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�_ . a . . .. . ,93- �o��so ' — = <br /> 7l'dOfftYIDii WPYi�t1w improvemaot�now or heredter evecttd au�e pmpeny�u0 dl auenwcu��p�uit�nrncor�aaG <br /> -- Axwta�aow or heraftet�paA oflba DroDeriY.All reyLoemeab�od�dditlon�rLe11�o be eoverad 6y�s Beautryla�tatmenR <br />-- '.Allotth�tom�olo��reTsna6Wia�Bec+uftyia�wmratumo'DtepoNy.' - — <br /> IIORR0ti9ffit COVBNAMg t5at IIom�wer la 4rA�tiy eels:d M dL+a�eta hemDy eomeycl en3 ivs�slyht to gre�aal °____-_- - -- <br /> � aoovey�e Proyoiry aad t4u�he Propairy h uaeecumixres, oxap for eoaimb� ot raoM.8o+rowor wurmu�ad wiil �, — <br /> ,`� d�rsd�rel(ymatlQeuOeProp�{yr,etnstsllcL•Imsra3d�sada.eubJecttoanyencumbreme�ottAaord. - � — - ._ <br /> TH[8 68CUAIlY IN81RUlN@�TP eomblaa uniform aovanW� for nuloul me�od noo-unilorm ooveniw ait6 Umltsd �� � __ , <br /> v� v+el�tloubyJurWlalonwoomtGuteaunfAim�eeuriryiaruumeoteave�el�lP�DertS'� � F" <br /> �,� UNIFOAMCOVBtiANfB.ItoxowormdLeadetoovta+utmd�yroeufollowii � 4 � �,���,�. <br /> � 1.Pqment of Ptindptl�ad Iutermq PnD+lYmeat aad 4te C�riw. Homwm dull PromptlY WY afion due tIIe w wa - <br /> �$ ptleetpdol�odiotete�tonmedeDtevldeooadbytLeHotem3ao,yptep�ymmt�oAluechuQwdueundeetheNote. y,�t�����. <br /> �� 2.B�mQv tor 7bxtl aad IastnnnCC. BubJact w appllaDle uw or W�wrtuen wdver by I.eodet.BoROwer�11 pry W 4Y' � f <br /> '-A I.�der o¢tLe d�y monthly pqwenn aro due ucder me Nae,votU me Note L pdd In ll�ll,��um('Fund+7 forc(a)yw�y tua r{r,rc r�-sS/f�,3.�'�t..n... <br /> __}'i red a��asmmb wLleh may a�tala pdotiry ovee Ihb 8eeutty Imlmmtat u�Ueu oa iLe PmPe�ryi @)Yady leuehold p4ymeab 1 x,° :,�i�4�s <br /> '�� or groum cmu on tLe ProPeRp.ftaqyi(o)Ye�tY Lu+rd or ProPsqS lanuame premlumr C�Yariy ftoodlocuruce Proml� ' &I,tzY.�.C�,`:w,•=s�7`. <br /> -� my: (e)Yeuly moey�e Imumnae piomiumr,If�oy�aod(�aoy�py'�b1e by Bolcower to Liwder,ln a000tdoaeo w10 the -# <br /> xj�� provLlon� of pangnph 8, in lleu ot tbe qymeat ot mortg�.ge ivunnoe promlmm. 1Lae ikw�re called '&orow Beav.' �y� j �.'F, +�'�,�_ <br /> _t;i Lendu me;y.�t my flme,oollat aod hold Pund�iu m�mwnt not ro exeeed�e m�uimum�mwet n leodoz tor s todudly rolued �� 4� n`;;�;� _- <br /> ,_'„ mortgt;e lom mty requlre tor po[rowerY etcrow�ocouet uoder Ihe[adetil Real&ttte 8a'tlemeot Ytooedurce Aet of 1974 u �sf4:t�,�, �y�;h�. <br /> :'3 i ameoded from time W time.l2 U.B.C.9atto¢2601 rr seq. ('RHSPA•).uda��ao�6et kw thtt applla W the Puod+aL�lafer ' ,TO r< -5 t- ��,�f - <br /> r.'