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� i,� � � ._, �_- - - - . <br /> �'fSC.ili - �}y� - i _.-.�-T--- <br /> _� . • ��f��:�Slj� �s- ��o41GU� �- �: r - _ . --_ . <br /> , 11.Aali�fr V�O�h�Ni M�xlfn�NM. Upan dataH Ey TNZta N tM paymmrof a pxfarinonn of fM prml ond eqbttiani o1 <br /> � tMlbN,Nanyrenlxol�,mo0lfkallon�a�xtMSlan�tMrwbocrMpaymxeofm�yothxln3�EiN�wua�rbh+r�6yalnrMpir�ormoK► •: • <br />_ =�� o�mryoftMwmxantiaaa�emenuMrwndx�De+N1k1�Y�YdfclaqolltumsnaindMr�YimnMbtlIydwaMpayoONandtMtaAN ' ---_ <br />-;ai,:r� �holl iMrxqan Meom�Qu�ad paY�N wfNwut p�antmmt,d�mon0,protnf a notla of a�y kNd,thxwftx.NrNiklary moy Mlirirto . . — <br /> -- <br />_�`.�'-a� inntMOmHtMbelaratbnofd�taulton�demmdfaioM.TrvstM�Aolltar�IMpoxvrofsoWoftMDropetyaMf}BxNfkt�yGeiGsfh� <br /> `�;:':"f,'n'?.,.: Prapvly Is to b�oM It tfall MpoQ►e11h Trutt��tN�Oqd oi iNSt aM ttx NoN a not�s and miy oilxr daumini�widxKiny o�endda�i <br /> ..� ••t-,r ,. <br /> .�„� �b ry��py,oM�holl ddlrer fo Trvstu o wrlitM nottce of datoul�ana dKtlon to eavu�he Proptrty to be ioW,aM TruttH.N Nm,eAell <br /> �,n �r� pnpaeacMllanotlnlnthetamrequlrNDylm+MhkhihoOMdulyfikdfancadDYTrv�tae. -- <br /> T •� (o)After tha I�se of tuch tMro at moy be raqukM by law folbvAng�he r�ordotlm of Notke o}De}autf,ond Notla of Wfatf and Natke of ,. <br /> fat�hortip baa�ptren o�rpulnd Dy la�r.TNtiH,wlthoN damand on Trusta,ehafl tell tM Vroperry In one a ma�p�wfs ond In w�h ordn <br /> fa p <br /> �' �i'e�,.�,-, asTrustamoyditxmineontMdatemdmthetNn�andplaeedaslpmledlnwldNotkeofSoN.mpublleauetbnrotA�hlpMst6lddar,tMqn __ v <br /> � ; F� ehase prlu para5le In eash In Imrful rtwrwy of ihe United Stmes at tM tlme of mle.The penon eo�dueting tM eala may,ta any eause heor�he <br /> ,�,}c d�emf��edlent,po#pone 1M mk irom tlme to tlme untll Ir�Iall 6e wmpleted and,N evary wch wse,ratlw o�posfponemmt�MII be plven _ <br /> ' +' by publk dxlamlon thereof Ey sudi person ot the tlma and place lost oppolntM tor the�ole�prorldad,If the wle Is�wstponed fa bnpor ttan = <br /> `'���-� are(l)doy 6eyond tM day dedgmted In the No�Ice of Sole,natlw thereo}tholl be plven In tM wme rtwnner af the aiplral Noflce of Sale. !��=�� <br /> '�%��"`-"!4 Trustee clall exewte and del(ver to tM purchaser B�Oead�onveyfny tha PropertY�o wld,6N wifhan ony convenant a wartonty,expres�,or —�_ <br /> �'"�`''� Implled.TM recNals In the Oeod ot mry mattor�a fadt dall be caaluslve poof of the tMhfuNess thereo/.My penon,tncludlnp wlthow r:""` <br />��`�?�i�;;';�'�?'°i :�;�z..;--- <br /> +: i� �{ IlmltatlonTmate�,maypachoseatthemle. - <br /> i � �s @)•1Yhen Tnntee ielb punwnf To ihe powen Iwreln,Trvstee shall appl�the paoeds of Me wle to poymant of the cosp and expense�of °i�����- <br /> ��°T'°'s'{�� exerds 1M ofmleondofthecole,tnchd' withw111mltoNon,iha — <br />,,,,y�,�,_lr,�,. 4p puwer ug, paymantofinntea'sFeeflncurred,vAdchTrustaeYPoesthollnot <br /> ��a Y� i: In the apgregore exceed the totlowlnp omounn bosed upan fhe omount secaed hereby and remolning u�atd� S percentum on Ihe halance " <br /> -:;.j��__;,,;��- ihereoh ond then to fhe Items set foreh In subparapraph(e)hereof In the ordertherefn itoted. -_- --- <br /> �+ �jf��,�+�L (q ANer poylnp tha ttems speeiHed in subparagraph(b),B tha mb Is by Lustea,a the propar tourt nnd othar costs oi tattlosvre and mle � _ <br /> ,� - - If tlw wle(t pvrwont to�udfctol foreloswe,the paeeds of sole sholl6e opplied In ihe order stuted bolow to the poyment of� _ <br /> tr��.n..A , �="_° <br />�-;_''".t�ry.ff� --. <br /> ;�r;,,�'.z',+�'; p) Wstotaryevldenceofittlepoc�redlnconneqfonMithsuthcateandofanyrevenuerequEedto6epaida =_ <br />�:':§r':-•:..,t�.. (4) Attomeytfaes� — . <br /> '' ;f,•�'.3�"`a!i (3) Nlcumstl�ensec�redhereby� -- <br />-��"3rh'ri�i,�• (q Junfortrustdeeds,mwtgoyes,orotherlienholders�and <br />