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:.,�.: ?�`�{?i <br /> ra .f-LStfa� i . .. � -+ � . _. .. . <br /> 1i�C# (; . „ — . <br /> �� s.��� e ,�(l�eN�.Trvsta daA p�Y clNm�es,osmrm:nb cnd mMr�Aapo�,Mel��y.witlwut I�n(t�tluo,�r�e�m�t+n -- ° – <br /> Ks poskbn�aftrilutoDl+totMiropxly,andMo��M�OD�1'�tiapraudnnp,Hary,6�ta�fMwrtN6kaMQ�Cn�xnt.TNftotihdipromp — <br /> tty funitU ta Banefklary all noikls of anow�t�bH udo tAb pnrapraph,and N 1M�wm Tnnta�Aoil moh�paym�nt dir�etry,Trusta�hoil <br /> r' i+ .,. oromOtry(ud►h to G+nifklay reuW»ovlQandg suAi pa�tN.Tnntcr tlroN DoY aN laxef and ostsNm�Mt xMkA maY M Nv4d tpon ------ . <br />_`:h:�";;j';nF Bsn�flclory's IMe�st Mnin a upon thl�Dtrd ol Trust wlMoul np�d to wy taw IFaI may 6►enattW Inpoalry poymml af 1M afiob 6►a�y <br /> , i pattACreatWCnNwB�'tkkry. — <br /> `t ' �` 6.N/1NMI U+n M h»kttox M Mwftekrp'�fxwk/.Trusta eholl moko all peyment�of Intxest and qineipol ond paym�ntt of any - <br />� ��'�'�� ofMr chaaf,in�aM e�mse�eontrated to b pok ro aq�zisfNp IU�oldxi a pla Em�ikkrNs undv ary pria dNd of trutt a ma <br /> ' `�, tpoQ3 botae flro date fhoY ae dellrvNem and prompfh poy ad dlWnrpe my ab atl ottw IUro,elalmf a dwpns wAkA maY Hopardit�the � <br /> ���4';-�,�''� �acurtty prontad htraln.If irufta folis to mcke an�wch poyment a talit to pxform any o}tM cov�nmts and o��xixntt wntoNM In thit <br /> :.`�h:�+ '� Deed of Trvst,or fn arry plw mat�pps a deed oHrust,os k�,a�ia�a a«.eeup��w�,c.a w�en marxiony afr«r.�n�neiar'f In s .-L <br />- ��-:;. :z.:: <br /> in:; �;�y`tii� taest In the Vroperry,tncludinp,but not NnRed te,eminent domuin proceadiny�,a praeedfnys ImGdnp a dau�nt,a if Trvsta foilsto pay .,_-- <br />:`�=,�'�,'s ?.;,� Trusta's debf:penerolh as rhey baom�due,tMn Btnefldary, m Beneftctary's opfion ad wHhaR nofice to a demond upon Tnnfa oM ��;____ <br /> ��� ��` �'`d wfNwvt rdecsi husta trom any oblfgatlon herronder,may make w�h oppaoranns,dlsMn�e cuch:umf,ond take suchaHion m b nxessory �,,Y-e_:. <br /> s-:fi;::; ,�a� e9 _- <br />-;;r"`•�- �*<' to potecf 8oneffciary's intoros�Indudinp,6ui no�GmNed to,disburxment o}reasono6le afrorney's tea,poymmf,purdase,contest a wm• -__ <br /> .c,'%`•i=:� �--�'-- —_. <br />- ;=:7;3�:k,; pranls�of ony encum6ranca,cMrge or Ilen, an!�niry�pon fho Property to moke rapalrt.In tM erent ihpt Truttor Owll fail to praure Im _ <br />:'s`"`','����"-'f sworce or ta pay tezef,assessments,or any ofher eharpes a to rtxit�ony poymenb to existLp prior Iien hoiden a benefletaieL&Mfidory _ __ <br /> �t� U ; �,; _ <br /> __..�F�.r�.;�;' may prawe svch insorance and mak�such paY�^t.My amounts disburted 6y Beneficiory paswM to thb Poroyayh 6�holl Mwrtw�fiawl . _- <br /> r j1,y4r w� indebtednets of Trotta savr¢d by this DEed of trust.Such amounit�hall be poyable upon notics fran Beneflcl�y to Trvsta requestlnp puy °°' <br /> �r,�� , ment fhereof,ond shall6ear tnterest iran the dote of disbusemant at ihe rote poyable iran time to time on alstanQnp principol wder tho r � <br /> � t�*s?; ; � Note unless payment of interest o�svch roto would be aoMrory fo applicoble law,in which eront such omounls slnll bear inlerest at fhe higltest ,_,.. <br /> � � �;;• mte permasble under applitahlo taw.Nothing caitained in tAis Pmoyroph 6 sholl requiro Be�refierory ro fncur my ezp�nse a take anY oetion -- __. <br /> `�ct ����s�; herounder. Fs =--- <br />'-`i'��;�*ip"�; 7.Mtiynm�M of Rmt�. Beneficiory sholl hm�ihe ripht power ond outAOrity dainy tM comfnucnca of this Deed of Trust to collect M� �-- <br />'�'�1V�"�`•'�{y rents,issuos and profits of the Propeny and of o�ry permnol property bcated tMreon with a withouf foking potsasion o1 the poperfy oHeNed �"�'°�--'-- <br />•�:1�;;.t'rJS'.a F.;�...