� �mwut.I[w. Lendu mry. at�ny tlme.collat �nd Lold Fund�In�n imouot aot w ezoud the leuer�mauot. Ladx mny �n,. a �''�'-'x `"- <br /> ._:� estimete t6e�mwmt of Puod�due on the bui�ot wrteot dtla�od rua+o�ble estimata of expendtmra of Nare&erow IIem�or �l n�e�5'�..��a��__. <br /> -_ ;� otherwLe ia aao[d�aee w(th eppllcable 4w. .,� ' ` ,' ,; <br /> -. . 11e Phcd��SJ3 6e Leld In a¢1ns8aUo¢whoae depotN�aro Imurod by a federal�enoy.imhumminllry�or eoltry(inoluding ,�qj J�, �«.,�-. <br /> _-•�j Leadx L meh a¢imtiNrton)or ia aqy Fedonl Home Loaa&ok.Leodee ihell�ppfy the Fundi W pay�he Hwcoa +� +l, s t� tti�(��ii'i. <br /> �� Itams.Leoder m►y mt eLuge Borcower for holdtng�od applying t6e Ihmd�,anoually�o+lyzfo8 the aorow�aount.or ve�ITy[ng ' iY f'�� : �-' -_ <br /> �� t6e H�orow IIema.udw�Lender pay�Bortower Werut on�he Fuods a�appllable]aw pe,mtu Iwmder W mdce�ueh a cLv6e. ,t I�!��Y, �?> <br /> h <br /> k_ However, I.eoder may:equim liottower ro pay s ono-t(me oLarge for w iodepeMeot real wUte 4x tepoAing tetvlee uted by �{, f���`��+. <br />`�;���.j Lender ia comadon wUh�L4 lom. udw�appllcable law prov(da otLetwbe.Untat sn agceemeot b made o�appllcable law - .,f I,t;'c.t:'"-'-:.`--� <br /> -�� requirm intemst to be paid Ieader�Lall not be required W pay Horrower my lotettst or ewiogr on We Fuod�.Borrowu�nd ` }n�,�`:.-c2�.`: <br /> "`.� Leoder may�grce i¢writin8�Lowevet.t6�t Werat�EeL 6e pdd on the Pund�.Lender�L�ll eire to Bo`rower.wit6out ohuge��n ;f,L .�, �.s+—. <br /> >-:i �nnual�ceouNin9 of th4 Puods.�hoaing e[odib�nd debfU[o t6e Puad��nd Ne puryote for which ewh debQ to me Punds wu � � �`��?+ h$.- <br />..,�f9 mede.7Le Pund�are pletlaed m eddittoml�aurlry tor all�ume�eared by thb BeauSty Imttumeot. ;�,�..�v:_:._H-:�::_-=_� <br /> --{•. I[the Pund�LeW by Ieoder excaed t6e amounb permiued W be 6olA by apptioable I�w.i.eader�heli accwa[to Hurmwer for �h�� t��� s#4�> > <br /> -�+ t6e exea+Pund�in accordenee with the[equlrtmen�of eppllcable Lw.If the�mouot o!t6e A�od�deld by Leader�t u�y time 4 , � , ;. <br /> '-`� na�uftkleat W pey tLe Hserow Item+wLen due.I.eader mcy�o naVy Borrowu 1n writfng,aod,ln aob aue Bomower�L�ll pay ; -1!`�;`�`f�`ti•;�� ` <br /> -��; ro Leoder the�ma�ot aaa�ary ro make up the deftc[enry. Bortower �6�ll mnke up t6e defieleney 1n no moro tLnn twelve - ����(LtiY�L�'e.�'*,Yi��°"_ <br /> .,-� montNY WYm^ou��t Le�er'i�ole d6c[eltou. l� -�i:i,� A_4=: <br /> ` UP�o PBY�t in N11 ot dl eum��aurod by tW�9owdry Imtrument.Leadet�Lnll promqly:ePond to Borrowet uqy PWOda ; a �` ` ?m,. , _ <br /> �-'� held by I.ender.If,vodat puegnph 21,Leudet sh�LL scqufro or wll Il»Propecty. Leoder,pdor W the aequ6lNon or eele of t6e 5 ',`;J,. _`'k:l�.