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. -�- <br /> _ _ . ,,. <br /> �=� <br /> .�;:.�?� , -- ---- <br /> „ a .- <br /> K �� i�� , K• ��r - - � . <br /> ^ 1 � �a , t.Trusta ttall poy oll tazm,oss�suixntf ad otM►dtxpu,Includinp.without IfmBotion,flne�orA M•. <br />� y. potBSoniottributoENtotMProporry,ableasehoMpaymee4aproudrenU,t}ary,6ola�tM�amebeom�N�Inqueet.TrustaeMtlpramp• � _ <br /> 5 Iry twidfh to&n�9cb�Y oll notin�of amounn duo unEer thb peroproyh,aW in tM wmt Tivtla�hail mok�poym�nt dG�ttty,Trusta thall _ __ <br />,` '�.r::��� promptty tanith to Benelkkry rerolpt�evidxutnp tuch paym�nit.TNSta�fidl pay e11 tax�f ab oswssm�ntf whlch may N NvIN won <br /> &n�fkl�yY Inter�st hxein a upon tNS Oaed o}TNSt wHAan rep�d ro am lax�hot moy bs mxhd Iapostrq paymmt of IM wMb a ony [t tr' <br />�qr "� ��� porltMreo}uponlMBlneflelary, r <br />�„i�c ' t 6.���1{N��al pytK1W M Mxfld�ry'�fKwlry.TN#a�twll mak�oll poymmts of Ntq�st and princlpcl and paymmU ol any {'Z �;" '� — <br /> �tya��r mher chmp�s,taef and expemes confratad to M pald to ary eilsting Iier�hotden a prior Mn�flekria uidv aiy prla Mb of trust a mor• C ` " <br /> ����;�- -:;,' tpape 6�tae tho dota tMy ore dfltnquant ond�a�qth paY and disclwrpo mry and oll ofhcr Ibro,ehMf a�harg�f whith may�wpordito the E �t ^e�, -�_ <br /> r,: � 3, txuiry�anttd herein.It Trusta tails to moke arry wch porment a faib to pertarm eny of tM cov�nanU and opr�xn�ntt eontaln�d in this » = <br /> ' 2z� � Doed of Trvst,a fn any pia marqay�a deed of irust,of B any acffon a poceMLg If caimenced whkh moterklty oHecft&naflclory'i In• - ?�t'{'� i�. �- --_..-: <br /> _,d,;:;.,:n'* <br /> terost In the Prope1ty,incivdinp,but mt Ilmited to,emfnent domain praeadfnps,aqoceadups Inrolvlrp o detendent,or if Trusta failf to ppy i��p�;��,r,ti�� � <br /> _�y; r�;� Vusta't debn peneralty os they 6ecame du�,ihan Benefkiary,at Benefkfary's option ad withaut notin to a demond upon Trvsta ard y?��rs,t��z;����+�`;,;s <br /> 't�sG'��a'�:; wi��W nleatinp Trustatran any o6liymion hereunder,mar moke such oppearwces,dfsbum tuch wms,and fak�such aNOn os fs naeimry � ,;�� �- ,� hy' - <br /> F.--j� ro Wotat Qenafkiary's interast includ'eg,6N mt IYnfted ro.d(sbvnement of reasawble ottomey'�fees,payment,purchase,contest a wm• _ ta`:yt� `h r!���?��- <br /> �?r cy r pranlsa of ony encvmbrance,chorpe a Iton,and emry upan the Property to mak�repairs.ln fhe evant tMt Trvsta sMll fa➢to praure In• _ - ,�r�x,c�r,u r ,. <br /> F �. ,� wronte a to poy tozes,assetsments,a any o�her char es ar to moke am paYment�to exitNnp pria lfen holdert a benefitiorief,8anefkiory }4r�j� � ��rt;r 14'• - <br /> Y � <br /> � y i -� may praure such insurance und moke[ueh payment.My amounb dis6ursed by&neficiary p�►tuunt to thb Poragroph 6 fhell bewma additbnal � t 3,�r`,��,'�� , - <br /> r, tR.y3,�� indebtednass oi Trusfor secvred by thfs Deed of Trust.Svch amaums sMll 6e poyoEb upon notice hom Benrficiory to Tnntor requestinp pay �a qy; �;At,, s�"`-�_ <br /> ,,s ts ti� ment thereof,and tlall 6eor iNerest Gom tlw dote of�s6ursemmt ot th��ate payable fran time to timo an oWSta�np prNtipol undor the °��•= t}�41.r�y.