—. � <br /> °;i��r,<.;;�.7, here6y,and Trostor here6y obsoluteM a��ncond�tionalty assqns all sah rmfs,issves ond pofitt to Bene(Iciory.Benetkiary,howerer,hareby _ . <br /> a.,v::.;';�.:: r.yF""–- <br />,��.,:;,fti:�,.., consents to tAe TmstoYS colleciqn and�etmtion of suh rams,itsoet end qofits os they acuue ond become porable w kng as Trusta is rwt, r..�,,-„ <br /> r,4�._�� at cueh time,in detaulr with respect to poyment ef any indebtedness sevred hereby,or in the performonce of my agreemanl hereundtr.Upon �- �- �.:__ <br />.+,�+�5,:.;:?.!j:: any svch defoulT,BeneTiciary may ot ony time,ei�M1er in pe�son,by oyent,a by«ceiver to 6e appointed by o couf,witMN nofke and wffhoul �.„i_- <br /> x" - <br /> �eqord to fM adequacy of ony sesvrity tar fha indabfedness hereby seeured, (a)en�er upon ond toke possession of TM P�operty a wy pm1 �`���. <br />°"?!'t�i�-"��' thereof,ond in its ovm wme me fa or otherwisemllect such rmts,issues ond pofBt,Includinp tlwse past d�e ad unpaid,aM opply the mmt, ���- -�� - <br /> =;..,.,i: �.i l::�,:..' <br /> ��. .�a��;i:• lets tosti�d exptns�s of operation ond collection, ircludinp reasanobie atromeys feet,upon any indt6tadness secwed hereby,and in�uch s . <br /> M�. � _ e _,vy ur proper m eonserve the wlue of tM � � <br /> �, , a-da at Ba.-firari Ra'�dara:Rra:@1 F'rforn a,`..ect:e.repar a rolect!on us mnY h°ne_as�_. -_ . _.. ___ . <br /> h a i�{`F, Properry,(c1 lease the wme a ony part�h�reof fa sah remol,term,and upon tah conditions as fts'rydgment may dteta�e w terminate or ad �- .- <br /> ,s} :- - ((;%+ jvst the terms and conditions of any existiny leoswr leosas.Unless Tmstor ond Benefidory oyrea oTherwise in wrNing,arc/applfwNon of rantf F '�i-". <br />�,� - - ��:t issues or profits to ony indebtedness seeaed henby sMll not extenE or postpom the dua date of�he inttallment paymmtt as provided in toid r:u 4�y�--_, <br /> ,� �. promissory note or change fhe amoont of such esinllments.The enroring upon ond taking possessim of�he Property,tha collxtion ot such = <br />+�j _ 1!,`; rems,iswn oM profifs,and fhe opplirotion tM1ereof os afaaaid,slall mt vroive or cun any defwit w nofiu of delault heraunder,or fn- 4Z%� c!� --=. <br /> �„_<<-._ t„ validote any at done Dvrsvont to sah miice. Tmstw also assiqns ro Beneficfary,as further seeuriry fa the performonte ot ihe oblfpattons ��;�"1 {��:_f._ <br /> ` secored hereby.all prepoid rents and all monies.hieh moy har�been or may hareoffer be deposited with said Trvstor by any lasee of the Pro• =,.��,rk����:���"�r;;�,_ <br /> ��aC: t�a i � �§�_' ' <br /> ""� - perty,to secure the poyment oi uny ren�ar domoges.and upon defoult in the performanu of any of the povisbns hereof,Lustor oprees to , ,, r� ,y r�.��.:� <br /> �S delirer such ronts urcJ doposifs to Beneficiary. De�nery of wrinen no&e of Beneficiory i exercise of ihe dghts qronted herein,to any tenonf a- �j;�;�'€� ✓ rr _- -. <br /> CupY�M Sad p�emisYS sholl bG sufficiMt to requirl wid�enpnHO pay iaid rent to the Beneficiaty until(urth0t notit@. h°:� 5?`��tsr,;}-: :_ <br /> � �� 8.Condtsnatkn.If tifle to any part of the Praptrty sholl6e taken in condemnotion prae�n9s,by right of eminent danain or similar oetion - - � �y_'?`�; . <br /> , �i; or ehall be sold uMer fhreot of condemnotion. oN owords,domopes oM praeeds are herebr ossipned and sMll M paid to Beneficiary w1a thall �sF i y �` r;�5. .. <br /> n , ' � <br /> apply such wrords.damaqes oM praeeds�o the sum saured by this Doed of Trust,wirh the tzcass,if any,pofdto Trusla.If Trustor receivei -.s,r�E�t,,,i,- `�_- <br /> - any nofict or other infamotion repardiny sucF actuns or proceMings, Trustor slall qire pomp! written notite thaeof to bonaflciary- "'', ,� , �-�_�j.