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yY'!';;{ . Y : : ; �t-.��pc,.n��-r�r � e �_� L . . _ — . . ._.. -._ _. <br /> st i 1 ��" .-'Y "E"�;�i �1lr" i: .t ]t 5 'i l 9 _ . <br /> 1� P /•r7f 4C r '7� P_ _"' • • • o,.rr��. -.���.r-:. <br /> ..y VLa:..i2Y���i+�'"".. . _.._.. -.. <br /> '�� . i�3° �4� _- - _ <br /> � , ° 0tE0 0/TRU3! <br /> � � TH18 TRUBT DEEO,m1d9 Nte�Oe of�°Y te 9�by ub emo RONALD - <br /> - <br /> "� AND JUDI141 A. MB A Ntt NUBH ANu WIYS A8 J i u7,�AnND N AB TBN 8 IN COTQiOH <br /> �,�-v whasoma�IrqeAdras�is T���� � a•- Pau Roea UraaA I��'��b8801 ..... .. ... . .. <br /> b�`�„� �AtdN'TN5tut'�74AC�qC.°7. C,i�,wSr668fiMr�lfltl�irolii8P.0.B8xi87�W6DtlRN2r.Ne#�ke68893.1�+01n'TN!l23�"!nd"88Mikis�y9 - ..-. .. <br /> a FOR VAIVABI[COliSIDFRATIOH.Inclu64�q tha Indebtedness Indantified Mroln and 1M tnnt twreN vaated,tM��Nlpt 0}wNtb 13 hNYDy �""n`-� ,�•r-.__.. <br /> � �`}{�+y� almowNdped.Trusta Nr�vacaEry praMf,lmmtM�,eom�ya,ad assipnf to Truitt�, IN iRUST.WIiN POWER Oi SAIE,ta tM Mmfir ard � <br /> xr, pq�rlty of Bamfklary.wdar and wbNet ro thetitms ad wnditions of lhif Uaad of Trust.the rao�propertY dosuibed af(o�ows� q :t.°" ��, _°; <br /> r �z- .�.,� - . <br /> � ,�t�� f• _ .. <br /> `t`tr � ';' The Bouth 8alf of the Bouthweet Quarter (81/28H1/4) of SecCion Fourteen (14), Townehip �:�ic � _ r <br /> +.>� 11+83vn (12) North, Range Nine (9) Weet of the 6eh P.H., Hall County� Nebraeka. �(titiurfr, �T�,�ta„x � <br /> w tt , <br /> �Y3�,1'I � � � yyt pi t q <br /> ����." S��� �t,t�i�t� <br /> S. iif 1 �.h(r �} <br /> / 4 < � �-'.j .,. . <br /> /..��- {ry?�.`aµ�'�iys.. <br /> ��i{4Z�i I�A3�4{,. 'F�'E)KY!�.F = <br /> 1 s _' . (i-c�d".y''n ' <br /> �h A�T�y <br /> yP�t};Y� \�i'� 43ttv.�'a�......-... <br /> 1�!�ty��1�5i - .1�:1 e _- <br /> i Y�S�It�• �lt1Y} . ( - _- <br /> �Y>-�f:� --`.-s t r:�___ <br /> n v4��y �. �C;e�r <br /> ly�S{ <br /> ����;�_ t(',� � ��f���i'.5..- _. <br /> � )� £)1��,i �},e>��{ !♦. � <br /> �:9��5 V-�'��tl�:i' s��'.5?�,^"s;` <br /> it• ��."- f}L�'t� A� v. <br /> �� i �'S�:Tf t tiA - <br /> i If cl , <br /> { � �Jy` �y ,*{�{�L _.-- <br /> (-.9 i f �>ji,!�) wx� ==� <br /> 1 �y� �T'.tM1 ' _—. <br /> -r _ �� TOGETHER WITH,oll rents,profifs,royalties,incane oM orher Mnefih dwived iran the reol property;oll leases w subkosa coverinp ttw �,Y;�,���� <br /> - .�f -- ^ r2al propMy a om pOrtion theteoi,now or hereafrer exisiing or eniered'mio,a�oi�riyRt.tiitn ur��aa>t aS Tra>t�:h�::c:d:c:9 ir. 6Fr-i�` N .�— <br /> f' teresn,estata or other cioims,6oth in lo�v ond in eq�ity,which Trustor now has or moy hereatrer aquin in�he reol qaperty;all eosements tF` � �, �., : <br /> � '�'-t-lr�� riyhts-of-woy, tenemeNS,Aeredifomeros and opp�rteronces thereof and fherefo:ell oil and gas righ�s ord Drofits,wate riphts and�afer (s��� $F� < - -_- <br /> - �r�s stak;oll dpht,tiHo ond intcrest of Tmsta,now owned or heteotte acquired,in and fo oiry land lyinq within the riphhof-woy of any strtet a bri�� � t"" �_-;. <br /> ' -�-� 7}+� highway adjoininp the reol property,any and oll buildinys,fixtuns, improrements.ond appurtenancet now or he�eaker ereeted fhereon a _';�°� i lr,��`6°--,T„i <br /> „ .