-_ -_ <br /> , t `=y1� Note unless poyment of inrcrest at wch rote would be wMray to opplicobb low.ta whfch erent svch amount�sholl bear tnterest ot fhe hiphest ��-j�Y1re`�''T ="`_ <br />' F t - ; rate permissibla under applicable law.Nothing contoined in Ihis Parogroph 6 iholi requi�e Benefltbry to intur am/axp¢nso or toke ony atlan k'.-�-`A'` � rv" _� <br /> ¢,�x� {; hereunder. ' 3!-�a-�`"��"'�gJc -.- _. <br /> � ti�P���1'�d�t�� <br /> 7.Aul9nm�nf of Renft. Beneficiary sholl Mv�the right,poMer and aNhority during tM ConliMqnte of Thii Dled of TNSt to CoIIKf the cf,��.� _ <br /> t �_',`+'; rems,issuas ond profits of ihe PropeAy and of any perwnol poperty bcoted therean with awifhout fakinp possession of the property attected z'�f+f r�r�v �.� ; <br /> tit � ' �.`.�> hereby,ond Trvsta hereby absolutely and uncmditionaily ossigns all svch rents,issues ond pofits to Benefickry.Beneficiary,hoxvrer,Mreby ��,-������ ��` ;�- <br /> . { �a{�rJ1f�.sr;c : <br />,F�,;.y'J.�LF,; consents to th�Trusta's collection and retenrion of tuch rents,issuas and prof its as they awe oM becane poya0la so lonp as Trustor i�not, ?-�f1 r, . � .�,1,. <br /> - .•xfT� ��r�_.- <br /> � t - ��- ot such rime,in detavlt Mith respect to poymenr of ony i��6tedness secwed hewby.or in fhe pedamance of ony ayeemont herevnder.Upon ._- �';, � � . -� <br /> i � ;�f F� any such default.Beneficfory may at any tim�,either in peran,Ey aqent,a by renirer to De oppointad by a cairt,without nofke and witlwut t:!d�.s�'��l4"` �•:. <br /> {'�E'4_--d3 � repord to fhe adequacy of any securi�Y fa tM indebtedness hereby tecured. (a)enPor upon and toke possossfon of the Property or am/port � z� � --- -,._ <br /> r <br /> �:� -n�' the�eof,ond in its own rome sue fu or otherwise colbct s�th rents,iswes ad profOs,inclvding tMp past due ond unpoid,and apply the wme, '�eS'�rv�r��k,K.-� <br />%s`:�:':",=��r��;� leu msi5 a�d expenses oT opermion and coilation,includug reasonabla atrorneys fees,upon am�indebfedness secaed here6y,ond in weh �:,�3�t •;���.,,. -.,_-_.. <br /> TF�I6��J�M <br /> , � � -. ` aGer as eenetKiory may deiermine�@i Padam suR uiti ai�ay���� NotRs:cr..raY b:r.ce::c.y w�e;.r fo cm:erve tM_rnka�f the � rt "'-- <br /> y� Properry�(c)lease the same or ony port thereof for s�ch renml,ferm,and upon wch conditnns os i�t 1�9��t may dkrote or terminate a ad• { y �'-''f^jxrrY'3� .,`_ - <br /> � t f <br /> s _ -�,� ust the terms and conditions of on existi lease w leases.Unless Trosfa and Beneficiary oyeo ofherwisa in wrifiny,arry opplfcotion of renis, �. j o,4 y <br /> � I Y �A � � �i ��a�j��Fi.