�� <br /> ' Beneficiary shall be entiNed,ot its commence.appeor in ond prosttute in in own mmt any such octionor praeedings and slall be en• :..�..•.;;!!"j '.'- `.. <br /> � �r � <br /> - � tifled to moke any compromise or setllemmt in cannection weh ony sucA oction or qaeedinps. �l{� ` I�tir�-• �� <br /> � --! 9. Rem�dtet Not fidu:fre Beneficiary shall 6a entitled�o ontorco poymem and perfamonca of ony indeblednest a obliqa�ions seared '.;, s ' ns7,'-1�; <br /> _ ' +., here6y ond to ezercise o11 riphts ond powers unde this Deed of Trust a under afry other agreement executed in connettionherowith or oiry laws �rs.��T�`_'��"-°�l'..`r.�t{:.;r; <br /> ' - � now or hereoffer in force,nmwi�hsfondiny somo a all of tho sah iMebtedne:s and obligations secured hereby moy non a heroofter M other- �!fl.; �' `is�j�w=`r;�:t'- <br /> :> •1. `;•, k•,.r. <br /> wise sewrM,whether by mongage,deed ot trvst. pledge.fw,asspnment or olherwise.Neither the occaptarce of this Deed of Trost nor its �. � .��',.�.y;�- <br /> entacementwhelherbymurta�ionor suanttothe owerotsoleorother wershereinconroined,sholl e'udiceainon mannaaffect � ������ '1t�;;;:};,;- <br /> � . V� P W MI Y (� ���- <br />� Beneficiary's rigAt to reali:e upon or entorce arc�other security now or hereaher heW by Beneficiary.if beiny npreed 1Mt Beneficiary shall be ?;�,�._� . ' <br /> � enlilled to enforce this Deed of imst and any o�ber security mw q hereafter held by Beneficiory in such order ond marvier as it mpy in its ab• - ` -- <br /> - solWe dis[retion derermice.No remedy herein cmferred upa�or reserved fo Beneficiary rs�ntended to be eulusne of an/other remedY herein . - <br />�� or bp law provided or perm�fted.but eoch shail 6ecumulotive o�d shell be�n odd�tion to every ofher remeAy qiven hereunder or now or hereafter � <br /> existinp ot low or in epuify or bY z�afute.EverY power or remedy pmnEed hereunde�this�eeA of irusf 10 Beneficiary or to wh¢h it muy be - <br /> � otherwise emitled.moy be exernsed.conrorrennY or indepeMennY•trom+�me�o time ond os often as may 6e deemed expediem Beneficiary � <br /> _ ond�tmorpursoefnconsistamremedies.Nathinynerefnshollbeconstruedosprohfb�tinqBenet¢iaryiromseekinpadefi6encyjudqmentopainst <br /> the irvsta to fhe eitent sxh uction is permitted6y Ian. <br /> 10. Tmm}er ol Propert�;As�umption.If oll a any port ot ite D�aPerty or any�merev there�n is sold,tronsferred a conreyed by irostor <br /> witlqut Beneifciory's prior.rrinen corseni.e.Juding(ol the�reotron of o I�en or encumMonce subordmafe to th�s Deed of Trosf.(b)fhe creo- <br /> fion of o purciwse morey securi�r imerest for household appLOnces.Ic)a tronsfer by dev�se.descent ar by opera�ion of bx upon the deoth ol a <br /> joint fenont or (d) the qronr of ony leusehold mreres� ol three reers or less not conto�ninp on oPtion to purchose. Beneficiory moy, ot <br /> � n..,.r:...:.,,,..:,,�, a..w...n��.��,....����.en n..�n�.�voe ef rr�Kt fe he�mmne�melv dce nnd oarable.or<auce the Tr�stee�o tile o nofice . <br /> of dafouit�Benaficiory sho��hare rroived ou�n opfion io oca�erofe�f,prior fo the so�e.7m�sfer or conreyo�ce.Beneficiory oM�he person io <br /> whpn tM properiy is�o be soid or tmnslerred reoch opreemem in wrifing tMf fhe credit ol sah person is satisfatory fo�enaficiory o�d tM� <br /> fhe inferest poyo6le on the tums sucured 6y this Oeed of Trusf iholi be o�such rote as Beneticiary sholl reqvcst. <br /> � ,� <br /> . . � . .-— � . . . � <br /> . . - 1. _ <br />