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�� - <br /> .., _ <br /> - Horrower�Adl prompAy give Lcnder wdtten noNca of eny Invecpge�lon, clalm, del(i�d, 18W6u1t oV ahe�r n�on by eny _ _ <br /> governmcqtel or rcgularory agcney or pdvoto p�ny Involving the PropeAy azd any Fie►nrdoua Substnnco or Bavlronmcat4l Isw ° <br /> of whlch Uorrower ha+actud knowlcdgo. II 6ortowcr icartu.or I�notificd by my govemmcntal or rcgulatory eulhority,that <br /> uny rcmovd or othor Rmadiatlon ot any flazardoua 8ubstanco afkning tho Propcny la necawry.Bortower�hall promptty lako <br /> - ell nm+sery rcmedlel�nloro tn eccordanco whh Bnvironmcntnl law. __ <br /> - Ae uned In�hle p�regroph 20, 'Hvardow Substmeea'aro thow eubstance�doftned m�oxie or haurdou+wbs�ance�by <br /> Bnvlronmcntd Ln�v a�d tha foltowing cu¢stancc�: guoline, keroscna, othcr Ilemmoble or taxlc pctrolcum produc�a, tox�c <br /> peidcidc�uid hefiieidW, vuletila wlveraa,macerl�ls wntntning nsbutos or formaldehy�1e,and radiwctivematedoli.A�uxd In <br /> Ihlt ar�q rayh 20, 'Hnvironmemel lsw' meem fedenl Iaw� und lews of�ho juridlc�lon wM1ero �ho Prope�y Is locoted that <br /> rclato to IicaltM1,�akty nr environmemel protcctlon. <br /> - NON•UMFORM COV6NANTS.Oc�rrower end Lender furthcr mvcnnnt and ngrea es follows <br /> ' 11.Acalemtlon�Remedia.I.ender shall give not{ca to Itorrower{rclor to accelwatlon tollo�Hng Rorrower'e AreacL F. _. <br /> - ot eny mvenant or agreement In lhls SecuAty [nstrument @ut not pdor to aecelerallon underpu mgrnph l7 uates� _ <br /> - ppplica6le ian rovldw othenr4se).Thc notice shnli cpecity� (a)ihe defaulp(A) the actlon requlred to curo the defeultt <br /> -� (c)e dete,not Pess than 30 dey�Prom the data tho notta I+R�ven to Dorra�rer,by�rhich thc detault must 6e cured�and <br />`; (�tdat tuilurc to curo the detautt on or 6etoro�A�date apccificd In the notice mer resvh In ncedemtlon ot the Runu <br />�-= secured by tN�8ceudty [nstn�ment and sete of the Property. The noUa shnll Nnha intomi Borro�ver of 1he right to <br />,.�a relmtete aRer ecceluation and the right ro bring o courl acqon to assert the nomexlatence af e detnult or any other <br /> -- dehnse ot Borrower m ecoeteraqon e�ld eale. It the defeuit U not curcd on or hefore Ihe date specttied In the notice, .. .. ... <br />�' I.enda,et lu optlon,may req ulre immedlate puyment In NII of ell suma saured by thu 'Jecudty lnstrument nllhout '-°�---"-�'--` - � <br /> "' turlher demend and muy Inroke thepo�rer ot eale and eny other remedies permitted by appIicabic Ia�r.I.ender shall De - <br />�°-+ enthled to allat all expensea Incurred in purcuing the rcmedies provlded in thb paregreph 31,Including,but not�imited _ _ _. <br />--`°- ro,reawnable ettorneys'tna and cosla ot tltle evldence. �' = <br />'�-.� It thepo�mr of saie u Inroked,Trus[ee shall recard a notice ot deteult In eneh munty in �rhlcA any part ot Ihe --__ <br /> properly ts I�ceted end shell me0 mples of iuch nofice in the manner preudbed by appllcn6le lav to Borro�rer and to ��'_:_ _ <br /> � the other pamn+prucribed bY eppllcable la�v.ARer the time rcqulred by eppllca6le le�v.Trustce el�aii give puAtic notice �.� _ <br /> ' of wte ro the persoro end In the manner preacribed 6y eppl(ca61e la�r.Trustee, allhout demand on Bottnmr,ahull sell -- � <br /> -�'- the Property et publie auMlon to the hlghest bldder et the Ilme and pluce end under lhe lerm�dcsigneted fn Ihe notla of ;x�r�� <br />.:j� aele In one or more parcel�and In any order Trustee dMCrtninea.Trustee may pastpnne seie of all or any pnrcel ot Ihe ����rv <br /> t Properry by public nnnouncement at the�ime and place of enr prcrlousty scheduled sxle. I.ender or Ita dalgnce mey th;;:,;±:`�-- <br /> ;',� purcbaze the Property et uny wle. �?N - <br /> =<; Upon raelpt ot payment of the pdce bid, Tmxtee shell dellrer ta the purchaser Trustee'e deed mnveying 1he _ ,; h ..- <br />�.