�,ns ". <br /> r . ., issues or pofits to any indebfedness sxured Aereby sholl rot exfend or postpone th�due data of tha insT011ment ment�as orided in said ,r� ��i�er/ _ <br />-?;:'-t'•`;: ° orp M 9�'Do ^9 Derh',the wilxtion of such 2,�x�,J?-.5 tar lrv.:-. <br /> ,_���.,: :•;. praniss note or c1w e the anount of suah instoilments.The enlerin n and�oki possession of fhe Pro 7'- ��« <br /> -t s= renn,issves ond profifs.ond tha opplieofion thereof as alaemid,shall rer warv�a euro ony de faulf or mtica o f de fau lr h e reu Mer,a in- !;: ��F l,�9�r S�tr__ <br /> � -� < .. <br /> ..i,.--;. valWara eny at done pursvant ro svch noticr.Trusfor alm ossigns to furtMr saaity fa fhe performonce of the obliqotions y�•;,��' i,.'` r , '- <br /> ftl, � _. <br /> it {;_S secured hereby,oll prepoid rents ond oll monia which moy Mve been ar may hereahe be depotifed with mid Trusta Ey any lessee of tM Pro- ,, � � „\��_' <br /> � - perty,to secun the payment ot any rent or domoges,and upon detwU in the performand of any of tho povisions hereof,Trosta ap�e�s to ', �i i{ ,� <br /> t 3'��-� deliver tah renfs ond deposits ro 8enefitiory.Defivery of written notite of BeneCcary's eztrcisa of fhe riphts pronled herein,to ony tenont a- -tF:;'� �{j�� .i y:- _. <br /> �_ , -i__4 cupyinp mid premises sholl be sufficient to require soid tenonr to poy wid rent to the 8eneficiory untl further notice. .-• + *�-+„�s" <br /> B.Cenden�n+Nen.IftitletoanyportoftMRopertystwll6etokenincadomnmionpraeedings,bydphtofeminentdomoinorsimitaraction, �"!;,',, .. � sI�F��•m�: <br /> y t�+-.; or slwll ba sold under tMeot of cademnotion.all owards,domap�s ond praeeds ara hereby ossiqnM ond sholl be paid to Benafkkry who shall 5 . _�` q,�j.n' `" <br /> --�;,:�i- opply such orrords.domapes and praeeds ro�he sum securM by�his Deed of Trvsf,.rirh 1M excess,if ony,paidto Trustor.Ii Trusta receives - ��;, ,f r ��f�°;J <br /> "�`� um notin or otber infamo�ion reyording sah xtions a piaeedings, irustw slall q'ne pranDt +eSten nmice thoreof to 6eneficiory. _iSS_ip.' r ��4._ .;�:�' <br /> 'r < � .� Benoficior shell be entitled,af its o tion,to mmmance,appeor in oM prosxute in i�f own rome om fvch a�ion or praeednqs and s1a116o en- i���, '+'`�' ` �' 'j�: <br /> - ; Y P � ti � if_.� �. <br /> � � titledtomokeanycompmmiseasetNemenrineonnectionviihoirysuchationaqaeedinys• - "'(°����,`�,�v}�. i°:- <br /> r - -�?�:' 9. Rem�df�t Not Exelutire Beneficiary sMll be entiNed to mtorce payment and perfamance of ony indebtednas or oblqations secured t�f.