-�� belonginy thereto,(herein reterred fo as"ImpioremenY'a°Improvemenfi');ond om�and all arroids made for the takinp by eminent dortwin ,�<�.r 4`�r ����._:: <br /> � 1: or by any praeediny or purchase in lieu thereof,of the vAa4 or any port of the rwl properry. r�h �'?�,tt`t��°`.,�_�'� <br /> 4, .; ���(a .,, t� . <br /> p;�_. NI of the faeyoiny etmro, and intemst hereby conveyed to Trusfoo herein collectively reforred to os the"Propeny". - - ���1 ' .-. <br /> �r _ y„ THIS DEED OF TRUST SHAII SECURB `ii� i � -' - <br /> � -F��!? (a)Th�poyment of(ndebtedness evidenced by T sta's note of even dafe herewith in fhe principal sum of ���'�� ' n� iu�� -.�- <br /> � - -'- Eighty-Five Yhousand and no/1�0---------------------°- --=_pollon (S 85.000.00 __). '�'(;t(�� ,rn; -r;rr. <br /> > - - % topather with intenst at the rate a retes providad therein,(hertin.topefher with any ond oll renewals,modificotions.and ex�ensions thxeof. ;}��' � ]��tpt�M� i. <br /> it' .'� c}r�i�`^ <br /> , - .�� �:. refeved to os the"NOte'9 bofh qincipol and interest on ihe Note 6einp poyobie in acwdance wi�h the ttrms set forih therein,retererce fo ;`�;y�} r� ,� ,, <br /> i . - •U which is hereby moda,the final poymcnt ot principol and iMerest,it not saoner paid and if no renerrols,modifications or e:tensions ore modt i - -.- <br /> y due a�payoble an_ Mav l. 2008 _ -- ---- '4s� � 5rld 'S '. <br /> tcv,,,� 1 5h,,t���' <br /> - : @)iheperformonceoFeahagreementondcorenantotTmstorhereinwnlained:and �r� _t G;,e .i ..` <br /> � - (e)ihe payment ot any sum or sums of money wilh interest thereon which moy be hereoHer pnid or advanced under fhe terms of this DteO of 1''�f t �.�4?; �',, <br /> y i}�-�pi TNSt. t. _. � �:r.4 -+. <br /> � �,'_5,`:[ (d)Tha paymenr of any fulure adrances necessory to qotect ttw securiry or any tuture odrance made or ihe optim of the parties:ond � f . $t�{���H�', <br />�._;' .. plTheperformonceofonobliymionofonyotkrpersonnomedinthisTrustDeedtoobeneficiory. �`�..., ::,,- : <br />�--;.t• •,�'" TOPROTfRTHESECURITYOFTHISDEfDOfTRUST,TRUSTORHERE8YC0VFNANTSANOAGREESASWllOWS: ri� --� � ;� -;�'' - <br /> 1.PoYmeM o}Vrindpal and Inf�nst.Trustu sMll promptly poy when due the prin6pal ot ond imerest on the indebredness ovidenced by the r � � . . ... <br /> " -� " Nofe.and all ofher charqus ond fees as provided in fhe Note,ond the principal of and interest on any Future Advonces secured by this Deed of � <br />' Tros1. <br /> , 't� 2.Warranry of iNle.Trosfor it lawfullr seixM antl possessed of good aM indeteasible titie and esm�e to the Property hereby conrerM and _ -- <br /> hat fhe riyht fo gronf ond convoy the Properfy,fhe Propeny is free and cleur ot all liens and encum6raMes extepf liens now of record:ond <br /> Trustor will vrorrant oM detend the title to the ProperfY Wui^st oll claims and demonds. - <br /> � !' 