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i �- F � � � �Q���',� ' _ _ _ _ <br /> � � ���t w -- - <br /> � �ubatant�oI1yeq�iwa►en`�mong@�a umnqa ooverego le nol nvailablo,Bortowu ehall pay ro der Eacfi iiufdD 9�um�tdito — <br /> onctwel(�b'of.tNa ytaily MoT�g '� prcmlum 6eing pa�d b�Dorrower when tho insumnoe covuage lepsed a oeascd to <br /> � 6o In etf9N.4�ndet wlll 000lpt" #e�hd, ta�n the�epaymenta m a au reserve in Ilcu ot mortgego insurenoe. las; ruavo <br /> paymcnn longer bo ttkdtytt e optlon ot Lendcr,i(mortgage Insuronco coverago On tho nmount end !or�ho perlod <br /> -_-:.�.._ �hat Lender rcqulas)prorld�by en Tnsurcr approvcd by Lcndcr ageln baomea avullabla end le obtalned.OoROwer ehail pa�y � <br /> --- iho premlunu rcqulred w mnimaln mongage Insumna In ettecL or ro provido a Iota rcaervo,un6l iho rcquirtmcnt fa moeg�go ___ _ <br /> -- Insurena eM�In occordanco wiih any wdncn egrcement beewecn Bortowcr end Lendcr or oppliuble law. <br /> ` J 9.IropecHon�Lendcr or Itt ogent mny mako rcawnablo enlde�upon and inspcctlona of tho Property.Lendu thall givo <br />:.,_,�F!!�f� fiorrowcr nodco at tho Qmo ot or pdor ro en Inspoctlon cpcelfying rcesoneblc ceuK for�ho inspution. -� �-� ---�-�------ �- � <br /> --- t0. Condemnatlon.Tho yrocced�ot eny awnrd or claim for danuiga, dircct or wnaequcnNnl, im m�ncction whh my <br /> _ ,r� condemnaHon or other taking of any pan ot the Propeny,or tor mmeyance In Iiw of condemne�ion,ero hercby eulgncd md <br /> ..� shell be paid to Lc�er. .---._.----- _.. <br /> __ tn�he event ot o totel taking uf�ho Propeny,tho praccode shell be applicd�o�he surtu secured by ihia Secudty Inatrvnxnt. � " <br />.;.�_ whethcr or not then dua xlth any excwpaId to Borrowcr. In tho event of a panial tekfng of�he Propeny in whM� the 4Ir <br />-.--�;A;.)`in-� market valuc of thc Propeny imnxdiatciy beforc�ho toki� le oquel ro or grcater dun the enwunt ot�hc surm aavrcd by�his <br />-.-:;?-t�9.nr_ Security(nstrumem imnudiately beforo the�aking. unlex+Borrower and Lender otherwiseegree in writing,�he cmn+�ecuttd by <br /> this Security Insuumem shall be rcduced by the amount of�he procceds mul�i�Iied by the following Ganion: U) the taal <br /> ''�''���;, emount ot the sunu aecurcd immediately Mforc the�oking. divided by @)the feir markct vnlue of�he Property immediately <br /> °'S '-�� 4�! before the �eking. Any balenm chdl ba paid w Borrowcr. in�he evcnt of a partiel �aking of the Propeny in wAleh the feir _ _ _ <br /> "�y�_'��t� marku velue oC the Propeny immedfately beforc the tnking ia leu�han�hc�mount af�he sums savrcd imnxdfately beforc thc ------- - � - <br /> toking,unless Borro�ver und Lender othe�wise agrcc in writing or unless applicnblc lew ahenviu providcs,�he pmeed��M1all <br /> r* �t-° 6e npplied to the sumc securcd by this Savriry Instrument�vhetl�er or not thc sums erc�hcn duc. <br /> ss� If�he Propeny is ebandaned by Borro�ver,or if.eflcr nntice by Lcndcr to Barrower ihut the mndemnor o(fen lo nuke xn <br />::.;;%/#�`.'