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, �� , . _ <br /> { ; ... , <br /> _ � . . , ����p�i���'�"�� - <br /> . c�ao ca r�us* _ ' — - <br /> �� THIB TRUBT OEED,m�0e Ihb�«Oe o1 1 ��nq� BONALD - . - <br /> =�..��`,�3 � '��o���ao.b��T���f��stn"�a�°noa sWb�n eia4sn .T ax��o�!' ns zr�ss ix co�vx � � y`--- <br /> -- <br /> ,.,.�... . <br /> ���'� Naeln"Tnie�or9iubYMw�E11�I8�wMsemelOnpeddreeabP.0.8oxrB�,WOaOHiveRN�CravIn88803�1heroln'TNBIBB,°an0•�ptne�daN�. <br /> , �,u FON VAlUABLL OONSIUfltAT10N,tnchiAlnp sta Indebtednesf IndanBflM her�in and�he nusr her�in vwtad,tM nwipt o}rf,t�is fia:aCy - - -_ <br /> � ataawMdped Yrusta Inaraobry yam�,tronsfa�,convey�,aM ossipns fo hustee,IN TliUff,WITH oOWEA Oi SAlE, fm tM 6eMfit and <br /> :";�';-•-. �eeurlNofBenefklmy,underand�ubpcetotMtermsad�adirtonsoffNSOndofTnnr.�harwlqoperrydexri6edas(otlorn� <br /> ,. . . _ .- <br /> "'� The 8outh Halt ot t4e Bouthwase QuarCer (Sl/28W1/4) of Saction Fourteen (lA). Townehlp <br /> � <br />-�;''��)%4 7Welve (12) North, Aanga Nine (9) West of tha 6th P.M., Hell County, Nebraska. ��.,_�. <br /> .`4�}j(J/'C <br /> ._ 'JR f( �x`:" _. <br /> i � .. <br /> ,�I�']�i } 1 �.t1 ___ .. <br /> T 'a3a� �1.��-ri'._. u�, _yc?..�. <br /> j -� k .. .:.YA��-J. <br /> �p'��` ' �;� <br /> '"Ft1ik. Fi� 1 .� "`' . <br /> �����;s &� '��7�a�, <br /> :^ <br /> ��i s,�� `.-,'.-.+..ik.s. - <br /> .'•v�,.-�itd Y�st�'1_EV.:�'- — <br /> 1t![t <br /> qV�7}l� 1 "xyy`t -M " <br /> .::.. r_a` _.., <br /> T�j$'L� . <br /> r . ) <br /> i [n_n`` � j 5 f'' <br /> J <br /> . «i�'�`l�:t ��- `-'�J - <br /> (4 J/t ' <br /> '-'�s�y 1 y' �i... : <br /> I �r k� � °_ <br /> l4 l�' 'Si)'.4`��,;Su _ <br /> } �.cst�� r.(t�.: .ir:;. . <br /> ..� +,? t��.ql;�.� <br /> ''c.'[S:, 4 _. <br /> ,,�. z� ��'izir �,r�� <br /> �,r��. 'r, _ <br /> s �;. <br /> ' �`-�`•- T06EfHER WIiH,oll reros.profifs,royalties,income nnd other benofifs derired from tiw real property;all leaset or subleases coverinp fhe - _� -: <br /> i - :.�_ real property a onr patiai thereof,now or hereotter existiny or entered into.and all riyht, fi�h and interest of Trustor tMreunder:all in- >;`t,t'�p+"� � <br /> � '�,�{,,t tereifs,ostate or mher cloims,both In law oM in equify,which Trusfor mw Iws or moy hereafter aquire in fhe reol properfp all eosemems, k���s7;-�� � -- - <br /> �,.,�.,.t= ( dghfsof•vroy,tenemems,hereditomems ond appurtemnces thereof and thereto; oll oil ond gas rights ond profiis,xoter rights ond rroter � l�� _�: <br /> �,t� :� stak�all ripht,titlo and iNerest of Trustor,now owned or hereofler ucquired,in oM to any land F�ing within the righbof•woy of any slreet w �;b;�A ,i _ <br /> C:: !�i 'ti1k�/T(� %_ <br /> • Nghway adjoininp the real propeAy,any and nll buildinqi,fixtures, impovemems, ond appurtemnees now a hereofter erctted fhereon a �u ._,�, <br /> - � belo'pLp fhereto.(herein nferred ro as"ImpovemenY'w"Impovementi');and ony an7 0ll awards made for tlu toking br eminent domoin ��S!?"f;��?�?-_- <br /> -� a b a pra�edi or r<hasa in liw thereof,of the wholo a an n of the reol ro � �3�� � t�3�*'� <br /> ���is'� Y M �➢ W Y Do D Oe�h'� 't� 11I>1"AYt. <br /> __..�,(.,�n NI of the fa�poinp esfote,property ond inroresf hcreby convey�d to Trustee hxein collectively rderred to as the"PropeNy". {���,:��r ?,«_ . . _ <br /> ` ti THISDEEDOFTRUSTSHALISECUit& Y >' ��'� '_. <br /> tr �,; � (aI Tha paym nt of indebtedneis evid�need b�Trosiw's nore of even dare herewifh in the principol sum of i�c�,F� ,� ?�' r- � <br /> 4 cb�_ Highty-P�va Thouennd an no/ 00------°'°'--------'---°----°'�pnars (f As.0�0.n0 ? i1�s ..-_ <br /> ��1:,.;�;. � i ?.i'.,_ � ti�'Si�;�i� <br /> topether with interost at the rme a mtes porided fherein,(Aerein.topother with any and all ronewols,modificmions,and extensions tlareof, „ r,-� 7F„iEn: <br /> (r��.-�„ referred to os the'"Nof�'7 6oth principol and interest on tho Noto beinp poyable in acwdanco wi�h the ferms set torth ihe�ein,retxence to - i �i�,�. . -.;. <br /> �11F7 ,. tini, � n�-i:�` <br /> 1f �,R:_- whith ti here6y made.ihe tinal poy i nt Zf�aircipol and interest,if not tooner poid and if no renewols.modificotions or axtansions ore made, . ��-__ r�( ��J ;i; <br /> _ � -, .