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. <br /> � ` .,s.. :,..... = ^:" ' • , ,� > ,� <br /> •_}�� — - — . �.�..... . ., . ...' �-`�r;_-----�--. . <br /> -, '- <br /> .� �y- . .. _ --�_..� <br /> � p � �O���I ._ _r.. . _. ... _ . <br /> e <br /> 71�o Fund� ehali bo hold In en InstlN�lon whose deposl�a are Insured by a tedere�l egency, Im�Nmentallry, or cntity <br /> = (Including Lender,If Lender b�uch en InsUtuHoN or In any Fedcrel Homo Loen Bank.l.ender eANI appty�ho Punda to poy Ilw <br /> — Bsorow Iteme.Lcndu may not chargo Borro�ver for latding and epplylng tho Pundt,ennually anotysing tho acrow eocount,or <br /> `� vedrying ihe Becrow Iteme,unlae I.ender paya Borrower Intwast on�he Pund�and ep tiwble lawpertniro knder to maka euch <br /> e chergo.However. I.ender may roquiro Bortower to pay s onrtime charge for nn I�cpcndent real ra�ato�ax reporting eorvico <br /> -- uud by• Lender Im m�nectMn wl�h �hh loan. unlw applica6le law provlda mhewiu. Unlua an ngrament Is made or �__ ,___ <br />_�:�'j� epplicable law rcQuirp intereu ro 6o pald.I.ender�hell not be rcquircd to pay Borrower eny intcrnt or cami�e on the Fund�. <br />.� �� ftartower and Lcnder mry agroe In wdtlng� however, tha�intereac ihail be pald on�ho Funds. Lcndm ehali g ve to Bortowu. <br /> ..�,. wifhout chergo,an ennuel eocounNng of cho Funds,chowln6 crcdi�e end debip ro�ho Pund�and �he purposo for whloh pch <br />_!.___ dcbit ro tho Funds wm made.7fx('unds arc plodgcd as uddltiona!emiritp for ell sume secured by thla Secudry tnstrumcnt. ,,.-„_,,,-..--.- �... . . <br /> ,�� <br />� I[tAe FuMt held by [.ender oxoad thc amounu pertnittcd to bo held by eppIiceblc lew.Lender chall aocoum to portower __ <br /> -- tor the exase Funds In accordana�with thorcyuiremente ot eppliceblo Inw. ff�ho enwunt of the Punda held by Lendu at any <br /> "'�� tfmo ii not cufficicnt to pay the Pscrow Item+wlwn due, Lender may w notiry Rorrower in wri�Ing,and,ln auch caso Borrower <br /> t"'�� ahall pay ro Lender the emount naocssery�o makc up the deflcicnry. Borrower shall make up�ho deflcicncy in no more �lun __ <br /> � twelvo montbly paymcm�,at Lender'e wle discrcUon. _ <br /> t:� Upon payment In full of elI sums accurcd by ihis Secudty ImuumenL l.endcr�hall pmmptly rcPond �o Borrower my <br />-r--. -= Fuada hcld by Lender.It. under parag�eph 21. Lender shall ecquirc or scll ihc Prnpeny.Lender,pdor�o�he acquisi�ion or ulc •° <br /> -�t:�i9 of thc�pply eny Fund+hel8 by l.cnder at the time of acquisition or aaic as a crcdn ageinxi�hc sums ccwred by " -- - � - - --- - <br /> �`t Ihis Saudty Ins[rumciu. . _ <br /> y�� 3.Applltatlon of Puytnenp.Unless npplipble law pmvides othcrniae.all paynunts rcceived by L.cnder under paregraphs � .. -- _ <br /> rk�:f 1 and 2�Ball be applied: first,to any pmpayment chuges due under the Note; second, to amouma pnyable under pangreph 2: �� ------ <br /> °` �ird,to inrerest due:founh,to principal due:and la�t,to nny