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\ ,r�� - . - . -.'.-_ , —,. _ .. _. , ' : . ... ... ._. <br /> 1xs" �i: � t ._: �: <br /> _ + , t . . . _— t♦ '7f� . . ... .. _ _ ��� ��1- —. .. � . -. <br /> �i:�at�„w„o�t�,,A���`e:•' OponGtouN�YTrvstn(nlMpryrtbntolyrpatormqenot�MtxrtlsaMtoM(tkrt}o�`, � <br /> tMHot�,dranyr�Swh,mod'ifkmlon�aex�tnsion�thatoof,oi�h�paypamofcmrmherinMEtaQness ucaditveDyaintl�pK(ama� <br /> --- otlrryoilMionvenant�oippn6mint�MrwMer.&mfleI�ymoyQectwsoncum�ca6redhae4ylmM�dkhrydwdnd¢�_yd�bq� andlM{M!� <br /> ----- tMli thxoupa�Meam�Eue an�payoDH witlwuf prnMtmenf,d�m2d,pranst a noNa of mry kind.ihxwHN.8lnitk►�yr�gFBtifrirfo -- — _ <br /> frutle�o xrlttm Nelautbno�Nfa1t ad dmarA ta roM.Tru�tn�MiI fqv�tM poiwr o}wleo!the Vrop�rtyand if 6xNfkkryMe►d��1M, <br />_-.;:�z� Crop�ny li to 6��ob R dan de0'��r wIM Truttw�Ns Ga�d o(YNn and tiw Hota ar r�ate9 mw1 rnY ather QawKnt��viGoralra i��hKtt _ <br /> '�;`=�— HeK�d MTMpY,and dqll Q�lint to Trusty o wrlttm notfa of dOtaulf and o1leflon to caus��he DropertY ro 6e told,and Trust��,N tum,lAoil <br /> ,� pnpanotimilarraflcolntMiamraquhedbykwMileh�hollNdutyliledfarecadbyTrustee. <br /> �-.� (alAftcrtn�topswiwchtlmoasmay6arequlrcdDylmvtollow6�pthsrecordatlanofNotkeofpetavlt,andNONttoiObfaulfaidNofluo} ,-,---- . ,_ ,,.. <br />,;-:��y kb havtnp been piren af raqulrM 6y kw,Tnnte�,without d�nwnd on Trusta,sholl cell tM Property in oM a mon paab aAin Nch orde� <br />,:^�.� oiTrustorrtaydeiermineonthedateondatfMtlmeondp�acede:ymtedlnwWNmkeofSote.olpubllcauctkntofMhlpMsibldder,tMpur — <br /> , thos�prkepayabbincoshinkwfulmoneyottheUnkedStotesatthetlmeot�ole.TheperwncaidvetinptMtolemay,taonycaussh�orsM <br /> ,* deem�ezpedient,postpone fM mla Nan iMe ro time until it clall be complefed ond,In avory�uch wsa,noike of postponemenf chall be piran <br /> r� b�qAlk datlmation thereof by such porcon at tha tUne aM plaw last appolntad fa the salo�praAdad,ff�he tole ii poslponad ta laqer than _._ <br /> ona(l l day 6eyon0 ths day deslyno�ad In the Noiks of Sob,mtko thorco}ihail 6e ptvan M the same momer af ihe aiylnol Nofice of SaPo. <br /> ?�� Trustee�holl ez¢cute and deGver to the pathoser its Dead tonvaylnp the Vroperty w wld,6u1 withour any comenant a,a " " <br /> �`ry �' impikd.The reeNnls In the Uaed of ony mattert a fatt slall be conclusive proof of ihe tMAtulnes�thereof.My penon,Ineluding withaA ° <br /> 's -�� IlmhatlonTm�tee.mayDurcAosaattha�ale. _ - <br /> `��q�� (b).WhCn TN8le f811s putilqnf tO 1hB pOwRf Mtein,Trustae�holl apply the qaeeds of the tole to poyment of the cost�ond expensas of � -�- . _- <br /> ,,,,h� ezercisfnp tiq poxer of mle ond of the wle,includtnp,wNhout�mitction,the poymeni of Truitee's Faes Incwred,whtch rrusteeY k es s h c l l no r <br /> �-. in the oppreqote�zceed 1M followNp amoums 6ased upon the omamt sxvred hueby ond remoining unpaid� 5 parcentum on the 6oknce � �. <br /> �,f�,yy� thereof�and Then to the itamf set tath in subparagroph(e)hereof inthe order therein stated. � _--� � <br /> �'�i� (e)After payfnp tha Item�specifled in subparapioph(b),if the wlo is by TNStae,or fha Dropw cowr and other cosfs of faxbsae ond wle �r,,,.�� <br /> , ��;�5}n if tM mle(s pursuant to Ndidal foreclomre,the prneeds of sale slnll be applied in the order stafed below to the payment o6 � - ... <br /> �,�e�r e � =_. <br /> ,,,u,;�;,� p) Wst of ony avideme of iftle praur¢d tn connectfon with such mle and of any revewe requUed to bo pold� � .."