=y Property. The recNals In ihe Trustee•a deed sbflll be prifio tede evidence of the tm�h of the stataneNa made thercin. �;,,,,�..,,;-- <br /> r'i`1 Tnutce shall apply the praceed�at the sele In the following order.(a)m ail mas and expeRSes of exerc4�ing the power of �r�t%;;�;.____�— <br /> 14-1�_i.._ . <br /> - selt,and thewle,Inciuding the peyment of thx Trustce's feea aetualty Incurred,not to eaecerd the)of $50.00 or �j`� .�t.rr,.,,,:.._ <br /> �.i ot thc prindpel amount of the note at thc qme of�he dalnratlan ot defeult,and renwnable attomeys' tces a�permitted r,,:__ <br /> �-= by lew:(b)to ell sums secured by thlf Securfly Insirummp end(c)any ezces ro�lie person or personA legelly entitled ro ;xy, �"' -� <br /> It. " ;" { .---: <br /> -° 22. Reeonveyance. Upon pnymem o(uii sums seNrtti uy [nis Security imirumeni, i.cnuci rh.6 rycNs Tryt» ta _, <br /> �� reconvey Ihe Propeny end shall xurrender thiz Secumy Instrument end eli notes evidencing debt secured by �his Savri�y _r t� a,,,���, <br /> -� Insuumcnt io Trusta.Trus�ce sl�all rcconvcy�hc Property withou��varromy nnd without chargc m�6c person or peraons Icgally �� �r��� -�;; <br /> -�' eniitled lo it.Such person or persnns shall pay nny recordution rosis. f at � ,!� p _, � <br /> 23. Subslllute Tnuta. Lendcr,at itx option, nuy fmm �imc ro�imc rcmore Tmsece and uppoint a succesmr wstee ro r '�,fyr r �,F, �� _. <br />,-.� uny Trustee appointed herwnder by un insuunxnt recnnleJ in the munty in�vhich thi.Security Imtrument is rccorded.Without K_. 7+,+�� _: <br />._;:''� mnvcyancc ot�he Prapeny,thc auccesv�r wsim shnli ivattrl �o all tl�c ti�lc, pnwer arol duties amfemd upon Tmsice hercin -,-;'>,+ �� .�-;.- <br /> end by upplice6lc law. ..:r^"�` y+ ' <br /> _°i� 24. R uest for Notic4w. Wrm��rr reyuc.t+�ha aipic�of�hc natice+nf Jcfault anJ wlc l+c xm to Bortowcr's uddrcss "'1° �y'-` <br /> tq : ��, � �4€i <br /> which is thc Propcny Addres�. �� i I,�i.� ;-`�� <br />--�� 25. Riden to this Securlq�Irtstrumen6 If nne or morc riJen are ez�tutal hy Rnrmwer and rccordai roge�her�vith�his '`'<1=•{�v;+*;�,;:?:;;: <br />_;�=.j Securit InslmniCnt. Ihe cocenanl.and a recnums nf rach wch riJer shnll Ix incmp�m��d intn anJ sh:dl wnend and+upplement �,:,�1'({��y;.'�?;;;-_ <br /> y F - � Fi,:,,.t,., <br /> =•,J �he mvennms and ugrecmentc af d�is Security Imtrumem n.if ihe riJcr(.1 werc ii pan of thi.Sc�vriiy Inummcm. '� � � r,.,_.. <br /> _>� �ChaknpplicablcMix(c+7� '�jsi4'�{y�yr,��J�f <br /> ;�;ry 41�." S`r }�` <br /> �� �Adjustabic Ra�c Ridcr L�Co�dominium RiJcr C�I-S Pamily Ridcr j' a{,�� i pFl,'_ <br /> -j [�GrnJuoled Pe mcnl RiJcr � I Planned Unil Dc��clopman RiJrr rJ�i�cceAly Pa��mcnl RiJcr ')i`�`,�n����+{y�+•�_ .., <br />°.-_l �Ballonn Ridcr 1�Ra�c Imprnvemcm Ridcr ❑Sata�xl Homc Ridcr 7;4���;y,4j`�'��3��.��,h-. <br />--'�-a ❑V.A.Rider �]C](7tlkn.��.�nvifr� AcknowledRement of Power of Sele ;i��:;°t•t`.`,�);(i.'<r,�'- <br />:_<i.1 ._i3-4a.� n'_"' <br /> ..,{ �,.iSil:�.:7' -.x'! <br /> - .,�.i: ��;?.+� � <br />-,f.ii;�, eS�y�_.-' <br /> 9 ��'+�.i f; p4 :�. <br /> "'� ; � . <br /> ' DY SIGNING 6ELOW. &�rro�rcr acecph anJ agrtc.In�hc 4rm.and co�cnann n+nlainaJ in Ihi.S�aurily In•Irumcnl anJ S <br />.-'_ii in nny riJert.)cxcxuta!M1y[kvro�rcr anJ n�nrdcJ onh it. �..- _. <br /> i •. ';L <br /> ,�� \Vimecu+: �•�. � ,:`:. �� <br /> a �.�'�'�S.i��_,..c5 -/L-SS tScalt <br /> i;' � <br /> _� �Nancy .. P.ber]e n.•rr.•..,�r `-� <br /> :�y -- -- . <br />'� - - �s.:n� . <br /> �w,......� ; <br /> — __ . _ i <br />,"'' ---- - �ti��i� �s�:�i� l <br /> n.��.,...� it.,�...,� t <br /> ,:� ; <br />=�:�I STATE OF\EONASI�A. Hall Caunq +a � <br /> � 7Lc fnrcgoing ins�mntcm��as acAm��rinlg�tl hRorc m.Ihi. 12th Ja� .,! May 1993 i <br />---.1 h�. Nancy E. Eberle, an llnremarried Nidov - f <br />_�,'j Wilnca m)�hand and al Giand Islend,�aska � � afJ('.�unq.�hc Ja� <br />,.':� My Cnmmi:�inn Expircs: 2-14-95 . � -_. ---.---- ----- - � <br />>:J ' 6fI�LLI0IAR73IWd1�i�il �.,`�L���° / <br />;�I.� AU�REY L FIOY1UiD <br /> �� �'14� Form 3028 9�90 <br />` `� .a� �u � . <br /> r..�� .. . <br /> �.ri . - .'"a_ <br />