��:�;:? <br /> i� ;�_�- heroby ond to exercite a11 rigros ond powers uMer�his Deed ot Trvst or under any mher agreemen�e■ecvted in connxfim herewith or oiry laws �; �syt „ <br /> ,-'_,+ i�.:. - now or hereoNer in forca notwithstandinp some or oll of the such indebtedn�ss aM obligafiont secured hereby rtwy now or hereaker be oiher ` � -i: �. <br /> 4-•'_�---`�'��'• wis�secured.wheiher br mortqoge,deed of trost,Dled9e,lien,uss'rynment or mherwise.Heifher fha accepronee of fhis Daed of Trvst nor its L-� � � �---•'.1��.:,`��::� <br />,�;r!.;,__ -: enforcement whe�her bY court action or p�rswnt to the power of sote or other powers herein confained,slall prejudice or in any manner uHect r' , �� . <br /> - 6e�Ticiory's riqM1t to reolize vpon or mforce any oiher secwity now or hermfter Mld by&neficiay,it beinp ayeed fhot Daaficiary shoil bo I <br />-' � - enlilled to entorce fhis Deed of Trusr and any mher zxuritY now a Mrenher heid by Beneficiory in such order and manner as it moy in its ab• - <br /> sol�te diuretim determine.No remedr here�n conlerred upon or reserved to Benelrciery is�re�ed to be eaclusire of ony oiher remc-0y herein . -- <br /> --� or by law prorided M pemitted,but eoch slwil be cumulafive and sholi 6e in addition to evary other remedy qiven herewder or now or hereoNer : <br />-- existing or law or in equify m by s+m�rte. Erery vower or�emedy provided hereuMer this Deed ol Tmst to 8eneficiary or to which if moy be <br /> otherwise entiHed,moy he e:ercrsed.concurrently or mdece�dentlY.from�ime to time and as often as moy be deemed e.pedrent Beneficiary . <br /> - ord it moy Pursue inconsisfant remed�es.Nathing herein sfwll be mnsfrued m prohlBmg Beneficiary from seeking o deTiciencY I�Ament oquinst <br /> fhe Trustor ta the extem such oction rs permineA br lox. - <br />- ' '- 10. Tmniler ol Pmperry;lqtvmptlon.II all or ony poh of tFe popenr or ony mterest there�n is soW,tronsierred or conreyed by Trostor <br /> �� � witMui Beneticiary's p^or written consent,e.dud�nq(a)tM creotion of a lien or¢ncumbrance subudinote to this D¢ed of TNS1. (b)the ttea- _. <br /> tion of a purchose money security mterest for household appliances,IU o tronsfer by devise,descem or by oDemtion of law upon the deoth of a -- <br /> --.i' 'q`_:. <br /> joint fenom or (d) fhe gront of onT leosehold interest of fhree years or less mt conmininp an opfion to purclase. Beneticiary moT, of <br />-____"..___'_ ' .. . . ._"'" '_''____��.._.._'"'""'��...�:.ti�.on.......x.:....�daml..6rnMmv�ie ,vmumtho7msfootofil¢anDtice " ' <br />_.....-.--:.:....._ o¢nencwr7eePna�.vwm�cm���s>w��a.�.N......�...................�....._..."""• "'_"_'_'___" '_'"_ _ <br /> of defouiL Beneticiory sholi hove rroired sah opfion to a<elera�e if,prior to tM sole,trmsfor ar conve�pnce.Bentficiary aM the Derton to — <br /> � whom 1hY property is fo be wld or tronsferred reach opreement in writinq Ihat th!«edit ol sah persOn�s Wtistafory to Ben�ticiory ond thot <br /> �"� ��� fho iNeresf poYOble on 7ha sums sxwed by this D¢ed of irust sholl be oi swh rate as Bene&iary sMli requnt. <br />_ �-��, '.� ; <br /> -'� �[.f:. ' <br /> •.�Ci i�a_h'.l <br /> :.i?! <br /> !�l i <br /> v . <br /> - . ?i. : <br /> __ . .., .-� <br /> . . a. .. <br /> : • .. .: <br /> "'. .. ,aj <br /> ' -_ , � <br />