_.._.. <br /> ,��3y�: (2) Attomeycfeesi �-; <br /> , �ie<ni (9) Nlsum�fhensecuedhereby� ' <br /> �y�,{dk;�. U) Jwia trvst deeds,mortpapes,or other Ilenholdersi and �s?f��-- <br /> d�St' (5) iM remalnder,if my,to tM perwn a pertons lepally entitled ihereto. ;f 'jJ - <br /> � S� , ,�,y,}ry . _.. <br /> r Fn� -;; (d) If ihe Oeneflciory of lhfs Dead of Trust It a 6ank os detined by Nebroska law,ony stafemmt contained in ony oPoor section of thi�deed �3(�,��-.-_ __ <br /> �y--° � nonmhsia��g,ihe Banafifuiry siwtl mi 6e aniitied to raein or iake and deoivi ikoli r�'ut G-s'utliyaYd tz kr u gh�;arc;ecnlr.:!m of�r�j- r -- - <br /> v t tq mant,power of attamey to�onfess'rydgmant,power ot attomey ro appeor for a 6arower in a judiciol praeedinp or opreement to pay the costt �,Y��{t? _ _ <br /> s ����: of collection of the attaneyf'tees,unless svah ats ot collation would not otherwise be proh3ited by Ne6roslca law.Prorided,Mwever,thor {W�{,-,- _._ <br /> qn x ,,:,. lhis section does not oppty to the Trustee fee reterted to in paraqroph 6(b).Provided further,thol this paraqroph slall not opply to this Deed of �.+�« ,� _ <br /> g-f Trust,if 1Fe Beneticiory is no1 o bonk. � sy'y , , -' <br /> <(,q;,;; 14. AEdilbnd Ntwflp letftwn�ett.Trusta,at ifs expense,will exxuta and delirer to the Beneficiory,pompflY upon demond.tah secwi- n_;Fi r�1,��"���:,�_ <br /> ,, i-,,�} 1Y instruments as may 6e required by Beneficiory,in form ond substance wtisfactory to Beneflciary,coverfny any of fha%openy conveyed by �. ,',�'j °4�F?�s;�'` <br /> _yK,a TNf Deed of huit,whith setalty insfruments shail ba odditiomi security for Trustar9 faithtul p�rtormonce of oll of the terms,corenanft and - `it��ft� k �- <br />--�Sj;;�?_,�. wnditions of lhis Dead of Trvsf,the promitsory notes sxured hereby,ond ony other sttwity imtrumenis e=ecWed in conneclion niffi thit trom 6+f�:,��r���}��.x-==;=: <br /> ' � ;- sation.Svch insirumenfs slnll be recaded or tlM ar TrostoYS expense. x��; �# y -Y <br /> ` 19. Appolnfm�et of fucussor Trvst�a. &neficiory moy, iran time to time,by o rrtitten instrummt e:ecWed ond uknowledped by y,,'"r ��� y�-,..' <br /> ..,-� BeneOttary,moiled Po Trusta and recorded in the couroy or countios in which the Property is laa�ed ond by otherwise canD�Yinq with fhe pori• ,�.s ����L i� ��u-;•� <br /> ��, -`� sion�of the applkable lows of the Sto10 of Ne6raska,substitute a successor w successon to the Tmsree named herein a acti heounder. -, x+a�<' �xr' --�: <br /> ! _r`i,` 14. Intp�etloro.Beneficiory.or its agents.representafires or rrorkmen,are aulhaited to enter ot any reosanabla time upon or in any part 3�rY;.;��5���;�� -,V <br /> of fhe Properry far the purpose of inspectmg tla same and tor tha purpose of pertaminy any ot fhe acts it is wthrai:ed to per(am under fhe �+�r{ Pt.�l{p r ; . <br /> terms of the Deed ot Trust. � S�,ysya,s �* ',� <br /> - ;, 15. Optkn to Ioredo�e.Upon�Iw acurrence ot ony detault hereunder,Beneficiary slall Mve ffie opfion to toreclose fhis Deed of Trust in r '� � �G,� ���. � <br /> `� tho man�r povided by low lor ihe iwectosure of morfgages an real properry. ` - r�$ � -"- <br /> ` �- �" 16. Pon6aeranp 6y B�o�tteiary Hm a Walrv.Any forebeomnce by Beneticiary in ezercisinp any right a remedy hereunder,a orherwise ,;'u;��'-���€;Y 1'6j, <br /> 6f aftorded by opplicoble law,shall not be a rwirer of or precluda the exercise of any s�ch right or remedy.likewise,the wairer by Beneficiory of �� �3�' � �.