Inte cherges due under ihe Note. �'`-- <br /> SL'� A.Chargai Lleiu. Bortower ahall pay ull iaea, nssasmenu,charga,finca and imposiiions mtri6uteble to�he Propeny <br /> ,�,5�� �vhich mny a�mm priority over�his Secunry Insuument, end Ieaxhold paynunu or ground rcms, if eny. Dortower ahall pay — <br /> - thac obligatiom in thc manner provided in eragreph 2, or if not paid in�hat manncr,Borrowor shall p�y lhem on tinM direttly ���--=-------- <br /> ;s�`'!_� to�he person onedpayment.Borrower ehelPprompiiy fumish to Isnder nII notices nf amoums to 6e pa�d under this parngraph. f.I'�1��. <br /> "'` If Bortower nukes�heu payments directty.Bonower shall promptly fumish ro Lender rcccipts evidencing the paymems. �jpig <br /> tr. Borrowerzhall promptly discharge eny lien which hns priority over�his Securi�y Inslrument unless Borm�ver.(e)egrees in >�y, r�•� <br /> -:i;� �vriting to[he paymen[of the obiigation secured by ihc licn in a manner nccep�nble to Lender,(b)mntu�s in gaod faith the lien ��'��tii=- <br /> �;, hy, or detends ageinsi entorcement of�he lien in, Iegol p�uceedings which in �he I.ender's opinion opemte to prevent �he �st s��:.:. <br /> `�-'�.e enforttment of the Iien:or(c)stturcs from the holder of ihe lien an agrcement wtisfecmry�o l.ender subordinating�he licn�o e� - <br />��,��:s'jr this Security Inurumem. If Lender de�emiines t6ut any pan of�he Pmpeny�is su6ject m n licn which may anain priomy orer ,ti°y;-_;__�_ <br /> ��,, this Securiry Imtrumcm. I.ender may givc Borroacr a notia idemifying thc licn.Bnrm�vcr shull sy�isfy�hc lien or txke one or ��� � <br /> •�1 morc of�hc actionc u�(onh ebnvc within 10 days of�he gi�ing of notim. Tr�, "=.-- <br /> 'r 3 S. Hazerd or Praperly Incurance. 6orra�rer shull kcep �he improvemenis �u+w existing or hercaRer erected on �he < . <br /> .:�! Propeny insured agaim�loss by fire.harards included wilhin the�erm 'exlenJN rn�'trage' ond any oiher hazaNs, including r� - _ <br /> floods or floading, for which Lender rcyuirc. irourmce. This insumnm sM1ail 6e maimained in the mm�ums nnd tor the periads �,,�}„i,�:.. <br /> t��t� mai l.cndcr nyui2�.llrc immuu�t a-�1Oa p�uriui��ii�c�inu�u�nc+�in�i fiv i�i.uWi bg Cr.rr.a.-r r�b�«t 2:. :F:�..'�"..S�S iFPt0:1� " ?--------- <br /> �_� �vhich shall not 6e unr�.+onnbly wi�hhelJ. I( Borrouer foiic u+ nuimain coverage deuriboJ u6ove. LenJer nuy. ul Lender s 4t`� � <br /> ,� ?� nption,nbiain mvemge to pmtttt LenJer'.righu in the Pmpeny in accordnnce with�.imgmph 7. ��}}� _- - <br /> e'. All insuronce policies anJ rene�rai.ahull be anepmM1le to Lender und shall inciude a cmndard mongage dause. Lender � �s�a_-_ <br /> ' xhall have thc righ�to hnld�he�xitieics anJ rcnenal..lf l.cnJer reyuirc..Bnvmrcr shall prnmp�ly @ive�n l.endcr ell rcceip�s o( �v�,�p - - <br /> � --`� paid prcmiums and rcnewal nrnim.. In�he event o(Irn.. &vrnwer shall @ire pmmpt nntiac lo(he iacumnm curricr und L.enJer. i'SY s Yy", T .:. <br /> °- LenJcr nwy nukc prao(of Im.if not maJc pmmptly hy @�rrnwcr. f �- ik��'k�,�.