.;�� award or scttle a claim for damagea. Donowcr fails�o repmd to Lcnder�vl�hin 30 days aRer�he datc ihe noqa 1»given, <br /> '_�'�$'���' Lender is authorizcd tn colla�end opply the procecds,m u option,cither to restoration or rep�ir of�he Property nr io the�ums <br /> 3��7���� cecurcd by�his Secumy Instrumcn6 whciher or not then i uc. <br /> Unless l.cndcr a� Borrower otharwise egrce In wri�ing, eny epplirn�inn of prom�s m principal diall na ewend or _ _.,__ <br />--;;:t�'S7t`.�[;� pos�pone the due d��e of the monthly payments rcfernd�o in pa�e6rephs I and 2 or change�he amount o(mch payrnntF. <br />'=?fi��:^[„e p.Dorrower Not Releasedt Rorbearence Dy I.ender Not e Wetver.8xtcnsion of the time(or paymem or moditintion <br />';:E«3°'��Y�, of amortimtion of�he sums secured by this Security Inurument granted hy l.ender m any successnr in interat of Bartower cAal l <br />?::,�:�N'lo-,j not open�e ta release the liehility of the originnl Bormorr or Borro�rer's succe+u�rs in imerat.Lender shall not be rcquired ta <br /> ?'�?�;���``�?�� mmmena prott�edings ngains�any sucttxsor in intemt or rePou m cxtcnd�imc for paynknt or athcrwisc nwAlfy unortiralion <br /> ��`�?e'`'•u"�5 of ihe xums securcd by ihis SeCUrity IM1Slrumenl by rcawn of any dem�nd mudc hy the original Oortox•er or Bonower's <br /> tu�� ! � <br /> .�� .� mcces.xirs in incerest. Any for6eanncc by Lender in exercising nny rig6t ur rcnudy shall no�6e n xaivcr of or precludc the <br /> 4 }!.�, cxcrcise of any right or rcmcdy. -__ <br /> "N�'��:�� 11. Successora and Assign� Dound;Jolnt nnd Sereral 4Iab11ity; Co3fgners. Thc mvcnams und egrcements of�hia e. - .:_ <br />,,,,,,,;;,,,, � _-- <br />>;_�_,¢•+�.��;t Security Insuumem shnll bind and benefii the succes+nrs anJ aLSignt of LenJer o� Bovower. suhject m�he pmvisianc of __ _ __. <br /> r� ir,� pamgreph I7. Oorro�vcr's mvcnants unJ ugrcemems shall br joint �mJ sc��crnl. Any &mou�cr who cu-signx iAu Security _ <br /> � ' �iS- � Inswmem bw dces nol execme�he Nme:�a) is co-signing thit Securi�y Inarument nnly�o nnnguga gmm and mnvey that �.___-- _ <br /> -r}�:r° G:��',irt.e:st i��iF:Pra':.a�urp:^•t:M t^.:.^.::r.C:his c_�_.:����y.,��,r��;�hi i�m�i �f..+mily�ligmed ta mv the sums .` __._____ <br /> 4y�f ; �?,_ sccurcd by Ihis Secunty Irolrument:nnJ(c1 usrceti dut LcnJer anJ any nthcr 13urrm��cr m.Ty ngrcc tn cx�cnJ,m�dify,forMar ar ;„ _ <br /> _q ��� make any ncmmmeda�inm�vi�M1 reganl�n�he temi�ot�his Secarity Imvumem nr the Note withnm�hat Bormxror'z mnsem. .'(,�tJUy{ _ <br /> %`,f''..�,�'�'t•3% 13.I.oun Chorges.If the Iwn+ttvml by ihi.Saumy Imunment i}suhject io u law� maximum Imn clwrges. yf,f�'�"r��,=�_ <br /> s r ��k�� and that lo�v is finally interprcted u� �ha��he imerea nr ather loan dmrgaw a,llecl�d nr m tu rnllecteJ im m�nec�ion �eiih ihe 3 sT�t�{���K-_ <br /> }�? ^-x:1 loun c�cccd ihe pcm�iued limin.tlnrc (a�any auch hui.chargc,hail it n�7ua�l by�hc amuunt n�tcs.ary to rcdutt thc chargc � �}�ZEs,-�s,. _ - <br /> ry,Z���.,��+. BortowPem�iLe�er�maanhxhkvu� make I�i+1refunJ�h��reclna�in ntlic,�rinci�icl�uu«I u�cr�he orsn�ilnukne(undrttt ",f,i�,',w .G- �-- <br /> U i7�?