�a�; <br />- - - a default of Tmstor under this Deed of lrust shall not be deemea�o M a woirer of an other or similar defoulis subsequentl acurri `� ^J-'� 2 � `-'`'�'-- <br /> . ny Y Y �9� -��r.__:;�nje� 1.�iiF.`.:< <br />. � � 17. TrvNor Hol Reiend.Extension of the time fa poyment a modificotion or umortization ot ihe sums sec�red by this Deed of Trust ?���:��?ii;:.<�`�1�;;�,��,:';.t <br /> . gmnfed by Beneficiory to airy successor in intxat of Tr�sfor stall nm opemte to any monner.the lia6ility ot the oriqiml Trostor ond . >-�"%^ <br /> - �I Trustw's successor in interest.Beneficiory sMll not be required to commence praeedfngs against s�ch successor m refuse to exteM time for - � -�""�. �� <br /> payment or otherwise modilT Cmortitatiun of the sums setured by fhit Dewl nf Tms�by�Pnann of eny demand mode bY ihe origirol 7ruUOr end � _ <br />�- ' Trusinr i Satessa in interesf. -- • � <br />. �.�,'.,, ,� 18. BemfiekryY ioren.Wthwr a(tecting fhe liobiliry ot fhe Trustor or any mhx person lioble tor the pnyment of ony oblipation herein � , _ <br /> mentiom.M,ond witAour aftecting fhe lien or cMrge ot this Deed of Tmsf upon ony portion oi the Property mt then a theretotore releosed os �, ., <br />. sxurity for the tull omoum ot all unpoid obliqations.Beneficiory rtwY.irom time fo time ond wi�hour notice.lil release any Derson so 1ia61e.Gil � <br /> - eatend the moturiry or olfer any ot fhe terms of ony such obfqo��ons. U��1 qrom o�her mdulqences. bv)release or recanveY.or muse io be � <br />�- released or reconreyed at anY time ot Beneficiory's op��ons any oorcel,ponion or oil o(�he Pmperty,(r)take or releose any other or odd��ioml , <br /> � � secwilyforanyobiigationhereinmmtioned.or(rilmokecomposit�onsorothero�mngementswnhdeb�orsfnrelotionihere�o. _ <br /> 19. Futun AdreMa. Upm request of Trusfor.Trus�ee at Trustee"s option, prror fo rxonveYOnce oi ihe Prope��Y�o irustor.moy moke <br /> - future odronces to Truttw.Such iWUre adrances.w�th mterest thereon. shall be secured by this irust Deed when ev�denced by promissory <br /> .. ,.. <br /> ..1.�M�...:A.u��....�.�....d I.�.J... .......:I�.1�M�..�....C...�.MII�M�u..uA /u6vn.ulvnn�na Mt iNludJl�SOTS Od� <br /> ... <br /> ' .. ����..��C <br /> � �-- •...�����..�n.y......�v.v..�.�.�...� ����..v..�. �.Y .�.v......�...�.........._.....,,,,_.__._..,.� . . - ' <br />. .�,., . � vancedfoprotettthesecuritr.e:ceedanaggreqmeprinr.palomountalS _ <br /> - �� 20. Rteomeronw by Trvtlee.Upon written reqcest ot Beneficiary stoting ihot all s�ms secured hereby hore been poid.and upon sorrender <br /> ` of this Deed ot Trus� and ihe Nme to Tr�stee fu wncellafion a�d retemion aM upon poyment by Trustor of Trustee's fees. irustee shoil <br />.: ��,�-. . rttqrrey to Trostor.or fhe person or persons IeqaliY emiHed thercro.without worronty,ony porfion of fhe Property�hen heid hereu�er.The <br /> recifals in such reconveyonce ot ony motfers or focts slqll be conclusive proo(of the trNh}ulness Ihereof.The grontee in any reconreyance moY <br /> be described az'Yhe persona persons legally emilled fhereto". <br /> `�i.:�'�;-{ <br /> -,.�,:� <br /> � r, � •:� _. t . - <br />