3.Mdmenaue and CempOonn rith lmrf.irusta sMll keep�he PropeNy in qood condition ond repair a�sholl not commit woste or cerm�t . <br /> . ,� impairment or deteriaa�im oi Ihe Properfy and sMll complY wifh the prorisions of any lease if th�s Deed of Trus�is on o IeoseMid.No improve- <br />... � ,. . ment now or hereafter erected upon the Propeny sholl be oltered,remored or demoGShed without�he pnor wriiter.consenr ol Benefrcrory. <br /> irustor sAall complywifholl lows,ordinonces,requtafiom,mvenamz,conditions and resvictions affMinp the Propeny and mt mmmit.suffer, <br />. or permit ony oct to be done in or upon the Pmpeny in riolotion of ony low,ord�nonce.regulation,w•enont,condition or res�riction.irosfor — <br /> � - -' :� sMll canpleta or resfore prompfiy ond in good xorkmnnite mnncer any impovement on the Prop¢rty which may be domoqed or desfroyed ond � <br /> � poy,whendue.ollciaimsforlaborperformedandmoterialsfurnished�here(oreondforanyolterationsfhereof. <br /> -� ' Y. IIIGYfNIG�� IlV)�Vf�V11�JOF�1CIpp.T1111M��1V���m��iii�>NN)V�IiV�NYjVfi�Ciit�NT.ii�>Ninwcnii�ivaye�iiv• v�:�nvii v��ii� <br /> personol properfy,consfi�utinp fhe Property,opoinsf loss by fire,IipMninp,fornodo.ond mher periis and latards covered by stondard e:tended <br /> " coveropo endorsement,in on omount equol to o�leost one hundred percenr of the full repkcement value thereof and insurance agoins�such <br />- � - other tro:ords ond in such omouNS as is c�stomorily corried by owners and operotors of simuiar properties or os 8eneiiciory moy requ�re fa��s <br /> . '� - protettion.Trusfor will canply with such ofher requirements as Beneficiory moy from time 10 time requesf for the protecfion bY��suronce of fhe <br /> - interests ot the respectire parties.All insumtKi policits mointoined pursWnt to this Deed oi Trust slall npme Tmstor and Beneficiory es�n- - <br /> � svreds.os their respectire interests moy oppear.ond qoride Ihat tM1ere slwll be no concellation or modifica�ion witlwut no Iess than I S days <br /> ._��.;_,_ . prior written nofitimtion fo Beneficiary. In the erent ony policy he�eunde� is nof renawed m or before 1 S doys prior to ils e.pirotion dote. - <br /> -_ � Benaficiory may qavre such insuronce in acadance wiih the proviiions of portgroph 7 hereot.Trustor sholl delirer to Beneficiory fne originol <br /> �!'i��:i'��•- policies of insmance aid rtnewols fhereof or memo copi�s of such policies ond renerrols thereof.kilure to fumish such insumrce 6y Trustor.w <br />- ' rQnewols os req�ired hereunder the opfion of Bxwficiary,constit��e a detoulr. <br /> �_.. ._ <br />