`�.. <br /> -. �•; Unlcas Lendcr anJ Borro�rcr nthenrise agn�in,unncr pntccJ�.h;il lu applicd la rc.tnr.�lian or rcpair n(�hc i�i kt'"i'�``�,�g . <br /> - Pmperty dumaged. if�he rcamra�ian nr rcpa�r i�aomm�i��ly fanihlc anJ land.r,.ecurny i.nni IauneJ.If�hc rcsromtionor •PI�=;'ic^=iY( `�r" <br /> �-.��`� � ���:�jtiG ��s <br /> �r.�� rcpair is noi ttonomii�li)• (cmiMr nr lcirier'�.�ruriry� onuW hc I��.•cn�d.�hc in.urancc pmcad++hall hc nppliid lo�hc numc � � 2, l - <br /> .,,,5,� scurcd by lhia Securi�y In.IruntenL whciher ur nu��hrn due. ni�h any eat..�uid m IM�rrnwer. If lk�m�wer ubandou. ihe t�+ i�_fs"K _..:. <br /> J�+e�no�an.wer�ritlun 30 day.a no�im Irum Isndcr�ha� the m.uran�c�arricr ha.o((end io�e�de u ciaim, then ti�'rl�b�/};sr <br /> -�� `, IsnJcr may �tidlicl Ih¢ inwrancc pnwtad.. IAnd.r ma) me ILc pnktvd. lu npair ar ramrc thc Pro�rty nr In (uy .unn [�..'`.. U;c,�,.__.'.=: <br /> ��.; securN by Ihn Scrurity Imwm.n6��h.�her nr na��hen du..Tha 7n da)�ri.xl�ull irgm�.hen Ihe nnliit u piven. 't��C�i$h��,`,,: <br /> --� r-' Unlc.+ Iwndcr anJ fAttrui�.r n�hen�i.c agra m writing. am appliaalu+u ol prn.atl, �o pnn.ipal .hall nnl cVenJ or t ; <br /> �J�� p,sqx�nc�hc Juc J:nc nl lhc monthl� rt&rrcd e.iu �.��.���.��i,. 1 :md ' nr�hanFC Ih¢amnunl af lhc paymcnir. II �lj �1�'�''�-X ,�- <br /> - `,'� umlcr pamgr.�ph?I Il�c Prop.n� i.a.yuiml h� I.c�Jer. I4rtru��cr:nghl lo an) m.ur.m.c ry�hric.anJ pnkatl.rt.ulting frmn �r r:-. ��h•}e��tY!i. ". <br /> ---��� Jamagc Io�hc Pro�ny prior tn th.:��m�II:III r"J��IO IRI1lICf IO Illl'C\Iflll�d�nvl hy Ihi.Sauriq�In.lrunxnl ,�' . -1����/�� � <br /> � `� immcdia�cly prior w ihr s�yni.i�iun. ,)'�c F <br /> .-��` 6.Occupvncr. Praen�ntlnn. )Lditlemmce nnd Prma�inn nf tl�e 1'm�Kn�:Iinrr�mer'.Lonn.�pplicntinn: I.easehnlds. i� --.F`;t h{lx t5 ":' <br /> - Ikvraocr.hall.xcupy.c+� ua�h¢ f'w�m a.14�rrnxrr'.pun.�rd re.W.•n:r�u�hm v�q da)+.Aicr Ihc ctsulionnl � * -,'�_'� <br /> �'-. lhi�Smuriq� Irotrum¢nl and.h.dl ronluwr m uuqn Ihc I'nqk�y a.Itnrn.arr'.��������.a re.d.n�c I��r a(Ic�q anc ycar after '�*i�"'p^ �. <br /> �- �hr Ja4 of�xtvpanq�.unlc..I rnJcr alhernf,r n�ra. m��nting.iihnh..vnenl.h.di nn�1+.unrea...nahl� wil.�.. 7 'R:.�.eY,S t�f„'. <br /> ��"�+]1 rxlenualing dnvm.lam�.�. cxiN wlu.6 :irn c��nnd Borm��rr'. .omrnl. Ik,rnmrr .hail nni Ja•.vm. d:nnagc or impair Iho . . .- 'l�Q:�:?.':• <br /> � <br /> -�� Pn��xrt�'. :JI���� Ihr Prn�m b� nr unnnul uaac �.n Ihc Ihn�t•m. Horn.��c� .h:dl h. m.Irlaull �f.m� fadcilurc F 3 �''7�a �, ' <br /> 'rclinn nr pnkttdin�. nhclhcr unl nr annun.d. �.h•fuu IIM en 1 enJcr'.pnnd I.nlli P�dimenl r.mld re.all in li.dcrturc ul Ihc -�i:'t t �: <br /> Pn+�rly nr otLcrwiv ma�cri:dh int��air Iitr Lrn arcalnl h�Ilu.Si�unl) In+hmncnl..r i.:micr'..aYUnl) mlcre.l. Oarm��Cr nu) . ��y �:.�V`•. <br /> _'ti, avrc wch a dcf.Nll cmJ rcin.lald.a.pnn idr.l m pangnph 1%. !