <br /> , -- ' govemmeeul or ro3uLtory�gonoy or pdvue puty Involviny�6e Property�ad wy H�rerdoua SLb��nce or Snvironmeatel Lw •�`r:'�/�.��' �tk.�,��.�. <br /> ,:'.>� of adich Hortower g ?:4'S ' +..h� , �';' <br /> hu�UUd Imowlcd e.It Bortower lamr.or b nolitiod bY any Bovemmenml or mguluory euthoriry,tLet my ,ti.Z.�� r,_,� <br /> , -- romovd or othor romedfuton ofaoy Hwrdwe Subrtmce attating the Property b uaaaery, Bortower ihall promptly take dl 'i.t ; }, L�C = <br /> nxa�ery romodlJ ectlom(n�aordance wi�6 Hnvironmeaul I�r. �a ,1�1�rk �� - " <br /> M ucod in tWi penyrapL 20. 'Hwrdmu SuhnweeM ue�ho�e mbitmce� deFlned�u toxla or hv�[dwe wMtmcw by >�,�r:�v`f�'�`�irr S,_ ' <br /> -� -�- raviroomenml Lw �od tLe follomog sub�iance�s 6uoline, icem�oao, othor flwmabto or torio potmieum ��odxve touo ' -t;��` �,�4p�,�� -- � <br /> . . peaticlda�nd hefiiotda,voletUe wWenu,muerl�conta4�ing ubaro�or fomu�depyde,and radiacUve matednla.Ae u+ed in y� .?�y� �, � <br /> ` �6b pnn8mph TA. 'Bnrironmentel 4w• mewu fodenl iaw�uW I�w�ot the Jurltdletlon where We Prope�ty i�lotated tLet relae ���� , a ���"� <br /> � � to deelt6.�efety or envlronmeo�l protatlon. y�:;�;,��,�rr ��psdy�� :. <br /> , ,Y�;,,7 ,s�r,i f, � ; <br /> NON-VNQ�OMM COWNAN7'9.Dortower ud LenEer Nnher eovetunt W�g[ee aa followr. � rn:.�} r�1�e: �-- <br /> - �� Zl.Acaleretlonj Remedita.Leader eCatl ghe nollee to Bortoxu prlor ro acaleretiou tolloxing IIorrower'e 6reaeh ot �;""<�f',jY��k�;. - <br /> ,, . r.�Fr;:Hfi; �.�.,���'?: <br /> ', �,:: . eny covenmt or nYreemeot In thb Securiry Iattruo�eet (but not {xior t0 acceleroltan mder pare�apA 17 unless ;..4t:y�vr�'��s;�q . <br /> aDP��ebte Isw provlda ot6erntse).7Te notlee ihdl tpeclfYt(d the detaultt�)tha acUon ewuired to cure t6e detoulti(e) :.t",:::'.{.:,....;;:� i�.�-. <br /> �����5 a date,uot Iw thao 30 days trom 1Ee date We noda b glveo lo Rorroxer,by xWCh the dehuk must be curedt end (� �< <:;••�;��;''�'�`��`�� '- <br /> .;;.o;�,_f�:;.i. <br /> . t6at teilure ro cura th�deteult on or betoro We date epecltled la t6e aoda may reault In acalaulon ot t6e sumf secured -i,;- -n;r,'.�: <br /> by Wb 8ewrlty Iattrument eud sele ot t6e Property.7L�oopu�hall Nnher Nform Borrower ot Iho rigCt to retnsten �-�: ' ...;,+`1.:;'�y.`;�-: <br /> aRer eaelereqon end the Ay6t ro brluy a cawt octlou to auen th� oon�exBteoce ot a default or any other defease of : •� .���:; <br /> � _ Borrower to acaleretlou end seta It the defautt B oot cured o0 or b¢toro�6e daze cpecltied Io the ootice,I.eudv,at iu • .`�'�"'�?"- <br /> . optlon,may require Immediate peymeut In tull ot WI tum��ecund by lh�BecuAty IusWmwt wNhout turt6u demand � � �"�=�� '� ' ``' <br /> - ' ".,- ':.. `:, <br /> ., and mey invoka t6e poxer ot�ele end eqy oWer nmed�es permlttM by aDDilcable IaN.Leoder�4a11 ba enNtled�o co11eU , � :'.,,.'- .��,=� ',; <br /> � ell expeasea iuturred in punuing t6e remedlea prodded In thl+ perngrnph 21, IacluNnB. but not IImkM to. reasoneble "..++��=:`�`�•�. <br /> I� ��e�;�:,�.:;�Gf,..,.,. <br />-- aaomeya'fcea eud cosis ot tlqe eNdeace. ' . ..�.����;�:':.. - <br /> . . � � .:_,x�Et,;-....:�s-. <br /> - - It tLe power ot ide b InvokW, 1Yuttee ahell record e notice ot detault In ench county�u xhich aqr put ot tLe . ,�.;-;v,;,;-:_•.,_ <br /> . .'' Froperty iv located end ehell mail coplea ot suc6 notica tn 1he mannu preaerlbed by epplicable law u IIorromr and to the .�-,S <br /> ., ot6u penom preacribcd bY appliceble lew.AIIer the tlme rcpuired by opplirablo Inn.Tnuta chatl�ee pub&noda of � . . - ... <br /> asle to We persom end N the mmner prwcrlbtd by appilcable law.'IYusta.�rithout demand ou t3orro�ru,eLaO adl t!e - <br /> � . Property et publtc audion to Ihe 6lgheat bldder at the 11me aud pina ond under the temu dea�qoated In the noUa o!eale <br /> Porm3038 9N0 <br /> �fiAMElman n�..w. uro _--'_ <br /> . � � <br /> ' � . .. . .. _._ _ .. _. . . _ _ .� . . � . � <br />