� � � <br />_-:fi" PropeKy. �6e11 apply any Puodi 6eM by I.eoder at tEe Nme of aequ0ttion or�de u a erodit agaloat tLe s�w��acuted by t1�L y ... '<,,j.��� '. <br /> ° Secudrylmtnweot. , .3:.tC;`;;�;:t:,t`' <br /> 3.Appllcstloa of PaymeaU. Uda�appllcable lew provlda othern4e,dl paymeou raaived by I.endet�mder pareamplu - � r`��F:- <br /> 1 md 2 dall ba epplled: flnt. to my Propeymont cherga due under�ho Note;�econd.w amounu peyable uader parngaph 2: ; ? �, , .t`•�7,��f r�-;-. <br /> --t loterost due; pdoclpal due:end my lue ch�rgea due under�he Note. ^-.� '#, „_;- <br /> 4.CherQea;Llem. Oorrower�ball pey ell texw. a�w�mew, eherga. Mes eod imposittom eadbulebie m the Proporty � '• -t'_ c �-:- <br /> wLioL mny e�W¢pdodty ovu thi�Saurity Wtwneat� md IaueLoid paymeob or grouad rwu.if�ny.Bottowor iLell pny�hwe � � � `� -�j'!'r tt t :. <br /> obllgaaom In�6e memer provided in peregrcp6 2.or if uot patd in�het m�mer.Borrowor�hell pay�6em on tfine diroctty ro the r tY��f..4b:;�,� .,t,� <br /> penon owed peyment. Bortower iLall promptly fumbh to I.eoder ail naiva of amounh to be pald under thi�puegmph. If � :�'rs��t-..j�,.�_'. :;;+;_, <br /> ;i Dorrower mnkea�hae paymenU dinctly.BoROwer sh�ll promptly fumLh to Leador meipu ev3dencing�he puymea�a. (, -r!ft <br /> Hortower�hell promptly di�eLerae my llen wLkh ha�priority over thi�Saurity Ia�tn�mcot unlan�Bortowec(a)agra+ in [ .-f.� - <br /> ' - w dt i a ro the t of tLo obll allon taurcd b t6o llea in e mmner a le to Iader,(b)eontoau in ood tdth tl»I[en l� -':, �'::.a':;;''.�'-••� <br /> �-._',� 8 P�Y� 8 Y � 6 [ • .;•:r.. . . <br /> by, or defendi �6eimt eoforeement of�6e lion in, legd procecding� whie6 in tLe I.eader� opinion operste to proveot tho { - �`� ..?� -• <br /> eotorcoment of iho lieo;or(e)�aurca from Ihe holder of Ihe Ilen ao�gramuit eatisfiUOry to Looder subordimting the Qen to ;%<"�.� � <br /> i , <br /> �hi�Saurity Ia�UUmaol.if Leoder detefvJoa thst eoy pM of the Property u wbJoct ro n lian which may atuin prioriry ovet tfiia F - . <br /> - 3ewrity Ineltumeot,Londer msy give Bortowet n naice idontifyina[he 1[w.Bo�rower thall�nt4fy 1he liea or Wce one or moro ;" <br />- of tha teliom w[foR6 above wil6in 10 dey�of tho giving of noqw. " <br /> io`m 7028 9/90 " . <br /> ��6RRPBl n�ap �w»• wu.- . <br /> t-v:s�-s-:.-• �-: � - <br />. r',*( " <br /> '� f . <br /> �. � <br />:-.. .�' .- . � . <br />_, ..7� _ ...-. . . .;:: :. . . .. . . ._ ._ _ . _. _ . .. . _. <br />