� a mcn� �o Unrmo�cry If a rcfund nduaw rinci L Ihr raJu Iinn rrfll hc lnalal a+ a atlial rc �°ent uitliam an ���}F� ���st�Y�_ <br /> � - ...x:. P Y P M P' P f�Y Y -4�v�`w�ro a-` <br /> ii.._"y r.,:#,. prepaynknt charge under�he No�e .,'��..>�hyw�1���n`- <br /> s� . �•. 14.Naflca.Any nrniix tn ik�rnn��er prociJcd f,r m�hi.S�tari��� In.uumem.hall fk pivcn by dclivering it ur by nuiling �'I}IJ�(l F .. <br /> � - !r :'y i�by fin�d:uti nuil unla�.applicaM1lc lan rtv{wr.� u.,.dano�hcr inc�in+d. 17ic nmi�e+hall hc d�ratcJ�n thc Propmy Addre+. `'2i�u+ �a ;r - <br /> %.•,x'j-.'�Si- Ir�d�i•r's�hJdrc.�+��1 IcJ hcrcm oJ�@nnl.r'�ddre..�la�iel�r dc•i•nace.h��m 1 ac �n�@.rr.��ca .1n�nnii��•� mn JaJ,foi in�lhis t -;rj�i�� r,:t5�:-. <br /> r i •., Y ' 6 3 P �i- t��pi�Tt' -- <br /> -� - Scrurily In+ttumenl.hall be darmnl lo h:ne bccn gi�cn lo Burro��cr or I.ender��h.n gi�cn a.pmriJ¢d m�hi•ry�r:�gr�ph. .t 1.� ��1�� _. <br />'; 15.(:�rernin� I.a�r Sered�bllit.. Thi. Sa�vrit� In.�mmem .hali Iw Eu�cmcd i,� fa4ral I:rn anJ the L�wof�he t_ i sr�� �,rt�+��.:- <br /> ;�-�;;`:�-' luriali�yion in which ihc Pro rt ia i�k:nad. In Ihc.�cm Ihai an)� rnci�inn nr ilanw•nl Ihi.Siiurit� fn.wment�rc [hc Nnlc '��•���i,'�� '�``::.;-`t� <br /> Pe Y P > �.t��I P _; <br />. n:.,?,< �'��� givc�cffa�iailPlulI1CM11fIiCI1111Y'PN9MOOIIi�I,��hi,�.n.l�h.rrm�i.nm.��f��lo.`tic.nrry,Inamncm�anJ��hch'otcncdccl+rhl ll�a,�'~L� �t .'�. <br /> - . &P P -.e:alis��f�g-:: <br /> �� f"-`, lo I+C u�cnhlc. �?+',�`'''�P` �,' <br /> � !. <br /> ` I6.iSarra�ier'c Copp. [iartm�rr.h:dl hr gnenoncaminm�rJ.��p�nl�he Vu�c and nl 16i•Gt�nri�� InqrnmeN. �rSo._f'it8 �x -�c �..- <br /> �`t 1� . 17.Trencfcr nf t6c Pn�perl� nr n Ikncflc6d Inhnyt In Dnrrawcr.II�II�.r nm �tim ul�h�Pnqwn�nr am intcr��+l in il .�y�T�rF ��' �3:: <br /> i�viW nr lr.nn.lemd tur if a henrlir�al m4rc�1 in 8nrnmrr h..dd ur�r.nnlcrrcJ:mJ B�.rrnarr f.nni a nalncd peram) ��illxn�l � <•, �/ ! �<;`. <br /> � lsnJcr'+ prinr �arill.n rnn�cnt. L.nder ncn. .n �h op�mn rcymrc munnl�a�r pa�mrm m lidl .�1 all .um. .cavrcJ h� �his y i,� z�5}`'�� _ <br /> �15./. � Sccuriiy�h�+lrumcm.Ilunc�rr.�hi,nplum.h:Jl m+t Irc�cru..J ly I.cnd.r�I.�cru.r�.pn.L�bnnl M Icdrrai law :nof Ih¢J.i�c ${y:� <br /> .j� . "� nf dn.Sc.uri�r Inammtnt 'f t z ' '.. <br /> �'i ' If Ll`IkICf CCCM1I�C��hi�np�inn IsnJrr.hall gnr 14�rtu��cr uu�u:��I.w�:l.r.mna Ih:ma�.t.h.dl pn�.id�a�nod oi nul �`Y .'.;�4 �\ � <br /> ?4. . ! Ic���han in Ja�. Irom Ihr J:nc Ihe mrt�r �. dcli�eral nr ucnlcJ w��lm�oh�d� IL.rrm�a m�nl��n alI .um..c•ural h� Ihi. .p la <br /> _ :;1 Scvritr Inqmmcm II l4.rroacr lail.In pn Ihav .nnn pnur�o Ihr.�pn.nn�n ul i6n p:�w�l. Ltndar ma) nnnAc am rcm�rfiC. . . , .- .� <br /> � . . ��; �rmillavl h� lhi�ticatrn� In.