� due ond paYable on_t�iy - ---• , <br /> `�'�"��"�;` (b)iheperformonceofeacha eementondcorenontofTrustorheieintontoined;ond '`A"""'^;:�rin;`!�C< <br /> I}. :1 q( li.,t,},xl:°�.f_:. .+- <br /> ,,:`:i{v.'+Li.'' d�' <br /> -!iJ �. �'. (c)The payment of ony sum ar sums of money with interest thereon which moy he hereafrer poid a adronced under the terms of this Deed of �_-�.;, &;i - <br /> 4� <br /> i�S �„ �:s` �`'';. <br /> t;�� . TN51. 1 - _fd <br /> �-i., �f,� (d)ihe paymeN ot om/furore odrances necessoty fo potttt the securiry or ony tuture odvance mode at the opfion of fhe porfies;ond - -'� y��� `�y;- <br /> t� ` 5 i� (e)ihe perfanwnco of an oWiqotion of ony other person fwmed in this irust Deed to a 6eroficiary. h'�� --= <br /> c��,� � TOPROTEQiHfSCURIiYOFTNISDEEDOFTRUST,iRUSTORHEREBYCOVENANTSANDAGREESASFOLlOWS� I �{ ti„�- <br /> .,. -�, - 1.Vqment of Pdneipol and Inlueff.Trusta sMll pranptly poy when due the pincipal ot and imerest on the indebtedness evidenced by the <br />---A!�" "' -� Nofo,and all ofher ciaryes ond fees os provided in�he Nofe,and fhe primipol of and interesf on ony FWUre Advonces secured by fhis Deed ot � - , , <br /> Trust. <br /> - - i 2.WortaM�of iiH�.irosfor is lowfully sei[cd ond possessed ot good and indefeosible Gtle and estote fo fhe Property hereby comeyed ond _ <br /> � � hos tlw riqht to qronf ond convey the Property:fhe PropertY is iree ond cleor of oli lieni and ercumbrorces a:ceD���ens now of record:and j <br /> � Truttor rrill rrorrant ord deteM fhe title to the Propeny aqainsr otl clavns oM demands. <br /> 3.MdM�nrnto and CunpOan-i wNh lmn.Trustor shall keep rhe Properry in good condilion and repoir ond shail not commit woste or permit � <br /> impairment a deterioration of fha Property and shall comply with fhe pov�sions of ony leose if th�s Deed of Trusf is on o IeoseMld.Mo�mprore� <br /> � ment now or hereoker ereUed vpon the Properry stall be ol�ered, rertwreE a demo•ahed w��hom�he pior wrinen consenr of Benefic�ory. <br /> . � Tmsfor shoil cpnply wilh oll lows,adinonces,requktions.corenonts,cadnions ond restrictions aHecting�he Propery and no�commir,suHer - <br /> � � - or permit ony at fo be done�n or upon ihe PropenY in.iohfion of ony law.ordinunce.requlotion.covenont,cond���on or restricfion.iruitor <br /> � _�� sholl comp�ote a restore promptiy ond in qood workmonlike monner nm�improvement on 7he Property which moy be Eamoged a des��oyed and <br /> - . -� poy,whendue.allcloimsforioborperfarmedondmoteriolsiurnizhedthereforeandforonyolreruYOnsrhereof. <br />�- 4. Intvranw.Trusta,m ns ecpense.x511 rtqintain wifh insomrs opproved by Benefciory. insuronce wi�h respecf fo fhe Improremems and <br />.. personol propeny,constitutinp fhy PropenY.Wuinst loss by fire,liqhtning,tornudo,o�d other perils and Mtords corered by s�ondard ex�ended <br /> coverope on amounf eqvol fo ot leost ane hundred Dercent of the fuil reDlocement volue thereof ond�nsuronce oga�nst svch <br /> . ofher Mzords aM in sah artroum:os is customorily cavied 6y owners ond operotorz of simulor poperties a os Beneficiwy moy require for as <br /> - . protecfion.Tmstor wiil comply xilh such olher requirements os Bemficiary muy from tima fo time repuest for the prolxtion bY�nzuronce of�he <br /> inrerests of the mspective porties.AII insomnco pofcies moinroined WriwN to this Deed of trust sholl nome Tms�or and BenefiGary as m� <br /> Suredi,os their rYSpec�iri interesls may oppear,and proride 1Mt lhere SM��be iw concellation or modificotion rritMW no less Ihon ii doys � <br /> " prior wrBten nmifiwtion to Bendaiory. In tM event a1ry pofty hereunder is not renewed on a 6etore 15 doys pr'ror to As expimtion dofe. <br /> �.r�?'. Beneficiory may paura such inswance in acadonco rrith tM provisians of poroproph 7 hxeof.irusior sFwll deiirer to Beneficio�y the a�g�nol <br /> '« :1'':� policios of inswanco and renevrols thereof or memo coD�es of s�ch poiicies ond renowois thxeof.kilure fo furnish sah insuronce by Tros�or.or <br /> ..:�('-�E. <br /> � ,.4� � renewals as repuired hertunder slall,at the opfion ot Benaficiary,constitute o dufo�lt. <br /> , � _ <br /> - � ' - - -- - -- - i _.- - -- <br />