�� cm.m��hr ari�on.n �tt�4tCillllg IO IY JI�IIIhNJ NIIII:1 RIIIII� . , <br /> .,.��_..: Ihal. in Icndci. g�*wl Lulh ptrJud:. tatltnnrr el Ihr N�.rrv.��rr. �mv�..� m �hr Prn�-n) nr..Ihrr malrrial . 1 ':'��.�• , . <br /> - impaimunt „f Ihc li.n rrcantl I+� Ih�.tienm�� In.trumrm ur LenJcr'. ,e.unry m�crr.i. Iturrowcr ,hail ala�Ix in Jel:mh if _ . <br /> IAmoo'cr.duriug Ihr liun applfi.tlu+n prorr...;::pc m:�Irn.di� lal.c nr mlonuau„n�.r.ialcmcnl.d+Lcndcr�or iln4d - . _ <br /> - lo prmidr Lrnlrr unh am m:ncnal ml..nn.mam r�...nnnm�n wnh�ul.n.:.l b� 16: Vnt:. mJuJm}.hnl roq limilnl � .��.� , ' <br /> b.rerrcvpi:tlwu.ianci•r1uM'.....�qtm.�ui �h. Ih.q�.tl� .r a puu.ip.d•- II Iln,ti:.Uril� InNUnnCni �...n d . <br /> '_ Ira.rhald. 1lortnxrr .h.di mmph ..nh .JI dm p�.n�.�..u. ..i tl�: L.:nc 11 R..u..c.� e.qnn.. !.: uJ: i.. �hr I'r.qs�m. �h: �i . <br /> Iu�chulJ:mJ ILt 1<c Inlc.6all nol mner unlr..I rndr� .c�...o,tl�� mri_a m�vnuc. <br /> _,-:p�.. 7.Pm�tt7inn nf I.cndcr'.Ri4h1.iu Ihc Prn�xrl�. li It.,u.�..:� �.nl.�o p:�bnm�L...n.n.mi.auJ.iei.t�mnn....m.unal m <br /> ' - 16i.Sn'unl� IinlNnKnL rn Ih.rc �.a I:_.d �nyc.dwi IS.n m.n .rntln.mlh .AIaJ I an.lii-, n;•In. m Ihi Pn��\'m nnah d,a . _. <br /> ..,,,I, <br /> ��,k�.����� ���n�„�..���... ��.,n.��.•. �„� ...��a,�����.���„��.,� I..�I.i�u�...i �...ul..�..lao..�� i:pul.n��.n.�. Wrn I cnJi� ma� Jn.inJ <br /> _- (4)' li.r uhalr�rr �.nc.c..:m lo pra�ra �hr �.dc. ul �h. IY..pim .nel I rndn�.m•In, m�L. Ihoprm I.ndcr'. .wunn. uu� <br /> ._;iY'� induJc pa)fuE am wm. r.urrJ h. a Ircn uh�J� he. punnn .na� tln. Somm lu.numnn. .�p�R�.nmF m ...un. p.nm,� � <br />-_")�it• � fl'AaqtAPIC AUnfllf\� IY�.a41 CIIIfnIL.•O li�. i'rort9h �..n�dAC rc�.dlh �fi�iwpj•i� i CmiC� tu.n �ai..aivuu umiu �in.�.a�ac�n�.i� . <br /> _ _ 7.I.cnJcr�ha�e�u dn.,. <br />� Am amnunl� JnhuniJ b� Ixnticr unJr� Ihn p.n.�ci.iph : .I�.dl aJ.hli..nal Jab� al Bnrr.m:r vt'nr.J M �hn - <br /> '..'� &�vnl� In�lrumrm. Cn4..Ff��rroaa anJ I.anJcr.�_�.r I�.�ql�i� �.m:,nl p.nm:nL ihc.:.nnnum..hall ix�ar mlvrca I�..wihr <br /> �� � Ja�c nf Ji.hunmcm a� �hr \n�r nie auJ .hall M pa�abl.•. ��nh unnry. up�m roai.c Innn LrnJrr �n Rar.00cr rc.p�c.unc - <br /> '�-- - p:n,ncm. - <br />. .-. �,; N.llot1Ruge Inauruncr.II La�dtr rcyuua•al m,n}:ur m.urar..a a.a a.�uJnum nl maAmc tl�r Inan.ranrJ b� �hi.Sr.unn <br /> ::t'�',� InNruntcm. IArtro��cr.h:Jl pa� Ihc pmmimn. rrymrrd b.n�.nm.nn thc mnng.m: w.w:m.r w rlltr�- Ii. I�n .nn rc.nnn. tl�r <br /> ,�:r!: mort•a•c mwr�nac anCra^C rt mraJ h� I cnJrr�� .c. .•r..a.c.e,br w c1ic.�. If��nowrr.6all u� �h. .rcnnnnt.rc mrnl u. <br /> .+.�... b b '4 -P 1 I 4 <br /> -`}:�:`,� nMnin<mcragr.uhaamf:Jh ayw�:Jem�a Ihr mnni.�g:m.nemc:prr�wn.h m Al.rl. a�.�au.l.uh.Lnnr.Jl� ryunalcul �.��h. <br /> .��-� aa.l Io {k+rrnocr ni Ihc mnrt}afr inwr:mn prt��ou.h m cllr.l. I�nm .n:altcm.tic mnng.g. w.nre� apprmrd I+� Ixndn II _ <br /> 4_1:' <br />.:�xc_.... . <br /> il t."t. <br /> _,j...i. ,,. . . Fo�m3028 990 <br /> , �. . .. <br /> 1:...�� .. �_. <br />