�nunrm w�lhmn lanhrr no�uc�n dcmenJ��n R.�mma _ . . <br /> � IA. Iform��cr'+ ItI�;LI �n Rrinqalr. 11 B�.mma m.:i. ..n.un .�m.lmnu.. Itmn+w:r .h.di �hc ngln m - <br /> _ ¢IIfIICCplCUI ol illl.ldiunl) In.In�ILCn1 d�.cnnl�nual.A au) I�n¢• ��n.n In Ih.aad�:� ni 6u �.L��.4.r .lich �MIxT �lCr4H1 a. . .. _ . <br /> applicahic im� ma� .�uh hrt �an.cnrmrnu h.l�rtc, ..1 �h. Pro�wm pw.n.�m �o am �+.orr oi .ak�med m ihi. � . <br />...r_ ..!.�..t! $ce�iril) IIINm�i1Cnl.ur�h�fninul.11u.Igmvni:niahnCllu.�a.urtl� In.1�uN.n� Ih...r.rndtln.n..nelh:tllSnrrnocr I.Ur,n. � <br /> - IanJCr all .unn��h�rh Ihcn xnuld h.dur unJ.r thn ti..unt� luyunncm anJ �ht Sn�:a. d un a..a-0n.�imn 6aJ n.urrtxl.�b� � <br /> ��.', aurc.:m� Jrfaull ol cnn nihcr m�anant.��i a_t:eur,-in. �. • pn. all .y�v... m.mrcJ m Ilu.tiranni� In.Imm:n1. <br />-' �..•,���,'-�'.- induJfug. hm nat hnuirJ m. ron�mahic.m�.rnn.' ira..�nd�J�i.�Aa..u.h aa�ru a. I a�Jr� mm �r:nnuahh rcymn to.n.nrr _ <br /> i'°:�.'� Ihal Ihc hcn ol Ihn Sccunh I rnJn'• niln.w �L.Propr�l� .mJ IS..rruva'.�•bhtaw.0�..p:n �ht.unn.rcm�d h� __ <br /> " ' _ - Ihi. Scvnt) In.lmmcnl .6:d1 .�munu: un.hdn�a�.l 1}v.n �am.lal:nani in It�.n.�oa. Ih�. ti�•.unl� Inwrunxnl .mJ ilir 4 _ <br /> - nhligalinm xt'urad hcrrh� .hall r:mcuu lulh .ua'tn..n d w,a..rkr.m.m h.�J��..m�:.l. Il.....�i��. Ih�.ngln 1.+ <br /> __�.-��5.,:.�_'- nu�appi� in ii�c ca�..f:n�cicom„n�.u.�.-,.��d�i' - <br /> - IY. tialc af\nlc: Chnn�;c nf Ln:m ticnicrr. I�h: V.�1. �+r .� pam.d ml.te.l m �hr \nl: nogrlhe �.�ih Jn. ti��un1� <br /> - - Imlruntcnil ma) ih.nIJ unc nr nmm Inna���Ih�n�i pnnnu�l�..6.Ii��mmn- \� rc.nll m a duntc m thr ruuh �Amm n . <br />- a�Ihc'Lnan Sdn�ar 1 Ih:n�lld� pavurmvlur unJrr�hr\n�r auJ�h�.ticam�� 6nunman.� h�nnc <br /> ";��,, nr mnrc r6angn nf th.1!un ticn ictr unrcl:ticJ�.�a�dt nl Ih:\oit- II�hrrc n n diangc�d�Lt I am Se���.:r.lin�m��c� ��dl hc <br /> - - ' ' gi�a�wnllcu nuGm�d Ihe al�engt m ai:aNau.a x nh p.iragr.�ph N.�hm.m�.l.qq�h.a61r I�x I h.m�u�e odl.Lrtr�hr nam.mJ - . <br /> .';/ :�i 7 adJrc�s af Ihe Oc�� I�em Senrctr:mJ Iht aJdrc.� 6���hiaL �tnmtnh.hnnlJ h�• nude- I-hc nnu.e ��dl alv�conl�m:un nihc� <br /> .,.� . . infanna�innrcyuimlh� applia�hklax. <br /> -��' ,,,��< <br /> =.-a"..._c. <br /> 20. Hamrdnn.Snh��unn�. .hall mn a.nnr or pcnml ihc prt.rn.c n.r. d�.pnJ. -mr.��:...r mlra.r�d.m� _ <br /> .g� :S.}v Haiardnm Suh.�anm un nr in tl�r PmRn�. N�.rmoer .h:dl nn� d... mrt .Jl.m .nnnne rl.t tn Jn. am�hmg allce�mg �hc <br /> :iv,2`�'��.= Prn�n) tha� f. m�i��launu nt an� fim�mmnrmal Lm fhc pr<.cdmg �en.cmoi.c. .hall mn ap�,i� t..ihr prrvM-r. nv�. .,r <br /> ,�'.�i°i y'e .IOragC on lhe Pra�krl� nt timall yuanl���a ol Ilaiardnm SuI..lan.r.Ih:n arc grntr.dh rav�y�mid l.�i,.�.����.,pnmt l..mym.J <br /> � ' tc.iJcmial u�c.ond In maimcnainr ol�hc Prup.n� <br /> 6C_y; � <br /> i i � <br /> � •�., • •� Fotm3028 9�90 <br /> t i t '�1 <br /> .,.. _��:-. <br />•_`-:..._..:t . _ . _._ . <br />